25 octobre 2018 | Local, Naval, Sécurité

Trois brise-glace intérimaires seront utilisés pendant 15 ou 20 ans

Lee Berthiaume, La Presse canadienne

OTTAWA — Trois brise-glace «intermédiaires» récemment achetés sans appel d'offres par la Garde côtière canadienne seront utilisés pendant 15 à 20 ans.

Des responsables de la Garde côtière ont témoigné de cet échéancier lors d'entrevues avec La Presse canadienne, tout en minimisant les préoccupations concernant l'état de leur flotte vieillissante — et les défis liés à la construction des remplaçants.

En août, le gouvernement a accepté de sous-traiter l'achat de trois brise-glace d'occasion au chantier naval Davie pour un montant de 610 millions $, affirmant qu'il était nécessaire de trouver une solution en attendant que les remplaçants soient construits.

Cet accord représentait une victoire pour le chantier naval basé au Québec, qui a exercé de fortes pressions pour obtenir des travaux supplémentaires du gouvernement fédéral et devrait alléger la pression exercée sur la flotte de brise-glace de la Garde côtière.

Les navires existants de la Garde côtière ont en moyenne plus de 35 ans et ont perdu des centaines de jours opérationnels au cours des dernières années en raison de pannes mécaniques.

Pourtant, il n'ya pas de plans immédiats pour les remplacer. Le plan gouvernemental en matière de construction navale de plusieurs milliards de dollars ne comprend qu'un seul nouveau brise-glace lourd, qui ne sera pas prêt avant dix ans.

Le sous-commissaire Andy Smith a déclaré que la Garde côtière est en train de prolonger la vie de sa flotte actuelle de 20 ans, une période pendant laquelle elle comptera sur les navires de la Davie pour combler les lacunes.

«Les brise-glace que nous avons récemment achetés ont été conçus pour être remplacés par ces différents navires au moment de leur remise en état ou de leur entretien prolongé, a déclaré M. Smith dans une interview. Et nous avons planifié cela sur 20 ans.»

Le commissaire adjoint Mario Pelletier a confirmé cette période dans une entrevue séparée en disant: «Je m'attendrais à ce que nous les conservions pour 15 ou 20 ans».

«Le besoin urgent est simplement de nous assurer que nous aurons une capacité accrue lorsque les navires seront hors service», a-t-il ajouté.

Bien que peu de personnes réfutent le besoin de brise-glace supplémentaires, le calendrier a néanmoins suscité de nouvelles critiques du système d'approvisionnement du pays, ainsi que des questions sur le plan de construction navale.

Le gouvernement fédéral avait déjà acheté des brise-glace «intérimaires» dans les années 1980 et ces navires sont toujours utilisés, a déclaré Rob Huebert, un expert de l'Arctique à l'Université de Calgary.

Cela, ajouté à l'absence d'un plan véritable pour remplacer la majorité des brise-glace de la Garde côtière, porte M. Huebert à penser que les trois navires de la Davie feront éventuellement partie de la flotte permanente.

«Ce qui va arriver, c'est que nous avons surchargé nos trois brise-glace de taille moyenne et que ces trois navires (les navires Davie) les remplaceront même si personne ne dit qu'ils les remplaceront», a-t-il expliqué.

Les deux responsables de la Garde côtière canadienne ont tous deux insisté sur le fait que l'accord Davie ne compromettrait pas le plan de construction navale, par lequel Vancouver Shipyards construit plusieurs navires de la Garde côtière.

Ceux-ci incluent trois navires de sciences halieutiques, un navire de sciences océaniques et un brise-glace lourd, dans cet ordre. Deux navires de soutien naval seront construits entre le navire océanographique et le brise-glace.

Mais l'analyste de la défense David Perry, du Canadian Global Affairs Institute, s'est demandé si le fait de qualifier l'accord de Davie de «mesure provisoire» visait à contourner le plan — ainsi que tout problème juridique.

En tout état de cause, a-t-il dit, cet arrangement ne fait que souligner les multiples problèmes persistants auxquels est confronté le système d'approvisionnement du Canada et le temps qu'il faut pour acheter du nouvel équipement.

