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  • Dassault dévoile le remplaçant du Rafale

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Dassault dévoile le remplaçant du Rafale

    Le salon Euronaval (Le Bourget, 23 au 26 octobre 2018), est l'occasion pour l'avionneur de Saint-Cloud de lever un coin de voile sur son concept de « New Generation Fighter ». Ce NGF est destiné à occuper une place essentielle dans le projet franco-allemand SCAF (Système de Combat Aérien Futur) développé par Airbus et Dassault, et dont la France (comprendre Dassault) aura la maitrise d'oeuvre. La maquette présentée sur le stand Dassault à Euronaval montre un avion piloté, sans dérive, sans canard, avec des entrées d'air trapézoïdales à la mode du F-22. L'accent est mis sur la furtivité et l'appareil disposerait en bonne logique d'une soute pour emporter son armement. Les équations qui dictent la furtivité aux ondes électromagnétiques étant les mêmes pour tout le monde, il n'est pas étonnant que les avions existant ou en projet reprennent les mêmes solutions. La maquette de Dassault se distingue par l'absence de dérive : l'avionneur français maîtrise le sujet depuis qu'il fait voler le Neuron. Le démonstrateur de drone de combat lui a également mis le pied à l'étrier en matière de furtivité. Le NGF ayant vocation à succéder au Rafale, il devrait logiquement exister en deux versions : terrestre et embarquée. Ce qui explique sa présence au salon Euronaval... Frédéric Lert

  • Barzan choisit ses partenaires étrangers avec soin

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Barzan choisit ses partenaires étrangers avec soin

    A l'ombre des soubresauts politiques régionaux, Doha met en place sa holding de défense.,108329268-art

  • An Investment in Capability

    25 octobre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    An Investment in Capability

