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  • In pursuit of $19B contract, Sweden's Saab offers to build fleet of fighter jets in Canada

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    In pursuit of $19B contract, Sweden's Saab offers to build fleet of fighter jets in Canada

    David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen Saab's offer further ups the ante on the competition that will see the federal government purchase 88 new aircraft A Swedish aerospace firm that hopes to supply Canada's new fleet of fighter jets says it could build the aircraft in this country, making maximum use of the expertise of domestic firms and creating high-tech jobs. Saab's pitch to build its Gripen E fighter jet in Canada further ups the ante on the $19-billion competition that will see the federal government purchase 88 new aircraft. The Liberal government has been emphasizing the transfer of new technology and expertise to Canadian aerospace firms as well as the creation of high-tech jobs as among its key goals for the fighter jet program. Another European firm, Airbus, has hinted it could also build its Typhoon fighters in Canada, but Saab said if the federal government wants the planes built on a domestic production line its commitment is solid. For the Canadian program, Saab is hoping to follow the same process that helped it win a recent fighter jet competition in Brazil. The first batch of Gripen E fighter jets are being built in Sweden but the technology is then being transferred to Brazilian firms so they can assemble the remaining aircraft. Certainly if that is what the customer values for Canada that is something that we can easily do “We think that is the model that makes sense for Canada,” Patrick Palmer, senior vice-president of Saab Canada, told Postmedia. “We're going down that path but we're also looking at how the (request for proposals) is written and what the customer values. Certainly if that is what the customer values for Canada that is something that we can easily do.” Aerospace firms have been told that the federal government will request their proposals in mid-July. The fighter jet competition was launched on Dec. 12, 2017 and at this point four aircraft are to be considered. Those include the F-35, the Super Hornet, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Gripen. The Gripen E is the newest of the fighter jets being offered to Canada. The first Gripen E for the Swedish military is expected to be delivered later this year. The first of the 36 aircraft ordered by Brazil in a $5-billion program will be delivered in 2021. The first delivery of jets for the Canadian program is expected in the mid-2020s with the full capability available in the early 2030s, according to documents produced by the Department of National Defence. The issue of industrial benefits for Canadian companies will have a high profile in the competition. In early May the Canadian government told potential bidders it was making changes to its fighter jet competition to allow the U.S. to enter the F-35 stealth fighter. The changes, which industry sources say allow for a more flexible approach in determining the value of industrial benefits for the competition, came after a series of discussions with the U.S. government and threats by the Pentagon to withdraw the F-35 from consideration. Canada is a partner nation in the development of Lockheed Martin's F-35, and U.S. officials had warned that the agreement Canada had signed prohibits partners from imposing requirements for industrial benefits as firms from those nations compete for work on the jets. Over the last 12 years, Canadian firms have earned more than $1.3 billion in contracts to build F-35 parts. Per Alriksson of Saab Aeronautics said the Gripen is designed specifically for operations in the Arctic, giving it a leg up on other planes. “Sweden has air force bases in what you call the far North,” he added. “We operate there daily. (The Gripen) has Arctic DNA built into it.” Alriksson said the Gripen E can operate from remote airfields in the north, landing and taking off on runways less than 800 metres in length. It has a quick turnaround time for missions, with technicians able to reload and refuel the planes in 10 minutes. “It is pretty good in operating in dispersed locations as you have in Canada,” he added. Alriksson said the company can integrate U.S. and other equipment on the Gripen E so it is interoperable with American forces, another consideration for Canada. “Moving forward with the Gripen E, we see no problem whatsoever to integrate that fighter into a NORAD context.”

  • Canadian Armed Forces’ unmanned surveillance drones will be equipped with Leonardo E-scan radar

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    Canadian Armed Forces’ unmanned surveillance drones will be equipped with Leonardo E-scan radar

    At the CANSEC Exhibition, Leonardo has announced that it has signed a multi-million Euro contract with prime contractor QinetiQ to provide a number of PicoSAR Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA, also known as ‘E-Scan') radars. The radars will equip the new unmanned intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) aircraft that have been ordered by the Canadian Armed Forces. Designed and manufactured by Leonardo in Edinburgh, U.K., PicoSAR will be employed by Canadian military units at sea and on land, for both domestic and international operations. PicoSAR offers high-performance E-scan surveillance capabilities in an extremely compact package. It is ideally suited for installation aboard the Canadian Armed Forces new system, which is based on the lightweight UMS Skeldar V-200 unmanned aerial system (UAS). With PicoSAR on-board, operators will benefit from a range of modes including high resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging and ground moving target indication (GMTI). Together, these will deliver an effective all-weather ground mapping and surveillance capability for ISTAR missions. PicoSAR is an extremely flexible system and has flown on more than 10 different aircraft. The radar has been flown in Oceania, the Far East, the Middle East, Europe, North Africa, North America and South America and has been acquired by more than 10 customers. PicoSAR is part of a wider portfolio of airborne radars that include M-Scan (mechanically-scanning) and E-scan (electronically scanning) systems for both surveillance and fire-control missions.

