9 février 2018 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR

Safran contributeur majeur du projet « OCEAN2020 » retenu par la Commission Européenne pour l’Action Préparatoire de Recherche de Défense

Boulogne-Billancourt, le 7 février 2018

Safran est l'un des principaux membres du consortium OCEAN2020 qui a remporté l'appel d'offres majeur associé à l'Action Préparatoire de Recherche de Défense (PADR) de la Commission Européenne pour 2017.

Doté d'un montant de 35 millions d'euros, le projet de la Commission Européenne porte sur un démonstrateur technologique attestant de la valeur opérationnelle de systèmes de drones de tous milieux (drones aériens, de surface et sous-marins) dans un environnement maritime.

Le consortium OCEAN2020, mené par Leonardo, a remporté cet appel d'offres en fédérant des industriels de toutes tailles, des partenaires académiques et des représentants étatiques de 15 pays de l'Union Européenne. L'équipe gagnante réalisera deux démonstrations de mise en oeuvre de nouveaux moyens de surveillance et de systèmes intégrés de traitement de l'information dans le cadre d'exercices navals européens, en Méditerranée en 2019 puis en mer Baltique en 2020.

Au cours de ces opérations navales, Safran déploiera son drone Patroller dans une configuration de surveillance maritime. Seul drone à voilure fixe de longue endurance engagé dans ces démonstrations, le Patroller sera équipé d'une nouvelle chaîne de mission comprenant un radar de surveillance maritime, un système d'identification automatique des navires (AIS) et la boule optronique EuroflirTM 410 de Safran déjà présente sur sa version terrestre. Les informations recueillies par cet ensemble multi capteurs seront transmises aux systèmes de combat de plusieurs navires et aux centres d'opérations.

Safran contribuera aux innovations du projet OCEAN2020 en développant une fonction d'autonomie de mission pour drones navals. Des traitements embarqués permettront au Patroller de détecter et de suivre automatiquement un navire suspect dans sa zone de recherche et de réunir de l'information (vitesse, trajectoire, taille, immatriculation, images-preuves...) afin de faciliter le travail des opérateurs de mission.

Ces nouvelles capacités fonctionnelles sont déterminantes pour mener à bien les opérations de surveillance des Marines et agences européennes réalisées avec des drones.

Thierry Dupoux, directeur de l'innovation chez Safran Electronics & Defense, a déclaré : « Nous sommes fiers de poursuivre notre feuille de route sur les chaînes de mission drone pour les applications de surveillance maritime. C'est une chance de déployer nos compétences pour contribuer à construire un projet européen d'envergure dans la R&D de défense. »

L'Action Préparatoire de Recherche de Défense est un programme de recherche de 3 ans de la Commission Européenne visant à tester, à travers plusieurs projets, les mécanismes de financement de la R&T de Défense par le budget de l'Union Européenne. Elle préfigure le lancement d'un programme-cadre de soutien de la recherche de défense à partir de 2021.


Sur le même sujet

  • Cyber Command will get a new version of its training platform this fall

    9 juillet 2020 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Cyber Command will get a new version of its training platform this fall

    Mark Pomerleau U.S. Cyber Command's new training platform is slated to deliver the second iteration this fall providing additional capabilities and user capacity, program officials said. The Persistent Cyber Training Environment (PCTE) is an online client that allows Cyber Command's warriors to log on from anywhere in the world to conduct individual or collective cyber training as well as mission rehearsal. The program is being run by the Army on behalf of the joint cyber force and Cyber Command. Officials delivered the first version of the program to Cyber Command in February and the environment was used for the first time in Cyber Command's premier annual tier 1 exercise Cyber Flag in June. 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Moreover, they also anticipate to continue these challenges for the foreseeable future even when a vendor is selected to be the integrator for PCTE through what's known as the Cyber Training, Readiness, Integration, Delivery and Enterprise Technology (TRIDENT), a contract vehicle to offer a more streamlined approach for procuring the military's cyber training capabilities. The contract is valued at up to $957 million. This approach, officials said, prevents vendor lock and ensures the program is at the tip of the technological spear. The fourth cyber innovation challenge seeks to ask industry for assistance in traffic generation – which means emulating fake internet traffic on the platform – and assessment, which was a key requirement directly from Cyber Command. “I would say what we've been driven towards right now are high priorities coming down from [Cyber Command commander] Gen. [Paul] Nakasone and Cyber Command for things like CMF assessment,” Kapadia said. “They want to be able now ... all these reps and sets that are happening within PCTE, how am I assessing the performance of the individuals in my teams.” An integrated and agile approach Since the platform was delivered to Cyber Command in February, command leaders have officially taken the burden of running training exercises from the program office, freeing it up to focus on pursuing new technologies and fixes as well as the overall acquisition. In the past, the program office worked with specific units to conduct training events in order to stress the platform and gain valuable feedback. Now, Cyber Command has created what is called the Joint Cyber Training Enterprise, which is the non-material companion to the PCTE platform and seeks to operate and synchronize training hosted by PCTE for the joint force. “The JCTE is a lot like the combat training center ops group where they are managing the platform, they are running the platform, they are running the training,” Lt. Col. Thomas Monaghan, product manager of cyber resiliency and training at Program Executive Office Simulation, Training and Instrumentation, told C4ISRNET. “So we delivered the platform to them and they're using it I would probably say on a weekly basis. They're doing cyber training events that we don't manage that anymore. We don't stand them up. The platform is being used, we're able to concentrate on specific capability, platform enhancements.” JCTE has formalized the cyber training and use of the environment while also coordinating which cyber mission force units need to conduct which types of training, something the program office wasn't equipped to do. Monaghan said his office is in almost hourly, or at least daily, contact with JCTE to better understand what users like, don't like or needs to be fixed. “We've got the program office, we've got the user community, we've got the operational arm of the user community, which is JCTE, we've got the Army capability manager codifying the requirements all working together. We literally talk to each other at least daily,” Monaghan said. “That direct feedback loop is one continuous circle of information. That's the only way a program this robust can be successful.” Program officials said they gained valuable insights from the recently concluded Cyber Flag, which created roughly six months worth of data. They explained that while not every element worked exactly as planned, the nature of the program allows for incremental and ongoing adjustments to be made. By leveraging specific flexible acquisition tools, the program is not as rigid as other typical military platforms, such as tanks. “It's a perfect one for PCTE because it created that box basically saying in laymen's terms we have no idea what this specifically looks like but we have some eye level things that it should do,” Liz Bledsoe, deputy product manager, told C4SIRNET, regarding the types of acquisition mechanisms PCTE is being run under. Monaghan added: “That's the way the platform and the program were structured when the requirements were written, some of them were listed as evolving or threat based or capability ... They're ever evolving, ever enhancing based off the needs of the cyber mission force.” https://www.c4isrnet.com/cyber/2020/07/07/cyber-command-will-get-a-new-version-of-its-training-platform-this-fall/

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