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  • New at the Paris Air Show

    17 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    New at the Paris Air Show

    Airbus Vahana With urban air mobility a central theme of this year's event, Airbus is showcasing its growing fund of expertise, accumulated partly from the Vahana multirotor. Intended to be the first certified electric, self-piloted, vertical take-off and landing ( e VTOL) passenger aircraft, Vahana flew in the U.S. in January 2018, but did not demonstrate transition to forward flight until May 3 this year. The manufacturer is also developing a second design, the CityAirbus, but will place neither in production. Full artcile:

  • BAE Systems Joins Boeing’s MQ-25 Industry Team

    17 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    BAE Systems Joins Boeing’s MQ-25 Industry Team

    NASHUA, N.H.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BAE Systems has been awarded contracts by The Boeing Company to supply the Vehicle Management Control System and Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) System for the MQ-25. “BAE Systems leads the industry in high-integrity fly-by-wire and mission-critical IFF technologies,” said Corin Beck, director of Military Aircraft Systems at BAE Systems. “Our relationship with Boeing started more than four decades ago and has resulted in aircraft that have some of the most advanced avionics and reduced size transponders in the world.” The Vehicle Management Control System will control all flight surfaces and perform overall vehicle management duties for the MQ-25 unmanned aerial vehicle. The IFF product ensures operation in contested environments by reliably identifying both coalition and enemy vehicles. The MQ-25 is the U.S. Navy's first operational carrier-based unmanned aircraft and is designed to provide a much-needed refueling capability. The contract supports Boeing's engineering and manufacturing development program to provide four MQ-25 aircraft to the U.S. Navy for Initial Operational Capability by 2024. “The MQ-25 program is vital because it will help the U.S. Navy extend the range of the carrier air wing, and Boeing and our industry team is all-in on delivering this capability,” said Dave Bujold, Boeing's MQ-25 program director. “The work we're doing is also foundational for the future of Boeing – where we're building autonomous systems from seabed to space.” BAE Systems is an industry leader in the design, development, production, and support of highly reliable flight control systems for commercial and military aircraft. It was the first to introduce fly-by-wire in both military and civil applications. BAE Systems is also a world leader in IFF equipment and this program expands its footprint to approximately 150 platforms worldwide.

  • Enjeux de l’aéronautique et de la défense dans le monde: la vision d’Accenture

    17 juin 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Enjeux de l’aéronautique et de la défense dans le monde: la vision d’Accenture

