28 novembre 2024 | Local, Terrestre

Joint Statement from the Chief of the Defence Staff and Office of the National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombud

General Jennie Carignan, the Chief of the Defence Staff, and Robyn Hynes, Interim Ombud, are pleased to announce an exciting new collaboration between the Office of the DND/CAF Ombudsman and the Canadian Armed Forces.


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  • Les gouvernements du Canada et du Manitoba renforcent l'industrie de l'aérospatiale

    11 octobre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Les gouvernements du Canada et du Manitoba renforcent l'industrie de l'aérospatiale

    WINNIPEG, le 10 oct. 2018 /CNW/ - Le Manitoba possède la troisième grappe en importance sur le plan de l'aérospatiale au Canada, comptant plus de 50 entreprises du domaine de l'aérospatiale qui possèdent leur administration centrale ou d'importants centres d'activités dans la province, et qui offrent à la classe moyenne plus de 4 600 emplois bien rémunérés. Aujourd'hui, l'honorable Navdeep Bains, ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique et ministre responsable de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada (DEO), de concert avec Scott Johnston, membre de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba pour St. James, ont annoncé une aide financière de 10 millions de dollars destinée à quatre projets visant à promouvoir l'innovation, le perfectionnement des compétences et la croissance au sein de l'industrie de l'aérospatiale du Manitoba. Le gouvernement du Canada et la Province du Manitoba ont uni leurs efforts pour trouver des initiatives conçues pour assurer l'avenir de l'aérospatiale au Manitoba. Ensemble, ces initiatives permettent d'aborder des pressions nouvelles et émergentes sur le plan de la concurrence, tout en appuyant une stratégie de croissance portant sur les défis que représente le besoin d'innover, de maintenir des compétences technologiques et d'améliorer la productivité. Quatre projets bénéficieront des investissements suivants : Composites Innovation Centre : 1,8 million de dollars pour établir un espace de collaboration à la Smart Factory du Collège Red River pour concevoir, démontrer et valider de nouveaux produits et procédés composites de pointe dans le domaine de l'aérospatiale. Magellan Aerospace Limited : 5 millions de dollars pour intégrer une conception, une production et des technologies accrues à l'industrie de l'aérospatiale du Manitoba, renforçant l'avantage concurrentiel du Manitoba en tant que leader dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale dans le domaine de l'aérospatiale. West Canitest R&D Inc. (WestCaRD) : 1,6 million de dollars pour élargir la portée des capacités de mise à l'essai de moteurs du GE Aviation Test, Research and Development Centre, solidifiant la position de Winnipeg en tant qu'emplacement de choix pour mettre à l'essai les moteurs de GE. Composites Innovation Centre : 1,6 million de dollars pour administrer et verser le Manitoba Aerospace Fund visant à appuyer la commercialisation de produits, l'innovation des procédés et les activités de prospection de clientèle de petites et moyennes entreprises dans le secteur de l'aérospatiale du Manitoba. Ces projets mèneront à la création d'emplois bien rémunérés, introduiront de nouvelles capacités de conception de produits et technologies de fabrication, faciliteront l'introduction de technologies novatrices de fabrication composée et élargiront les capacités de mise à l'essai de moteurs. Faits en bref La fabrication constitue le plus important secteur industriel de Winnipeg. Le Manitoba figure au troisième rang parmi les carrefours de l'aérospatiale les plus importants au Canada, employant plus de 4 600 personnes. Cet investissement créera approximativement 70 emplois et fera croître l'économie régionale gr'ce à un accroissement des ventes à l'échelle mondiale. Citations « L'investissement de notre gouvernement dans l'industrie de l'aérospatiale canadienne s'appuie sur notre plan ambitieux de transformer les forces économiques du Canada en réussites mondiales. Ces projets appuient une grappe économique clé au Manitoba et dans l'Ouest canadien, grappe qui continuera de créer de bons emplois pour la classe moyenne de demain. » - L'honorable Navdeep Bains, ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique et ministre responsable de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada « Le secteur de l'aérospatiale du Manitoba est compétitif à l'échelle mondiale et constitue un élément important de notre économie provinciale. Nous continuons d'appuyer le développement, dans le secteur, d'une main-d'œuvre de pointe, et nous sommes heureux d'avoir fait de ces projets des priorités dans l'établissement de la prochaine génération d'expertise en fabrication de pointe ici au Manitoba. » - Scott Johnston, membre de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba pour St. James, au nom de Blaine Pedersen, ministre de la Croissance, de l'Entreprise et du Commerce du Manitoba « Nous sommes heureux de bénéficier de l'aide de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada dans le cadre du lancement d'un projet de développement technologique collaboratif qui rassemble nos partenaires de l'industrie, de la recherche et du milieu universitaire. Nous sommes fiers aussi de soutenir l'objectif du Manitoba Aerospace Fund consistant à accroître la compétitivité industrielle ainsi que notre empreinte économique sur le secteur de l'aérospatiale. Avec ces fonds, nous comptons unir nos efforts pour accroître nos capacités à faire du Manitoba, et du Canada, des leaders dans le domaine de l'aérospatiale. » - Doug McCartney, président et directeur général, Composites Innovation Centre « Magellan est à la fois heureuse et reconnaissante de poursuivre son partenariat avec Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada dans le but d'investir dans le renforcement du secteur de la fabrication de pointe de Winnipeg. Le partenariat avec DEO annoncé aujourd'hui contribuera directement aux technologies et à la formation requises pour livrer les biens manufacturés spécialisés pour la prochaine génération de produits de l'aérospatiale. » - Dan Pashniak, directeur général, Magellan Aerospace, Winnipeg "WestCaRD se réjouit de l'aide financière accordée par le gouvernement du Canada destinée à la mise à l'essai avancée de moteurs d'aéronefs, à la recherche et au développement à Winnipeg. Des occasions d'emplois de grande qualité sont créées et maintenues directement gr'ce aux essais de mise au point, tandis que d'autres occasions sont générées indirectement par la recherche-développement de pointe nécessaire pour concevoir, entretenir et exploiter de nouvelles générations d'aéronefs encore plus efficaces, sécuritaires et respectueux de l'environnement. Cet investissement dans l'avenir braque les projecteurs sur le Manitoba, soulignant ainsi la vigueur économique de son secteur de l'aérospatiale, et il constitue un brillant exemple de la collaboration entre le gouvernement et l'industrie visant à assurer la santé et le mieux-être économiques à long terme du Canada et du Manitoba." - Bob Hastings, directeur général, WestCaRD SOURCE Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest du Canada https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/les-gouvernements-du-canada-et-du-manitoba-renforcent-lindustrie-de-laerospatiale-696617531.html

