8 janvier 2021 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

Vice Admiral McDonald to take over as defence chief on Jan. 14

Vice Admiral Art McDonald will take over as the Chief of the Defence Staff next Thursday. He will be promoted to full admiral for his new position.

McDonald replaces Gen. Jon Vance who has been CDS since July 2015. Vance announced last year that he was retiring.

McDonald is currently the commander of the Royal Canadian Navy and has served in a variety of positions, both at National Defence headquarters in Ottawa and on board various frigates. As a Capt(N), he was the maritime component commander of Canadian Joint Task Force (Haiti), leading sea-based humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

He then commanded a seven-ship combined, multi-national Task Group in the High Arctic later in 2010 during the annual Op Nanook. Later, as a rear admiral he also led the Canadian Forces' responses to fires and floods in British Columbia while commanding Joint Task Force Pacific from 2016-2018.

McDonald will be replaced in his current position by Rear-Admiral Craig Baines. Baines will be promoted to vice-admiral.


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