    POSTED BY: AEROMORNING « Accelerating through digital turbulence », tel est le titre de l'étude menée par Accenture en 2017, et Jean-Louis Rassineux, directeur exécutif, nous fait partager la vision de sur les enjeux de l'aéronautique et de la défense dans le monde. « Le secteur aéronautique et spatial a connu une croissance extrêmement forte jusqu'en 2014, date où l'on annonçait des prises de commandes record dans les salons, et Accenture souligne une baisse de 50% qui se fait sentir depuis 3 ans au niveau mondial » affirme Jean-Louis Rassineux. L'un des défis majeurs de cette industrie consiste à accroître efficacité et croissance dans un secteur qui évolue lentement avec une baisse des commandes de nouveaux appareils en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, mais aussi avec des climats instables, des risques géopolitiques, et l'aggravation des conditions économiques dans certains pays. L'accroissement des cadences chez les avionneurs pèse aussi sur la production qui doit se réinventer pour être plus compétitive. Au niveau du marché de la défense, Accenture évoque de nouvelles perspectives de croissance avec un budget monde estimé à 400 Milliards de dollars, en augmentation faible sur 5 ans. Toutefois une forte croissance sur ce marché défense est liée aux risques, avec une part croissante sur les drones, une tendance de fond qui se confirme. Bien que le contexte d'évolution soit lent, la défense se porte bien et progresse. En croissance depuis deux ans gr'ce aux succès importants qui se sont succédés, et notamment en France avec le Rafale par exemple, l'enjeu aujourd'hui pour la défense est aussi de remplir les accords de contrepartie qui vont avec les ventes et d'arriver à avoir une chaîne de production qui permette de donner un équilibre à ces contrats, de gérer les questions de compétences dans le pays. L'avènement de la transformation numérique, la clé pour affronter tous les enjeux: Accenture analyse l'avènement de la transformation numérique du secteur aéronautique et spatial comme une tendance lourde pour faire face aux nouveaux enjeux. L'une des clés pour la croissance est d'utiliser des technologies d'analyse de données afin d'améliorer les opérations, la chaîne d'approvisionnement et l'intégration de systèmes afin de proposer des services plus attractifs pour leurs clients. Autre tendance lourde observée, le développement des services. L'aspect service digital est devenu un des leviers de croissance. Pour illustrer cette transformation numérique, dans son enquête menée en 2017, pour 68% des entreprises de l'aéronautique et du spatial des sommes considérables ont été investies dans les technologies du numérique, aussi bien pour l'externe que pour l'interne qu'il s'agisse de fabrication additive, de machine learning, d'applications intelligentes, de réalité augmentée. Déjà à la pointe du mumérique depuis la conception du B777 ou de l'Airbus A350 conçu à l'origine entièrement en CAO sur les logiciels de Dassault Systèmes, les entreprises du secteur Aérospatial et défense vont encore plus loin. Au-delà de cette première étape de transformation numérique l'enjeu majeur est d'appliquer cette transformation numérique déjà initiée sur toute la chaîne de valeur, à partir d'objets connectés. Pour citer un exemple, Accenture et Airbus ont collaboré en « mode start-up » pour développer une application « wearable » de pointe dédiée au secteur de l'aérospatial et de la défense : des lunettes intelligentes qui permettent d'améliorer la précision et de réduire la complexité des procédés d'aménagement des cabines, en réduisant notamment le temps nécessaire pour le marquage des sièges en moins d'un mois.. Opérant à partir d'Instructions contextuelles à propos du marquage, les lunettes connectées affichent toutes les informations nécessaires pour aider l'opérateur à marquer le sol plus rapidement et à éliminer tout risque d'erreur. Cette technologie implémentée par Accenture permet une grande interactivité en offrant un accès à diverses fonctions telles que la lecture de codes à barres, la récupération des données dans le cloud, la commande vocale et la réalité augmentée. Gr'ce à cette innovation technologique, les emplacements des sièges peuvent être marqués au millimètre près, permettant ainsi de vérifier leur précision et leur qualité dans tous les avions. De multiples applications digitales de réalité virtuelle sont ainsi portées sur l'industrialisation, sur le développement du produit. L'enjeu, et on assiste à énormément d'essais, c'est de passer du POC, du pilote, à l'industrialisation en série. C'est en ce sens qu'Accenture développe la stratégie digitale en interne à travers toutes ces opérations de production, de support (finance, RH, achats) et assiste ses clients dans la bonne utilisation du digital de la meilleure façon. Il y a eu beaucoup d'apports à l'industrie gr'ce à la réalité augmentée, avec d'heureux effets sur l'emploi, car elle aide l'aéronautique à avoir une meilleure image, moins ancienne et traditionnelle, apporte un facteur d'attractivité sur les aspects formation, en privilégiant l'interactivité plutôt que les « slides » froids et muets. En somme, selon Accenture, tout l'enjeu est d'arriver à trouver les bons leviers pour permettre en interne d'être compétitif, en externe, d'offrir les meilleurs produits et services. Et le big data dans tout ça ? Dans un avion, on a 1 teraoctet (mille milliard d'octets) de données sur un vol, ce qui équivaut à environ 200 vidéodisques numériques et le traitement des données peut devenir clé pour la maintenance prédictive aéronautique. Le grand enjeu est de savoir comment utiliser ces données en vol, et au sol sans s'y perdre et d'en sortir de la valeur ajoutée en matière de conception, de maintenance, de services et de coûts. Par exemple, imaginer des avions performants qui s'échangent les données de vol, ou tout un tas d'applications qui permettent en temps réel de saisir des trajectoires, d'utiliser des données, d'optimiser des routes, d'économiser du gazoil, etc.... Le data lake est né, pour stocker et restituer de façon intéressante et innovante les données en vue de plus de compétitivité. L'intelligence artificielle améliore les Fonctions du support, offre de nouvelles possibilités en matière financière ou en matière de ressources humaines Big data, et mise en place d'applis intelligentes (machine learning), permettent d'envisager l'intelligence artificielle dans l'industrie aéronautique et de doper la croissance. l'innovation, les universités et les startups : Les entreprises aéronautiques ont compris cette nécessité de se remettre en question. L'innovation est aujourd'hui un levier incontestable et c'est pourquoi en 2017 la connection avec les startups et les universités est devenue centrale dans les stratégies de ces dernières, qui de plus en plus nouent des partenariats pour être à la pointe de la meilleure bonne idée, pour créer les meilleurs produits et services, et puisqu'on est souvent en phase de proof en concept, pour réduire les coûts au cas où le POC ne dépasserait pas la phase pilote. Autant pour la recherche que pour le financement, les alliances réduisent les coûts, agrègent des compétences, et en s'allliant avec des petites startups, les grandes entreprises créent de cette façon un réseau d'intelligence. La solution est de se rapprocher de l'écosystème de l'innovation et de travailler collaborativement. Accenture, acteur du digital, apporte de nombreuses solutions gr'ce à son expertise, à sa philosophie, et non moins important son sens de la responsabilité sociétale, n' oubliant jamais l'humain au centre de ces évolutions. Elle remporte ainsi de nombreux succès, fait d'ailleurs partie des grands partenaires du Gifas depuis plus de 10 ans, est aussi partenaire des plus grands salons mondiaux tels Le Salon du Bourget ou celui de Farnborough. « On vit une période fabuleuse d'opportunités, et Accenture, au cœur de cette révolution est passé de consultant à acteur, partenaire industriel du marché de l'aéronautique et de la défense. Nadia Didelot pour AeroMorning