  • Soutenir l’emploi et l’acquisition de compétences gr'ce aux acquisitions en matière de défense

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Soutenir l’emploi et l’acquisition de compétences gr'ce aux acquisitions en matière de défense

    Les projets d'approvisionnement liés à la défense favorisent le perfectionnement des compétences des Canadiens Le 29 mai 2019 – Ottawa (Ontario) Tous les ans, les achats de la Défense et les grands achats de la Garde côtière canadienne effectués par le gouvernement du Canada génèrent des milliards de dollars de travaux pour les entreprises canadiennes et appuient des milliers d'emplois au pays. Dans l'avenir, ils favoriseront également le développement d'une main-d'œuvre hautement qualifiée et diversifiée. C'est le point de vue qu'a fait valoir aujourd'hui le ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique, l'honorable Navdeep Bains, lors de son passage à CANSEC, le plus important salon commercial des industries de la défense et de la sécurité au Canada. À cette occasion, le ministre Bains a participé au lancement du Prix pour le leadership dans l'industrie canadienne, mis sur pied conjointement par trois entreprises : L3 Technologies, Thales Canada et CAE Inc. Dix étudiantes ayant fait preuve de leadership et d'un bon rendement scolaire obtiendront ainsi un stage de travail ou stage coopératif rémunéré. Ces étudiantes collaboreront à des projets innovateurs qui consolideront leur apprentissage, tout en profitant de mentorat dans les disciplines des sciences, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques. Les entreprises ont établi ce programme dans le cadre de la Politique des retombées industrielles et technologiques (RIT), selon laquelle les entreprises qui remportent des contrats d'approvisionnement de la défense doivent investir un montant équivalent à la valeur du contrat dans l'économie canadienne. Le ministre Bains a annoncé des changements à la Politique des RIT qui favoriseront l'acquisition de compétences par les travailleurs. En effet, les entrepreneurs principaux obtiendront des points supplémentaires lors de l'évaluation de leur soumission si cette dernière prévoit des investissements dans le développement des compétences et la formation des Autochtones au Canada. Un nouvel élément de cybercertification sera aussi mis en place afin d'offrir aux petites et moyennes entreprises canadiennes un meilleur accès aux possibilités d'affaires associées aux projets d'approvisionnement liés à la défense. Il s'agit là d'une façon pour le gouvernement de concrétiser son engagement à établir et à promouvoir une norme nationale de cyberprotection pour les entreprises canadiennes. Cette nouvelle mesure fait écho à la nouvelle Charte canadienne du numérique, dont l'un des 10 principes énonce que les Canadiens devraient pouvoir se fier à l'intégrité, à l'authenticité et à la sécurité des services qu'ils utilisent, et se sentir en sécurité en ligne. Citations « L'économie mondiale est hautement concurrentielle, et le Canada doit mettre tous ses talents à contribution pour tirer son épingle du jeu. Gr'ce à la Politique des RIT, le gouvernement soutient le développement d'une main-d'œuvre qualifiée et inclusive. Le Prix pour le leadership dans l'industrie canadienne est un excellent exemple de la façon dont nos politiques peuvent favoriser des investissements qui aident les femmes à se tailler une place en sciences, en technologie, en ingénierie ou en mathématiques. Les améliorations à la politique annoncées aujourd'hui faciliteront également de nouveaux investissements dans le perfectionnement des compétences et la formation pour les Autochtones. De leur côté, les petites et moyennes entreprises auront plus facilement accès à un programme de cybercertification qui leur donnera un avantage concurrentiel de plus dans une industrie axée sur l'innovation. » – Le ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique, l'honorable Navdeep Bains Faits en bref La Politique des RIT incite les entreprises à établir ou à accroître leur présence au Canada, à renforcer les chaînes d'approvisionnement canadiennes, ainsi qu'à développer des capacités industrielles canadiennes dans des sphères comme l'innovation, la recherche-développement, le développement des sources d'approvisionnement et les exportations. L'un des éléments de la Politique des RIT est la proposition de valeur, en vertu de laquelle les soumissionnaires qui souhaitent obtenir des contrats liés à la défense mettent de l'avant des engagements qui leur permettront de satisfaire aux obligations de RIT. En janvier 2019, l'ensemble du portefeuille des obligations de RIT comptait 161 projets d'une valeur de près de 47 milliards de dollars, dont 36,1 milliards de dollars pour des activités commerciales déjà terminées, 7,1 milliards de dollars pour des activités en cours, et 3,7 milliards de dollars en occasions de travaux futurs non encore déterminés. L'industrie canadienne de la défense compte plus de 660 entreprises, dont les ventes dépassent les 10 milliards de dollars et qui soutiennent près de 60 000 emplois au pays. Cette industrie offre des emplois de calibre supérieur à des travailleurs hautement qualifiés.

  • Committed to Canada [CS19D2]

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Committed to Canada [CS19D2]

    DAVID DONALD Training systems integrator and operational support specialist CAE is a truly global player, with more than 10,000 employees active in 40 countries. However, its traditional home market in Canada remains a core business, employing 4,500 personnel at 16 sites, and with more than 425 Canadian companies numbered in the supply chain. Forthcoming developments in CAE's Canadian business include the opening of the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) helicopter simulator in Ottawa, planned for later this year. The CAE 3000 Series simulator features roll-on, roll-off cockpits for the Bell 429 and 412EPI helicopters, which share a single simulator dome. CAE claims the system offers the highest fidelity yet of any of its simulators. A potential third cockpit could be added once the CCG has selected a helicopter to equip its new icebreaker vessel. Recently, the company's training centres at Trenton (CC-130J) and Petawawa (CH-147F) have been used to provide pre-deployment and mission rehearsal training for Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) crews destined for service in Mali. A high-fidelity virtual database of Mali has been integrated into the CH-147F and CC-130J simulators to provide realistic training, while CH-146 Griffon crews have also received pre-deployment training with a generic Mali database added into the simulator. CAE is also part of Team Cormorant, which is delivering a mid-life update for the CH-149 search and rescue helicopter. The company will establish a training centre at Comox alongside that for the Airbus C295 Fixed-Wing SAR aircraft. The SkyAlyne joint venture with KF Aerospace continues to deliver pilot training for the RCAF through the existing NATO Flying Training Centre (CAE) and Contracted Flying Training and Support (KF) programmes, while positioning to bid an integrated future aircrew training system for the 2020s. Other future opportunities include the RPAS programme, for which CAE is bidding as part of Team SkyGuardian Canada with General Atomics, and the Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP). CAE remains non-exclusive with regard to FFCP, and is in discussions with all four bidders regarding both training and operational support activities. Continuing its multi-faceted operational support and system integration efforts, CAE has supplied an integrated information environment (IIE) for the Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone to assist and streamline maintenance. The IIE was thoroughly tested recently during the Cyclone's first six-month at-sea deployment. CAE is also contracted for design support associated with the CSC combat ship.

