23 mars 2024 | Local, Terrestre

The RCAF laces up for the 2024 RCAF Run

The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 RCAF Run, an exciting event that will see participants from across Canada come together to celebrate fitness, community, and the spirit of aviation. Set against the RCAF's Centennial celebrations, the 2024 RCAF Run promises a memorable and meaningful experience for participants of all fitness levels.


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    23 juin 2022 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Ottawa annonce 4,9 milliards de dollars pour moderniser les équipements du NORAD

    Ottawa va investir 4,9 milliards de dollars sur six ans pour moderniser et pour augmenter les capacités de défense continentale du Commandement de la défense aérospatiale de l'Amérique du Nord (NORAD), géré conjointement avec les États-Unis, a annoncé lundi la ministre de la Défense Anita Anand. «

  • F-35: Lockheed Martin promet des retombées de 16,9 milliards $ au Canada d’ici 2058

    6 août 2020 | Local, Aérospatial

    F-35: Lockheed Martin promet des retombées de 16,9 milliards $ au Canada d’ici 2058

    PAUL-ROBERT RAYMOND Le Soleil Le Canada est un partenaire de premier plan dans le programme de l'avion de chasse F-35 depuis les débuts de celui-ci, il y a plus de 20 ans. Celui-ci apporterait des retombées économiques se chiffrant à 16,9 milliards $ jusqu'en 2058 et maintiendrait entre 1675 et 2525 emplois annuellement au pays dans des secteurs de pointe. C'est le message qu'a voulu livrer l'avionneur Lockheed Martin jeudi matin. Lors d'une conférence sur Zoom, Lockheed Martin a signifié que le programme de fabrication de l'avion F-35 implique en ce moment 110 entreprises canadiennes dans 200 projets industriels. Les contrats accordés à celles-ci représentent 2 milliards $ en occasions d'affaires et font travailler 150 000 personnes durant la réalisation du programme. L'avionneur a procédé à cet exercice de relations publiques presque une semaine après avoir officialisé son intention de participer au processus de remplacement de la flotte de chasseurs du Canada. Rappelons que Boeing, avec son Super Hornet Block III (la version la plus moderne du F-18), et Saab, avec son JAS 39 Gripen, sont dans les rangs dans cet appel d'offres visant à acquérir 88 avions de chasse pour l'Aviation royale canadienne (ARC). Les retombées économiques ne seront pas uniquement générées par la construction de ces 88 avions, «mais pour l'ensemble des plus de 3000 avions qui seront commandés dans le monde», assure Steve Callaghan, vice-président à la stratégie et au développement des affaires chez Lockheed Martin. Sachant qu'un autre concurrent pourrait être choisi, il a voulu se faire rassurant. «Si le Canada ne choisit pas le F-35, nous honorerons les contrats avec les entreprises canadiennes jusqu'à leur échéance», a-t-il dit. «Même si le programme du F-35 est mondial, l'industrie canadienne est complètement intégrée dans celui-ci. Nous croyons qu'elle continuera à y contribuer même si le choix de l'ARC est autre que celui du F-35.» Par ailleurs, M. Callaghan assure que les délais encourus en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 n'affecteraient pas les livraisons des avions pour les Forces armées canadiennes. «Nous commencerons comme prévu la production de vos avions en 2025», a-t-il dit. D'ici la fin de l'année 2020, Lockheed Martin prévoit livrer 141 appareils aux huit forces aériennes qui ont commencé à l'utiliser. Parmi les entreprises canadiennes qui participent au programme F-35, au Québec, il y a Héroux-Devtek, basée à Laval. Plusieurs autres entreprises sont localisées, dans les provinces maritimes, au Manitoba, en Colombie-Britannique, et en Ontario, notamment. https://www.lesoleil.com/affaires/f-35-lockheed-martin-promet-des-retombees-de-169-milliards--au-canada-dici-2058-da3dae8df5db9ac1dd4ef7e7e2944e87

  • Canada moves closer to military-spending target following previous critique from NATO, U.S.

    23 octobre 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Canada moves closer to military-spending target following previous critique from NATO, U.S.

    OTTAWA - Canada has taken a big leap closer to meeting its promise to the NATO military alliance to spend a larger share of its economy on defence thanks to an unexpected assist from COVID-19. New NATO figures released Wednesday show that largely thanks to the pandemic, Canada is poised to spend the equivalent of more of its gross domestic product on defence this year than at any point in the past decade. That is because the alliance expects the Liberal government to hold Canadian defence spending steady even as COVID-19 batters the country's economic output. Yet defence analyst David Perry of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute says the results are unlikely to appease the United States, as Canada continues to fall far short of its promise to NATO to spend two per cent of GDP on defence. “I think they'll be pleased to see positive momentum,” Perry said of the U.S., “but it doesn't resolve their concern about where we are.“ All NATO members, including Canada, agreed in 2014 to work toward spending the equivalent of two per cent of their GDP — a standard measurement of a country's economic output — on defence within the next decade. The promise followed complaints from the U.S. about burden-sharing among allies and broader concerns about new threats from Russia and China as the two countries increased their own military spending. NATO and the U.S. have repeatedly criticized Canada for not meeting the target, with President Donald Trump in December calling Canada “slightly delinquent” during a meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. His predecessor, Barack Obama, also called out Canada over its defence spending during an address to Parliament in 2016. The U.S. spends more than any other NATO member on defence, both in terms of raw cash and as a share of GDP. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday said the continued importance of increasing military spending would be discussed when defence ministers from across the alliance meet this week. The NATO figures show that Canada is poised to spend 1.45 per cent of its GDP on the military this year. That is not only a big jump from the 1.29 per cent last year, but the largest share of the economy in a decade. It also exceeds the government's original plan, laid out in the Liberals' defence policy in 2017, to spend 1.4 per cent of GDP on the military by 2024-25. That is when NATO members were supposed to hit the two-per-cent target. Yet the figures show the expected increase isn't the result of a new infusion of cash for the Canadian Armed Forces this year as spending is expected to hit $30 billion, up just over $1 billion from 2019. Rather, NATO predicts Canadian GDP will shrink by about eight per cent this year as COVID-19 continues to ravage the economy. The fact Canadian defence spending is expected to remain largely steady despite the pandemic is noteworthy, particularly as there have been fears in some corners about cuts to help keep the federal deficit under control. The NATO report instead appears to lend further credence to recent assertions from Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan, Defence Department deputy minister Jody Thomas and others that the Liberals are not readying the axe. Canada also remained 21st out of 29 NATO members in terms of the share of GDP spent on the military as other allies also got a surprise boost from the economic damage wrought by COVID-19. At the same time, Perry said the government has yet to lay out a timetable for when it plans to meet the two per cent target. Military spending is instead expected to start falling after 2024-25, according to the Liberal defence plan. Despite having agreed to the target during the NATO leaders' summit in Wales in 2014, successive Canadian governments have repeatedly described the NATO target as “aspirational.” This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 21, 2020. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/10/21/canada-jumps-closer-to-military-spending-target-thanks-to-covid-19s-economic-damage.html

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