9 juillet 2020 | Local, Naval

L’arrangement en matière d'approvisionnement, multiples ministères fédéraux, pour petits bateaux / Initiative de nettoyage des bateaux dans l'eau, multiples ministères fédéraux

Présentation diffusée en date du 08 Juillet pour une mise à jour sur l'opportunité : https://achatsetventes.gc.ca/donnees-sur-l-approvisionnement/appels-d-offres/PW-MC-038-27824

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  • Boeing surprised Canada changed rules of jet competition to allow Lockheed Martin bid

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Boeing surprised Canada changed rules of jet competition to allow Lockheed Martin bid

    David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) - Boeing Co is surprised Canada softened the rules of a competition for new fighters to allow Lockheed Martin Corp to submit a bid, but is still confident it has a chance, a top executive said on Wednesday. Following a U.S. complaint, Ottawa this month said it planned to drop a clause stipulating that bidders in the multibillion dollar race to supply 88 jets must offer a legally binding guarantee to give Canadian businesses 100% of the value of the deal in economic benefits. The original clause would have excluded Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter, the plane the Canadian air force wants. The contract is worth between C$15 billion and C$19 billion ($11.1 billion to $14.1 billion). “I was surprised by the recommended change ... why would you deviate from a policy that's been so successful to accommodate a competitor?” said Jim Barnes, the Boeing official in charge of trying to sell the company's F-18 Super Hornet jet to Canada. The change in the rules around economic benefits was the latest wrinkle in a decade-long troubled-plagued effort to replace Canada's CF-18 jets, some of which are 40 years old. The final list of requirements for the new fleet of jets is due to be issued in July. “Right now we feel like we can put a very compelling offer on the table even with this change,” Barnes told reporters on the margins of a defense and security conference in Ottawa. Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains - in overall charge of the benefits aspect of procurement - said in response to Barnes's comment that Ottawa would ensure the competition was fair. Compelling bidders to offer watertight guarantees of economic benefits contradicts rules of the consortium that developed the F-35, a group to which Canada belongs. Boeing is offering a binding commitment and Barnes said the firm would stress to Canadian officials the potential economic disadvantages of entertaining a non-binding bid. An official from Sweden's Saab AB, another contender, told reporters that Canadians could lose out by ignoring contenders that had made firm investment commitments. “I am concerned that the ability to respond to a non-binding environment may not necessarily give Canadians the best value at the end of the day,” said Patrick Palmer, head of sales and marketing for Saab Canada. Airbus SE, the fourth firm in the race, declined to comment. Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Susan Thomas https://www.reuters.com/article/us-canada-fighterjets/boeing-surprised-canada-changed-rules-of-jet-competition-to-allow-lockheed-martin-bid-idUSKCN1SZ2AA

  • NATO Pitch Event and Deadline Reminder for Current IDEaS Calls for Proposals // Événement de présentation de l'OTAN et rappel des dates limites pour les appels de propositions IDEeS en cours

    3 décembre 2021 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    NATO Pitch Event and Deadline Reminder for Current IDEaS Calls for Proposals // Événement de présentation de l'OTAN et rappel des dates limites pour les appels de propositions IDEeS en cours

    NATO Pitch Event; Reminder deadlines for 5G and CDIS Beam Me Up nets the top Made in Canada Prize at the NATO Innovation Challenge Congratulations to Beam Me Up, winner of the Made in Canada prize in the Fall 2021 NATO Innovation Challenge! The team put together a stellar performance and won a special cash prize from IDEaS. The NATO Innovation Challenge Fall 2021 Pitch Day recorded video is now available on Youtube. Deadlines for 5G, Corrosion Detection in Ships Fast Approaching 5G: The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) are seeking innovative solutions via the Faster, Stronger, More Secure: Advancing 5G capabilities and concepts for defence and security challenge. Deadline to apply is 2:00 PM (Eastern Time), Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Corrosion detection: DND/CAF is also looking for functional solutions to rapidly and easily detect and inform the operators and engineers of all corrosion in a vessel while it is in operational use. Solutions will do so in a non-destructive manner that does not rely on human visual inspection or the removal of equipment. See the Corrosion detection in ships page for details. Deadline to apply is 2:00 PM (Eastern Time), Thursday, December 16, 2021 Défi de l'innovation de l'OTAN; Rappel des dates limites pour les défis 5G et CDIS Beam Me Up remporte le prix Fabriqué au Canada au Défi de l'innovation de l'OTAN Félicitations à Beam Me Up, lauréat du prix Fabriqué au Canada lors du Défi de l'innovation de l'OTAN de l'automne 2021! L'équipe a réalisé une performance exceptionnelle et a remporté un prix spécial en argent d'IDEeS. La vidéo de la journée de présentation du Défi de l'innovation de l'OTAN de l'automne 2021 est désormais disponible pour être visionnée dans son intégralité sur Youtube. (disponible en anglais seulement) Les dates limites pour les défis 5G et la détection de la corrosion à bord des navires approchent à grands pas 5G : Le ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes (MDN/FAC) recherchent des avancées technologiques pour les capacités 5G pour les défis de défense et de sécurité via le défi Plus rapide, plus fort, plus sécurisé : avancer les capacités et les concepts 5G pour la défense et la sécurité. La date limite pour postuler est 14h00 (HNE), le mardi 7 décembre 2021. Détection de la corrosion : Le MDN/FAC recherche également des solutions fonctionnelles pour détecter et informer rapidement et facilement les opérateurs et les ingénieurs de toute corrosion dans un navire pendant son utilisation opérationnelle. Les solutions le feront d'une manière non destructive qui ne repose pas sur une inspection visuelle humaine ou sur le retrait de l'équipement. Voir la page Détection de la corrosion à bord des navires pour plus de détails. La date limite pour postuler est 14h00 (HNE), le jeudi 16 décembre 2021.

  • French firms to triple 155mm ammo production, boost weapons output

    16 octobre 2023 | Local, Terrestre

    French firms to triple 155mm ammo production, boost weapons output

    French defense firms have reportedly boosted production of self-propelled guns, artillery shells, fighter jets and anti-air missiles.

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