  • SNC-Lavalin's legal woes are putting a $500M federal defence contract at risk

    29 mars 2019 | Local, Naval

    SNC-Lavalin's legal woes are putting a $500M federal defence contract at risk

    Murray Brewster · CBC News A SNC-Lavalin contract with the Department of National Defence (DND) worth half a billion dollars comes up for renewal next year — when the Montreal-based engineering giant is expected to be on trial over corruption charges. The pending expiry of the $507 million contract to support the servicing of minor warships and auxiliary vessels, signed in 2011, sharpens the debate over what a guilty verdict would mean for the Quebec-based engineering giant and whether a conviction actually would mean subjecting the company to a 10-year ban on bidding for federal contracts. The stakes are high for DND. In addition to holding an important defence contract, SNC-Lavalin has access to a range of secret military drawings, equipment and intellectual property. Although its agreements are periodically reopened to new bids, the embattled corporation has been a reliable contractor for National Defence. A survey of active federal government contracts shows DND and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) were the two biggest users of SNC-Lavalin services and construction during the current fiscal year. Across the whole of the federal government, SNC-Lavalin holds 53 'active' federal government contracts — 25 of them with DND — with a combined value of $670 million. A company with a big federal footprint The firm signed roughly $68 million in new or renewed agreements with the federal government ($23.7 million with DND and PSPC alone) in the current budget year up to the end of December. That figure excludes what could be a large number of smaller contracts worth less than $25,000 — contracts the federal government can award without competition. An inventory of those agreements is extremely difficult to track down, but PSPC acknowledged it awarded $146,522 in minor work to SNC-Lavalin in the current fiscal year. The RCMP laid corruption charges against SNC-Lavalin and some of its units in February 2015. All the charges relate to the company's operations in Libya. The charges allege that the company offered officials in that country $47 million in bribes and accuse SNC-Lavalin and two of its subsidiaries of defrauding various Libyan public agencies of approximately $129.8 million over 10 years, starting in 2001. The company has been at the centre of a political firestorm since early February, when The Globe and Mail reported that former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould felt pressured by the Prime Minister's Office to grant the company a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) — a legal tool which would have allowed the company to avoid a criminal trial by acknowledging fault and paying a fine, among other conditions. In defending their interest in a DPA for SNC-Lavalin, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others in his government have pointed to the scale of the engineering firm's business, the possibility it could be banned from federal government work and the number of people it employs. Scott Newark, a former Crown prosecutor who teaches at Simon Fraser University, said it's been clear from the outset that avoiding the federal contract ban has been SNC-Lavalin's main objective. The question of what would happen to those federal contracts should the company be convicted is a subject of debate, however. There are policy provisions that allow federal officials to cancel existing contracts and ban future bids from a company convicted of serious crimes, such as bribery. PSPC would only say the federal government would "assess the situation" if "a supplier becomes ineligible during the life of a contract" due to a conviction. The power to terminate or suspend a contract rests with federal bureaucrats, according to PSPC's Ineligibility and Suspension Policy. A company convicted of serious crimes can avoid being fired by the feds by signing an undertaking stating "that it will conduct business with Canada in an ethical and responsible manner." But there's never a guarantee that such an undertaking will be offered to a convicted company. Just three companies are currently banned from carrying on business with the federal government — all relatively small firms in Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland. No ban on bidding during trial A spokesman for DND said there's nothing stopping SNC-Lavalin from continuing to bid on federal contracts as they appear, even during its trial. "These contracts were issued pursuant to Government of Canada contracting regulations, particularly as it concerns open, fair and transparent competitions," said Dan Le Bouthillier in an email. "Those regulations also stipulate that any company eligible to bid on Government of Canada contracts may continue to do so, so long as they meet the necessary requirements for the work." In an analysis piece for the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Newark said PSPC is working on a revision of its 'integrity regime' policy to give federal officials more discretion to waive bans of individual companies contracting with the federal government. Public Services Minister Carla Qualtrough has said her department is looking at eliminating fixed bidding disqualification periods and replacing them with a wholly discretionary determination — which would include the option of imposing no contracting ban at all. Even under the current system, Newark said, an order cancelling a company's federal contracts and banning it from future contracts following a conviction is far from a slam-dunk. "I checked on the Criminal Code and the Corruption of Public Foreign Officials Act and, of course, it's not in those statutes. It's not a mandatory consequence." he said. The integrity regime review has been underway in Qualtrough's department since 2017. Newark said he's amazed that nobody with the company or the federal government seems to have realized that a conviction for SNC-Lavalin could lead to something other than a 10-year contracting ban. "Why didn't anybody say, 'Hey wait a minute. We know what about this. We're changing our policy,'" he said. The head of procurement at DND attempted to reassure members of the all-party House of Commons defence committee during a hearing last month that SNC-Lavalin's "secret" work for the federal government does not pose an unacceptable risk. "We hold the intellectual property, the drawings and everything," Pat Finn testified on Feb. 28. "Irrespective of the circumstances in which the contract is terminated, we hold the material." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/snc-lavalin-s-legal-woes-are-putting-a-500m-federal-defence-contract-at-risk-1.5073996