  • iBASEt s’associe à Amazon Web Services pour lancer une plateforme de fabrication Cloud dédiée au marché de l’Aérospatiale et de la Défense

    17 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Autre défense

    iBASEt s’associe à Amazon Web Services pour lancer une plateforme de fabrication Cloud dédiée au marché de l’Aérospatiale et de la Défense

    POSTED BY: AEROMORNING La plateforme conçue par iBASEt et hébergée gr'ce au Cloud Amazon offre une infrastructure de fabrication moderne, une amélioration de l'évolutivité et une réduction du coût de possession LE BOURGET (France), le 13 juin 2019 – iBASEt, fournisseur de solutions logicielles industrielles (MES/MMO, MRO, gestion de qualité et fournisseurs) annonce sa collaboration avec Amazon, dans le cadre du programme Usine intelligente d'AWS. Objectif : le lancement sur AWS d'une suite logicielle de fabrication numérique créée par iBASEt, basée sur le Cloud et dédiée aux fabricants du secteur de l'aérospatiale et de la défense. En coopération avec AWS, iBASEt fournit aux constructeurs de l'aérospatiale et de la défense une plateforme permettant d'exploiter des services natifs afin de créer et déployer rapidement toutes sortes d'applications et de gérer leurs mises à jour plus efficacement. Cette solution offre aux constructeurs du marché de l'Aérospatiale et de la Défense une visibilité et un contrôle accrus de leurs opérations avec un coût de possession réduit, une plus grande sécurité, une meilleure gestion des performances, une résolution des problèmes, des mises à jour logicielles automatiques et une mise en œuvre simplifiée, dans un secteur à la fois complexe et fortement réglementé. Sung Kim, directeur de la technologie chez iBASEt explique : « En travaillant avec AWS, sur la plateforme commerciale, nos clients bénéficieront d'un environnement Cloud capable d'accroître l'efficacité et le contrôle de leurs opérations de fabrication, mais aussi de leur continuité numérique. Conférant une puissante infrastructure, le Cloud permet d'exploiter toute une gamme de services natifs afin d'adapter différentes technologies de façon homogène, reliant les opérations et la gestion de la maintenance dans un flux de données intégré à la chaîne de valeur et au cycle de vie du produit ». Josef Waltl, directeur du segment mondial des logiciels industriels chez Amazon Web Services déclare : « Nous nous réjouissons de compter iBASEt dans notre réseau de partenaires AWS. La société iBASEt rejoint ainsi une liste de partenaires APN (AWS Partner Network) stratégiques, spécialisés dans les logiciels industriels. Ensemble, et au bénéfice des constructeurs de l'Aérospatiale et de la Défense, nous allons pouvoir conjuguer la puissante plateforme d'iBASEt dédiée aux processus de fabrication modernes aux avantages d'AWS Cloud. La solution de fabrication d'iBASEt tirera parti des meilleures pratiques d'AWS en matière de sécurité et de haute disponibilité, dans un environnement Cloud qui offre un déploiement rapide reposant sur des processus automatisés ». Le programme Usine intelligente d'Amazon aide les entreprises à se concentrer sur l'optimisation de leurs opérations de fabrication, sans se soucier de l'infrastructure nécessaire. Cette approche repose sur les services Cloud AWS IoT, l'Edge Computing (ou traitement des données à la périphérie), les data lake ainsi que des outils d'analyse avancés. L'objectif est d'améliorer les opérations de fabrication en capturant, harmonisant, analysant, visualisant et exécutant les silos de données de l'usine. Résultat : une amélioration des principaux indicateurs de performance tels que la qualité, la production et le taux de rendement global. AWS accompagne également les industriels dans l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'apprentissage automatique pour établir des analyses prédictives en temps réel. iBASEt a récemment annoncé la signature d'un accord avec la société aérospatiale Lockheed Martin (NYSE : LMT). En effet, le constructeur américain a choisi la suite logicielle de fabrication numérique d'iBASEt comme système d'exécution de la fabrication pour sa division aéronautique, laquelle conçoit et construit des avions militaires. Salon du Bourget iBASEt sera présent au 53ème Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace du 17 au 23 juin 2019 stand B86. Le Salon du Bourget, événement centenaire, est le plus grand et le plus ancien salon aéronautique et spatial au monde. Depuis son lancement, le salon a été au cœur de l'évolution du marché mondial de l'aéronautique, dont il est devenu au fil des ans le plus important lieu de rencontre. A propos d'iBASEt iBASEt est l'un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions logicielles pour les industries complexes et hautement réglementées, telles que l'aérospatiale et la défense, les dispositifs médicaux, le nucléaire, l'équipement industriel, l'électronique et la construction navale. Le logiciel iBASEt de fabrication numérique rationalise et intègre les systèmes de gestion des opérations et d'exécution de production (MES/MOM), de maintenance, réparation et révision (MRO) et de gestion de qualité pour la production et de fournisseurs (EQMS). iBASEt est utilisé par plusieurs organisations industrielles leaders dans le cadre de leurs projets de fabrication numérique de produits.

