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February 12, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR

Thales et Airbus vont moderniser les outils de collecte de renseignements électroniques des armées françaises

Les trois armées (air et espace, terre, mer) françaises disposeront bientôt de moyens de collecte de renseignements électroniques unifiés, fournis par Thales et Airbus.

En matière de collecte de renseignements électroniques, les différentes armées françaises disposaient chacune de leurs propres technologies. Ce sera bientôt de l'histoire ancienne. La DGA (Direction générale de l'armement) a chargé fin 2020 Airbus et Thales de lui fournir des capacités de recueil du renseignement d'origine électromagnétique (ROEM) unifiées. Un contrat d'une durée de dix ans, dont le montant total n'a pas été communiqué.

Dans les années à venir, les trois armées (de l'air, de terre et marine nationale) disposeront toutes du même type de capteurs, matériels et logiciels pour capter les communications de leurs adversaires sur les différents thé'tres d'opérations. De quoi améliorer leurs capacités en matière d'écoute, de radiogoniométrie (qui permet de localiser une émission hostile, radar ou radio par exemple) et d'exploitation du spectre électromagnétique, gr'ce à des technologies de dernière génération. Cette unification permettra aussi aux différents corps de mieux se coordonner. La formation des spécialistes en sera, enfin, facilitée. La DGA a passé une première commande fin 2020 pour 160 millions d'euros de matériels et logiciels, qui seront livrés à partir de 2023.

Rester au niveau dans la guerre électronique

Le système interarmées ROEM tactique sera utilisé sur des véhicules Scorpion en remplacement des équipements tactiques actuels, sur les navires de premier rang de la marine nationale et les avions de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2, et pour la protection de bases aériennes. Airbus et Thales fournissaient déjà certaines briques technologiques de l'arsenal déployé par la France dans la guerre électronique. Le second avait développé le programme Cohorte (système actuel de ROEM tactique utilisé par l'armée de terre), le premier le programme Ramses (Evolution du système d'information stratégique traitant des communications radio et satellite).

On the same subject

  • General Dynamics Electric Boat Awarded $251 Million in Navy contracts

    October 7, 2020 | International, Naval

    General Dynamics Electric Boat Awarded $251 Million in Navy contracts

    Seapower Staff GROTON, Conn. — General Dynamics Electric Boat, a business unit of General Dynamics, was awarded two U.S. Navy contracts this week with a total value of $251 million, the company said in an Oct. 1 release. The first contract is a $215.7 million modification to a previously awarded contract, the cumulative value of which, if all options are exercised, could be more than $1 billion. Electric Boat will provide planning yard, design agent, engineering services and technical support for in-service submarines and submersible systems. The second contract is a $35.3 million cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for Reactor Plant Planning Yard services for the submarine fleet and Support Yard services for the Navy's Moored Training Ships. “The shipbuilders of Electric Boat are proud to be a partner to the U.S. Navy, and continue to execute our mission to provide our sailors with the advantage that helps protect our Navy and our nation,” said Kevin Graney, president of General Dynamics Electric Boat. “We continue to work to hire, train and develop future generations of shipbuilders as we continue to deliver the Virginia class of fast attack submarines and move toward full-scale construction of the Columbia class of ballistic missile submarines.”

  • Is the US Navy winning the war on maintenance delays?

    September 22, 2020 | International, Naval

    Is the US Navy winning the war on maintenance delays?