    If you're planning to become hopelessly lost, my advice is to do it in Norway. That was the author's conclusion after Skies was invited to the Leonardo Helicopters facility in Yeovil, England, to fly the latest variant of the AW101 search and rescue (SAR) helicopter. The machine was brand new, pending delivery to Norway, but represented a configuration that Leonardo has proposed to the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) as an upgrade for Canada's fleet of CH-149 Cormorant SAR helicopters. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RCAF The CH-149 Cormorant entered RCAF service in 2002. While not an old airframe by Canadian standards, the subsequent evolution of the model has left our version somewhat dated, and Leonardo maintains that obsolescence issues are beginning to adversely affect operational availability Team Cormorant is an industry consortium composed of Leonardo Helicopters, IMP Aerospace & Defence, CAE, GE Canada and Rockwell Collins Canada. The group's unsolicited proposal to the Air Force is intended to guard against creeping obsolescence and ultimately to reduce the cost of operating the helicopter. Under Team Cormorant's proposal, the RCAF would also acquire a training facility with a modern full-mission simulator, likely to be installed at 19 Wing Comox, B.C. The machine on offer to Canada is an extensively upgraded version of the RCAF's existing airframe, based upon the AW101-612 configuration; 16 of which are destined for Norway under its Norwegian All-Weather SAR Helicopter (NAWSARH) program. Team Cormorant's proposal to Canada also seeks to take advantage of nine former VH-71 Kestrel airframes from the cancelled U.S. presidential helicopter program, acquired by the RCAF in 2011. These would be used to augment the Cormorant fleet from the current 14–widely acknowledged as inadequate for Canadian SAR requirements–up to potentially 21 machines. Enhanced fleet size would allow the RCAF to base the Cormorant at 8 Wing Trenton, Ont.; a move that would improve SAR capability in the vast Trenton SAR region. Compared to in-service CH-149 Cormorants, the upgrades on offer include new, more powerful, full-authority digital electronic-controlled (FADEC) General Electric CT7-8E turboshaft engines; a more modern Rockwell Collins cockpit and avionics suite; improved aircraft management system; and a newly designed, four-axis dual-duplex digital automatic flight control system (AFCS). The sensor package promises the biggest capability upgrade, and includes an electro-optical surveillance system; a multi-mode active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar; cell phone detection and tracking system; and marine automatic identification system (AIS) transponder receiver. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR COMPARISON In 2016, Skies dispatched me to fly the CH-149 Cormorant with RCAF's 442 Squadron at CFB Comox. It was an opportunity for this former Air Force CH-113/A Labrador SAR pilot to see first-hand how the Cormorant had changed the job I did decades ago in those same mountains. I recall that the Cormorant brought a lot of new technology to the SAR business, but the basic mission, like the mountains around us, was unchanged. After that flight, I reported: “Flying SAR was still a matter of cautious and skillful flying, using maps and looking out the window.” That experience left me with great regard for Air Force SAR crews and for the operational capability of the Cormorant, but also bemused to find that the business of searching still basically relied upon the “Mark 1 eyeball.” A flight in the latest variant of the AW101 was a terrific opportunity for a more contemporary comparison. The experience would demonstrate that leading-edge systems–particularly electro-optic sensor technologies–offer SAR capabilities that are as much a generational improvement over the current Cormorant as the Cormorant was over my beloved ol' Labrador. A CANADIAN FLIES A NORWEGIAN HELICOPTER IN ENGLAND Leonardo Helicopters test pilot Richard “Russ” Grant kindly offered me the right seat for our demonstration flight. Veteran flight test engineer (FTE) Andy Cotton served as sensor operator. Conditions were ideal, under a clear sky with a warm (24 C) gentle breeze along the century-old former-Westlands grass runway. Our test helicopter was the sixth production machine destined for Norway, operated by Leonardo under U.K. Ministry of Defence registration ZZ015. The helicopter's empty weight was 11,039 kilograms with much of its SAR interior yet to be fitted. Adding 2,000 kilograms of fuel (roughly half its 4,150-kilogram capacity) and three crewmembers brought the takeoff mass to 13,517 kilograms, which was well below the maximum allowable gross weight of 15,600 kilograms. The Cormorant that Skies flew with RCAF's 442 Squadron, although fully equipped for SAR with a standard fuel load of 2,400 kilograms and a crew of six, had a gross takeoff mass of 13,800 kilograms, which was below the maximum allowable gross weight of 14,600 kilograms. Direct comparison is difficult to establish, but the Norwegian machine is both heavier with installed systems and has more installed power than the CH-149, so the net result may be expected to be about the same operational power margin. Rapid dispatch can be facilitated by starting the auxiliary power unit (APU) while strapping in. Grant talked me through the engine starting procedure from memory. Air Force crews will use a checklist, but the procedure was quick and straightforward Engine controls consisted of three rotary knobs on the overhead panel in place of engine condition levers. I monitored the start, but Grant advised that in the event of a start-up malfunction the FADEC would shut down the engine faster than the pilots could react. We started the No. 1 engine first to power the accessory drive, providing hydraulic and electric power and bleed air. Starts of engines No. 2 and No. 3 were done simultaneously. Pre-flight checks and initialization of the aircraft management system (AMS, but think “master computer”) took Grant only minutes. Despite the functional similarity of the cockpit to the CH-149, the impression that I was amidst unfamiliar new technology was immediate. As ground crews pulled the chocks and busied themselves around the helicopter, the onboard Obstacle Proximity LIDAR System (OPLS, where LIDAR is light detection and ranging, since I needed to ask, too) annunciated their presence around the turning rotors. This system, which Grant described as being like the parking sensors in a car, provided a pop-up display and discretely-pitched audio cues depicting the range and azimuth to obstacles around the helicopter. Having come from a generation where we squinted into a landing light beam to guesstimate rotor clearance from obstacles, all I can say is, I want one! Full article:

  • Florence Parly lance le programme du futur porte-avions français, successeur du Charles-de-Gaulle

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Naval

    Florence Parly lance le programme du futur porte-avions français, successeur du Charles-de-Gaulle

