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December 21, 2022 | Local, Aerospace

Analysis: Canada’s price tag for F-35 jets raising questions

A $7 billion price tag for 16 jets stands in contrast to what some of Canada’s allies are paying for the exact same plane.

On the same subject

  • Coronavirus shaking up America’s defense industry

    March 10, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Coronavirus shaking up America’s defense industry

    By: Joe Gould and Valerie Insinna WASHINGTON ― The U.S. aerospace and defense sector is feeling the impact of the coronavirus, with companies limiting travel, defense trade events scuttled and contingency planning underway. As stocks fell sharply Monday on a combination of coronavirus fears and plunging oil prices, defense firms were girding for the worst and looking to the White House for guidance. The comments came days after spread of the coronavirus forced the weeklong closure of two F-35 related facilities in Italy and Japan―a sign the outbreak had begun to impact operations within the American defense industrial base. “The normal ways of doing business are definitely going to change,” said Aerospace Industries Association CEO Eric Fanning. “We're trying to get to the place where we're not reacting on a day-to-day basis to what's happening and getting in front of some of these things and maybe making some proactive decisions. But everyone is kind of looking to everyone else to take the lead on how to address this.” Lockheed, Raytheon and Honeywell were among dozens of companies that pulled out of last month's Singapore Air Show, which is typically the largest defense trade show in Asia―and SXSW, a show AIA participates in, was cancelled. The two offer a glimpse into how fears of corona virus could impact other defense trade shows and conferences. “It felt like a ghost town. It definitely was a strange experience,” Fanning said about the Singapore conference. While it's easy to overstate the importance of trade shows in cementing major deals, the deals announced at the shows are often worked out in advance, Fanning said. Still, the shows are still valuable for face-to-face networking between international defense officials and industry. As of Monday, the National Defense Industrial Association still planned to hold its Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Fla., this May. Its 2020 Pacific Operational Science and Technology Conference in Honolulu was ongoing this week, with more than 700 attendees, a spokeswoman said. At least one major defense firm, Boeing, has limited its employees to “business-essential” travel, and it has been rescheduling some events, reducing face-to-face meetings in favor of virtual meetings, enabling telecommuting when possible. “These measures are temporary and aimed to prevent the spread of the virus, shorten its impact and ensure the health and safety of our employees as well as the general public," a Boeing spokesman said. The virus has infected more than 110,000 people worldwide, and Italy on Sunday followed China's lead in quarantining a big swath of its country in hopes of corralling the spread. That sparked more fears in the financial markets that quarantines would snarl supply chains for companies even more than they already have. While COVID-19's long term impacts on the defense aerospace industry may take time to manifest, they could be complicated by the uncertainty of the financial market and ongoing trade wars with China, according to Fanning and others. “Supply chains are global, they're inter-related, they're incredibly complex. Having real good situational awareness into them is difficult to begin with, then you add any instability on top of it, it gets harder. And this definitely is added to that,” Fanning said. The new coronavirus is now spreading on every continent except Antarctica and hurting consumer spending, industrial production, and travel. As COVID-19 spreads around the world, many investors feel helpless in trying to estimate how much it will hurt the economy and corporate profits, and the easiest response to such uncertainty may be to get out. After initially taking an optimistic view on the virus — hoping that it would remain mostly in China and cause just a short-term disruption — investors are realizing they likely woefully underestimated it. On Monday, the Dow Jones U.S. Aerospace & Defense Index was down 26 percent over the last month, lagging the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which was down 18 percent. “Defense should do relatively better [than consumer sectors], but it's not gonna be immune,” said Byron Callan, a policy research expert at Capital Alpha Partners. “It's gonna catch a mild fever where, you know, there are gonna be other parts of the U.S. economy that are gonna be in a critical situation." “Buy-America” regulations and other controls mean the U.S. defense industry's supply chains may be less susceptible to disruption than some consumer sectors, where reliance on China-made components is more widespread―and few, if any supply chains are as globally linked as the F-35's, said U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Defense and Aerospace Export Council's president, Keith Webster. “I would say in the U.S. defense sector's supply chain is less vulnerable than maybe a product in the commercial sector, but we'll have to see,” Webster said. “If this continues across the F-35 partner nations, with their industrial sharing, one could see an impact.” On the flip side, China's weeks-long factory closures could eventually see parallels in the U.S., if the virus is not quickly contained. White collar employees may be able to telecommute, but if skilled laborers are forced to stay home, that could mean problems for the primes and their lower-tier suppliers. “Are there parallels to China in the U.S.? We don't know,” Webster said. “The first step is containment, and the next step is mitigation. China went into mitigation very quickly, which is keeping everybody home. We're just beginning to see that thought process here.” Short of factory closings, factory workers staying home for school closures or to care for sick relatives could trigger work slow downs, particularly at the lower tiers of the supply chain, especially the ones that rely on smaller pools of workers. Those companies could suffer too if they rely on the commercial side of the aerospace sector, which is expected to be harder hit, Callan said. “You can see the ramifications on the pace of work, but it's not like the airline industry or the cruise ship industry where all of a sudden none of your customers show up,” Callan said, adding: “There could be a cascading effect from some commercial aerospace. Again, it's at very, very small level, but it's still a factor.” The Associated Press and Aaron Mehta contributed to this report.