  • What does a DAR do?

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Sécurité

    What does a DAR do?

    Michael Petsche Helicopters are pretty awesome devices. Even when you understand the physics of how they work, it's still a wonder that the combination of whirling bits and pieces can result in flight. These magnificent machines put out fires, string powerlines, erect towers, pluck people in distress from mountains, and save countless lives. But here's the thing: a brand new, factory-spec helicopter right off the production line can't do any of those things. Flip through the pages of any issue of Vertical, and in almost every photo, the aircraft has been fitted with some type of special equipment. A firefighting machine will have a cargo hook for the bucket, a bubble window, an external torque gauge, pulse lights and a mirror. A search-and-rescue aircraft will have a hoist. Air ambulances are filled with lifesaving equipment. And very little of that stuff comes directly from the airframe original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Instead, this equipment is in place thanks to supplemental type certificates (STCs). As the name implies, an STC is required for an installation that supplements the original aircraft type certificate. It needs to meet all of the same requirements as the aircraft that it's installed upon. Therefore, it must undergo the same kind of testing, analysis, and scrutiny that the aircraft does. How do regulatory authorities ensure that supplementary equipment meets the same standards as the aircraft they're designed to augment? Through people like me. I am a Transport Canada Design Approval Representative (DAR), also known as a delegate. A DAR does not actually work for Transport Canada, but is delegated to act on its behalf to make findings of compliance in a particular field of specialty — such as structures, avionics, or as a flight test pilot. To secure an STC, not only must a modification meet the same standards as the original aircraft, but it has to be shown not to degrade the safety of the aircraft. Let's take the firefighting helicopter as an example. The bubble window needs to be strong enough to withstand the aerodynamic loads in flight. In order to verify this, a structural test can be done on a test rig. However, the bubble window protrudes from the aircraft, resulting in extra drag. It could adversely affect how the aircraft behaves, or reduce climb performance, or have an effect on the pitot-static system. These are the sorts of issues that flight testing is meant to uncover. Similarly, if someone wants to upgrade an old GPS system to the latest and greatest model, testing must be done to ensure that there is no electrical interference between the new unit and any other existing systems on the aircraft. A big part of the STC process is determining just how you can prove that a modification meets the regulations. Does it need to be tested or is a stress analysis enough? Or is it a combination of the two — or another method entirely? And on top of that, which regulations are applicable? And furthermore, which version of the regulations needs to be applied? The rules for the Airbus H125, for example, are not the same as for the Bell 429. It's the role of the DAR (with concurrence from the regulator, in my case Transport Canada) to make these kinds of determinations. While the STC process is technically uniform, the scope can vary widely from one project to another. Changing a seat cushion or changing an engine type can both be STCs. The execution of a project can take many forms, and is dependent on a huge number of factors, including the DAR, the project scope, the resources available, and the end user. In my current role, I work largely on my own. The process typically begins with me submitting an application to open the project with Transport Canada. I prepare the documents and drawings, and witness and document any required testing. Then I compile it all and submit it to Transport Canada. Through all this, I will rely heavily on the end user to provide their insight and expertise — and their facilities. After all, it's their aircraft, and they are the ones who will ultimately be installing, using, and maintaining the STC kit — so it has to make sense to them. Whenever possible, I will have documents and drawings reviewed by the maintenance team to make sure that theory and reality align. Becoming a delegate How does someone become a delegate? In Canada, it begins with an educational requirement. You must have an engineering degree, or have, in the opinion of Transport Canada, equivalent experience. In other words, if someone has many years of applicable experience, they can be eligible to be a delegate, even if they do not have an engineering degree. A prospective delegate must also successfully complete the Aircraft Certification Specialty Course. This is a two-week intensive course that covers the ins and outs of aircraft certification: type certification, STCs, Change Product Rule and so on. And yes, there are exams! Next is a one-year working relationship with Transport Canada. The process for becoming a delegate is not uniform, with the one-year timeline more of a guideline than a rule. In my case, it took less than 12 months. Prior to beginning my process, I had the good fortune of working for a talented delegate for many years. He taught me how it “should be done.” I was given the opportunity to fly at 170 knots indicated airspeed in AStars pointed at the ground during flight tests; I snapped bolts while piling steel plates onto structures during structural tests; and I wrote numerous supporting reports for many kinds of STCs for many different aircraft types. My mentor is a (sometimes maddeningly) meticulous guy. Everything we did was thorough and correct. So, by the time I was presenting my own work to Transport Canada, it was evident that I already had a pretty firm grasp on the process. As a result, my delegation was granted before a full year. During the period while I was building my relationship with Transport Canada, my friends would ask if I had to accomplish certain specified milestones or achieve specific “levels.” The short answer is: not really. In fact, it's about building trust. It's almost counter-intuitive that in an industry with such strict regulations, granting delegation to someone is, to a large degree, based on a “warm, fuzzy feeling.” Ultimately, Transport Canada must have confidence in the delegate. Let's face it, we are in a business with tight schedules and high price tags. There can be a lot of pressure, financial or otherwise, to meet deadlines — and things can go wrong. Parts can fail under ultimate loading during a structural test. That cursed Velcro can fail the flammability test. And when these things happen, it can be the delegate that incurs the wrath of the angry operator who really needs to get his aircraft flying. Transport Canada must have the confidence that not only does the delegate have the technical knowledge and ability, but that they have the intestinal fortitude to stand firm under what can sometimes be difficult circumstances. There's the somewhat cynical axiom that the only way for an aircraft to be 100 percent safe is to never let it fly. I have heard many tales of woe and misery about people's dealings with Transport Canada and how the regulator was being “unreasonable” about X, Y, or Z. I'm of the opinion that these instances often stem from poor communication — on both sides. This is another area where the DAR can help. The DAR often acts as a liaison (or translator) between the operator and Transport Canada. Operators don't necessarily spend that much time studying design regulations. And similarly, Transport Canada engineers may not be fully familiar with the day-to-day challenges and obligations of aircraft operations. As a DAR, I speak the same language as Transport Canada. But I also spend a great deal of time in hangars, so I am also fluent in “aircraft operator.” This level of bilingualism can alleviate misunderstandings. And with a little strategic communication, everyone involved can be satisfied a lot sooner. Not surprisingly, communication and open dialogue between the DAR and the regulator is just as crucial. It has been my experience that Transport Canada wants to help get projects completed. They are aviation geeks, just like the rest of us, and they want to “Git ‘er done.” Because I have developed a solid relationship with Transport Canada, if ever I find myself struggling with something, I can call them and ask for guidance. Obviously it's not their job to fix the issue for me, but they are there to help. Whether they point me at an Advisory Circular that I wasn't aware of, or they draw from their own experience, 99 times out of 100, talking it through with them yields a solution very quickly. We all want to keep aircraft flying — safely. And we all have our different roles to play. As a DAR, I enjoy being the go-between for the regulatory world and the operational world. The challenge of getting them to work and play nicely together can be pretty fun — and a big part of accomplishing that goal requires earned trust and open communication.