    "Je suis fière de lancer officiellement le programme de renouvellement de notre porte-avions", a déclaré mardi Florence Parly au Bourget, lors du salon Euronaval. La ministre des Armées Florence Parly a annoncé mardi le lancement du programme du futur porte-avions de la France, qui succédera au Charles-de-Gaulle, avec une phase d'études de 18 mois, lors du salon du secteur naval de défense Euronaval. Première étape : la phase d'étude. "Le Charles de Gaulle aura besoin d'un successeur (...) C'est pourquoi je suis fière, aujourd'hui, ici, au Bourget, lors de ce salon Euronaval, de lancer officiellement le programme de renouvellement de notre porte-avions", a déclaré Florence Parly. Le montant du projet sera de 40 millions d'euros, a précisé une source gouvernementale. "Cette étape numéro un, qui se lance aujourd'hui, c'est la phase d'étude", a-t-elle précisé. Il s'agit de déterminer "ce que nous voulons et comment nous le voulons pour notre futur porte-avions". La fin du Charles-de-Gaulle prévue autour de 2040. La France dispose d'un unique porte-avions, le Charles-de-Gaulle, qui a vocation à terminer sa vie active autour de 2040. Il subit depuis début 2017 à Toulon une vaste rénovation longue de 18 mois, qui doit lui donner une seconde vie pour les 20 prochaines années. Le Charles-de-Gaulle reprendra ensuite la mer et doit se rendre dans l'océan Indien en 2019. Établir l'architecture du futur porte-avions. La phase d'étude, qui s'achèvera en 2020, doit permettre ensuite d'établir l'architecture du futur porte-avions et de poser les bases de l'organisation industrielle nécessaire pour le b'tir dans les délais et les coûts, a souligné Florence Parly. Cette phase servira à examiner les menaces que le futur porte-avion devra affronter et les missions qu'il devra accomplir, mais aussi son dimensionnement et notamment sa capacité d'accueillir l'avion de combat du futur, le Scaf, lancé en coopération avec l'Allemagne en 2017. La période d'étude permettra aussi d'étudier le mode de propulsion, nucléaire ou classique, de ce porte-avion de nouvelle génération, et les nouvelles technologies qu'il sera capable d'accueillir, notamment les catapultes électromagnétiques, déjà utilisés par la marine américaine.

  • Trois brise-glace intérimaires seront utilisés pendant 15 ou 20 ans

    25 octobre 2018 | Local, Naval, Sécurité

    Trois brise-glace intérimaires seront utilisés pendant 15 ou 20 ans

    Lee Berthiaume, La Presse canadienne OTTAWA — Trois brise-glace «intermédiaires» récemment achetés sans appel d'offres par la Garde côtière canadienne seront utilisés pendant 15 à 20 ans. Des responsables de la Garde côtière ont témoigné de cet échéancier lors d'entrevues avec La Presse canadienne, tout en minimisant les préoccupations concernant l'état de leur flotte vieillissante — et les défis liés à la construction des remplaçants. En août, le gouvernement a accepté de sous-traiter l'achat de trois brise-glace d'occasion au chantier naval Davie pour un montant de 610 millions $, affirmant qu'il était nécessaire de trouver une solution en attendant que les remplaçants soient construits. Cet accord représentait une victoire pour le chantier naval basé au Québec, qui a exercé de fortes pressions pour obtenir des travaux supplémentaires du gouvernement fédéral et devrait alléger la pression exercée sur la flotte de brise-glace de la Garde côtière. Les navires existants de la Garde côtière ont en moyenne plus de 35 ans et ont perdu des centaines de jours opérationnels au cours des dernières années en raison de pannes mécaniques. Pourtant, il n'ya pas de plans immédiats pour les remplacer. Le plan gouvernemental en matière de construction navale de plusieurs milliards de dollars ne comprend qu'un seul nouveau brise-glace lourd, qui ne sera pas prêt avant dix ans. Le sous-commissaire