«S'ils définissent une période intérimaire comme pouvant atteindre 20 ans, c'est uniquement au Canada que cela constitue une période intérimaire, a-t-il affirmé, en notant que le plan de construction navale a déjà pris plusieurs années de retard. Ce n'est que dans un pays où vous utilisez des trucs pendant plus de 40 ans que deux décennies constituent une solution temporaire.»

MM. Smith et Pelletier ont déclaré que la flotte actuelle de la Garde côtière était néanmoins en bon état et qu'il y avait des signes positifs de progrès chez Vancouver Shipbuilding, en dépit de quelques ratés.

Ceux-ci incluaient un problème de soudure découvert sur les trois navires de recherche halieutique qui a retardé la livraison du premier de ces navires à l'année prochaine.

La conception et le budget du navire océanographique restent également en suspens, tandis que le calendrier de construction des navires de soutien de la marine et du brise-glace lourd reste incertain.

«C'est vraiment une période dynamique, alors que nous cherchons à rétablir l'ensemble de l'écosystème de la construction navale dans ce pays, et ils en sont à différentes étapes de conception et de construction, a déclaré M. Smith. Donc, tout cet écosystème est en train d'être reconstruit.»


Sur le même sujet

  • Two federal ministers offer lifeline for Quebec’s Chantier Davie shipyard

    1 avril 2019 | Local, Naval

    Two federal ministers offer lifeline for Quebec’s Chantier Davie shipyard

    By Kevin Dougherty QUEBEC—Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Families, Children and Social Development Minister Jean-Yves Duclos offered hope on Friday that the Chantier Davie shipyard in Lévis, across the St. Lawrence from the provincial capital, would soon be busy working on federal shipbuilding contracts. Chantier Davie is well-placed to be awarded contracts to build three new federal ferries and is also a contender to win contracts to refit Canada's 12 naval frigates, noted Duclos, who is also MP for Québec riding, taking in the city's core. Morneau has been using a pause this week in Parliament to travel across Canada touting the benefits of the budget he presented March 19. He was asked after his chamber of commerce speech about specific commitments for the Quebec City region, such as Mayor Régis Labeaume's proposed tramway and the repainting of the rust-marred Quebec Bridge. “The money is there for the tramway,” Morneau said. There is also federal money to repaint the bridge, the finance minister added. But negotiations are continuing with the province. Asked about a proposal for more rapid, more frequent passenger rail service between Montreal and Quebec City, Morneau said, “We need to have more information.” Then he added, with a smile, “If we had more Liberals MPs (from the region), that would make it easier.” Last January, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau left his chamber of commerce audience in Quebec City cold, rejecting appeals to grant Davie a contract to build a new supply ship for the Royal Canadian Navy. “The navy doesn't need a second supply ship now,” Trudeau said, in reply to representatives of Davie's union and representatives of nearly 900 companies in Davie's supply chain. Chantier Davie, as Canada's oldest and largest shipyard has been known since a 2012 ownership change, is dependent on the boom-bust cycles of stop-and-go government contracts. In 2011, when the Conservative government was awarding billions of dollars in shipbuilding contracts, Davie, then bankrupt, was excluded, with all future navy and coast guard ships to be built by smaller shipyards, Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax and Seaspan in Vancouver. In 2015, before the federal election, Davie proposed to the Conservative government of Stephan Harper that it convert a German container ship into a supply ship for the navy. Ottawa was in a jam then after Canada's two outdated supply ships had been scrapped and the navy was relying on the Spanish and Chilean navy supply ships. Davie delivered the Asterix supply ship on time and on budget in 2017. Since that time, the company has been calling on Ottawa to order the Obelix, a twin supply ship to the Asterix for the navy. On Thursday, visiting Conservative leader Andrew Scheer said if he was prime minister, the Obelix would go ahead, winning applause from his chamber of commerce audience. Scheer also endorsed the “third link,” Premier François Legault's pet project, the plan, which is yet to reach the planning stage, to build a third bridge or tunnel across the St. Lawrence. Joël Lightbound, who with Duclos makes up the two-MP Liberal caucus in Quebec City, where the Conservatives dominate, deadpanned to reporters, “One more step and Mr. Scheer would have promised world peace and the return of the Nordiques.” On Friday, it was the turn of the two Liberal ministers. Asked by a reporter what commitments the Trudeau government was prepared to make for Davie, a major employer in the region, Morneau called Davie “important for our industry in Canada.” Morneau suggested that if reporters spoke to Davie representatives at the luncheon, “You will see the smiles on their faces.” Duclos added that Davie was “wrongfully harmed” by being excluded from the Harper government's National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy. “There are things that the previous government did that our government cannot undo,” he added. In helping Davie, the federal government agreed to its offer to convert three icebreakers, built for cancelled offshore oil-drilling projects, for the Canadian Coast Guard. “You saw the three icebreakers we acquired a few months ago,” Duclos said. “The first icebreakers the government has acquired in 25 years.” Frédérik Boisvert, vice-president of Davie and one of the Davie representatives at the chamber of commerce luncheon, said the ferry and frigate refit contracts have not been awarded yet. But Davie is confident. “We're extremely well-positioned,” he said. “You can quote me on that, given that the other two shipyards are at full capacity.” The Morneau budget called for replacing the MV Madeleine, linking Quebec's Îles de la Madeleine with Prince Edward Island; the MV Holiday Island, running between P.E.I. and Nova Scotia; and building a new ferry for Marine Atlantic, linking Newfoundland to the continent. “They have to be built in Canada,” Boisvert said. “The two other shipyards are at full capacity so, logically, it's coming to us,” he said. “Maybe (there will be) an announcement before the end of June.” On the frigate refits, Davie is hoping to get contracts to refit at least four of the warships. “Negotiations are underway, and they should be wrapped up soon.” https://ipolitics.ca/2019/03/29/two-federal-ministers-offer-lifeline-for-quebecs-chantier-davie-shipyard/