  • Leonardo and Diamond Aircraft partner to offer maritime surveillance variant of DA62

    14 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Leonardo and Diamond Aircraft partner to offer maritime surveillance variant of DA62

    Leonardo and Diamond Aircraft Industries are teaming up to offer a version of Diamond's popular twin-engine DA62 aircraft customized for maritime surveillance missions. The new variant, designated DA62-MSA (maritime surveillance aircraft) will be on show for the first time at the Paris Air Show. It will be outfitted with a full intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) suite based on Leonardo's ATOS (airborne tactical observation and surveillance) mission system. The collaboration is a response to the need for cost-effective, short/medium-range land and maritime surveillance platforms in regions such as South America, Africa and Asia Pacific. The DA62-MSA meets this requirement by bringing together an affordable and pilot-friendly aircraft with a full set of state-of-the-art sensors which, through the ATOS mission system, deliver a single, intuitive operational picture to the crew. The DA62-MSA's baseline sensor fit will include a Leonardo Gabbiano Ultra-Light TS Radar, which comes with an extensive suite of modes including optimized maritime patrol capabilities (such as high sea state detection), high resolution ground mapping via synthetic aperture radar (SAR) modes, ground moving target indication (GMTI) and weather avoidance modes. The aircraft will also come with a high definition electro-optic (EO/ IR) turret which, like the radar, will be fully integrated into the operator's touch-screen ATOS display in order to follow and manage the surveillance missions. Sensor options will also be offered for users who require additional capability, including Leonardo's SAGE electronic support measures (ESM) system and Spider communications intelligence (COMINT) system. SAGE provides tactical threat awareness and strategic intelligence gathering in the radio-frequency (RF) environment, while Spider can detect, intercept, identify and geo-locate communications of interest. More than 110 twin-engine special mission aircraft have been sold by Diamond and more than 60 ATOS systems are installed by Leonardo on 10 different platforms, including for Italy's Air Force, Guardia di Finanza (customs police) and Coast Guard, and Australian Customs. With the DA62-MSA, Leonardo and Diamond are able to offer an extremely cost-effective and user-friendly light ISR solution for maritime security needs, with a takeoff weight of 2,300 kilograms, endurance of up to eight hours and up to four crew able to operate with land and maritime radar. Liqun Zhang, CEO of Diamond Aircraft said, “Diamond Aircraft is very proud to step into such an important strategic partnership with Leonardo to provide a cost-efficient high-performance maritime surveillance solution to the market. We all recognized the importance of such a capability and the high demand of many countries to protect their borders against illegal fishing and other criminal operations, this new airborne solution, based on our DA62 special mission aircraft, will be available to the market by the end of the year, ready to deliver and provide security and surveillance tasks. During Paris Air Show 2019, stand A6, the very first time Diamond will static display this configuration to the audience.” “Partnership is central to Leonardo's way of doing business and as such we are delighted to be working with Diamond Aircraft on this venture. Our aim is always to provide the optimum solution to our customers and we believe that this combination of Diamond's platform with a full suite of Leonardo sensors and our mission system provides an extremely compelling offer for this market segment,” said Fabrizio Boggiani, senior vice-president, Airborne Sensors & Mission Systems, Leonardo Electronics.

  • KC-46 refueling system flaws will take years to fix and cost hundreds of millions, GAO says

    14 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    KC-46 refueling system flaws will take years to fix and cost hundreds of millions, GAO says

    By: Stephen Losey New designs will be required to fix some of the issues with the refueling boom and the remote vision system on the Air Force's new KC-46 Pegasus tanker, and that could take years to fix, the Government Accountability Office said in a report released Wednesday. The refueling boom on the Pegasus could inadvertently scratch fighter jets' stealth coatings, or otherwise damage aircraft, according to the GAO. The good news is that the cost of delivering all 179 KC-46 tankers is now expected to come in at $43 billion, or nearly $9 billion cheaper than originally estimated in 2011, GAO said in the report. More, the KC-46 is ultimately expected to meet all 21 of its performance goals. But delays in the program mean that Boeing will not be able to make good on its most significant delivery requirement — delivering nine sets of wing aerial refueling pods — until mid-2020, or nearly three years later than originally expected. In addition to previously reported foreign object debris problems, the GAO report details deficiencies with the tanker's remote vision system and refueling boom — which could damage aircraft, especially stealth coatings. As has been previously reported, the remote vision system's cameras sometimes had problems with glare when the sun shone at certain angles, GAO said. This caused the display screens to be washed out or blacked out during some test flights, and the aerial refueling operators had a hard time seeing the receiving aircraft's receptacles to guide in the boom. The system also doesn't provide enough depth perception in some lighting conditions, GAO said. Boeing said it has already made changes, such as adjusting the contrast on the display screen and allowing operators to more quickly switch between different viewing options. However, GAO responded that those changes didn't fix the underlying problem: KC-46 operators need to be able to refuel aircraft in all conditions, with sufficient visual clarity in all lighting conditions. Boeing has agreed to redesign the vision system to do so, but the redesign could take three or four years, plus several more years to install it in the planes. That vision problem also caused the boom nozzle to bump into the receiving aircraft, without the knowledge of the refueling operators. This could damage the antenna or other structures near the refueling receptacle, GAO said. This especially presents a problem for low-observable planes such as the F-22 fighter, because inadvertent boom nozzle contact could scratch or damage special stealth coatings, and make them visible to radar. GAO also said the Pegasus' telescoping boom is stiffer than expected, which means lighter aircraft — such as the A-10 and F-16 — must use more power to move the boom forward while in contact to compress it and stay in refueling position. The need for additional force can create a problem when the receiving planes disconnect from the boom. When they disconnect, their additional power can cause them to lunge forward back into the boom, which could damage the plane and the boom itself. For the A-10, because the receptacle is located on its nose, a collision with the boom could damage the windshield and put the pilot at a greater risk. Boeing said that fixing that problem will require a hardware change, which could take three or four years to be designed and certified by the Federal Aviation Administration. But because the contract didn't specify how much force should be needed to compress the boom, and because the Air Force signed off on Boeing's original proposed specifications, program officials said the Air Force will have to foot the bill. The total cost for designing and retrofitting roughly 106 KC-46s? More than $300 million, GAO said.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - June 13, 2019