  • Procurement minister defends rule change for F-35 as necessary for competition

    May 31, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Procurement minister defends rule change for F-35 as necessary for competition

    The Canadian Press, Lee Berthiaume OTTAWA — The federal procurement minister is defending the government's plan to loosen procurement rules for the F-35 stealth fighter in the face of questions and concerns from companies that make competing jets. Speaking at the annual Cansec arms-trade show Thursday, Public Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough insisted the move is needed for a robust competition to replace Canada's aging CF-18s. That competition is expected to result in a $19-billion deal for a new fleet of fighters. “The innovations and modifications we are adopting will enable participation from all eligible suppliers while applying the same rules to everyone on a level playing field,” Qualtrough said during a breakfast speech. “This is a complex process. As complex as any the federal government has ever conducted.” The government's plan involves lifting a long-standing requirement that companies legally commit to putting some of their contract money back into Canadian industry if they win a defence competition. The proposal followed U.S. complaints that the requirement violated an agreement Canada signed in 2006 to become one of nine partner countries in the development of the F-35, which is being built by Lockheed Martin. While partner countries can buy F-35s at a discount, they must also contribute money to the planes' development — in Canada's case, more than $500 million to date. Partners are also forbidden from requiring economic benefits as a condition for buying the plane. Companies in each partner country instead compete for contracts associated with the aircraft, with Canadian industry having won $1.5 billion so far. But representatives from Boeing and Saab, which make the Super Hornet and Gripen fighter jets, respectively, said Wednesday the previous policy worked well in ensuring defence contracts benefit Canada economically. And they warned abandoning the requirement that bidders commit to reinvesting in Canada could hurt the country's aerospace industry, which would in turn make it more difficult for the military to support its new jets. Industry sources say representatives for the Eurofighter Typhoon, the fourth aircraft expected in the competition aside from the F-35, Super Hornet and Gripen, have expressed similar sentiments. Qualtrough, offering the government's most extensive defence of the plan to date, insisted that despite letting bidders choose not to make contractual obligations to re-invest, the government is committed to ensuring the largest economic benefits possible. Under the new process, bidders can still guarantee that they will re-invest back into Canada if their jet wins the competition and get full points — which is the likely approach for Boeing, Saab and Eurofighter. Those like Lockheed Martin that can't make such a commitment will be penalized and asked to establish “industrial targets,” lay out plans for achieving those targets and sign a non-binding agreement promising to make all efforts to achieve them. “No one should misunderstand this: our government remains committed as strongly as ever to the (industrial benefit) policy in this competition,” Qualtrough said during her speech. “We're getting the fighter jet for the RCAF's needs, at the right price, and with the right economic benefits for Canadians.” The government has said it plans to launch the long-overdue formal competition to select Canada's next fighter jet in July, nearly four years after the Liberals were elected in 2015 on a promise to hold an immediate competition. Companies are expected to submit their bids next winter, with a formal contract signed in 2022. The first plane won't arrive until at least 2025. –Follow @leeberthiaume on Twitter

  • Du plomb dans l’aile ou plutôt de la rouille sur les ailes et le moral dans les talons…

    February 13, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Du plomb dans l’aile ou plutôt de la rouille sur les ailes et le moral dans les talons…