Andy Smith a déclaré que la Garde côtière est en train de prolonger la vie de sa flotte actuelle de 20 ans, une période pendant laquelle elle comptera sur les navires de la Davie pour combler les lacunes. «Les brise-glace que nous avons récemment achetés ont été conçus pour être remplacés par ces différents navires au moment de leur remise en état ou de leur entretien prolongé, a déclaré M. Smith dans une interview. Et nous avons planifié cela sur 20 ans.» Le commissaire adjoint Mario Pelletier a confirmé cette période dans une entrevue séparée en disant: «Je m'attendrais à ce que nous les conservions pour 15 ou 20 ans». «Le besoin urgent est simplement de nous assurer que nous aurons une capacité accrue lorsque les navires seront hors service», a-t-il ajouté. Bien que peu de personnes réfutent le besoin de brise-glace supplémentaires, le calendrier a néanmoins suscité de nouvelles critiques du système d'approvisionnement du pays, ainsi que des questions sur le plan de construction navale. Le gouvernement fédéral avait déjà acheté des brise-glace «intérimaires» dans les années 1980 et ces navires sont toujours utilisés, a déclaré Rob Huebert, un expert de l'Arctique à l'Université de Calgary. Cela, ajouté à l'absence d'un plan véritable pour remplacer la majorité des brise-glace de la Garde côtière, porte M. Huebert à penser que les trois navires de la Davie feront éventuellement partie de la flotte permanente. «Ce qui va arriver, c'est que nous avons surchargé nos trois brise-glace de taille moyenne et que ces trois navires (les navires Davie) les remplaceront même si personne ne dit qu'ils les remplaceront», a-t-il expliqué. Les deux responsables de la Garde côtière canadienne ont tous deux insisté sur le fait que l'accord Davie ne compromettrait pas le plan de construction navale, par lequel Vancouver Shipyards construit plusieurs navires de la Garde côtière. Ceux-ci incluent trois navires de sciences halieutiques, un navire de sciences océaniques et un brise-glace lourd, dans cet ordre. Deux navires de soutien naval seront construits entre le navire océanographique et le brise-glace. Mais l'analyste de la défense David Perry, du Canadian Global Affairs Institute, s'est demandé si le fait de qualifier l'accord de Davie de «mesure provisoire» visait à contourner le plan — ainsi que tout problème juridique. En tout état de cause, a-t-il dit, cet arrangement ne fait que souligner les multiples problèmes persistants auxquels est confronté le système d'approvisionnement du Canada et le temps qu'il faut pour acheter du nouvel équipement. «S'ils définissent une période intérimaire comme pouvant atteindre 20 ans, c'est uniquement au Canada que cela constitue une période intérimaire, a-t-il affirmé, en notant que le plan de construction navale a déjà pris plusieurs années de retard. Ce n'est que dans un pays où vous utilisez des trucs pendant plus de 40 ans que deux décennies constituent une solution temporaire.» MM. Smith et Pelletier ont déclaré que la flotte actuelle de la Garde côtière était néanmoins en bon état et qu'il y avait des signes positifs de progrès chez Vancouver Shipbuilding, en dépit de quelques ratés. Ceux-ci incluaient un problème de soudure découvert sur les trois navires de recherche halieutique qui a retardé la livraison du premier de ces navires à l'année prochaine. La conception et le budget du navire océanographique restent également en suspens, tandis que le calendrier de construction des navires de soutien de la marine et du brise-glace lourd reste incertain. «C'est vraiment une période dynamique, alors que nous cherchons à rétablir l'ensemble de l'écosystème de la construction navale dans ce pays, et ils en sont à différentes étapes de conception et de construction, a déclaré M. Smith. Donc, tout cet écosystème est en train d'être reconstruit.»

