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  • It's make or break time for Canadian Surface Combatant bidders

    15 juin 2018 | Local, Naval

    It's make or break time for Canadian Surface Combatant bidders

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN The companies bidding on the Canadian Surface Combatant program will provide Irving Shipbuilding with their “cured” bids by July 21. Earlier this year, Postmedia reported that all three bidders in the competition failed to meet some of the federal government's requirements. The problems centre around technical issues. Some are minor but in other cases there is a view among defence industry officials that Canada is asking for too much in some areas such as radar, which may be causing problems with meeting requirements. Public Services and Procurement Canada spokeswoman Michèle LaRose earlier said the bids received for the Canadian Surface Combatant project have not been disqualified. Three bids have been received. The federal government and Irving Shipbuilding are still evaluating the proposals, she added. LaRose pointed out that the evaluation is at the second stage in the process. Government officials say that involves what is known as “the cure process” in which bidders will be given details of how their proposals have failed to meet the stated criteria. They will then be given only one opportunity to fix issues with their bids. So those fixes are to be submitted by July 21, according to industry representatives. If the bids are still considered “non-compliant” after the cure period they “will be eliminated from the competition,” according to the federal government. The budget for the Canadian Surface Combatant project is estimated by the federal government to be between $55 billion and $60 billion. That is a range but specific costs won't be known until contacts are signed and more details worked out. Fifteen warships will be built. Pat Finn, assistant deputy minister for materiel at the Department of National Defence, told Defence Watch he expects a winning bid to be selected by the end of this year.

  • Estonia’s new law opens door for weapons export, defense industry growth

    15 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR

    Estonia’s new law opens door for weapons export, defense industry growth

    By: Jaroslaw Adamowski WARSAW, Poland — Estonia's Parliament has amended legislation to allow Estonian companies to make and handle military weapons and gear. The law paves the way for the development of the country's defense industry and the export of weapons and equipment by local players. Estonian Defence Minister Jüri Luik said in a statement that, to date, the Estonian military has acquired its gear almost exclusively abroad, but now the situation is expected to change, and export opportunities for the country's defense industry will also increase. “The absence of a right to handle weapons and ammunition has long been a serious concern for Estonia's defense industry, one that hinders the development of the defense sector,” Luik said. The legislation's summary states it “provides a legal framework for Estonian companies to begin to manufacture, maintain, import and export military weapons, ammunition, munitions and combat vehicles. The existing legislation does not allow this.” The ministry expects between five and six local companies to apply for the required licenses in the first year. The move comes as Estonia is planning a defense spending hike, with military expenditure to total €2.4 billion (U.S. $2.8 billion) in the next four years, according to Luik. Last April, the ministry unveiled the country's updated investment program for the years 2018-2022. Among others, Estonia aims to purchase munitions for about €100 million. Owing to the amended legislation, Estonian defense companies could also become suppliers to neighboring Lithuania and Latvia. Lithuania has allocated €873 million to its defense budget this year, up 20.6 percent compared with 2017. Latvia's military expenditure for 2018 is to reach €576.34 million, up €126.8 million compared with a year earlier.

  • The Army wants a better way to update software, buy smarter

    15 juin 2018 | International, C4ISR

    The Army wants a better way to update software, buy smarter

    By: Mark Pomerleau The Army is holding what it calls software solariums as a way to improve the business side of the service's multi-billion software efforts during the life of programs. “Software has become both a critically important element to readiness and a critically under-managed element of our capability portfolio,” Maj. Gen. Randy Taylor, commander of Communications and Electronics Command, said at the event held May 22-23. “Cohesive software management is a necessary enabler to maintaining overmatch in the multi-domain battle.” Providing software updates to units in austere field locations can be challenging. Prolonging such updates can make the systems they run on vulnerable. The Army has sought to develop new and innovative ways for automated software updates to these units. As the Army is also undergoing major IT modernization, both to its tactical and enterprise networks, software becomes a critical enabler in that future end state. “I believe that we are literally in the midst of the largest modernization of our networks,” Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford, the Army CIO who began the software solariums as commander of CECOM, said at the recent event. “And that's all of our networks, from the tactical to the enterprise, to the business to the intelligence systems in the last 30 years.” With these modernization efforts, the Army realizes it must be better stewards of overall software costs. “We've got to be more holistic on how we approach this, especially when you consider that we, the U.S. taxpayer, spend 55 to 70 percent of a program's lifecycle on that post-acquisition and post-operations sustainment. That's a pretty big bill,” Taylor said. During a March conference, Crawford noted the service spends about $3 billion over a five year period on enterprise software sustainment. The previous solariums, officials said, have included new patching solutions and a goal to have no more than two fielded software baselines at any one time for all programs of record. Army leaders said CECOM will coordinate with stakeholders to finalize recommendations in the coming months. Those goals then will be submitted to the Army level Information Technology Oversight Council for approval and implementation.

