13 mai 2019 | International, Aérospatial

In row with Turkey, US searching for alternative F-35 component vendors

Ashley Roque, Washington, DC - Jane's Defence Weekly

Pentagon leaders are searching for alternative vendors to manufacture several F-35 Joint Strike Fighter components in the case Washington and Ankara are unable to resolve their dispute over latter's plan to field the S-400 air defence system.

Ellen Lord, the US Department of Defense's undersecretary of defence for acquisition and sustainment, spoke with reporters on 10 May about a host of topics including the ongoing quarrel with Turkey stemming from its plan to field the Russian-built S-400 system over the US-built Patriot system.

"We have been very clear that the F-35 and the S-400 are incompatible," Lord told reporters.

"We have, for some time now, been working to look at alternative sources of supply for the F-35 supply chain that is inside Turkey right now," she later added.


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