  • Lockheed planning big shift away from LCS propulsion system for its future frigate offering

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Naval

    Lockheed planning big shift away from LCS propulsion system for its future frigate offering

    By: David B. Larter PARIS – Lockheed Martin is planning to shift from its littoral combat ship's water-jet propulsion to a propulsion system that the U.S. Navy is more familiar with for its future frigate offering, Lockheed's vice president for small combatants and ship systems told reporters at the 2018 Euronaval show. As it works through the Navy's requirements for its FFG(X) program, Lockheed is hoping that a more traditional twin-screw design with independent drive trains will entice the service towards its offering. One of the major hang-ups with the design requirements for all the competitors has been requirement that the engineering spaces be separated by a certain number of meters so that if the ship takes damage in one area, the other space should be online to drive the ship. If the design can't meet the spacing requirement, an alternative propulsion unit has to be installed. For Lockheed, the decision was to try and meet the spacing requirement, which is making its FFG(X) offering a bigger ship than the Freedom-variant littoral combat ship. “We felt the more traditional approach to the suite, going with more of the ... port and starboard side, redundant type of propulsion trains, that familiarity would be well received by the Navy. Going to more of a common system sized for the FFG(X),” said Joe DePietro. “It does require the ship to be longer, given those separation requirements and how you plan to stagger your port and starboard configuration of the combining gear/reduction gear, running into a single shaft into a screw on either side. You have to have a certain amount of separation and they have to be fully independent.” As for the system itself, Lockheed is keeping its options open, but is looking hard and combined diesel and gas systems, or even combined diesel and diesel, give the speed requirements for FFG(X), which are well reduced from what they were for the speedy LCS. The fleet has been receptive but mixed on the idea of a straight diesel propulsion system. But the trade-off for gas turbines is less fuel efficiency, which impacts range, DePietro said. In February, the Navy announced that it had awarded design contracts to asked to Huntington Ingalls, Lockheed Martin, Austal USA, General Dynamics Bath Iron Works, and Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri have all been asked to submit mature designs. Lockheed is playing a strong hand going into selection, however, because of its partnership with Fincantieri on the Freedom-variant LCS, which is built at Fincantieri's Marinette Marine shipyard in Wisconsin. Lockheed will either win the award for its modified LCS or it will be a systems integrator for Fincantieri's FREMM, which is another leading competitor for the program.