  • Harris wins $400 million contract modification for electronic warfare system

    15 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Harris wins $400 million contract modification for electronic warfare system

    By: Maddy Longwell Harris Corp., a Florida-based defense contractor, has been awarded a fixed-price-incentive-firm contract modification worth as much as $400 million from the Air Force for the production of a electronic warfare system to sell overseas. The modification means the total cost of the contract will increase from $91 million to about $491 million. Harris produces Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS). AIDEWS is an electronic warfare system that provides tools such as radar warning and radio frequency countermeasures capability, either internally or through an externally attached pod, to jets. The contact provides for the production of the AN/ALQ-211 (V) 4/8/9 AIDEWS systems, software, and support equipment. The contract also provides for the countermeasures dispensing systems AN/ALE-47 and ALE-47 threat adaptive countermeasure dispensing systems, which protect from air-to-air and surface-to-air heat-seeking missiles. The work will take place in New Jersey. Harris' 2016 contract was to supply AIDEWS systems and support equipment to the Royal Moroccan Air Force.

  • When does industry expect France and Germany to set its future tank requirements?

    15 juin 2018 | International, Terrestre

    When does industry expect France and Germany to set its future tank requirements?

    By: Pierre Tran PARIS ― KNDS expects France and Germany to deliver by early next year key military requirements for a future heavy tank, said the two chairmen of the Franco-German joint venture for land weapons. “Within this year or latest next year,” said Frank Haun, CEO of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and joint chairman of KNDS. Haun and Stephen Mayer, CEO of Nexter and joint chairman of KNDS, spoke June 13 to Defense News at the Eurosatory trade show on land weapons. Those requirements for a next-generation tank are seen as critical to the future of KNDS, formed in 2015. KMW is a private company owned by the Wegmann family, while Nexter is state-owned. The French and German defense ministers have given political pledges to back a new tank, dubbed Main Ground Combat System, and new-generation artillery, or Common Indirect Fire System. Industry leaders are waiting for the French and German army chiefs of staff to set out requirements that will shape the programs, which may lead to a consolidation of European land weapons for industry and lead to the military sharing the same tank and artillery. That Main Ground Combat System will be the successor to the Leclerc and Leopard 2 tanks, the main battle tanks for the French and German armies, respectively. An entry into service is expected in 2035. There are signs of an eagerness for the requirements, which could open a new chapter. “They need something now,” Haun said. Much hangs on whether the two army chiefs of staff will agree on a common requirement that would allow French and German industry to design, develop and build the same tank. “Will they agree?” Haun said. “We don't know, but we think so.” Added Mayer: “We think so.” The French and German army chiefs of staff are due to meet in the next few weeks to discuss operational requirements, a French military source said. That critical list of requirements launches “an iterative process,” with companies studying the operational needs and responding, Mayer said. “It is more than a political statement but not a final definition,” Hain said. At the Berlin Air Show in April, it was reported the French and German defense ministers said a German company would lead the new tank program. German industrial leadership was seen as opening the door to Rheinmetall. KNDS, however, is confident its capabilities as a “systems house” will lead to winning the prized prime contractorship, and Nexter sees no problem of a German leadership on the tank. “KNDS has all the competences needed to be the system house for MGCS,” Mayer said. “Both Nexter and KMW have that. We are French-German, we are able together to manage the program and to make a joint team, and also to respect the decision of the two countries to have a German leadership.” There were “no problems inside the group,” he added. Said Haun: “We are as French as we are German.” A German company leading the tank program follows a leading German role through Airbus for a project for a European medium-altitude, long-endurance UAV. A French company will take the top job in the third bilateral project, dubbed Future Combat Air System. Research and development for the tank will likely require some €1 billion (US $1.2 billion) over 10 years, with the government partially funding the work, Haun said. There will be new concepts, new technology, protection, communications, more artificial intelligence and “robotization.” There will be a new gun, with caliber size weighed against mobility and protection. A maximum weight is seen as 70 tons. The tank will likely be linked to robots through “automatization.” There will also be a need to cut the cost of spares and logistical support. Work on the new artillery project is similar to that on the tank, with active discussion on theCommon Indirect Fire System , which is on a similar timescale, around 2035. Mayer noted that French Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly referred to the planned artillery in her June 11 speech at Eurosatory. In her remarks, she said work by KNDS on the tank and gun projects can be interpreted as signs of cooperation with Germany. “This industrial partnership speaks much of the ambition we have with Germany, with which we share programs which will be of structural importance for our armies and the future of our defense.” Sebastian Sprenger contributed to this report.