    par Dave Blackburn La décision du gouvernement de Justin Trudeau de procéder à l'achat de 25 avions de combat F-18 à l'Australie est fortement discutable sur de multiples facettes. Dans quelques semaines, le Canada commencera à prendre possession de ces « nouveaux » appareils. Personnellement, je suis d'avis que notre nation est une fois de plus la risée mondiale. Quel autre pays du G7 irait dépenser 500 millions de dollars pour faire l'achat de 25 avions de combat qui ont plus de 30 ans de service ? Pourront-ils (au moins) voler de Mirabel à Cold Lake ? Le comble du comble, Radio-Canada nous apprenait que le gouvernement Trudeau considère sérieusement de rapporter au Canada ces vieux appareils à l'aide... d'un avion-cargo de type Antonov. C'est quoi le problème ? Les F-18 australiens ne sont pas en mesure de parcourir la distance entre Canberra en Australie et Mirabel au Canada ? Si cela est le cas, c'est rassurant, car ce sont ces mêmes appareils qui assureront la défense aérienne de notre pays. Pourront-ils voler de Mirabel à Cold Lake ? Si le Canada décide de rapporter les 23 avions par avion-cargo (2 avions sont déjà aux États-Unis), une fortune sera dépensée en transport, car les frais de fonctionnement d'un Antonov sont très élevés. Ils n'ont pas pensé à les transporter par bateau ? Pourquoi ne pas acheter un porte-avion usagé ? Avec nos sous-marins et nos « nouveaux » F-18, un porte-avion usagé ferait aussi l'affaire ! Vous savez quoi, ça me donne l'impression que tout est improvisé ! Technologie désuète Fondamentalement, avons-nous besoin de F-18 dont la technologie est désuète et qui selon toute vraisemblance ne feraient aucunement le poids contre des avions de chasse de 5e génération ? Dans le contexte des guerres modernes et urbaines, quelle est la valeur ajoutée, l'utilité, de procéder à l'achat de ces appareils ? Les gouvernements libéraux ont une f'cheuse habitude d'acheter du matériel militaire usagé. Personne (et surtout pas les contribuables) n'a oublié la désastreuse transaction du gouvernement de Jean Chrétien avec la Grande Bretagne dans les années 1990 pour l'achat de 4 sous-marins, au diesel, technologie qui était déjà dépassée depuis longtemps au moment de l'achat. Ces sous-marins ont coûté jusqu'à présent plus de 3 milliards de dollars et ont passé 91% du temps en cale sèche ou à quai. Mais au-delà de tous ces éléments de discussion, ma réflexion porte sur les répercussions sur le moral des troupes lorsque notre gouvernement fait l'achat d'équipement qui est bon pour la ferraille, pour le musée ou pour être installé en avant d'une filiale de la Légion royale canadienne. Et le moral des troupes ? Si je prends le temps de me mettre dans la tenue de vol d'un pilote de l'Aviation royale canadienne, j'aurais sans doute le moral dans les talons. Je me questionnerais sérieusement. J'aurais sans doute des craintes pour ma propre vie si jamais je devais être impliqué dans un combat aérien. Je me demanderais si notre gouvernement est véritablement sérieux dans sa stratégie de défense. En fait, je serais assez confus et déprimé. De mon point de vue, l'achat d'équipement militaire usagé ne peut qu'avoir un impact négatif sur le moral des troupes et un impact sur l'attrition du personnel. Par de fait même, cela doit aussi affecter le recrutement des personnes qui auraient un intérêt pour la carrière de pilote de chasse. J'ai tenté de rejoindre deux pilotes de chasse que je connais, mais je n'ai pas eu de retour. De toute manière, je doute fortement qu'ils aient commenté cet achat, ils sont trop professionnels. Nous avons l'une des meilleures forces militaires au monde sur le plan des ressources humaines. Une force qui est professionnelle, très bien entraînée et qui a démontré à maintes reprises son excellence lors de conflits ou d'opérations locales ou de maintien de la paix. Toutefois, pour demeurer parmi les meilleurs, nos soldats, marins et aviateurs doivent pouvoir bénéficier d'un équipement militaire à la fine pointe de la technologie. C'est aussi simple que ça ! Il est impossible de séparer le soldat de l'équipement militaire pour obtenir de bons résultats. Une fausse bonne affaire Bien évidemment, l'équipement militaire moderne est extrêmement cher et comme pays, nous avons des moyens financiers limités en matière de défense (budget de +/- 25 milliards en 2017). Comme nation, nous devons faire des choix en matière d'investissements dans les différentes sphères de la société. Conséquemment, avant d'acheter n'importe quoi dont des sous-marins au diesel qui devraient être stationnés à Pointe-au-Père en Gaspésie ou des F-18, il faudrait possiblement avoir une réflexion de fond sur nos intentions en matière de défense, sur nos alliances et sur notre capacité financière. Entretemps, le gouvernement de Justin Trudeau pourra continuer de penser qu'il a fait une bonne affaire et se réjouir d'avoir obtenu 7 avions F-18 sur les 25 qui seront utilisés par leurs pièces. À une échelle moins considérable il va sans dire, c'est comme le gars, très fier de son coup, qui s'achète deux Bombardiers ski doo Tundra 250cc 1988 dont l'un sera utilisé pour les pièces ! Il doit aller les chercher à Chibougamau et il habite en banlieue de Montréal. Il pense faire une bonne affaire ! Le Tundra à quand même 30 ans, il doit parcourir des centaines de kilomètres pour aller le chercher et son moral risque d'en prendre un coup lorsqu'il sera « stallé » dans les bois à des kilomètres de chez lui ! Une bonne affaire vous dites ! ?

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