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May 13, 2019 | International, Aerospace

In row with Turkey, US searching for alternative F-35 component vendors

Ashley Roque, Washington, DC - Jane's Defence Weekly

Pentagon leaders are searching for alternative vendors to manufacture several F-35 Joint Strike Fighter components in the case Washington and Ankara are unable to resolve their dispute over latter's plan to field the S-400 air defence system.

Ellen Lord, the US Department of Defense's undersecretary of defence for acquisition and sustainment, spoke with reporters on 10 May about a host of topics including the ongoing quarrel with Turkey stemming from its plan to field the Russian-built S-400 system over the US-built Patriot system.

"We have been very clear that the F-35 and the S-400 are incompatible," Lord told reporters.

"We have, for some time now, been working to look at alternative sources of supply for the F-35 supply chain that is inside Turkey right now," she later added.

On the same subject


    March 5, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, C4ISR


    (AOF) - La Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) vient de confier à un groupement industriel mené par Airbus et composé de Naval Group et Rohde & Schwarz, le contrat RIFAN 2.1. Ce contrat a été signé pour une durée maximale de 8 ans et un montant maximum de 150 millions d'euros. Le contrat consiste à maintenir et adapter l'actuel Réseau IP de la Force Aéronavale étape 2 (RIFAN 2) aux besoins de la Marine nationale dans les années à venir, à y intégrer de nouveaux b'timents et à traiter les obsolescences des matériels et logiciels. Il permettra ainsi d'intégrer dans le réseau RIFAN 2 les frégates de défense et d'intervention (FDI), futures frégates de premier rang de la Marine nationale, ainsi que les futurs pétroliers-ravitailleurs du programme BRF (b'timent ravitailleur de forces). Les adaptations du réseau porteront tant sur son architecture centrale que sur la mise à jour du système de surveillance et de détection des incidents de cyber-sécurité. 63 b'timents sont équipés du réseau RIFAN 2 : du porte-avions et frégates aux b'timents de soutien et patrouilleurs basés outre-mer, ainsi que des sous-marins. Le programme vise à doter la force navale française, d'un véritable réseau sécurisé à haut-débit. Il est conçu pour échanger entre les navires à la mer et les centres de commandement à terre, des données de différents niveaux de classification allant de " non protégé " jusqu'aux niveaux " secret ". Le réseau permet de transmettre aussi bien les données issues des applications spécifiques à la conduite des opérations aéronavales que celles dédiées à la gestion quotidienne et logistique de la vie à bord, comme celles des systèmes d'information des états-majors de thé'tre embarqués pour la durée d'une opération. RIFAN 2 comprend également une capacité de gestion globale du réseau et de surveillance des incidents de cyber-sécurité. Cette supervision s'exerce à la fois depuis un centre de gestion et de contrôle à terre, que localement à bord des navires, conférant ainsi une certaine autonomie aux équipages afin d'assurer le meilleur emploi du réseau en fonction de la situation opérationnelle. AOF - EN SAVOIR PLUS Les points forts de la valeur - Numéro un européen et numéro deux mondial de l'industrie aéronautique, spatiale et de défense, né de la fusion en 2000 du français Aerospatiale Matra, de l'espagnol Casa et de l'allemand Dasa ; - Activité de 67 Mds€ répartie entre l'aéronautique civile avec Airbus pour 75 %, défense & espace pour 16 % et Airbus Helicopters pour 9 % ; - Excellente visibilité pour un secteur en croissance annuelle de 3 %, bénéficiant de fortes barrières à l'entrée et d'un bon « pricing power » ; - Famille d'avions civils la plus complète du marché, de l'A380 et l'A350 (long-courrier) à l'A330 (15 heures de vol) et l'A320 (10 heures) et numéro un mondial des hélicoptères (47 % du marché civil en termes de livraisons) ; - Carnet de commandes record de 997 Mds€, donnant une visibilité de près de 15 ans de chiffre d'affaires, provenant de l'Asie-Pacifique (29 %), d'Europe (22 %), d'Amérique du nord (20 %), du Proche-Orient (12 %) et d'Amérique latine (7 %) ; - Acquisition sans sortie de cash de 50,01% de C-Series, programme de l'avionneur canadien Bombardier, qui renforce la position d'Airbus Group face à Boeing ; - Trésorerie importante alimentée par les avances sur commandes et retour à un flux de trésorerie élevé, gr'ce à une bonne maîtrise des besoins en fonds de roulement ; - Vers une hausse du taux de distribution aux actionnaires. Les points faibles de la valeur - Retards de livraisons pesant sur l'autofinancement ; - Incertitudes judiciaires avec risques de pénalités entre 1 et 6 MdsE ; - Ralentissement des cadences des programmes A380 et A400M ; - Forte concurrence à venir dans le spatial de la part de Space X. Comment suivre la valeur - Performances étroitement liées à la santé des compagnies aériennes ; - Sensibilité aux parités de change, 60 % des ventes étant facturées en dollars américains pour une base de coûts majoritairement en euros ; - Poursuite du plan « Vision 2020 », initié en 2009 et visant à un équilibre entre l'aviation commerciale et les autres activités, à un doublement à 25 % de la part des services dans le chiffre d'affaires, à un renforcement à l'international avec 40 % des approvisionnements hors Europe ; - Capacité à redresser le programme C-Series et, dans les usines européennes, à diminuer le nombre d'avions retenus au sol pour problèmes techniques ; - Confirmation de l'accélération du rythme de livraison des A320neo ; - Après l'autorisation des autorités européennes pour l'A330-900, attente de celle des autorités américaines ; - Capital réparti depuis juin 2013 entre l'Etat français (11, % via la Sogepa), l'état allemand (11,1 % via GZbv) et l'état espagnol (4, % via SEPI), réunis par un pacte d'actionnaires. Aéronautique - Défense Le secteur aéronautique est soumis à une profonde mutation. A la recherche de relais de croissance et d'une amélioration de leur rentabilité, les acteurs ne se concentrent plus seulement sur leur cœur de métier (design et assemblage des avions) mais se tournent également vers les services. Ces derniers recouvrent aussi bien le service après-vente (maintenance et réparation des appareils) que la transformation d'avions de ligne en avions-cargos, ou la formation des équipages et des mécaniciens, l'aménagement des cabines et l'optimisation des appareils. Cette évolution amène les avionneurs à revoir complètement la conception de leur métier : ils ne livrent plus un produit mais un usage. Selon Boeing, le chiffre d'affaires des services à l'aviation commerciale pourrait ainsi dépasser celui des avions neufs pour atteindre 8.800 milliards de dollars d'ici à 2037.