  • Un nouveau commandant pour le Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada

    15 juin 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Un nouveau commandant pour le Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada

    Le Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada (COIC) a officiellement changé de mains au cours d'une cérémonie tenue aujourd'hui à Ottawa. Le lieutenant-général Michael Rouleau a pris le commandement du lieutenant-général Stephen Bowes au Manège militaire de la place Cartier, en présence des membres des Forces armées canadiennes de l'organisation et d'invités d'honneur. Présidée par le général Jonathan Vance, chef d'état-major de la défense, la cérémonie d'aujourd'hui marquait la fin du mandat de trois ans du lieutenant-général Bowes à titre de commandant de l'organisation des opérations interarmées du Canada. Plus tôt aujourd'hui, une cérémonie de passation des fonctions a eu lieu, au cours de laquelle le COIC a salué le départ de l'adjudant-chef du Commandement Denis Gaudreault et accueilli le premier maître de 1re classe Gilles Grégoire. Citations « Une cérémonie de passation de commandement est plus qu'un simple changement de leadership. C'est une déclaration publique par laquelle je confie la t'che et la responsabilité d'un haut commandement à certains officiers généraux. En choisissant et en promouvant le Lgén Rouleau au commandement du COIC, j'affirme à la population canadienne qu'un officier général hautement compétent est à la tête des opérations des FAC. Il remplace un leader tout aussi accompli, le Lgén Bowes, dont la nouvelle mission sera de venir en aide à nos anciens combattants. Aux lieutenants généraux Rouleau et Bowes, je vous souhaite la meilleure des chances dans toutes vos entreprises futures. » Général Jonathan Vance, chef d'état-major de la défense « Je suis reconnaissant de la confiance que le général Vance me porte, et d'avoir le privilège de commander et de diriger les prochaines opérations interarmées du Canada. Je remercie le général Bowes de son travail acharné et je compte bien faire tout mon possible, avec l'aide de mon partenaire le premier maître de 1re classe Gilles Grégoire, pour m'assurer que les hommes et femmes des FAC continuent de fournir un rendement exceptionnel au nom des Canadiens dans le cadre des opérations au pays et à l'étranger. » Lieutenant-général Michael Rouleau, commandant, Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada « Commander les membres des Forces armées canadiennes dans le cadre d'opérations partout dans le monde a été extrêmement valorisant. Surtout, le professionnalisme et le dévouement dont font preuve tous les jours nos militaires, hommes et femmes, ne cessent de m'étonner et de me rendre fier. Ils sont la raison pour laquelle les Forces armées canadiennes sont très respectées par nos alliés. Je suis impatient de commencer mon prochain travail, qui consistera à mieux servir nos vétérans. » Lieutenant-général Stephen Bowes Faits en bref · Le lieutenant-général Rouleau commence sa carrière militaire en 1985 à titre d'officier d'artillerie. Son parcours est divisé à peu près également entre l'Armée canadienne, les Forces spéciales et le Quartier général de la Défense, où il gère les portfolios de l'État‑major stratégique. Son service au sein des Forces d'opérations spéciales commence en 1994, au sein de la Force opérationnelle interarmées 2. En 1999, il prend sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes pour faire partie du Service de police régional d'Ottawa‑Carleton, comme agent d'intervention d'urgence. À la suite des évènements du 11 Septembre, il s'enrôle à nouveau en 2002. Depuis, il met continuellement à profit ses diverses compétences et expériences, en commandant des troupes à différents niveaux au Canada et à l'étranger. Il a dirigé le Commandement des Forces d'opérations spéciales du Canada depuis 2014. · Le lieutenant-général Bowes se prépare à être détaché auprès d'Anciens combattants Canada à Charlottetown, à compter de juillet 2018. Durant son mandat au COIC, il commande des forces déployées au pays et ailleurs dans le monde. Voici quelques exemples des opérations auxquelles l'organisation participe : recherche et sauvetage, et soutien en cas de catastrophe naturelle dans l'ensemble du Canada; lutte contre le commerce illicite dans les Caraïbes; programmes de renforcement des capacités dans différentes parties du monde; soutien des mesures de dissuasion et d'assurance de l'OTAN en Europe; et lutte contre Daech au Moyen‑Orient. · Le commandant du COIC dirige la plupart des opérations des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) au Canada, en Amérique du Nord et ailleurs dans le monde. Il dirige également les missions des FAC, de leur planification à leur clôture, afin d'atteindre les objectifs stratégiques nationaux et internationaux. · Le COIC, dont le quartier général se trouve à Ottawa, comprend des forces opérationnelles et des éléments employés dans le cadre d'opérations; les quartiers généraux des forces opérationnelles interarmées régionales permanentes à Yellowknife, Victoria, Edmonton, Toronto, Montréal et Halifax; le Groupe de soutien opérationnel interarmées, qui dispose d'un quartier général à Kingston et d'unités dispersées dans l'ensemble du Canada; et un réseau mondial d'officiers de liaison et de points de commandement et contrôle. Le COIC exerce le contrôle opérationnel sur le commandement de composante aérienne ou maritime de forces interarmées, le Quartier général de la 1re Division du Canada et l'Élément de coordination des opérations spéciales.