  • CSC Home Team Celebrates Canadian Industry Success

    11 février 2019 | Local, Naval

    CSC Home Team Celebrates Canadian Industry Success

    Canada's Combat Ship Team awarded contract for Canadian Surface Combatant OTTAWA, Ontario, Feb. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian technology, experience and infrastructure proved a winning combination for Canada's new fleet of surface combatants, as Canada's Combat Ship Team has been awarded the Canadian Surface Combatant design contract by Irving Shipbuilding. Irving Shipbuilding is the Canadian Surface Combatant prime contractor and will build all 15 ships at Halifax Shipyard. BAE Systems, CAE, Lockheed Martin Canada, L3 Technologies, MDA and Ultra Electronics partnered as Canada's Combat Ship Team to offer the Royal Canadian Navy the most advanced and modern warship design, the Type 26 Global Combat Ship, with high-tech platform innovations from prominent Canadian companies. The solution includes the internationally renowned and Canadian-developed combat management system, CMS 330. Bringing together a pan-Canadian team, the six companies have a uniquely skilled workforce and supply chain that are ready to begin work on the program today. Canada's Combat Ship team employs a combined 9,000 Canadians in 40 facilities from coast to coast and engages a Canadian supply chain of more than 4,000 small and medium sized enterprises. The team also secured several additional partners, including Rolls-Royce with its Canadian-designed and manufactured Mission Bay Handling System that will enable adaptability for the ships' operations. The Type 26 Global Combat Ship is a globally deployable multi-role warship that meets the distinctive mission requirements of the Royal Canadian Navy. It is enhanced with the team's collective Canadian naval expertise in combat system design, integration, training, logistics and program management. Purposely designed for high-end anti-submarine warfare and capable of performing a variety of missions around the world, the Type 26 is acoustically quiet, versatile, highly survivable, and allows for significant growth margins for future modernization. Canada's Combat Ship Team will deliver lasting economic benefits to Canadian industry through $17 billion in value proposition commitments in innovation across Canada's priority areas, including $2 billion in supplier development, $2 billionin research and development, and $200 million in advanced manufacturing. All of this contributes to a strong Canadian team - Canada's Home Team - ready to begin work on day one as promised. Quotes "We are delighted to be part of Canada's Combat Ship Team that has been awarded the Canadian Surface Combatant design contract. We believe that the Type 26 Global Combat Ship is the right solution for Canada, combining Canada's trusted Combat Management System with the world's most advanced warship design and bringing together a pan-Canadian team with a proven track record and current capability to perform complex defence projects." Anne Healey, General Manager - Canada, BAE Systems "As one of Canada's largest defence companies, we are proud to be part of this pan-Canadian team selected for the Canadian Surface Combatant program. We look forward to working closely with the Government of Canada, Irving Shipbuilding and the entire team to develop and deliver world-class capability that prepares the men and women of the Royal Canadian Navy for mission success." Joe Armstrong, Vice President and General Manager - Canada, CAE "This award is true validation of our Canadian capability. Our team is honoured, knowing that we offered the right solution for Canada and a proven ability to perform on complex defence programs. Lockheed Martin Canada is ready to continue serving as Canada's trusted Combat System Integrator, as it has for more than three decades, leveraging the innovation and talent here at home that will ultimately result in unprecedented economic outcome for Canada." Gary Fudge, Vice President and General Manager, Lockheed Martin Canada Rotary and Mission Systems "With over 2,200 Canadians working at L3 Technologies, we stand ready to deliver the latest EO/IR sensors, Integrated Platform Management, Integrated Communications and Torpedo Handling systems for the Canadian Surface Combatant. With proven capability on existing Canadian ships, L3 Technologies is proud to be on the team that will deliver the world leading performance expected by the Royal Canadian Navy." Rich Foster, Vice President, L3 Technologies Canada "As one of Canada's leading space and defence companies, MDA's participation in this project validates our expertise in electronics, antennas, signal processing, system engineering and mission software capabilities. In addition to providing world-class operational CSC capability to the Canadian Armed Forces, this project will be a catalyst for exporting more of our technology to the global naval market." Mike Greenley, Group President, MDA "As the underwater warfare lead on the CSC Home Team we are bringing to bear our considerable depth of anti-submarine warfare experience and capability, ensuring Canada's new ships