22 juin 2023 | International, Autre défense

Nouveautés pour les innovateurs

Chers innovateurs Canadiens,


Le lundi 19 juin, l'OTAN DIANA a lancé ses trois premiers défis pilotes. Les candidatures sont maintenant ouvertes aux innovateurs de classe mondiale qui ont des idées exceptionnelles pour aider à résoudre des problèmes critiques de défense et de sécurité à double usage.


L'appel aux propositions pilote de DIANA se concentre sur les trois domaines suivants :


Résilience énergétique:



Dans un monde incertain et en constante évolution, il est urgent de trouver des solutions énergétiques plus fiables, plus résistantes et plus efficaces, en particulier à la suite de catastrophes naturelles ou dans les zones de conflit. Le changement climatique et ses conséquences ne feront qu'accentuer ce besoin.


Pour relever ce défi, DIANA recherche donc des solutions technologiques permettant la conception modulaire de micro-réseaux capables de répondre de manière fiable aux demandes d'approvisionnement. Les technologies et les systèmes capables de s'adapter et interopérables avec d'autres systèmes similaires, la production d'énergie renouvelable, le stockage de l'énergie, le matériel et les logiciels pour le conditionnement et la gestion adaptatifs et intelligents de l'énergie, ainsi que les technologies de détection et de protection du système physique et de ses composants contre les cyberattaques malveillantes, sont dignes d'intérêt.


Télécharger l'énoncé du problème ici. (en anglais seulement)


Partage sécurisé de l'information:



Par partage sécurisé de l'information, nous entendons généralement la capacité d'échanger des documents et d'autres informations avec des tiers en toute sécurité, sans risque d'interférence de la part d'acteurs malveillants. Toutefois, s'il est important de protéger le transfert d'informations basé sur des documents dans un environnement de bureau, la tâche est plus simple que de sécuriser de multiples formes de flux d'informations lorsque l'on travaille sur le terrain ou en déplacement, comme c'est souvent le cas pour les secouristes, les forces de maintien de la paix et l'armée.


Pour ce défi, DIANA recherche des moyens de créer un environnement d'information sécurisé et fiable, en mettant l'accent sur les flux de données en direct tels que ceux utilisés pour fournir des vidéos en temps quasi réel, des flux de réalité augmentée, des radios numériques, etc. Les solutions matérielles et logicielles qui fonctionnent sur des réseaux ouverts et qui peuvent fonctionner dans des environnements "austères" ou "défavorisés" présentent un intérêt particulier.


Télécharger l'énoncé du problème ici. (en anglais seulement)


Détection et surveillance:



Les eaux côtières sont vitales pour les intérêts économiques et sécuritaires des pays dont elles touchent les frontières, et essentielles pour tous ceux qui en dépendent pour le commerce, le transport, les loisirs et l'alimentation, par exemple. Pourtant, même aujourd'hui, notre compréhension de l'environnement sous-marin est limitée, notamment parce que de nombreuses méthodes d'observation standard ne fonctionnent pas bien sous l'eau et parce que l'environnement marin est difficile d'accès et qu'il est difficile d'y travailler pendant de longues périodes.


Pour ce défi, DIANA recherche des composants et des systèmes pour la détection et la collecte d'informations dans les zones côtières souterraines. Les applications intéressantes peuvent inclure, sans s'y limiter, de nouvelles techniques et/ou des capacités avancées pour la cartographie des fonds marins, la surveillance des infrastructures sous-marines, le suivi des objets artificiels et de la vie marine, la détection des effets du changement climatique et la visualisation des schémas de vie.


Télécharger l'énoncé du problème ici. (en anglais seulement)


L'appel aux propositions sera ouvert jusqu'au 25 août 2023.  Au cours de la première phase du programme d'accélérateur DIANA, environ 30 innovateurs recevront une subvention de $ 150 000 CAD/ € 100 000 EUR à partir de la fin de 2023. À la fin de la première phase, un nombre plus restreint d'entreprises se verront offrir une subvention supplémentaire pouvant atteindre $ 450,000 CAD/ € 300,000 EUR et seront invitées à participer à la deuxième phase du programme d'accélérateur appelée « Scale ». Au cours de ces six mois, les entreprises se concentreront sur la démonstration de leur solution technologique, sur l'élaboration de stratégies de transition et sur la collaboration avec les investisseurs et les utilisateurs finaux afin d'identifier les voies d'adoption.