  • Bluedrop to deliver CH-149 hoist training system to the RCAF

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Bluedrop to deliver CH-149 hoist training system to the RCAF

    Bluedrop Performance Learning and its subsidiary Bluedrop Training & Simulation will deliver another hoist mission training system (HMTS) to the Royal Canadian Air Force 19 Wing Comox in addition to a similar CH-148 Cyclone simulator delivered to 12 Wing Shearwater in July 2018. The immersive virtual reality simulator will replicate the CH-149 Cormorant helicopter and be used for search and rescue (SAR) hoist procedure and mission training. The HMTS will improve hoisting skills in challenging mission scenarios, allowing trainees to practice critical skills in a safe, true-to-life environment. The simulator provides high-fidelity cable behaviour that responds to flight dynamics and operator inputs with accurate turbulent flow zone rendering and complex rescue coordination scenarios. “Our HMTS is proving to be the standard for rear-crew training. We are so happy to be contributing to search and rescue operations training in Canada. Canadian SAR capabilities are a national asset and priority. Bluedrop values being able to improve operational readiness and mission effectiveness through improved training of these skilled operators in some of the harshest rescue environments,” said Jean-Claude Siew, vice-president of Technology and Simulation.

  • The Canadian Space Agency Awards $15 Million for Technology R&D to 25 Companies

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    The Canadian Space Agency Awards $15 Million for Technology R&D to 25 Companies