will provide an enduring operational advantage to the Royal Canadian Navy. This work will generate high-tech jobs in Nova Scotia for sonar design and manufacturing and add to our existing significant export capability." Bernard Mills, President, Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems "Our experience and world-leading capability as providers of integrated power and propulsion solutions will deliver these warships with exceptional power through-life and the superb acoustic performance essential to anti-submarine warfare operations. Our Canadian-designed and manufactured Mission Bay Handling System will allow the essential flexibility and adaptability for future operations." Bruce Lennie, Vice President Business Development & Government Affairs, Rolls-Royce Canada About BAE Systems BAE Systems is a world leading shipbuilding, support and maintenance company with the skills and expertise to design, build, integrate, test, commission and support complex warships. BAE Systems has a strong track record of collaboration with customers and industrial partners worldwide to share technology and skills – helping countries grow their naval and industrial capabilities. Canadian industry is already integral to the Type 26 Global Combat Ship program. BAE Systems has operated in Canada for over 100 years partnering over a recent period with over 240 Canadian companies. BAE is active across Canada with equipment including Hawk trainer jets, Submarines, cyber security, Hybrid drive busses, and naval guns. About CAE As a globally-recognized training systems integrator, CAE is committed to providing defence and security forces world-class training centres, training services, and a comprehensive portfolio of training solutions. CAE is headquartered in Canada and has employees in 15 locations across the country. About Lockheed Martin Canada Lockheed Martin Canada has been Canada's trusted defence partner for nearly 80 years and has a proud legacy of providing innovative naval systems and sustainment solutions for Canada and abroad. For more than three decades, Lockheed Martin Canada has demonstrated its capability and commitment to the Royal Canadian Navy as the Prime Contractor and Combat System Integrator for the HALIFAX Class Frigates. The company employs approximately 1,000 employees at major facilities in Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Calgary, and Victoria, working on a wide range of major programs spanning the aerospace, defence and commercial sectors. About L3 Technologies A leading provider of communication, electronic and sensor systems used on military, homeland security and commercial platforms, L3 Technologies is also a prime contractor in aerospace systems, security and detection systems, and pilot training. With over 50 years of business operations in Canada, L3 has a strong Canadian presence with L3 MAPPS, L3 MAS, L3 Communication Systems Canada and L3 WESCAM that each have experience working on technologies and projects for the Royal Canadian Navy. About MDA MDA is an internationally recognized leader in space robotics, space sensors, satellite payloads, antennas and subsystems, surveillance and intelligence systems, defence and maritime systems, and geospatial radar imagery. MDA's extensive space expertise and heritage translates into mission-critical defence and commercial applications that include multi-platform command, control and surveillance systems, aeronautical information systems, land administration systems and terrestrial robotics. MDA is also a leading supplier of actionable mission-critical information and insights derived from multiple data sources. Founded in 1969, MDA is recognized as one of Canada's most successful technology ventures with locations in Richmond, Ottawa, Brampton, Montreal, Halifax and the United Kingdom. MDA has supported the Royal Canadian Navy for over two decades. About Ultra Electronics Based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Ultra Electronics is a part of the Ultra Electronics Group, an international defense and aerospace company. Ultra Electronics has been delivering world-leading underwater warfare solutions to the defense market for 70 years. Ultra Electronics has been highly successful in transforming its research investment into the technologically-advanced underwater battlespace sensor systems that it delivers to both Royal Canadian Navy and internationally. Today, Ultra Electronics is recognized worldwide for its expertise in hull mounted sonar, towed active and passive arrays, sonar sensors, and underwater acoustics. About Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce pioneers cutting edge technology to provide highly-efficient integrated power and propulsion solutions. Rolls-Royce has been established in Canada for over 70 years and today employs over 1500 Canadians at eight locations across six provinces. Rolls-Royce plays an active role in many of the world's major defence programs offering advanced system solutions to navies and coastguards. SOURCE Lockheed Martin https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2019-02-08-CSC-Home-Team-Celebrates-Canadian-Industry-Success