  • La Belgique a survolé l'offre de Dassault pour le remplacement des F-16

    14 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    La Belgique a survolé l'offre de Dassault pour le remplacement des F-16

    Olivier Gosset L'offre française de partenariat stratégique n'a jamais été étudiée dans le détail. La version complète n'a d'ailleurs pas été déposée auprès des autorités du pays. La proposition de partenariat stratégique mise sur la table par Paris pour le remplacement des F-16 n'a jusqu'ici pas été examinée en détail par la Belgique, dont les autorités ne sont même pas en possession de l'offre complète, a-t-on appris d'une source proche du dossier. La France a décidé de ne pas participer à l'appel d'offres (Request for Government Proposal ou RfGP) lancé en mars 2017 par la Belgique pour l'achat de 34 chasseurs-bombardiers de nouvelle génération. S'engageant dans une autre voie, Paris a fait parvenir le 6 septembre 2017 au cabinet du ministre belge de la Défense, Steven Vandeput, une lettre proposant un "partenariat approfondi et structurant" fondé sur l'avion de combat Rafale. Une coopération allant bien au-delà de la seule fourniture d'avions de combat, selon les responsables français. La proposition française est restée cantonnée au niveau du cabinet de la Défense. Quelques éléments de cette offre ont filtré, principalement en ce qui concerne les retombées industrielles potentielles si la Belgique achète le Rafale. Des retours économiques que la France chiffre à 20 milliards d'euros sur 20 ans. Ensuite, plus rien! Du moins jusqu'au 15 mai dernier, lorsqu'une délégation de membres du cabinet de la ministre française des Armées, Florence Parly, s'est rendue à Bruxelles – pour la première fois en huit mois – dans le but d'expliciter auprès de leurs homologues belges l'offre française. Mais la proposition n'a pas été réellement scrutée à la loupe ni examinée sous tous les angles, puisque le document complet, qui fait plus de 3.000 pages, n'a jamais été formellement déposé en Belgique. À l'exception de la Défense, aucun cabinet belge n'a été autorisé à recevoir des représentants de l'Hexagone, et encore moins à réceptionner le volumineux dossier. Que ce soit au niveau du Premier ministre ou des Affaires étrangères. Aucun contact, même informel, ne semble avoir eu lieu non plus avec le SPF Économie ou le cabinet qui le chapeaute. Bref, la proposition française – ou du moins son résumé – est restée cantonnée au niveau du cabinet de la Défense qui, de son côté il est vrai, était tenu de travailler dans le seul cadre de l'appel d'offres en l'absence de décision politique du gouvernement remettant cette procédure en cause. Rien de nouveau? Dans ces conditions, il n'est pas étonnant que ce même cabinet ait toujours jugé non pertinente l'offre française. Ou qu'il ait indiqué n'avoir "rien entendu de nouveau" lors de la visite des émissaires français il y a quelques semaines. Que les experts militaires de l'équipe Accap, chargée d'évaluer les deux offres finales considérées comme juridiquement valables, n'aient pas pris en compte la proposition française, rien de plus normal. Pour rappel, les deux candidats qui ont remis des offres en bonne et due forme sont les Etats-Unis avec le F-35 Lightning II de Lockheed Martin et l'Eurofighter Typhoon du consortium européen éponyme. Le rapport de ces experts se trouve désormais sur le bureau de leur ministre, qui doit le transmettre au kern. Par contre, que le contenu du partenariat français n'ait jamais été examiné de près à un autre niveau en l'absence de tout engagement, voilà qui a de quoi surprendre. D'abord parce qu'il contient visiblement des éléments intéressants, comme une éventuelle participation au programme de Système de combat aérien du futur (Scaf) franco-allemand, ou encore, selon nos informations, une période très courte (sur moins de trois ans) pour la livraison des 34 appareils, quel que soit le moment où le contrat serait signé. Par ailleurs, le gouvernement belge serait bien avisé de garder plusieurs fers au feu. Parce que le résultat de l'appel d'offres risque de se heurter à des obstacles géopolitiques imprévus. Il ne va pas être très aisé en effet de justifier l'éventuelle acquisition d'appareils américains alors que l'administration Trump a déclaré une guerre commerciale au Vieux continent et que Paris et Berlin tentent de relancer l'Europe de la défense.