    Marc Boucher The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has awarded just over $15 million in funding to 25 companies for its Space Technology Development Program (STDP). The announcement today is part of the CSA's ongoing efforts to fund a variety of technologies at different development stages. Some of the notable awards include UrtheCast receiving $2 million in two contracts. These contracts are important for the struggling company as it continues its transformation into a leaner company. Exonetik Inc.of Sherbrooke, Quebec received a $250K contract for its Magnethorheological Robotic Arms for Space proposal. Startup C6, with ambitions to build a small launch vehicle, received a $72K contract for its STARS (Space Transmission and Reception System) Feasibility Study while ARTsensing received $489K contract for its Nanotechnology-Based Radiation Shields proposal. The STDP contracts were awarded in four segments. Space Research and Development: High Technology Readiness Level The CSA describes this segment as: “The companies were awarded non-repayable contributions of up to $1 million for space R&D projects that have a high initial technology readiness level (TRL), between TRL 4 and TRL 6. These projects are expected to last up to three years and produce economic benefits in the next two to five years.” The companies getting contracts are; Honeywell Aerospace – Cambridge, Ontario (COM DEV Ltd.) $1,000,000 Optical Pointing and Tracking Relay Assembly for Communication (OPTRAC) Advanced Development Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations currently under development will require the use of high-speed optical inter-satellite links to move vast amounts of data from satellite to satellite. To achieve this, satellite optical terminals will need precision acquisition and tracking capabilities to establish and maintain tightly focused optical communications links. This project will develop a system that performs better, can be manufactured faster, and costs less than existing designs. This project will secure a critical new role in space communications and maintain Canada's dominant position in space-based communications hardware. It will enhance communication abilities and support better monitoring of water systems, greenhouse gas emissions, and fires, improved forestry and farm management, and enhanced sovereignty and security. Kepler Communications Inc. – Toronto, Ontario $1,000,000 Next generation telecommunications nano satellite Telecommunications companies are looking to buy fleets of very small satellites, commonly referred to as nanosatellites, but industry's ability to handle this scale of manufacturing is limited. To meet the growing demand, new manufacturing processes to build low-cost, high performance, nanosatellites are needed. This project will create a new Canadian satellite platform that can rapidly fill large orders of nanosatellites and meet specific cost and performance requirements. The project also includes designing and testing cost-effective, space-ready parts like integrated electronic flight systems, solar panels that track the sun, antennas, sensors, and batteries that will be scaled to fit on nanosatellites. This work will position Canada as a leader in the nanosatellite industry and provide new forms of export revenue, in addition to providing public access to new communication services that will serve the entire country. MPB Communications Inc. – Pointe-Claire, Quebec $999,999 A Cost-Effective Ultra-High Throughput Space-Based Optical Link Large amounts of data move around the world through fiber-optic cables. However, in places where running cables is impractical, satellites are used instead. Optical links provide the critical connections that allow data to move between stations on Earth and satellite constellations in space. This project will test different approaches to develop a system that can transfer data at rates that are 10 times faster than what is possible with current technologies. The project will answer important questions about how the optical links will function in space, such as under extreme weather conditions and limited electrical power. As a result, the system will be cost-effective, scalable for different data sizes, and space ready. It will position Canada as an important leader in satellite optical communication systems, increase the industry's competitive advantage, and develop highly qualified personnel. UrtheCast Corporation – Vancouver, British Columbia $1,000,000 A Novel Self-Cueing TCPED Cycle for High Resolution Wide Swath SAR Imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites are used to scan vast areas of ocean to reliably detect any ships that are there. These wide area scans produce low-resolution images, but high-resolution images are needed to identify illegal activities like unregulated fishing. A new satellite called SAR-XL has two independent radars—one that takes wide angle, low-resolution images, and another than produces high-resolution ones. This project will develop software and systems to allow both of the satellite's radars to work together to first detect the presence of objects like ships and sea ice, and then zoom in to identify them. These updates to SAR satellite technology will improve maritime surveillance activities by providing accurate, timely information about everything happening in Canada's maritime zones. This work supports important activities, such as monitoring the Artic, identifying ships in distress, maintaining Canadian sovereignty in the North, and protecting the border against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and trafficking. UrtheCast Corporation – Vancouver, British Columbia $997,342 Automated Calibration and Validation of Optical Satellite Constellations A new set of six Earth-observation satellites will provide a very precise snapshot of most of Earth's surface on a daily basis so that changes can be tracked over time. The data must be accurately calibrated, which is normally a time-consuming, manual task. This project will provide three system components to cost-effectively automate this process. One system will automatically calibrate the many images produced by the six satellites. A validation system will assess the images as they are transmitted to Earth. An integration system will improve the quality of the images. This project will provide the ability to detect changes on Earth over time that can be used to identify crop damage, improve environmental monitoring, manage irrigation, and increase crop yields. It will also establish a world-class team of Canadian experts in optical systems, space-based imaging, and high-throughput software development. GHGSat Inc. – Montreal, Quebec $1,000,000 Order-of-Magnitude Performance Improvement for WAF-P Spectrometer The Wide-Angle Fabry-Perot (WAF-P) imaging spectrometer is the main instrument on satellites that are used to measure greenhouse gas emissions from industrial facilities around the world. This project will use lessons learned from the current version of the spectrometer to provide major performance improvements that will make it perform ten times better. These improvements will miniaturize the platform, provide the spectrometer with the ability to detect very small concentrations of gases like methane, and allow it to be adapted to measure other trace gases like ammonia. This project will open up a $2 billion greenhouse gas measurement market to Canadian industry. It will also increase the number of Canadian experts in the field over the next three years. MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Corporation – Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec $750,000 Mk2 Reflector Enhancement: Engineered Composite Panel and Triaxial Woven Shell Satellite systems and equipment are designed to work in harsh space environments and extreme launch conditions. This project will build and test advanced composite materials for lightweight, low-cost space antenna parts. Using an existing type of antenna reflector, this project will improve performance, ensure space-readiness, and solve two key design issues. First, it will use a new type of carbon fiber material to make the reflector less sensitive to the stresses of launch. Second, it will improve the design of the panels used for support so that the reflector can be stiffer, while at the same time being lighter. The ability to make light, high-performance, low-cost reflectors will give Canadian industry a competitive advantage and open up new markets. It also positions Canada to offer state-of-art reliable satellite subsystem parts and products, creating employment opportunities for scientists, engineers, and technologists. ABB Inc. – Quebec City, Quebec $757,294 Compact Fore-Optics for Space 2.0 Applications Earth observation using constellations of satellites is an emerging market that calls for new products and tools to capture precise images of Earth's surface. New fore-optics will improve the way satellites handle elements like stray light sources that cause data errors and calibration problems. They include features such as high-quality zoom and wider fields of view. This project will improve three key system features. New telescope technology will better manage light that strays into the camera. An electronic system will improve the field of view across two imaging systems through precise calibration of radiometric and spectral images. And an active secondary mirror will correct any fore-optic alignment or distortion problems caused by conditions in space. The results of this project will position Canada to offer low cost, mass production of compact, telescope fore-optics for Earth observation satellite constellations. They will help to develop new services that can provide better understanding of natural disasters, improve farming, and lead to stronger pollution control. Burloak Technologies Inc. – Oakville, Ontario MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Corporation – Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec $744,227 Large Scale Additive Manufactured