  • Vision 2025: AIAC spearheads initiative aimed at protecting Canadian aerospace

    14 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Vision 2025: AIAC spearheads initiative aimed at protecting Canadian aerospace

    by Chris Thatcher Whether he looks ahead or behind, Jim Quick can see the squeeze coming. Ahead, countries with well-established aerospace industries are developing long-term strategies to strengthen their positions and capitalize on new technologies. Behind, emerging markets are aggressively pursuing entry into the sector, expanding aircraft production and staking a claim to the lucrative maintenance, repair and overhaul business. “The global aerospace industry is growing and evolving at an unprecedented rate,” said Quick, the president and chief executive officer of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC). “New markets are opening up everywhere. New technologies are disrupting our industry [and] shaping a global landscape.” More and more countries in Asia and Africa can see a potential future in the aerospace sector and are investing, in some cases heavily. “There are emerging economies that feel that having aerospace is a key economic driver critical to their economical and industrial success,” he observed. Canada may be ranked fifth among global aerospace markets, and a leader in aircraft-related productivity and research and development, but it's a position that could quickly wane if industry and government lack a long-term plan to guide investments. Look no further than space, where Canada's investment as a percentage of GDP has slipped noticeably from 8th place in 1992 to 18th today. “We have a strong industrial base. We are some of the greatest R&D contributors globally from an aerospace perspective. All the fundamentals are there and our companies have worked hard to put those fundamentals in place,” said Quick. “We have an opportunity to leverage that competitive advantage to grow and innovate. [But] if we don't do that, I think we are at risk of following behind.” AIAC in October launched Vision 2025: Beyond Our Imagination, an industry-led initiative intended to spark a conversation among industry, government, the public, and other stakeholders that will lead to recommendations to shore up Canada's future in the aerospace sector. The initiative is being led by Jean Charest, a former federal cabinet minister and provincial premier, and currently a partner with McCarthy Tétrault in Montreal. Charest served as premier of Quebec between 2003 and 2012, a period following the downsizing of the 1990s when responsibility for many programs shifted from federal jurisdiction to the provinces. Investment in aerospace was one such area and Charest steered several strategic bets in the sector, including support for Bombardier. “I believe in this industry. I certainly have a pretty good understanding of how important the role of government is in this. Whether it is R&D or procurement, this is an area where governments have a pretty key role to play,” he said. “What I also remember from that experience is that we never lost money. Whether it was through the Export Development Canada or other ventures, the governments of Canada never lost money in the industry,” he added. “It has created thousands of good paying jobs [and] it has been part of the branding of the country. When you look back, it is unusual to have a country of 36 million people for this type of industry. The only way for us to support it is to be able to sell abroad. We are exceptional in that way because we built this industry without having an internal market.” Over the next four months, Charest will be conducting a series of meetings and roundtables across Canada, beginning with the Canadian Aerospace Summit in Ottawa Nov. 13 to 14, to engage industry, government and other stakeholders, including the public, in a discussion about the future of the sector. The roadshow will include stops in Toronto and Montreal in December, and in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Halifax in January. The intent is to gather the key elements industry is looking for and make the case to government about the importance of the sector to the country. Charest has already meet with Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and said the government will be following the process closely. “I want to get the provincial governments involved. They have a big stake in this,” he added. The roundtables are also an effort to connect Canadians to the legacy of aerospace and secure broader support for more investment. “We want to bring something constructive to the government,” said