  • Trade dispute could leave U.S. firms out of the running to sell military equipment to Canada

    14 juin 2018 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre

    Trade dispute could leave U.S. firms out of the running to sell military equipment to Canada

    U.S. President Donald Trump's tirade against Canada and threats to punish the country could undermine efforts by American firms trying to sell fighter jets and other military equipment to the Canadian Forces, warn defence and industry analysts. One European firm, Airbus, has already been talking with Canadian officials to pitch its plan to build fighter jets in Quebec as it positions itself to win the $16-billion deal to replace CF-18 aircraft. An Italian aerospace firm, Leonardo, is looking at building helicopters in Nova Scotia as it moves towards negotiations for a search-and-rescue aircraft modernization project the Department of National Defence says will be worth between $1 billion and $5 billion. Trump has hit Canadian aluminum and steel with tariffs, claiming their import is a threat to national security. After the weekend G7 meeting and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's reaffirming that Canada would reciprocate with tariffs on specific U.S. products, Trump vowed more economic grief that will “cost a lot of money for the people of Canada.” Trump's move comes at a time when European firms are courting the Canadian government, particularly on big-ticket defence items such as aircraft and warships. Billions of dollars in new purchases are potentially at stake and European firms had a strong presence at the recent CANSEC military equipment trade show in Ottawa. “Trump certainly isn't helping U.S. defence companies who want to sell to Canada,” said Martin Shadwick, a defence analyst in Toronto. “It would be very difficult at this point from a political optics point of view for the government to announce awarding contracts to any American firm.” Shadwick said whether that situation will continue for the next several years, when for instance the decision on new fighter jets is supposed to be made, would depend on any further actions by the president. Two U.S. aircraft, the Boeing Super Hornet and the Lockheed Martin F-35, are among the top contenders in that jet competition. The other three aircraft are from European companies. An earlier trade dispute with Canada has already backfired on Boeing and the Trump administration, costing the U.S. billions in fighter jet sales. Last year Boeing complained to the U.S. Commerce Department that Canadian subsidies for Quebec-based Bombardier allowed it to sell its civilian passenger aircraft in the U.S. at cut-rate prices. As a result, the Trump administration brought in a tariff of almost 300 per cent against Bombardier aircraft sold in the U.S. In retaliation, Canada decided against buying 18 new Super Hornet fighter jets from Boeing. That deal would have been worth more than US$5 billion. Christyn Cianfarani, president of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries, said it is too early to determine the impact of the U.S. tariffs on the domestic defence industry. “Tariffs are never good for trade or business,” she added. “CADSI is monitoring the issue and consulting our members to better understand the potential impact to Canadian firms, both in terms of the direct impact of any tariffs and the more indirect, long term impact on supply chains and market access,” she said. There is growing concern that Canadian aviation firms could be hurt by Trump's aluminum tariffs. The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada did not respond to a request for comment. But its counterpart in the U.S. has voiced concern that American aerospace companies could feel pain. In March, the U.S. Aerospace Industries Association noted it was deeply concerned about Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum as it “will raise costs and disrupt the supply chain, putting U.S. global competitiveness at risk.” “There is also a significant threat for retaliation from other countries towards American made products,” the association noted in a statement. Canada is the largest exporter of aluminum and steel to the U.S.