RF Satellite Communication Sub-Systems The use of 3D printers in additive manufacturing is significantly changing the way satellites are made. It allows more design options and lowers the cost and lead-time needed to make components. It can also result in fewer parts, easier assembly, and lighter, more efficient systems. This project will show how 3D printers can produce low-cost, space ready parts for use in the commercial satellite industry. It will use large-scale 3D printers to create a working radio frequency space antenna model. The model will be tested to ensure it meets defined mechanical and performance goals and inform future 3D printing projects. This work showcases Canada's continued leadership in new space technologies and provides many opportunities for highly qualified personnel to enhance their knowledge and skills. It also combines expertise from the additive manufacturing and space development sectors to create an all-Canadian supply chain of advanced satellite communication parts and sub-systems. SED Systems, a division of Calian Ltd. – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan $798,884 Bonded Satellite Modem Satellite operators lease out bandwidth for uses like cellular networks and internet services. The bandwidth provided by a satellite becomes fragmented over time, as leases expire and are replaced by new leases that do not always use exactly the same bandwidth. This results in portions of the bandwidth being unattractive to new users, because it is not sufficient for their needs. This project will explore how to use channel bonding to combine this under-used bandwidth and improve satellite operations. It will design and produce a prototype of a channel bonded modem that gathers under-used bandwidth on satellite modems to produce high output signals to increase communication performance. This project will benefit satellite operators and end users by allowing under-used bandwidth to be sold at preferred rates, which in turn would provide a cost-effective option for remote communities that are reliant on satellite communications. In addition, extra communication security will result from spreading signals across multiple channels and satellites, which makes it harder to intercept sensitive government or defence communications. Square Peg Communications Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario $719,935 RF Test Technology for LEO Satellite Networks Canadensys Aerospace Corporation $499,586 Canadian Multi-Purpose Nano-Class Space Imager Performance Characterization Space Research and Development: Small Businesses The CSA describes this segment as: “The small businesses (up to a maximum of 50 employees) were awarded non-repayable contributions of up to $250,000. These space R&D projects are expected to last up to three years and produce economic benefits in the next five to 10 years.” The companies getting contracts are; GHGSat Inc. – Montreal, Quebec $250,000 Spectrometer Concepts for Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Individual Sites Spectrometers can be used on satellites to measure greenhouse gas emissions from industrial facilities around the world. Smaller, more accurate spectrometers will lower the cost of these missions. This project will explore new design concepts for a miniaturized spectrometer that can detect smaller concentrations of greenhouse gases while collecting high-resolution images that make the system less vulnerable to alignment issues or camera flaws. The miniature platform will be designed to meet the size, weight, and power requirements for commercial use on micro- and nanosatellites. The system will be evaluated to identify performance improvements like better communication with other systems, lower production costs, and streamlined product designs that will have no moving parts. This project will give Canadian industry a competitive edge in the $2 billion greenhouse gas measurement market and provide better alternatives to meet customer needs. It will also increase Canadian expertise in the field of optics, atmospheric sciences, artificial intelligence, and Earth observation. Xiphos Systems Corporation – Montreal, Quebec $250,000 Qualification of a COTS-Based Payload Computer for Demanding, Long-Duration Constellation Missions LEO satellites are used for many types of missions that involve science, Earth observation, communication, and more. An important part of a satellite's data management system is the Payload Control Unit (PCU). Used by commercial, government, and space agency customers, the market for low-cost, high-performance satellite technology is growing. This project will test the ability of a new type of low-cost PCU based on a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product to stand up to the harsh environment of space on long missions in high-LEO (in the exosphere). The result will be a component that can be produced quickly and scaled to meet large customer demands. Producing low-cost, high-performance, space-ready PCUs will allow Canadian industry to meet the needs of new markets and retain experts in small satellite technology. It will also lead to a better understanding of environmental issues and improved security and monitoring of our coastlines and waters. Nüvü Caméras Inc. – Montreal, Quebec $249,000 Wide Field EMCCD Camera Towards TRL-5 Space debris affects satellite communication systems used for internet and security monitoring and satellites used for tracking the weather. To avoid damage, future satellite constellations will need special imaging technology to detect and track debris against the dark setting of space. The cameras currently used on satellites are limited by the small size of available detectors and an inability to provide low-noise levels. This project will develop and test a large-format camera system designed to meet the needs of future space missions while also considering production costs and lead time. The low-flux, wide-field imaging solution will detect space debris using high-speed measurements of low-light signals and produce high-quality images with low noise levels. This project will lead to the only space-ready camera system capable of detecting damaging debris, regardless of size or speed – making Canada a leader in new commercial space instruments. Exonetik Inc. – Sherbrooke, Quebec $249,262 Magnethorheological Robotic Arms for Space Robots are used on space missions to assist astronauts with difficult tasks and give them more time for valuable work. To protect astronauts from accidentally being hit with heavy, fast moving machines, space robots are made of lightweight materials and are designed to move slowly. These safety designs make it difficult for robots to do work around humans that requires fast, precise movements. This project will use robotic arms like the ones used in automotive and medical settings to test how new technology can be used to build higher-performance, lightweight robots that can perform technical tasks safely around people. These improved robots will decrease the time that astronauts spend on maintenance tasks, giving them more time for science. This project will showcase Canadian innovation in space robotics and spin-off technologies for use on Earth and help to establish a robotics cluster in Canada. Blue Sky Spectroscopy Inc. – Lethbridge, Alberta $249,560 Development of a Data Processing Framework for Space-Based Post-Dispersed Fourier Transform Spectrometers The SPIRE spectrometer used on the Herschel Space Observatory changed the way we see space, giving us clear views of the far-infrared universe and the first large-scale view of distant galaxies. By using a similar imaging technique and cooling the telescope, the Space Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) will be 100 times more sensitive than Herschel, able to detect objects 10 times further away, and capable of exploring a greater volume of the universe. This project will develop a data processing framework and software to calibrate the 2,400 sensors that will be used to capture the large amounts of data and high-resolution images. It will also include testing the instruments and calibration systems in new environments. Building on the legacy of Canada's contributions to Herschel, this work paves the way for an even greater contribution to new far-infrared missions. The project provides training opportunities at all levels and will increase engagement of students in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields across Canada. NGC Aerospace Ltd. – Sherbrooke, Quebec $250,000 Relative Navigation and Hazard Detection & Avoidance Integration for Commercial Landers Moon exploration missions are a high priority for governments and commercial organizations. For these missions to be successful, lunar landing systems must provide space vehicles with the ability to land in specific locations and on any kind of terrain. Currently, landing systems that can reach a target site accurately, detect hazards on the Moon's surface, and avoid them are not commercially available. This project will design and test a cost-effective, lightweight landing system that combines two technologies into a single unit to solve this problem. A highly-accurate navigation system will use two cameras to locate and estimate the condition of a landing site. A hazard detection and avoidance system will use active Lidar sensors to determine the best landing site to use. Addressing this gap in technology will open up an emerging commercial Moon transportation market to Canadian industry. It will also raise awareness of Canada's expertise in landing technology for space missions. Bubble Technology Industries Inc. – Chalk River, Ontario $249,443 Investigation of Innovative Scintillators for Miniaturized Space Radiation Spectrometers Radiation prediction, monitoring, and protection technologies are an important part of reducing the risk to space crews. Building radiation detectors for human space missions, like the exploration of Mars, is challenging because of strict size, weight, and power limits. To solve these problems, this