    David B. Larter WASHINGTON — The U.S. Navy, beset by maintenance delays, is making progress on getting its ships out of the shipyards on time, fleet officials say. Over the past three years, the Navy is on track to more than double the percentage of ships getting out of maintenance on time, key to the service's efforts to make deployments more sustainable for its ships and sailors, Capt. Dave Wroe, U.S. Fleet Forces Command's deputy fleet readiness officer told Defense News in an email. “On-time ship maintenance availability completion rates in private shipyards improved from 24% in FY18 to 37% in FY19,” Wroe said. “Current performance trends in FY20 are projected to be 65%.” The improvement is a sign that the Navy may be turning the corner on a fight to restore readiness from its nadir in the early part of the last decade, when the Navy was running ragged filling unsustainable requirements for forces around the globe. Getting ships through their maintenance cycles on time is the linchpin of what the Navy calls its “optimized fleet response plan,” which is the system through which the Navy generates deployable ships that are maintained, manned and trained. Late last year and again in January, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday told audiences that repeated delays in the shipyards was undermining the Navy's Optimized Fleet Response Plan, and turning that around was vital. “We are getting 35 to 40 percent of our ships out of maintenance on time: that's unacceptable,” Gilday said at the USNI Defense Forum in December. “I can't sustain the fleet I have with that kind of track record.” A recent Government Accountability Office report found that between 2015 and 2019, only 25 percent of the Navy's maintenance periods for ships and submarines. Improvements Getting out of that hole has been difficult for a number of reasons: High operational demand for Navy forces makes planning maintenance difficult, and inevitably when the ships go into maintenance after years of hard use, workers discover more work that needs to be done, creating delays. And those delays make executing OFRP difficult, Wroe said. “OFRP provides the construct to best assess and optimize readiness production — down to a unit level — taking into account all the various competing factors to produced Navy readiness,” Wroe said. “Bottom line: OFRP helps mitigate fundamental points of friction, such as shipyard capacity and manning gaps at sea — but in itself doesn't solve key degraders like depot level maintenance delays and extensions.” But some key factors in the delays have been identified and the Navy is working to mitigate them, Fleet Forces Commander Adm. Chris Grady said this week at this week's Fleet Maintenance and Modernization Symposium. One area that has a tendency to drive delays is when workers discover things that need to be fixed, the fix may not cost much but the adjustment must go through an approval process that slows everything down. Those kinds of changes add up to about 70 percent of the so-called “growth work.” Part of it is anticipating and building in ways to deal with growth work into every maintenance period, and the other part is making it easier to address small changes to the scope of the work, Grady said. “When we began this initiative, cycle time for the small value changes averaged about 30 days,” he said “We're now at six and aim to bring it down further to only two days.” Other things that have helped the problem has been bundling maintenance periods for ships, meaning that contractors bid on multiple ships to fix, and can plan hiring further out, Grady said. Additionally, improving base access for contractors has helped, as well. “Last year, we averaged 110 days delayed per ship in private avails,” Grady said, using the short-hand term for “maintenance availability.” “Things much better this year — even with COVID-19,” he continued. “We go from about one-third avails finishing on-time to two-thirds. That is great. But, again, each delay has real impact on our readiness, and we need to keep working together to do better.” What happened? Because the U.S. Navy is set up to meet standing presence requirements and missions around the world, it must cycle its ships through a system of tiered readiness. That means ships go on deployment fully manned, trained and equipped. Then the ships come home, and after a period of sustained readiness where the ship can be redeployed, it goes into a reduced readiness status while undergoing maintenance. Following maintenance, the ship and crew goes into a training cycle for another deployment as an individual unit, then as a group, then returns to deployment. The whole cycle takes 36 months: Rinse and repeat. OFRP was designed in the 2013-2014 time-frame when the Navy was deploying well beyond its means, with carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups going out for nine-to-10 months at a time. The excess use wore hard on the ships and sailors who manned them and put more wear