  • Arctic military port first promised in 2007 sees new delay

    5 août 2020 | Local, Naval

    Arctic military port first promised in 2007 sees new delay

    August 4, 2020 By Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press OTTAWA—The construction of a new military refuelling station in the Arctic is facing another delay more than 13 years after it was first promised by the federal government, with one analyst raising concerns about other pressing military needs in the region. Former prime minister Stephen Harper announced plans to build the Nanisivik deep-water port in Nunavut, along with up to eight armed Arctic patrol vessels, during a trip to the Far North in 2007. The port, considered one of the crown jewels of the Conservative government's Arctic strategy, was intended to provide fuel to the patrol ships and other federal vessels while expanding the military's permanent footprint in the North. The long-standing expectation was that the port located at the site of an old mining jetty on Baffin Island, about 20 kilometres from the community of Arctic Bay, would be ready by the time the first of those ships was delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy. Yet while the first Arctic patrol vessel was handed over to the navy on Friday after numerous delays and cost overruns, the Department of National Defence confirmed the Nanisivik facility won't be operational until at least 2022. Defence Department spokeswoman Jessica Lamirande said COVID-19 scuttled this year's construction season, which can only occur between June and September because of weather in the North. “Due to COVID-19 delays, a small number of contractors are expected to return to the site in August to start the 2020 work season,” Lamirande said in an email. “This means the season will be much shorter than planned and will only allow for a limited amount of work to be completed.” COVID-19 is only the most recent challenge to plague construction of the Nanisivik facility, which was originally supposed to be up and running in 2013 and include an airstrip and be manned throughout the year. The airstrip and year-round service were cut from the plans after the project's original $100-million budget was found to have more than doubled to $258 million in 2013. The current price tag is estimated at $146 million, according to Lamirande. The federal government has also faced environmental hurdles due to the need to clean up the old fuel-tank farm located on the site, which was home to a port used to ship ore from an old zinc mine. There were also structural issues with the existing jetty. Lamirande said significant progress has been made on the facility since the first full construction season in 2015, with nearly all fuelling infrastructure in place. But the fact the port still hasn't been finished, despite the scope of the project having been dramatically scaled back, is both disheartening and troubling, said defence analyst David Perry of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. Canada's relative difficulty building a single port with limited facilities in the North contrasts sharply with Russia's massive Arctic expansion in recent years, Perry said, and bodes poorly for needed Canadian military investments in the region. Those include upgrading the string of increasingly obsolete radars that forms the backbone of North America's system for incoming missiles and air- and water-based threats, as well as several airstrips in the area that will be used by Canada's new fighter jets. Those projects are expected to start in the coming years. “It's kind of dispiriting how long it has taken us to develop relatively simple infrastructure at one of the most accessible parts of our Arctic,” Perry said of Nanisivik. “The length of time it has taken us to build doesn't leave a lot of confidence that the other projects are going to move in a relatively quick timeframe.” https://www.on-sitemag.com/construction/arctic-military-port-first-promised-in-2007-sees-new-delay/1003969425/

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