Lorsque DIANA aura atteint sa pleine capacité opérationnelle en 2025, il organisera jusqu'à dix programmes de défis par an et aura la capacité d'interagir avec des centaines d'innovateurs chaque année.


Le portail de soumissions est accessible via le site web (en anglais seulement) de DIANA.


Grâce à ce lien et à la page LinkedIn (en anglais seulement) de DIANA, vous pouvez également trouver des informations supplémentaires sur l'initiative et rester informé de toutes les publications et mises à jour de DIANA.


Le ministère de la Défense nationale se réjouit de voir la communauté des innovateurs canadiens participer activement au programme DIANA de l'OTAN et vous souhaite bonne chance dans ce processus. 


Note - Toute question relative aux défis DIANA ou à l'éligibilité doit être adressée au programme DIANA de l'OTAN par l'intermédiaire du site web officiel de DIANA, dont le lien est le suivant (en anglais seulement).



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    6 mai 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Here’s what the Space Development Agency wants from its first 10 satellites

    Nathan Strout The Space Development Agency is seeking proposals for its first batch of satellites, which will make up its initial transport layer — an on-orbit mesh network that will connect space-based sensors with terrestrial shooters. According to the May 1 solicitation, SDA is looking to award two contracts to build a total of 20 small satellites, which will comprise Tranche 0 of the National Security Space Architecture, a proliferated, low-Earth orbit constellation that will fulfill a multitude of military needs, including tracking hypersonic weapons; providing alternative position, navigation and timing data; delivering beyond-line-of-sight targeting; and more. Ultimately, the agency envisions a constellation made up of hundreds of interconnected satellites. Ten of those Tranche 0 satellites will form the agency's initial transport layer. The spiral development approach The agency is taking a spiral development approach to its National Security Space Architecture. Tranche 0 will be a testing and training segment that will demonstrate the integration of the architecture with other war-fighting efforts and inform future SDA developments. Tranche 0 is anticipated to be on orbit in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022, with the SDA adding new tranches of satellites every two years, increasing the constellation's size and capabilities. Launch services will be acquired through the Orbital Services Program 4 contract or follow-on contracts. The philosophy behind the spiral approach is that the two-year cycles allow the agency to rapidly put new capabilities on orbit in response to evolving threats. Instead of waiting years for the perfect satellite system, the agency wants to push technologies that are currently ready into orbit as soon as possible, giving war fighters increased capabilities in the near term. With Tranche 0, the SDA wants to achieve periodic, regional, low-latency data connectivity. With Tranche 1, which will add 150 satellites to the constellation, the agency plans to provide persistent regional connectivity. Building a mesh network The National Security Space Architecture will be made up of several layers serving different functions. Tranche 0 will establish the transport layer, a space-based mesh network that will be able to pass data from one satellite to the next. The mesh network will operate as part of the Integrated Broadcast System, the Defense Department's standard network for transmitting tactical and strategic intelligence and targeting data. The key technology that will enable the transport layer are optical inter-satellite cross links, providing approximately 1 Gbps connections between the satellites. Each Transport Layer satellite will have four such cross links — forward, behind, right and left — which will allow them to pass data on to the nearest or next-nearest transport layer satellite operating in the same orbital plane. The satellites will also be capable of cross-plane cross links, meaning they will be able to connect to non-transport layer satellites operating above or below them. Assuming that they also have optical inter-satellite cross links, these non-transport layer satellites would then be able to pass data through the transport layer's mesh network to another satellite or even to a terrestrial shooter. For example, it could work like this: A space-based sensor collects imagery that it wants to pass to a ground-based system, but it is not within range of any ground station. No problem. The sensor would pass on that imagery to a transport layer satellite via an cross-plane optical cross link. The data would then bounce from transport layer satellite to transport layer satellite until it arrives above its destination, where it would then be downlinked to an optical ground terminal or distributed to the appropriate weapons system via the Link 16 tactical data network. In theory, this would allow shooters to receive space-based sensor data in near-real time. Since the SDA plans to continue building on the transport layer in subsequent tranches across multiple vendors, the optical inter-satellite cross links will need to be designed with interoperability in mind. The SDA also wants radio frequency cross links as a backup to the optical cross links. Tranche 0 will include 10 transport layer satellites — three of which will include Link 16 payloads. During an April industry day, SDA Director Derek Tournear said this initial, space-based mesh network will form the space network component to the Defense Department's Joint All-Domain Command and Control enterprise, or JADC2. “The transport layer, which is what the draft [request for proposals] and the industry day was talking about today, is going to be the unifying effort across the department. That is going to be what we use for low-latency [communications] to be able to pull these networks together, and that, in essence, is going to be the main unifying truss for the JADC2 and that effort moving forward. That is going to be the space network that is utilized for that,” Tournear explained. The agency has six goals for its Tranche 0 transport layer: Demonstrate low-latency data transport to the war fighter over the optical cross link mesh network. Demonstrate the ability to deliver data from an external, space-based sensor to the war fighter via the transport layer. Demonstrate a limited battle management C3 functionality. Transfer Integrated Broadcast System data across the mesh network to the war fighter. Store, relay and transmit Link 16 data over the network in near real time. Operate a common timing reference independent of GPS. According to the request for proposals, the SDA plans to award a contract Aug 10, with delivery expected by July 31, 2022. Responses to the solicitation are due June 1. https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2020/05/05/heres-what-the-space-development-agency-wants-from-its-first-10-satellites/