on the hulls than they were designed to sustain. That meant that when ships went in for maintenance they were more broken than they were supposed to be, and funding to fix them was hampered by spending cuts. For nuclear ships — submarines and aircraft carriers — the funding cuts were a double whammy of work stoppages and furloughs that contributed to a wave of retirements in the yards, meaning the public yards were understaffed and had to hire and train new workers. Work took longer, throwing a wrench into an already complicated system of generating readiness. All that added up to significant delays in getting ships through their maintenance cycles and contributed to astonishing delays in attack submarine maintenance especially. What OFRP was meant to do was create a system whereby the Navy could meet combatant commander demands but not break the system. That meant that the Navy would generate as much readiness as it possibly could but that the demand would have to be limited to what the Navy could reasonably maintain, man, train and equip. But getting to that system has been immensely difficult because of the deep hole the Navy dug meeting requirements that well outstripped funding and supply. For example, there was a two year period when the service was forced to supply two carrier strike groups to the Arabian Gulf at all times, a requirement only canceled when automatic across-the-board spending cuts in 2013 made it impossible for the Navy to fund the two-carrier requirement. Adding to the difficulty: some of OFRP's founding requirements were nigh impossible to pull off. One was that the all the ships in group would go into and come out of their maintenance availabilities on time and together. Another was that a group would go into the first phase of their training, the so-called basic phase right after coming out of maintenance, fully manned. Both have been immensely difficult to pull off. But Fleet Forces, headed then by OFRP architect Adm. Phil Davidson, was given ample warning that those assumptions would be difficult to achieve. Then-NAVSEA head Vice Adm. William Hilarides told USNI News in January 2015 that getting ships to come out of the yards simultaneously would be hard. “The challenge to me is, let's say you want four destroyers in a battle group, all to come out at the same time in one port? That's a real challenge,” Hilarides told USNI News. The current head of NAVSEA, who at the time was in charge of the Regional Maintenance Center enterprise, backed up his boss to USNI News, saying it would be particularly challenging in places with less infrastructure. “Your big rub there is, the challenge of OFRP is ... all those ships [in a carrier strike group], they go through maintenance together, they go through training together and they deploy together,” said then-Rear Adm. William Galinis. "So, what our challenge is, is to be able to take all that work from all those ships and try to schedule it for roughly about the same time, and to get all that work done on time. So that's our challenge. “Now, in a port like Norfolk or San Diego, we have big shipyards, a lot of people, a lot of ships. You can kind of absorb that type of workload. When you go to Mayport, they've got like 10 ships down there [and typically cannot work on more than one or two destroyers at a time.],” he told USNI. Galinis said that Fleet Forces would have to be responsive to the shipyards because at least that way they could plan for delays. “They know if they give us all this work at one time, it's going to go long anyway,” he told USNI. “So they'd rather be able to plan that and at least know when they're getting the ship back, as opposed to, ‘nope, we're not going to talk to you, you've got to go do it,' and then the ships go long because we don't have enough people to do the work.” Fleet Forces Command has been reviewing its assumptions this year and is preparing to release a revised OFRP instruction, but the core is likely to remain the same. In any case, Wroe said in the email, it was always going to take a long time to dig out of the hole the Navy found itself in when OFRP was implemented fully in 2015. “It was clear at the inception of OFRP, and remains clear today, that it will take the entire 2015-2025 period to recover readiness and establish stable readiness production,” Wroe said. “That makes sense when readiness production is planned over 9-years and large blocks of time have already been scheduled for depot maintenance periods.” Ultimately, if the process of OFRP is funded correctly and ships can get out of maintenance on time, it's a sound way of moving forward, Fleet Forces Commander Grady told the audience this week. “My bottom line here is that, as a process, OFRP works,” he said. “If we are looking where to improve upon it, each of these studies came to the same conclusion: the biggest inhibitor to fleet readiness is maintenance and modernization performance in the shipyards. We simply must get better, and I know you share my concern.”