project will explore the use of radiation detectors that are much smaller than current technology. Detectors and materials that can more accurately separate different types of radiation found in space will also be tested. These tiny radiation detectors will be useful on all space missions, as well as for defence, security, aerospace, and health applications. This project showcases Canada's role as a global leader in radiation research, in both space and Earth, and benefits the country through the creation of high-quality jobs. Good Vibrations Engineering Ltd. – King City, Ontario $43,069 Force Moment Sensor (FMS) Linear Dynamic Testing of 3rd Prototype Robotic equipment used on the Lunar Gateway will need to work with heavy payloads and operate in harsh conditions like extreme temperatures. To ensure that this equipment can function reliably, accurate force sensors will be used. However, during long duration space missions, these sensors become less reliable as they are exposed to different levels of force and work. This project will develop and test a new type of force sensor that measures changes that happen during active movement to overcome the challenges of working in space. These force sensors will be able to actively adjust robotic tools during long missions in space to support activities like space mining or on-orbit servicing operations. This project gives Canadian industry a competitive advantage and opens up new markets, creating employment opportunities for engineers and technologists. Mission Control Space Services Inc. – Ottawa, Ontario $249,991 Mission Control Software: End-to-end Operations and Autonomy Framework for Commercial Lunar Exploration Missions Space Research and Development: Feasibility Studies The CSA describes this segment as: “The companies were awarded non-repayable contributions of up to $100,000 for feasibility studies related to space projects and technologies with strong commercial potential. These R&D projects are expected to last up to two years and produce economic benefits in the next five to 10 years.” The companies getting contracts are; C6 Launch Systems Corporation – Calgary, Alberta $71,990 C6 STARS (Space Transmission and Reception System) Feasibility Study As the commercial space market grows, new systems and technology are needed to launch small satellites and maintain communication links between launch vehicles and ground stations. Current dish-like antennas need to point directly at their target, and are too large and heavy for use on small satellite launch vehicles, This project will study the potential for a new, low-cost antenna and transceiver that electronically steers radio signals without having to move the antenna. The lightweight, simplified design concept will improve communications from launch pad to LEO, provide higher data rates, and require less power to operate. This innovative project will position Canadian industry as leaders in space launch systems, offering low cost, mass production of small satellite launch vehicles and communication systems for the emerging commercial market. Maya HTT Ltd. – Montreal, Quebec $98,920 Correlation of Spacecraft In-Flight and Simulated Temperatures through Machine Learning One challenge of the growing space industry is to make high-quality, low production, complex parts quickly that meet customer needs at a low cost. Automated manufacturing processes can help to meet this demand, but humans are still required to design the best method to get the work done. This project will study ways to train Artificial Intelligence (AI) to do some of the tasks normally done by engineers, like programming computer-controlled machines involved in the process, and finding out the best workflow to produce parts. The results of this project will improve manufacturing efficiency and reduce the high cost associated with one-off parts. This work will showcase Canada's AI expertise and improve Canada's standing globally in the area of automated manufacturing. Space Research and Development: Low Technology Readiness Level The CSA describes this segment as: “The companies were awarded non-repayable contributions of up to $500,000 for space R&D projects that have a low initial TRL, between TRL 1 and TRL 3. These R&D projects are expected to last up to three years and produce economic benefits in the next five to 10 years.” The companies getting contracts are; ARTsensing Inc. – Mississauga, Ontario $489,000 Nanotechnology-Based Radiation Shields Radiation protection is one of the most important considerations in space missions because of its harmful effects on astronauts and electronics. Both shielding and structural materials provide protection from radiation's effects on equipment and human DNA. However, when radiation interacts with some types of materials, secondary radiation that can cause even more damage may be produced. This project will develop a lightweight, multilayered nanocomposite material that blocks primary radiation and limits the amount of secondary radiation created. The material will also be tested for other important features like its ability to recover from severe radiation and maintain its shielding ability, manage extreme space temperatures, and function during long missions. This material will lead to better protection for astronauts and equipment during space exploration missions, as well as for medical, nuclear, and aerospace workers on Earth. Honeywell Aerospace – Cambridge, Ontario (COM DEV Ltd.) $500,000 Photonics for Space-Based Communications Networks LEO satellites use optical links to communicate data. Current optical pointing and tracking systems have large, slow steering mechanisms to direct lasers at their intended targets. This project will develop and test a low-cost, electronic pointing system to replace existing steering mechanisms. The new, lightweight system will use a high-efficiency optical phased array to transmit signals more reliably and be small enough to fit on a single chip. This project will also test the system's ability to work with other optical components, which will lower costs and position Canada as a leader in satellite optical communication systems. The technology may also be useful in expanding high-speed internet access in Canada's remote communities. Teledyne Optect Inc. – Vaughan, Ontario $498,659 3D Imaging Lidar LIDAR systems use lasers to measure range and are useful for everything from guiding cars on city streets to surveying asteroids in space. This project will study how to combine smaller, lighter components in a new way to develop a more powerful, compact 3D imaging system for use in future space exploration missions. The smaller, more efficient design will help spacecraft dock with each other, guide autonomous rovers on other planets, help drones create 3D maps, and prevent collisions in marine locks. This project will allow Canadian industry to pursue market opportunities in mobile mapping, security, and automotive markets. This innovation will also provide more accurate environmental data and benefit the mining and forestry industries. ABB Inc. – Quebec City, Ontario $499,480 Multiplexed Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) Monitoring global greenhouse gas emissions from space is an important part of efforts to control them. Improving the instruments that satellites use to detect these emissions will provide decision makers with better data. One such improvement is increasing the ability to gather data from one point on the ground to thousands of points at the same time. This project will adapt existing commercial technology with the ability to provide this higher-resolution picture so that it can handle the short imaging times available from space. It will also test the system's ability to handle common problems like magnetic fields and fast orbital speeds to ensure it is reliable and accurate. This work will improve international efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and will eventually lead to the ability to detect other gases, like ammonia. Reaction Dynamics Lab Inc. – St-Laurent, Quebec $473,936 Development of Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technologies for a Hybrid Engine Small Satellite Launch Vehicle The growing small satellite market calls for reliable, affordable launch services to get spacecraft to orbit quickly and safely, but the current availability of these services is limited. This project will develop and test a new approach to launching small satellites using a new type of rocket engine designed to make it easier and less expensive to get a small vehicle into orbit. The new system will include state-of-the-art guidance, navigation, and control that can stabilize the vehicle, direct the thrust of the engine, and guide its own course to a specific orbit. The project will develop a reliable, low-cost flight computer and software to autonomously control a vehicle during flight, and test the system on the ground. It will also lead to spin off technology applications for the automotive and aerospace industries, creating new business opportunities and jobs. MDA Systems Ltd. – Richmond, British Columbia $101,911 On-Board Processing with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accelerators Artificial intelligence (AI) running on high-performance computers can be trained to help scientists get the most out of space exploration missions. The technology is used to make decisions about where to go, what information to collect, and what data to share with scientists. This project will design a low-cost hardware platform that provides the processing power needed for AI, is less susceptible to the effects of radiation, and is ready for the harsh environment of space. The small size and low weight components will allow future space missions to conduct independent scientific investigations, adapt to changing situations in space, or determine the best data to send back to Earth. This project will showcase Canadian innovation and open the market for on-board AI in space, allowing a wide range of AI applications to run directly on a spacecraft.