Charest of the final report, which is expected in late February or early March, in part to coincide with the budget debates and the looming 2019 election campaign. “Hopefully, the government and the political parties will take up some of the ideas that will come from our report.” That not only includes a discussion about the impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, additive manufacturing, big data and greater analytics, but also assurances from government and educators that the people and skillsets will be there to capitalize. “The employees we have today may not be the employees we have in the future,” said Quick. “The World Economic Forum is telling us that over 40 per cent of the people that work in aerospace may not be working in aerospace in 10 to 12 years' time. And 70 per cent of those in the industry will have a different job in the industry. The disruption of some of the technologies is really going to transform how we are doing business.” Charest suggested the federal government's February announcement of a$950 million investment in five innovation superclusters was “a moment of truth for the industry.” Several aerospace companies, with AIAC support, had banded together to propose a supercluster. “It was a realization that if we really want to take hold of these new technologies, then we have to get better organized and make a stronger case to the government [about] what role they need to play in order for us to take advantage of things like AI,” he said. The aerospace sector last went through a similar exercise in 2012 when David Emerson, a former federal minister of Industry and of International Trade, led a program and policy review of aerospace and space. The aerospace report, titled Beyond the Horizon, painted a picture of a sector at a critical juncture. “If the sector is to continue to thrive and to benefit the country as a whole, all players–companies, academic and research institutions, unions, and governments–must understand and adapt to changing realities. Success depends on developing the technologies of tomorrow and securing sales in a highly competitive global arena,” Emerson wrote at the time. “Private aerospace companies will ultimately drive competitive leadership in the new global economy. But thoughtful, focused, and well-implemented public policies and programs can play a critical role in facilitating this success, by encouraging aerospace innovations involving enormous financial risk and long timelines; improving industry's access to global markets and supply chains; leveraging government procurements to support industrial development; and helping to build a skilled, adaptable workforce.” The space industry report, Reaching Higher: Canada's Interests and Future in Space, was even more stark, arguing that “business as usual will not be good enough.” To foster a competitive Canadian space industry “will require resolve, clear priorities that are set at the highest levels, and effective plans and programs to translate these priorities into practice,” stated Emerson. Both Quick and Charest believe the findings are still relevant and the sector needs a long-term vision. “That is the sense in the industry and it's enhanced by the story of the C Series, which has arrived at the end of its development,” noted Charest. “The engineers, for example, who have worked on that project are going to be looking for work. And if we are not able to give them new projects to work on, they are going to go elsewhere. That speaks to where we are right now in the industry.” “I think we are at a crossroads,” added Quick. “Space is a good example. While our competitors are growing and commercializing their space sector, we're actually falling behind. We have some space companies in Canada that are moving capacity and capability to other countries because they have long-term space programs that have been costed and that have a multi-year vision.” Though the initiative is titled Vision 2025, the intent is to begin acting on the recommendations as soon as possible, said Quick. “2025 is significant only because we feel there's going to be a pivot in our industry from a civil aviation perspective.” The subtitle, Beyond Our Imagination, was added in the hope of encouraging thinking “outside the box,” he said. “Our goal is to ensure ... we have a long-term strategy for the future, and we have policies that help us compete in a very fierce, competitive global environment,” he concluded. https://www.skiesmag.com/news/vision-2025-aiac-spearheads-initiative-aimed-at-protecting-canadian-aerospace

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