  • The French Army could have its first unmanned vehicle by 2025

    14 juin 2018 | International, Terrestre

    The French Army could have its first unmanned vehicle by 2025

    PARIS ― The French Army and government procurement office will begin talks this summer for the acquisition of a new light armored vehicle, dubbed VBAE, with a view to equipping the service by 2025, according to a program director at the Direction Générale de l'Armement procurement office. Among the capabilities to be considered are an unmanned, remote controlled VBAE, Erwan told journalists June 12 at the the indoor stand of the Armed Forces Ministry at the Eurosatory trade show for land weapons. Erwan is the first name of the program director, whose last name has been withheld for security reasons. If the VBAE is made to be controlled remotely, it would be the first unmanned vehicle for the French Army. That vehicle will replace the VBL light vehicle. Illustrating future operations, the ministry's stand displayed a brief video of a virtual combat simulation in 2035. The screening took place between prototypes of the Griffon troop carrier and Jaguar reconnaissance and combat vehicle. The entire display was meant to emphasize the importance of an integrated network and firepower. The DGA and the Army will spend a year in discussions, leading to a draft that will define the project. They will then consult industry for their responses to the requirement, he said. The companies that show interest will be invited to “show what they can do” by demonstrating their capabilities from 2020-2021. That work will be undertaken under a new “innovation partnership” between industry and the government. A selection of industrial partners is expected to produce a technology demonstrator by the end of 2022. If the ministerial investment committee approves this, contracts will then be awarded and a program launched. The aim is for delivery of the vehicle by 2025. The DGA and the Army are also discussing the requirement for a military engineering vehicle, dubbed MAC. This vehicle would be used to open up terrain, clear improvised explosive devices and mines, and allow troops to advance. Those talks are part of an attempt by the DGA to speed up arms programs and deliver kit much faster ― tasks set by Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly. The acquisition of VBAE and MAC are part of the Army Scorpion modernization program. Army Gen. Charles Beaudouin told the Defence Committee of the lower-house National Assembly on May 16 that he was looking for an “innovative approach” in the acquisition of VBAE. “Instead of defining a requirement, thinking about the specifications and then calling on industry, we want to speak immediately with DGA and industry,” he said. “We have high hopes of launching this program during the multiyear military budget law, and then perhaps — call me crazy — see the first delivery before the end of the law.” The National Assembly and Senate have approved the 2019-2025 military budget law, which pledges a total €295 billion (U.S. $348 billion) for support of the military services. That DGA briefing was part of a Thales presentation of its role in the Scorpion program, in which the company supplies extensive onboard vehicle electronics, software-defined radios and sensors. The aim is to install algorithms and artificial intelligence in the vehicle, aiming to deliver a “digital transformation” intended to reduce stress on the crew, a Thales executive said. The intention is to make the systems easy to use.

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