    14 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - June 13, 2019

    NAVY Resource Management Concepts Inc.,* Lexington Park, Maryland, is awarded a $101,231,753 cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-reimbursable, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract. This contract provides for information technology engineering and management services for aircraft, avionics, and weapons system requirements in support of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division's Integrated Battlespace Simulation and Test Department (AD 5.4). Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Maryland (71 percent); Orlando, Florida (7 percent); San Diego, California (6 percent); Jacksonville, Florida (6 percent); Point Mugu, California (5 percent); and Cherry Point, North Carolina (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in July 2023. No funds are being obligated at time of award, funds will be obligated on individual task orders as they are issued. This contract was competitively procured via an electronic request for proposals as a 100 percent small business set-aside; two offers were received. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00421-19-D-0065). Harper Construction Co. Inc., San Diego, California, is awarded $56,127,477 for firm-fixed-price task order N6247317F4705 under a previously awarded multiple award construction contract (N62473-16-D-1881) for construction of a maintenance hangar, maintenance shop and administrative building at Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona. The work to be performed provides for the construction of three facilities in support of project P612 which includes a maintenance hangar, maintenance shop, and an administrative building. Associated work at all three sites includes, but is not limited to, testing and abatement for hazardous materials, demolition/disposal, site grading/prep, utility infrastructure work and relocation of aircraft point-of-service power, repair and install of airfield and other paving, optional photovoltaic system at the hangar site, testing, commissioning, and all incidental related work necessary to provide complete and usable facilities. The task order also contains one unexercised option, which if exercised would increase the cumulative task order value to $56,826,414. Work will be performed in Yuma, Arizona, and is expected to be completed by April 2022. Fiscal 2017 military construction (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $56,127,477 are obligated on this award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Four proposals were received for this task order. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity. Multi-MAC JV,* Yuma, Arizona, is awarded a maximum amount $50,000,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity architect-engineering contract for compliance with air emission regulations, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act regulations, greenhouse gas and all other environmental media regulations to support Navy, Marine Corps, and other Department of Defense installations and federal agencies worldwide. No task orders are being issued at this time. All work on this contract will be performed at various Navy and Marine Corps facilities and other government facilities within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic area of responsibility including, but not limited to, California (45 percent); Virginia (15 percent); North Carolina (15 percent); Florida (5 percent); Maryland (5 percent); Washington (5 percent); Georgia (5 percent); and Europe Africa Southwest Asia (5 percent). The term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months with an expected completion date of June 2024. Fiscal 2019 operation and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $10,000 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Future task orders will be primarily funded by operation and maintenance (Navy). This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with three proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N62470-19-D-4010). Technical Data Analysis Inc.,* Falls Church, Virginia, is awarded a $37,735,874 cost-plus-fixed-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to provide engineering and technical support services for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Air Vehicle Department. Engineering and technical support services for this effort shall include analysis, development, and integration of warfare systems, aircraft structural life surveillance, service life assessments and service life extensions in support of various Navy and Marine Corps platforms. Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Maryland, and is expected to be completed in August 2024. No funds will be obligated at the time of award. Funds will be obligated on individual orders as they are issued. This contract was a small business set-aside, competitively procured via an electronic request for proposal; one offer was received. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00421-19-D-0069). Raytheon Co., Goleta, California, is awarded a $32,977,260 firm-fixed-price contract to conduct a demonstration of existing technologies (DET) in support of the Dual Band Decoy Program. This DET will demonstrate expanded capabilities of the Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures AN/ALE-55 Fiber Optic Towed Decoy and AN/ALE-50 Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy used on the F/A-18E/F aircraft. Work will be performed in Goleta, California, and is expected to be completed in September 2021. Fiscal 2019 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $12,000,000 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via a broad agency announcement, with three offers received. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N0001919C1026). Cape Environmental Management Inc.,* Honolulu, Hawaii, is awarded $13,611,247 for cost-plus-award-fee task order N6274219F0129 under a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N62742-16-D-1807) for implementation of remedial alternatives to address sediments contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls and metals at the Pearl Harbor sediment site. The selected remedies to be implemented will include placement of a thin-layer of clean material for enhanced natural recovery (ENR) and treatment of contaminated sediment with activated carbon amendment material in under-pier areas where dredging or other active remedies are impracticable. The remedy action also includes pre-ENR dredging of sediment where necessary, to provide sufficient clearance below the authorized maintenance dredging elevation for the placement of clean material for ENR. Work will be performed in Oahu, Hawaii, and is expected to be completed by June 2022. Fiscal 2019 environmental restoration (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $13,611,247 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. One proposal was received for this task order. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, is the contracting activity. WR Systems, Fairfax, Virginia, is awarded a $10,918,406 cost-plus-fixed-fee, firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for the production, engineering, technical and logistical services associated with delivery and technical support of the AN/SPA-25H Indicator Group. These systems support surface ships and are the standard data and distribution system from radar sensors to navigational and tactical displays. Additionally, the Navy has a need to procure durable and reliable state-of the-art switchboards, decoders, converters, switches and upgrades, for existing AN/SPA-25G and AN/SPA-25H installations. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Virginia (90 percent); and various Navy shipyards (10 percent), and is expected to be completed by May 2024. Fiscal 2018 and 2019 other procurement (Navy); and fiscal 2016 and 2017 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $2,335,439 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured on the basis of full and open competition via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with four offers received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N0017819D4505). ARMY Baker Jacobs JV, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $46,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architect-engineer services. Bids were solicited via the internet with nine received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 12, 2024. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville, Kentucky, is the contracting activity (W912QR-19-D-0030). CGI Federal Inc., Fairfax, Virginia, was awarded a $34,414,693 modification (P00049) to contract W911S0-15-C-0004 for Operational and Environment Core functions support services. Work will be performed in Fort Eustis, Virginia, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 9, 2020. Fiscal 2190 operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $23,000,000 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Fort Eustis, Virginia, is the contracting activity. TiER1 Performance Solutions LLC,* was awarded a $19,000,000 hybrid (cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price) contract for research and development. Bids were solicited via the internet with 63 received. Work locations and funds will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 13, 2024. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity (W911NF-19-D-0002). Oshkosh Defense LLC, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, was awarded a $17,335,100 hybrid (cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price) contract for re-baselining the current production configuration and the procurement of capability enhancements to Government Furnished M1070A1 Heavy Equipment Transporters. One bid was solicited with one received. Work will be performed in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, with an estimated completion date of July 31, 2020. Fiscal 2019 other procurement, Army funds in the amount of $17,355,100 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-15-D-0031). Avion Solutions Inc.,* Huntsville, Alabama, was awarded a $15,189,965 modification (0002 18) to Foreign Military Sales (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Croatia, Egypt, Jordan, Latvia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Sweden, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates) contract W31P4Q-15-A-0029 for logistics support services. Work will be performed in Huntsville, Alabama, with an estimated completion date of June 16, 2020. Fiscal 2019 Foreign Military Sales; other procurement, Army; operations and maintenance, Army; and research, development, test, and evaluation funds in the amount of $15,189,965 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity. GTA Containers Inc.,* South Bend, Indiana, was awarded a $14,706,913 firm-fixed-price contract for procurement of collapsible fabric tanks. Two bids were solicited with two bids received. Work will be performed in South Bend, Indiana, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 6, 2022. Fiscal 2019 Army working capital funds in the amount of $14,706,913 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-19-F-0409). Goodrich Corp., Brea, California, was awarded a $12,634,182 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance and overhaul of the Hoist, Internal Rescue. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 10, 2024. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-19-D-0037). Oxford Federal LLC, Sheridan, Wyoming, was awarded a $7,762,098 firm-fixed-price Foreign Military Sales (Israel) contract for Site 13900. Six bids were solicited with three bids received. Work will be performed in Tel Aviv, Israel, with an estimated completion date of July 31, 2020. Fiscal 2019 Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $7,762,098 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wiesbaden, Germany, is the contracting activity (W912GB-19-F-0111). CORRECTION: A contract announced on June 12, 2019, for IBM Corp., Bethesda, Maryland (W912DY-19-F-0396), for $9,500,000 incorrectly identified the purpose of the contract. The contract is for the Department Of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program, Technology Insertion, Army Research Laboratory, Order 17 - Containerized Machine Learning System. All other information in the announcement was correct. U.S. SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND The Boeing Co., Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $30,778,000 firm-fixed-price type delivery order (H92241-19-F-0091) under an existing contract (W91215-16-G-0001) to procure components and parts in support of MH-47G rotary wing aircraft. This action is required to satisfy an urgent need to sustain U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) heavy assault, rotary wing aircraft, to mitigate the impact of the MH-47G aircraft availability in light of increased SOF operational demands and to procure H-47 long-range, rotary wing aircraft under foreign military sales acquisition procedures for the United Kingdom. Fiscal 2019 Aircraft Procurement, Army funds in the amount of $20,778,000 and no-year Foreign Military Spending funding from the United Kingdom in the amount of $10,000,000 shall be obligated at time of award for the acquisition of long-lead components and parts in support of the MH-47G Block II Production Program. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The majority of the work will be performed in Ridley Park. U.S. Special Operations Command Headquarters, Tampa, Florida, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Sea Box,* Cinnaminson, New Jersey, has been awarded a maximum $7,364,845 firm-fixed-price contract for TRICON containers. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(2) and 41 U.S. Code 3304(A)(2), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-2(a)(2). This is a one-year base contract with no option periods. Location of performance is New Jersey, with Dec. 31, 2019, performance completion date. Using military service is Army. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Warren, Michigan (SPRD11-19-C-0220). *Small business