  • AIR2030: A la rencontre du consortium Eurofighter et du Typhoon (3/5)

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    AIR2030: A la rencontre du consortium Eurofighter et du Typhoon (3/5)

    Alexis Pfefferlé Que produire en Suisse ? Mercredi 17 octobre 2018, 0800, Lausanne. Troisième journée BtoB et troisième introduction du Président du Groupe romand pour le matériel de Défense et de Sécurité (GRPM). « On ne vient pas en Suisse pour produire des choses simples et pas chères, on vient produire en Suisse des biens complexes ou pour dépasser des challenges techniques » C'est direct mais le ton est donné. Pour détendre l'atmosphère, l'introduction est ponctuée par une petite plaisanterie bienvenue car, on le sait bien à Berne, le rire, c'est bon pour la santé. D'European Fighter Aircraft à Typhoon Troisième journée BtoB et dernier avion européen en lice pour le programme AIR2030, l'Eurofighter-Typhoon. Produit d'une coopération unique en Europe et dans le monde, l'Eurofighter –Typhoon est un biréacteur de 4ème génération + né du souhait, au début des années 80, de plusieurs pays de fabriquer en coopération un avion multi-rôles européen dans un contexte de guerre froide. Partenaire au début, la France quitte rapidement le programme en 1985 pour développer son propre chasseur, le Rafale, lequel a fait l'objet de la journée BtoB du 16 octobre dont le compte rendu est disponible ici. Les « Eurofighters » ont tour à tour pris différents noms, d'abord EFA (European Fighter Aircraft) puis Eurofighter, puis Eurofighter 2000 pour enfin prendre le nom d'Eurofighter Typhoon. L'exemple de la coopération européenne et industrielle La présentation du jour se veut ambitieuse. En effet, l'Eurofighter Typhoon est aujourd'hui produit par un consortium industriel composé de quatre entreprises principales rattachées au quatre pays piliers du programme, AIRBUS pour l'Allemagne, BAE SYSTEMS pour le Royaume-Uni, LEONARDO pour l'Italie et EUROJET pour l'Espagne. Les différents pays / industries se partagent la production selon les investissements de leur pays dans le programme. Nous avons donc 33 % pour l'Allemagne, 33 % pour le Royaume-Uni, 21 % pour l'Italie et 13 % pour l'Espagne. Les quatre sociétés vont se succéder sur scène en l'espace d'une petite heure. Nous démarrons avec une introduction par le représentant d'AIRBUS. La force du programme Eurofighter c'est l'expérience industrielle et la coopération maitrisée. Les chiffres sont impressionnants : 623 avions commandés dont près de 500 actuellement en utilisation dans 5 forces aériennes européennes, 9 pays utilisateurs au total, 100'000 places de travail et plus de 400 sociétés impliquées dans 180 lieux de production différents. Toutefois, comme pour le Rafale, l'Eurofighter Typhoon est un programme mature avec peu ou pas de place pour une compensation directe dans le cadre du programme lui-même. Cependant, le consortium a fait ses devoirs avant de venir en Suisse et les exemples de coopération possibles ne vont pas manquer. Les quatre piliers On enchaine donc avec LEONARDO. Le groupe italien a décidé de mettre l'accent sur son expérience en matière d'affaires compensatoires. En chiffres, LEONARDO c'est 40 ans d'expérience dans les affaires compensatoires dans près de 30 pays, 100 projets en cours dans 12 pays différents et près de EUR 3mia à compenser dans les 15 prochaines années. Pour LEONARDO, l'EUROFIGHTER en Suisse c'est prendre part à un grand projet européen et pouvoir s'offrir un accès privilégié au marché international au travers des entreprises qui composent le consortium. C'est au tour du représentant de BAE SYSTEMS d'intervenir. Il insiste sur la taille du groupe, 3ème mondial, plus de 80'000 employés dans 40 pays et 80 pays clients. Pour son représentant, le groupe peut ouvrir à la Suisse les portes de marchés très intéressants comme les Etats-Unis ou le Golfe. BAE SYSTEMS met en avant les domaines du groupe à forte croissance et dans lesquels la Suisse pourra jouer un rôle de premier plan : Le cyber, l'électronique, surtout dans le domaine civil/commercial avec AIRBUS, et l'espace. Avec « la nouvelle philosophie suisse en matière de satellites » (petits satellites utilisés en réseaux) ils viennent chercher chez nous la technologie du futur. Touché, l'assemblée est flattée. Nous passons sans transition à l'espagnole EUROJET. Pour son représentant, la force d'EUROJET c'est sa capacité à travailler en équipe. EUROJET travaille sur l'EUROFIGHTER, l'A400 ou encore l'hélicoptère tigre, ces projets ont apporté au groupe l'expérience de la coopération internationale et de la coordination. Intégrer la Suisse ne sera pas un problème nous dit-on. S'en suit une présentation technique du moteur de l'Eurofighter. Comme mes voisins, je ne comprends pas tout mais je crois comprendre que pour son créateur, c'est un excellent moteur. Après cet interlude technico-ibérique, c'est au tour du représentant d'AIRBUS de conclure. En premier lieu quelques chiffres sur le groupe : EUR 59mia de chiffre d'affaire en 2017, 12'000 sous-traitants qui se partagent EUR 50 mia de commandes et 129'442 employés. Précis, allemand, efficace. Il précise qu'AIRBUS a 7'265 avions en commande dont 1'019 commandés en 2017. Vous cherchez un partenaire solide et pérenne ? Vous l'avez trouvé. En second lieu, comme pour BAE SYSTEMS, le représentant d'AIRBUS confirme que les secteurs qui montent et dans lesquels ils cherchent des partenaires sont le cyber, l'espace, l'urban mobility ou encore les drones. Autant de secteurs qui, très justement, aiguisent depuis quelques années l'appétit de l'industrie suisse et des EPF. Enfin, et c'est le premier constructeur à le soulever, AIRBUS souligne que remplir CHF 6mia en offset c'est une t'che difficile. Les partenaires d'EUROFIGHTER ne veulent pas acheter pour acheter ou simplement faire leur marché. La présentation se conclut en ces termes : Le consortium souhaite une vraie collaboration bilatérale avec la Suisse (!). L'Europe n'aura de cesse de nous surprendre.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - October 24, 2018