  • GDMS-Canada & Laflamme Aero Showcase Unmanned Helicopter at CANSEC 2019

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    GDMS-Canada & Laflamme Aero Showcase Unmanned Helicopter at CANSEC 2019

    General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada will showcase Laflamme Aero's LX300 Customizable Unmanned Helicopter – a Canadian-built, multi-mission and multi-role unmanned helicopter that can perform missions over land and sea – at CANSEC 2019. General Dynamics recently signed a co-operation agreement with Laflamme Aero to promote the LX300 for defence and security opportunities in Canada and internationally. The agreement will also support advances in manned-unmanned operations, autonomy, network security and human-machine collaboration in common mission management systems. “Navies and Coast Guards around the globe are seeking alternate options to manned platforms for multi-mission roles such as maritime patrol and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance,” said David Ibbetson, vice president and general manager of General Dynamics Mission Systems–International. “Through this co-operation agreement with Laflamme Aero, we are pleased to move the needle on defence innovation in the process.” The LX300 is designed and built to meet helicopter certifications and standards. Its advanced tandem-rotor technology and the ability to carry 90kgs of payload will allow for sustained operations in multiple mission types. It also features aeronautical grade composite materials for blades and airframe and eliminates vibration at its source using advanced rotor technology. “The strength of this agreement lies in the complementarity of our two companies,” said Enrick Laflamme, president of Laflamme Aero. “Our helicopter, designed with aerospace standards in mind and incorporating innovative technologies, integrates seamlessly with the advanced and integrated solutions of General Dynamics to provide the best solution for the security and defence industry."

  • Boeing surprised Canada changed rules of jet competition to allow Lockheed Martin bid

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Boeing surprised Canada changed rules of jet competition to allow Lockheed Martin bid

    David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) - Boeing Co is surprised Canada softened the rules of a competition for new fighters to allow Lockheed Martin Corp to submit a bid, but is still confident it has a chance, a top executive said on Wednesday. Following a U.S. complaint, Ottawa this month said it planned to drop a clause stipulating that bidders in the multibillion dollar race to supply 88 jets must offer a legally binding guarantee to give Canadian businesses 100% of the value of the deal in economic benefits. The original clause would have excluded Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter, the plane the Canadian air force wants. The contract is worth between C$15 billion and C$19 billion ($11.1 billion to $14.1 billion). “I was surprised by the recommended change ... why would you deviate from a policy that's been so successful to accommodate a competitor?” said Jim Barnes, the Boeing official in charge of trying to sell the company's F-18 Super Hornet jet to Canada. The change in the rules around economic benefits was the latest wrinkle in a decade-long troubled-plagued effort to replace Canada's CF-18 jets, some of which are 40 years old. The final list of requirements for the new fleet of jets is due to be issued in July. “Right now we feel like we can put a very compelling offer on the table even with this change,” Barnes told reporters on the margins of a defense and security conference in Ottawa. Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains - in overall charge of the benefits aspect of procurement - said in response to Barnes's comment that Ottawa would ensure the competition was fair. Compelling bidders to offer watertight guarantees of economic benefits contradicts rules of the consortium that developed the F-35, a group to which Canada belongs. Boeing is offering a binding commitment and Barnes said the firm would stress to Canadian officials the potential economic disadvantages of entertaining a non-binding bid. An official from Sweden's Saab AB, another contender, told reporters that Canadians could lose out by ignoring contenders that had made firm investment commitments. “I am concerned that the ability to respond to a non-binding environment may not necessarily give Canadians the best value at the end of the day,” said Patrick Palmer, head of sales and marketing for Saab Canada. Airbus SE, the fourth firm in the race, declined to comment. Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Susan Thomas

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