  • Drone community comes together for Tech Demo

    October 1, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Drone community comes together for Tech Demo

    UAS Centre of Excellence Press Release On Sept. 25 and 26, more than 150 key influencers of the drone industry have gathered at Alma's UAS Centre of Excellence for the first ever Tech Demo annual edition. With the objective of sharing the latest trends and capabilities of the drone industry, the trade show hosted conferences, discussion panels and drone flight demonstrations. The attendees had a chance to learn more about data integration in the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) industry, UAS traffic management, the niche of excellence in UAS as part of the Accord initiative and the establishment of a pre-qualification centre. ‘ Furthermore, the event presented the latest developments by Nav Canada, Transport Canada and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). The participants also attended presentations on sale and marketing of airborne and space systems and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's various programs. The two-day event allowed people to attend two discussion panels during which they shared ideas about certifications and operations beyond line of sight. People were also given the opportunity to share knowledge with other experts and watch two drone flight demonstrations on giant screens. According to the UAS Centre of Excellence's director general, Marc Moffatt, an event such as Tech Demo is crucial for the industry. “The drone community needs such gathering events,” he said. “We are obviously very pleased with the first edition's success, but what we are most proud of is the quality of the participants. Many of the key actors in setting the regulation for drones in Canada were among us to hear what the community had to teach them and to learn more about the UAS Centre of Excellence's potential.” Moffatt also spoke of how Tech Demo had once again proven the strategic role the UAS CE can play in the drone regulation and technology in Canada. “People of the industry from all over the world came to our trade show,” he said. “The UAS CE succeeded in gathering our own local influencers who understand the CE's strategic role. In recent years, the CE and its partners have built a regional hub that will allow the drone industry to break new ground in Canada but also here in our region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean,” he concluded. Alain Fortin, the CE's president, said: “Whereas the UAS CE is used to organize events with people from the drone community, Tech Demo was more technically oriented. The UAS CE invited representatives from various sectors in order to demystify the possible uses of drones and to inform participants of the rules and technical aspects of unmanned aerial systems. I'm happy to see that people came from all over the world to discuss the issues arising with the integration of drones in our lives.”