  • There are Turkish jets in the Pentagon’s latest F-35 deal. Here’s why that’s not a big problem.

    14 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    There are Turkish jets in the Pentagon’s latest F-35 deal. Here’s why that’s not a big problem.

    By: Valerie Insinna WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's latest deal with Lockheed Martin for new F-35 jets includes some for Turkey, raising the question of what will happen if the country is pushed out of the program. The handshake agreement announced Monday totals about $34 billion for 478 new F-35s over lots 12 through 14, including about five to 10 jets for Turkey per lot, one source told Defense News. But that might not complicate the process of finalizing the contract agreement, aerospace analysts and other sources close to the program said — even as the Defense Department begins “unwinding” Turkey's participation in the program. At issue is Turkey's purchase of the S-400, a Russian air defense system that U.S. and NATO officials say is at odds with the alliance's plan to field the F-35. Despite months of discussions between Ankara and Washington, Turkish leaders have emphatically maintained that it will not cancel the S-400 order. In response, acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan on June 6 approved a plan to strip Turkey from the F-35 program. Turkish pilots and maintainers undergoing training at U.S. bases are required to leave the United States by July 31, and contracts with Turkish defense companies could end in 2020. Ankara has since doubled down on its intent to buy the S-400. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday that the purchase is already “a done deal” and that the Russian air defense system will be delivered in July, according to Reuters. “We will call to account in every platform Turkey being excluded from the F-35 program for reasons without rationale or legitimacy,” Erdogan said. So what if Turkey leaves? Sources told Defense News that Turkey's potential exit from the program isn't expected to have much of an impact on the deal for lots 12 through 14. The Pentagon hasn't provided exact costs per unit for the new F-35s, but it has acknowledged that unit flyaway costs will decrease by about 8.8 percent in Lot 12, made up of 157 jets. The department also estimates unit prices will drop by about 15 percent from Lot 11 to Lot 14 across all variants. By that framework, F-35 customers will be able to buy an F-35A conventional-takeoff-and-landing model for less than $80 million by Lot 13 — one year earlier than expected. That isn't expected to change, even if Turkey is knocked from the program, a department source said. Rebecca Grant of IRIS Independent Research said it's likely the number of jets and the negotiated prices in the handshake agreement will stand, adding that the Defense Department still has options on the table. “They can let Turkey go ahead and have those jets [and] park them in the desert [until this issue is resolved]. They can switch to a customer that wants earlier deliveries — also an option,” she said. Dealing with these types of problems isn't new for the United States, added Grant, who pointed to the U.S. arms embargo on Pakistan in 1990, which resulted in the country's F-16s being placed into storage. Richard Aboulafia, an aerospace analyst at the Teal Group, said there are multiple ways for the Pentagon to deal with the fallout of a Turkish exit from the program. Countries like Singapore and Poland, which have expressed interest in buying F-35s, could join the program and pick up the slack. If Congress adds F-35s to upcoming budget cycles — which has been typical in recent years — the U.S. armed services could buy Turkey's jets. “I really don't see it as a challenge,” Aboulafia said. “This is not the same as building white tails in the commercial aviation business.” Another option was outlined by Marillyn Hewson, the head of F-35 manufacturer Lockheed Martin, in May: Sell Turkey's jets to existing international customers. “It's not a significant number of aircraft that if there was a sanction that they couldn't receive those aircraft now or in the future; it will be backfilled,” she said at Bernstein's Strategic Decisions Conference, according to Defense One. “In fact, a lot of countries say: ‘We'll take their [production line] slots.' They [other countries] really want the aircraft. I don't envision that being an impact on us from a Turkey standpoint.” U.S. officials remain hopeful that Turkey will cancel its S-400 order, and they have made it clear that Turkey's participation in the F-35 program will continue if that happens. “Turkey still has the option to change course. If Turkey does not accept delivery of the S-400, we will enable Turkey to return to normal F-35 program activities,” Ellen Lord, the Pentagon's acquisition chief, said June 7. The U.S. government is no rush to expel Turkey from the program, Grant said. Including Turkey in the current contract negotiations helps send that message. “We need Turkey in NATO, and we'd like to see a Turkish Air Force with F-35s,” she said. “This is going to take some diplomacy.” Aboulafia noted that Turkey benefits from its involvement in the F-35 program, with its companies manufacturing parts for the jet's F135 engine and a second supplier providing the center fuselage. The country has made the development of its defense industry a priority, and risks becoming a cottage industry if it alienates its NATO allies, he said. “This does not do it any favors. They are going to have to line up partners and programs very fast," he added. But the prospect of a happy resolution is looking increasing grim, he said. “There is no room for compromise [on the U.S. side], and on the other side you have a populist, who is making this a test of his leadership. There is a lot of ego here.”