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - October 24, 2018

    DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Honeywell International Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, has been awarded an estimated $1,036,726,575 firm-fixed-price requirements contract for support of the following platforms: Ground Start Carts, C-130 Auxiliary Power Units (APU), B-2 APU, F-15 components, A-10 APU, E-3 APU, B-1 APU and F-16 turbine power units. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is a three-year, six-month base contract with one three-year option, and one three-year and six-month option period. Using military service is Air Force. Location of performance is Utah, with a July 31, 2028, performance completion date. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2029 Air Force working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPRPA1-18-D-001U). NAVY Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, Connecticut, is awarded a $717,410,825 firm-fixed-priced, performance-based logistics requirements contract for logistics and repair support for 98 components in support of CH-53 and MH-53 aircraft weapon replaceable assembly components and their related shop replaceable assembly components. This contract includes a 50-month base period with no options. Work will be performed in Stratford, Connecticut (75 percent); and Cherry Point, North Carolina (25 percent). Work is expected to be completed by December 2022. Working capital (Navy) funds in the amount of $142,662,162 will be issued for delivery order (N00383-19-F-0U00) that will be awarded concurrently with the contract. Fiscal 2018-2022 working capital (Navy) funds will be obligated to fund delivery orders as they are issued, and funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. One source was solicited for this non-competitive requirement pursuant to the authority set forth in 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1, with one offer received. Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contracting activity (N00383-19-D-U001). Canadian Commercial Corp., Ontario, Canada, is awarded a $27,673,372 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity single-award contract for the Mk 200 Mod 0 Propelling Charge. This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of the contract to $74,920,000. This contract involves foreign military sales to Australia and India. Work will be performed by General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems in Quebec, Canada, and is expected to be completed by November 2019. Fiscal 2018 procurement of ammunition (Navy and Marine Corps) funding in the amount of $15,001,914; fiscal 2019 procurement of ammunition (Navy and Marine Corps) funding in the amount of $7,337,384; and foreign military sales (Australia) funding in the amount of $5,334,074 will be obligated on the first delivery order at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with three offers received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, Indian Head, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00174-19-D-0002). Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Charlottesville, Virginia, is awarded an $18,118,858 firm-fixed-price contract to provide common Integrated Bridge and Navigation Systems (IBNS) for the DDG-51 New Construction Ship Program and DDG-51 Midlife Modernization Program. The IBNS is a hull, mechanical and electrical upgrade and part of the comprehensive plan to modernize the DDG-51 class to ensure the ships remain combat relevant and affordable throughout their life. This contract will serve as the base hardware production contract for IBNS systems. The contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value to $163,963,639. Work will be performed in Charlottesville, Virginia, and is expected to be completed by February 2020. Fiscal 2018 other procurement (Navy); and fiscal 2018 and 2016 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the total amount of $18,118,858 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with one offer received. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N00024-19-C-4101). AIR FORCE KIRA Training Services LLC, Boulder, Colorado, has been awarded a $221,379,030 firm-fixed-price contract for civil engineering services. This contract provides for engineering services, installation management services, facilities/infrastructure maintenance and repair services, emergency management services, and housing management services. Work will be performed at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, and is expected to be completed by Nov. 30, 2025. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition with 12 proposals received. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $100,134 will be obligated on Oct. 1, 2018. The 10th Contracting Squadron, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, is the contracting activity (FA7000-19-C-0001). United Launch Services, Centennial, Colorado, has been awarded a $152,429,417 firm-fixed-price contract for Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Delta IV heavy launch services. This contract provides launch vehicle production services for National Reconnaissance Office Launch Mission One. Work will be performed in Centennial, Colorado; and Decatur, Alabama, and the launch will occur in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida; or Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The work is expected to be completed by June 30, 2021. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Fiscal 2018 missile procurement funds in the amount of $152,429,417 are being obligated at the time of award. Space and Missile Systems Center Los Angeles Air Force Station, California, is the contracting activity (FA8811-19-C-0002). L3 Technologies Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah, has been awarded a $55,382,155 firm-fixed-price, cost-plus fixed-fee, cost-reimbursable contract for the Organic Depot Activation of the MQ-9 communications and data link parts at Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania; and Warner-Robins Air Logistics Complex, Georgia. Work will be performed at Tobyhanna Army Depot and Warner-Robins Air Logistics Complex, and is expected to be completed by Oct 21, 2021. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Fiscal 2017 and 2018 aircraft procurement funds in the amount of $44,425,521 are being obligated at time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8620-19-C-2008). DynCorp International LLC, McLean, Virginia, has been awarded a $22,500,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for Egypt personnel support services. This contract provides for housing, transportation, security, vehicles and labor to support defense contractor employees and department of defense employees. Work will be performed in Egypt and is expected to be completed by Sept. 24, 2023. This contract involves foreign military sales (FMS) to Egypt and is the result of a sole-source acquisition. FMS funds in the amount of $2,742,237 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8630-19-D-5016). TF Powers Construction Co., Fargo, North Dakota, has been awarded a $12,374,000 firm-fixed-price contract for construction services. Contractor will provide all plant, labor, materials, equipment, supplies and supervision necessary for the construction and renovation of building 541 for the Ground Segment Modernization Program: to replace building systems and construct server rooms, offices, auditoriums and conference rooms, a mission control/operation center, remote equipment control rooms, and substantial communications infrastructure all built to security standards. Work will be performed at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, and is expected to be completed by Dec. 12, 2019. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition and four offers received. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $12,374,000 are being obligated at the time of award. The 319th Contracting Flight, Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota, is the contracting activity (FA4659-19-C-C001). ARMY HDR Engineering, Omaha, Nebraska (W912UM-19-D-0001); Jacobs Government Services Co., Pasadena (W912UM-19-D-0002); Stanley-WSP JV, Muscatine, Iowa (W912UM-19-D-0003); Tetra Tech Inc., Marlborough, Massachusetts (W912UM-19-D-0004); and Thomas J. Davis Inc.,* Seguin, Texas (W912UM-19-D-0005), will compete for each order of the $100,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architect and engineer services. Bids were solicited via the internet with 10 received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 23, 2023. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seoul, Republic of Korea, is the contracting activity. Norfolk Dredging Co., Chesapeake, Virginia, was awarded a $13,501,500 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance dredging of the Delaware River. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in New Castle, Delaware, with an estimated completion date of March 13, 2019. Fiscal 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $13,501,500 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contracting activity (W912BU-19-C-0002). West Consultants Inc.,* San Diego, California (W912BV-19-D-0001); and Halff Associates Inc., Fort Worth, Texas (W912BV-19-D-0002), will compete for each order of the $8,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for engineering, design, and construction phase services for hydrologic and hydraulic engineering, design, modeling and manual development services. Bids were solicited via the internet with six received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 21, 2021. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa Oklahoma, is the contracting activity. *Small Business