  • USAF: New Raytheon Bomb Ready for Real-World Vetting

    July 8, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Other Defence

    USAF: New Raytheon Bomb Ready for Real-World Vetting

    RACHEL S. COHEN The Air Force's top weapons development official says Raytheon's Small Diameter Bomb II, or “StormBreaker,” is ready for primetime despite needing to work out some lingering issues. “Getting them out into the field, right now I think that's the best way for us to wring this out,” Air Force Weapons Program Executive Officer Brig. Gen. Anthony Genatempo said at a recent Air Force Life Cycle Management Center conference. “Get it into the hands of the people using it, figure out what they can do with it that we did not think of, figure out what things are happening in the operational environment that we were not able to replicate and test, and then feed that back into successive upgrades.” The Pentagon plans to buy 17,000 SDB IIs, split between 12,000 for the Air Force and 5,000 for the Navy, and will fly them on all current Air Force fighter and bomber aircraft as well as the A-10, AC-130J, and MQ-9. StormBreaker was designed as a precision munition that can communicate with nearby aircraft to attack moving and stationary targets in bad weather and notch “multiple kills per pass,” according to the Air Force. “The StormBreaker tri-mode seeker uses imaging infrared and millimeter wave radar in its normal mode to give pilots the ability to destroy moving targets, even in adverse weather, from standoff ranges,” Raytheon said in a press release. “Additionally, the weapon can use its semi-active laser guidance to hit targets.” As of October 2018, the service planned to spend $1.9 billion on development and $2.6 billion on procurement, the Government Accountability Office reported in May. StormBreaker's ability to communicate with its host aircraft needs more vetting, Genatempo said, and other fixes are already being added into the current production batch, Lot 4. Its radio may not be fixed until Lot 6 or 7, and the service plans to address parts that will be outdated in Lot 8. “Whether or not that is an issue that will prevent fielding, I don't think I can say that. I don't even think Air Combat Command can say that right now,” Genatempo said. “They very well may choose to take an initial delivery of these weapons at the capability they're at, knowing that one caveat. ... It certainly doesn't affect the entire envelope of operation of the weapon. It's a miniature part of one or two different scenarios.” The weapon is moving closer to being declared ready for initial operations afterfinishing operational tests in June and an overall test program that uncovered a range of performance issues that Raytheon and government officials say are routine in the course of vetting. When airmen are ready to receive the new bomb is ultimately up to Air Combat Command. “It's a very good conversation and dialogue with Air Combat Command about what they would like, when they would like it, what they're willing to take and employ,” Genatempo said. “I very much think that this weapon is ready to go out [to] operational use.” The Air Force now expects to reach its “required assets available” milestone, which has changed multiple times, from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019 through the end of 2020. It was most recently slated for January 2019. To meet RAA, the service must arm 12 Boeing F-15Es with 144 weapons and own spare parts, support equipment, and more. The milestone was originally scheduled for July 2017. Genatempo said RAA was pushed back again to avoid punishing the program for having to wait its turn for testing ranges, as range availability is scarce thanks to several weapons programs simultaneously in testing. Delaying the milestone to later this year was “predominantly a paperwork exercise to make sure we didn't breach our [acquisition program baseline],” he said.

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