  • Saab retire le Gripen des essais pour l'armée

    14 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Saab retire le Gripen des essais pour l'armée

    Pascal Schmuck avec ats Le Gripen E de Saab est exclu de la procédure d'évaluation pour un nouvel avion de combat. La décision a été prise par l'Office fédéral de l'armement (armasuisse) après que le constructeur suédois a indiqué qu'il ne participerait pas aux essais en vol. Un rattrapage ultérieur des tests en vol et au sol irait à l'encontre de l'égalité de traitement de tous les candidats et n'est pas une option, indique jeudi armasuisse dans un communiqué. Saab avait précédemment indiqué que le calendrier de développement de son avion n'était pas adapté au plan suisse visant à tester des appareils pleinement opérationnels dès 2019. Solutions alternatives Saab avait soumis diverses solutions alternatives pour pouvoir participer aux essais en vol de cette année. Armasuisse avait rejeté la proposition du constructeur suédois de mettre à disposition un Gripen C pleinement opérationnel en plus d'un avion d'essai Gripen E pour les tests en vol et au sol. Saab estime que d'autres concurrents ont également démontré leurs capacités sur des plateformes existantes, qui diffèrent des versions définitives à livrer. Dans la procédure d'évaluation en vue de l'acquisition d'un nouvel avion de combat - en remplacement du F/A-18 - l'avion furtif Lockheed Martin F-35, le F/A-18 Super Hornet de Boeing, le Rafale du constructeur français Dassault et l'Eurofighter d'Airbus restent en course. Ils ont subi de nombreux essais en vol à Payerne (VD). Les essais en vol font partie de la procédure d'évaluation concernant l'acquisition d'un nouvel avion de combat à partir de 2025, pour un montant maximal de six milliards de francs. Le choix du type d'appareil reviendra au Conseil fédéral. «Le meilleur choix» Dans son communiqué, Saab se disait convaincu que le Gripen E représente le meilleur choix pour la Suisse. Ce modèle se distingue de ses concurrents en étant le tout dernier système d'avions de combat, selon le constructeur suédois. Sa production a déjà commencé et le premier avion sera livré cette année. L'offre soumise en janvier dernier est toujours valable. Saab est prêt à s'engager à livrer 40 Gripen E-fighter dans les délais et à respecter toutes les spécifications et le budget prévu. L'offre inclut également un programme de support complet, impliquant les fournisseurs locaux, afin d'assurer des coûts d'exploitation les plus bas possible, ainsi que la plus grande autonomie. Déjà un échec en 2014 Lors du dernier processus d'acquisition d'un nouvel avion de combat, Saab avait déjà proposé à la Suisse l'achat du Gripen E, en commun avec les forces aériennes suédoises. A l'époque, le calendrier de développement prévoyait une livraison à la Suisse en 2021. Mais, en mai 2014, la population a rejeté en votation l'achat de 22 avions de combat Gripen pour 3,1 milliards de francs. Saab a alors modifié le calendrier et l'a adapté aux besoins de la Suède et du Brésil. Comparaison au second semestre 2020 Pour chaque candidat, armasuisse, en coopération avec l'Etat-major de l'armée, les Forces aériennes, la Base logistique de l'armée et la Base d'aide au commandement, rassemblera dans des rapports spécialisés les résultats de la phase d'analyse et d'essais. Ces rapports techniques constitueront la base d'une comparaison systématique et complète entre les différents candidats, qui sera effectuée au cours du second semestre 2020. Ils serviront également à déterminer pour chaque modèle d'avion la taille nécessaire de la flotte. Sur cette base, armasuisse préparera un deuxième appel d'offres, conformément au calendrier actuel, et le remettra aux candidats. Une fois les résultats reçus, l'office fédéral comparera les différents postulants sur la base des rapports spécialisés et déterminera l'utilité globale pour chacun d'entre eux. Un rapport d'évaluation sera ensuite établi, dans lequel l'utilité globale sera comparée aux coûts d'acquisition et de fonctionnement pendant trente ans. (nxp)

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