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - October 22, 2018

    25 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - October 22, 2018

    DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Loffredo Fresh Produce Co. Inc.,* Des Moines, Iowa (SPE300-19-DP-341; $9,000,000); and Greenberg Fruit Co.,* Omaha, Nebraska (SPE300-19-DS-731; $27,000,000), have each been awarded a firm-fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quality contract under solicitation SPE300-16-R-0042 for fresh fruits and vegetables. This was a competitive acquisition with two responses received. These are 54-month contracts with no option periods. Locations of performance are Iowa and Nebraska, with an April 22, 2023, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and non-DoD schools and tribes. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2023 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contitech USA Inc., Fairlawn, Ohio, has been awarded a maximum $20,151,800 firm-fixed-price contract for M109 vehicle tracks. This is a one-year base contract with one-year option that is being exercised at time of award. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. Location of performance is Ohio, with a July 8, 2021, performance completion date. Using military service is Army. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 Army working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Warren, Michigan (SPRDL1-19-C-0022). Synergy Logistics Services LLC,** North Kansas City, Missouri, has been awarded a $17,754,019 hybrid fixed-price-incentive-firm, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for government-owned/contractor-operated warehouse and distribution operation services. This is a five-year task order contract with no option periods, inclusive of a three-month transition period. This is a small business set-aside with two responses received. Location of performance is Guam, with an Oct. 31, 2023, performance completion date. Using customer is Defense Logistics Agency. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2023 defense working capital funds. In this ordering period, $2,864,945 will be obligated using fiscal 2019 funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Distribution, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania (SP3300-19-D-5001). National Industries for the Blind,*** Alexandria, Virginia, has been awarded a $13,144,298 modification (P00008) exercising the second option period of a one-year base contract (SPE1C1-17-D-B003) with four one-year option periods for the advanced combat helmet pad suspension system. This is a firm-fixed price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract. Locations of performance are Virginia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, with an Oct. 26, 2019, performance completion date. Using military service is Army. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2020 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. NAVY Alliant Techsystems Operations (ATK), Northridge, California, is awarded $12,792,480 for modification P00007 to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N68936-15-D-0019). This modification provides additional funding for the design and development studies and engineering services for rapid technology development of Orbital ATK products. Work will be performed in China Lake, California, and is expected to be completed in June 2020. No funds will be obligated at time of award; funds will be obligated on individual orders as they are issued. The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, California, is the contracting activity. Railroad Construction Co. Inc., Paterson, New Jersey, is awarded a $9,095,206 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for maintenance and repair of railroad trackage services at the Naval Weapon Station, Earle and Naval Station Activity, Mechanicsburg. The work to be performed provides for, but is not limited to, all labor, management, supervision, tools, material, and equipment required to provide maintenance, repair, alteration, demolition and minor construction for installation trackage. The maximum dollar value including the base period and four option years is $48,933,014. Work will be performed in Colts Neck, New Jersey (63 percent); and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania (37 percent). The term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months, with an expected completion date of October 2023. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $1,770,200 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with two proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Mid-Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N40085-19-D-9024). Colonna's Shipyard Inc.,* Norfolk, Virginia, is awarded a $7,966,158 firm-fixed-price contract for a 67-calendar day shipyard availability for the regular overhaul and dry docking of USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1). Work will include furnishing general services for the ship; physical security at private contractor's facility; clean and gas-free tanks, voids, cofferdams and spaces, heater exchangers; structural inspection and weld repair; aluminum hull repair and structural repairs; support for main propulsion engine overhauls and support for generator overhauls; reduction gear maintenance; annual stern ramp maintenance; communication and navigation annuals; lifesaving equipment annuals; annual ride control maintenance; stern ramp control system and extension swap; tunnel paint expansion and underwater hull paint touch up; and docking and undocking of the vessel. The contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $9,162,956. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Virginia, and is expected to be completed by Jan. 10, 2019. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $9,162,956 are obligated at the time of award. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured as a small business set-aside, with more than two companies solicited via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with three offers received, with two found to be in the competitive range. The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N3220519C6700). * Small business ** Woman-owned small business *** Mandatory source

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