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  • Will COVID-19 Kill The Liberal World Order?

    22 mai 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Will COVID-19 Kill The Liberal World Order?

    By JAMES KITFIELDon May 22, 2020 at 4:01 AM For a brief moment it seemed that the worst global pandemic in a century might lead to increased comity between the United States, China and Russia after years of geopolitical eye-gauging. As the virus spread there were early signs of a pause in the escalating cycle of military brinksmanship, cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns and trade wars that has badly shaken the rules-based international order in this era of great power competition. Beijing seemed to initially embrace a spirit of cooperation when it donated protective gear and testing equipment to hard hit countries in Europe. President Trump for months was uncharacteristically effusive in his praise of Chinese President Xi Jinping's efforts to combat the virus. Russian President Vladimir Putin got into the soft power act in early April when he dispatched an An-124 military transport to New York filled with donated masks and ventilators. (Of course, you can also argue it was a highly effective information operation designed to undermine U.S. standing in the world.) That moment was short lived. “Unfortunately, this crisis is likely to unfold in three consecutive waves, with a public health crisis followed by an economic crisis, quite possibly followed by a security crisis,” said David Kilcullen, author of the recent book “The Dragons and Snakes: How the Rest Learned to Fight the West,” and a former special adviser to Gen. David Petraeus in Iraq, and the U.S. Secretary of State. The United States is already experiencing high levels of domestic unrest at a time of paralyzing partisan rancor, he noted, and the discord will certainly increase as the presidential election nears in November. Adding to that combustible mixture is likely to be a second wave of the virus expected to hit in the fall, and foreign actors like Russian and China determined to use disinformation to stoke domestic divisions during the election. “Given the likelihood of internal instability and anti-government anger here and around the world, there will be a huge incentive for leaders who personalize politics like Trump, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [Chinese President] Xi Jinping to look for external scapegoats for their domestic troubles, which has already started to happen,” said Kilcullen. “This crisis also comes at a point when the international system that we've known since the end of World War II was already rotting and weaker than it appears. It may only take one big shock to bring that whole structure down, and, if we're not very careful, the pandemic could be that shock. So this is the most dangerous geopolitical dynamic I have seen in my entire career.” As it became clear the Chinese Communist Party covered up the initial outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, wasting precious time and allowing it to blossom into a global pandemic, Beijing launched a campaign of intimidation and economic threats to mute international criticism. Borrowing a page from Russian disinformation operations, Beijing posited the conspiracy theory that the virus originated with the U.S. military. Both China and Russia pushed alarmist narratives about the pandemic on social media to sow division and panic inside the United States. Much of the protective equipment Beijing “donated” to the West carried a price tag and turned out to be defective. In his own campaign of blame shifting and heated rhetoric, President Donald Trump accused China of being responsible for an attack on the United States that “is worse that Pearl Harbor,” and “worse than the World Trade Center” that fell in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Chinese incompetence in dealing with the virus, Trump tweeted this week, is responsible for “mass Worldwide killing!” Trump darkly hinted in mid-April that he had information that a virology lab in Wuhan played an important role in the virus' creation, even though the U.S. Intelligence Community consensus was that the virology lab in Wuhan had nothing to do the virus' creation or origins. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted there is “enormous evidence” the coronavirus originated in that lab. “We greatly underestimated the degree to which Beijing is ideologically and politically hostile to free nations,” Pompeo told reporters this week, after sending a rare, high-level message of congratulations to recently reelected Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen, who has rejected the “one country, two systems” construct that has kept the peace between China and Taiwan for nearly half a century. As the Trump administration weighs retribution against China, it has continued to ratchet up the rhetoric and provocations, angering and worrying allies by cutting critical funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the midst of the pandemic, and boycotting a virtual meeting of G-20 nations that attempted to coordinate an international response to the crisis, leaving a leadership gap that China was happy to help fill. Meanwhile, populist leaders and autocratic regimes around the world are using the threat of the pandemic to assume extraordinary powers and crack down on their political opposition in what the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Counterterrorism and Human Rights called an “an epidemic of authoritarianism,” according