  • La France veut consacrer près de 300 milliards d'euros à sa défense en sept ans

    February 8, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR

    La France veut consacrer près de 300 milliards d'euros à sa défense en sept ans

    Par Challenges le 08.02.2018 à 08h45 Régénérer les hommes et moderniser les équipements, durement sollicités, tout en préparant l'avenir : c'est l'ambition du nouveau projet de loi de programmation militaire (LPM) français, qui prévoit de consacrer 295 milliards d'euros à la défense de 2019 à 2025. Régénérer les hommes et moderniser les équipements, durement sollicités, tout en préparant l'avenir : c'est l'ambition du nouveau projet de loi de programmation militaire (LPM) français, qui prévoit de consacrer 295 milliards d'euros à la défense de 2019 à 2025. Objectif de cet "effort budgétaire inédit", selon les propos du président Emmanuel Macron : porter les dépenses de défense de la France à 2% du PIB en 2025, conformément à ce que réclame l'Otan de la part de ses membres, selon cette LPM présentée jeudi matin en conseil des ministres dont l'AFP a obtenu les détails. Le budget des armées, de 34,2 milliards d'euros en 2018, va bénéficier d'une hausse de 1,7 milliard d'euros par an jusqu'en 2022, avant des "marches" de 3 milliards par an à partir de 2023. Soit après la prochaine élection présidentielle. Cette trajectoire budgétaire ascendante contraste avec les réductions d'effectifs et les tensions financières endurées pendant plus d'une décennie par l'institution militaire, avant un redressement amorcé après les attentats de 2015. Reste une incertitude quant à la forte hausse des moyens programmée en 2024 et 2025, au-delà du quinquennat Macron. Pour l'heure, ce sont 198 milliards d'euros de besoins, de 2019 à 2023, qui sont "couverts de manière ferme", souligne-t-on au ministère. Les montants des années suivantes seront "précisés" lors d'une actualisation de la LPM en 2021. L'ancien chef d'Etat-major des armées Pierre de Villiers a appelé à la vigilance mercredi soir sur France 3, en soulignant que la mise en oeuvre de ces projections budgétaires était rarement fidèle aux engagements initiaux. "Nous sommes sur une pente à 1,7 milliard jusqu'en 2022 et ensuite la pente est à 3 milliards à partir de 2023 (...) Evidemment, nous avons l'expérience, il faudra être vigilant" sur l'exécution de ces engagements, a lancé le général, qui a démissionné en juillet 2017 après un conflit avec le chef de l'Etat en raison de coupes budgétaires. Le projet de LPM érige en priorités l'amélioration du quotidien du soldat et à la modernisation d'équipements à bout de souffle, alors que la France est engagée tous azimuts, au Sahel (opération Barkhane), au Levant (Chammal) et sur le territoire national (Sentinelle). Livraisons accélérées et augmentées Après quelque 60.000 suppressions d'effectifs entre 2005 et 2015, le ministère des Armées ambitionne de créer quelque 6.000 postes d'ici à 2025, en particulier dans la cyberdéfense (1.500) et le renseignement (1.500). Pour améliorer la condition des quelque 200.000 militaires français et les fidéliser, la LPM augmente nettement les crédits consacrés aux petits équipements (+34% sur 2019-23) -- gilets pare-balles, treillis... --, à l'entretien du matériel (+30%) et aux infrastructures (+71%), longtemps négligés. Deuxième grand axe : la modernisation accélérée des matériels existants, nombreux à aligner plusieurs décennies de service, a été privilégiée, et l'accent mis sur les capacités de renseignement (avions, drones, satellites...) susceptibles d'accroître l'autonomie stratégique française et européenne. L'armée de Terre va voir le renouvellement accéléré de ses véhicules blindés médians (programme Scorpion), dont 50% des nouveaux modèles seront livrés d'ici à 2025. Les fameux VAB, 40 ans au compteur, seront remplacés par les blindés Griffon, dont 150 exemplaires supplémentaires seront commandés. La Marine obtient quatre pétroliers ravitailleurs nouvelle génération, dont deux d'ici à 2025, un b'timent spécialisé dans le recueil de renseignement, et 19 patrouilleurs au lieu des 17 prévus pour surveiller les zones économiques exclusives françaises outre-mer. L'armée de l'Air se voit allouer 8 avions légers de surveillance, et le renouvellement accéléré de sa flotte quinquagénaire d'avions ravitailleurs Boeing KC-135 par 15 A330 MRTT, dont 12 auront été livrés en 2023. Pour préparer l'avenir, la France va lancer des études sur le remplacement de son unique porte-avions, qui sera retiré du service vers 2040. Seront également financées des études sur le système de combat aérien du futur et sur le char de combat du futur. Sur le plan de la dissuasion nucléaire, clé de voûte de la défense française, les travaux de renouvellement des deux composantes (navale et aérienne) seront engagés au cours du quinquennat. Budget estimé : 37 milliards d'euros entre 2019 et 2025. (Avec AFP)

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