to the The New York Times. Shaky World Order Even before the pandemic the post-WW II international order that the United States constructed and led for more than half a century was on shaky ground. The global institutions, alliances and rules governing international relations has been challenged by assertive autocratic regimes like China and Russia, and eroded from within by inward-looking nationalist-populists movements spreading throughout the Western democracies. The liberal international order has also been largely abandoned by its leader as Donald Trump's administration retreats further into “America First” isolationism. The Trump doctrine in international affairs actively seeks to undermine the institutions of global order, whether it's the World Health and Trade Organizations, the UN, the European Union or NATO. The administration has rejected or abolished all manner of multilateral agreements and treaties designed to peacefully constrain international rivalries, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iran nuclear deal, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty, and quite possibly next year the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). A Dark History History is rife with cautionary examples of natural disasters or economic crises conflating with geopolitical tensions, with cataclysmic results. The catastrophic 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed more than 20 million victims worldwide, was accelerated and spread by troop movements during World War I. With many Americans disillusioned by the war and loss, the United States turned insular and isolationist during the 1920s, rejecting the League of Nations, dramatically curtailing immigration and erecting steep tariff barriers to trade. Much of the rest of the world followed suit. The U.S. stock market crash of 1929 was compounded the next year by one of the worst droughts in history. When the Japanese invaded China two years later, and Adolf Hitler became German chancellor soon after, there was no League of Nations nor stabilizing trading systems to contain the war fever that swept the globe and became World War II. “When you think back to 1918 and the Spanish flu, it's worth remembering that more people died in the second wave than the first, and the Great Depression and the 1930s taught us that bad economic conditions can be transformative,” said Joseph Nye, a professor emeritus and former Dean of the Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, speaking recently on a videoconference organized by The National Interest. “The point is, in the current pandemic we're likely only in Act 1 of a multi-act play.” Combustible Leadership The very real potential for the pandemic crisis to propel the major powers towards outright military conflict was noted recently by the Chinese Ministry of State Security, Beijing's top intelligence agency. In a report for Xi Jinping and the senior Chinese leadership it reportedly concluded that global anti-China sentiment being stoked by the Trump administration has reached its highest peak since the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown, and as a result China needs to be prepared for a worst-case scenario of armed confrontation with the United States. Despite the warnings, Xi Jinping has doubled down in recent months on provocative military maneuvers in its neighboring seas, sending its Liaoning carrier battle group and military flights off the coast of Taiwan; conducting anti-submarine exercises in contested areas of the South China Sea; ramming and sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat near the disputed Paracel Islands; dispatching a fishing boat “militia” to harass Philippine counterparts near the contested Spratly Islands; and harassing a Malaysian drillship. Some analysts see those moves as an attempt by Xi Jinping to show strength and bolster his image at home among a Chinese populace wearied by the pandemic shutdowns and economic disruptions. Those provocations are exactly the kind of saber-rattling that can escalate dangerously in a time of crisis. George Beebe is a former director of the CIA's Russia analysis section, and author of the book “The Russia Trap: How Our Shadow War with Russia Could Spiral into Catastrophe.” “My concern is that the major power leaders Putin, Xi and Trump all tend to personalize international relations and politics. They are all going through severe economic and political distress. Each of them is convinced that their rivals are trying to exploit the pandemic crisis, and not one of them is dealing from a position of strength and confidence,” he told me. Putin has long felt betrayed and threatened by the United States, Beebe noted, and Xi Jinping is convinced that America is trying to thwart China's rise. One of the few constants in Trump's worldview is the conviction that China has taken advantage of the United States with trade going back decades. “So there's a lot of fear and emotion and very little trust in the relationships between these leaders during a time of great strain, and their communications and diplomatic mechanisms to manage a crisis if one occurs have atrophied,” said Beebe. “Given that personalities and personal relationships among national leaders are far more important in international affairs than a lot of people appreciate, I do worry that we're entering a very dangerous period when cooler heads may not prevail among the great power leaders.” https://breakingdefense.com/2020/05/will-covid-19-kill-the-liberal-world-order

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