10 novembre 2021 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, C4ISR, Sécurité

[EMSA] New call for tender launched


Study for Identification of Competences for MASS Operators in Remote Control Centres (CMORCC)

deadline 07.12.2021


Assistance for the definition of business and functional needs, and overview of technical specifications for the development of a database of inspections of Recognised Organisations

deadline 08.11.2021


Development and Maintenance Services for the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC)

deadline 23.11.2021

Sur le même sujet

  • DARPA wants to arm ethical hackers with AI

    30 avril 2018 | International, C4ISR

    DARPA wants to arm ethical hackers with AI

    By: Brandon Knapp The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wants to leverage human-artificial intelligence teaming to accelerate the military's cyber vulnerability detection, according to agency documents. The task of securing the Pentagon's diverse networks, which support nearly every function of the military's operations, presents a nightmare for defense officials. The current time-intensive and costly process involves extensively trained hackers using specialized software suites to scour the networks in search of vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited, but the scarcity of expert hackers makes detecting cyberthreats a challenge for the Defense Department. DARPA's Computers and Humans Exploring Software Security (CHESS) program seeks to bolster existing cyber defenders with a new tool that would render much of the current toolkit ancient history: artificial intelligence. The program aims to incorporate automation into the software analysis and vulnerability discovery process by enabling humans and computers to reason collaboratively. If successful, the program could enhance existing hacking techniques and greatly expand the number of personnel capable of ethically hacking DoD systems. To achieve its goal, DARPA will solicit proposals from industry across five technical areas, including developing tools that mimic the processes used by expert hackers and ultimately transitioning a final solution to the government. “Through CHESS, we're looking to gather, understand and convert the expertise of human hackers into automated analysis techniques that are more accessible to a broader range of technologists,” the DARPA program description reads. “By allowing more individuals to contribute to the process, we're creating a way to scale vulnerability detection well beyond its current limits.” While DARPA sees artificial intelligence as an important tool for enhancing cybersecurity efforts, officials emphasize the essential role humans play in the collaborative process. “Humans have world knowledge, as well as semantic and contextual understanding that is beyond the reach of automated program analysis alone,” said Dustin Fraze, the I2O program manager leading CHESS. “These information gaps inhibit machine understanding for many classes of software vulnerabilities. Properly communicated human insights can fill these information gaps and enable expert hacker-level vulnerability analysis at machine speeds.” The CHESS program will span three phases lasting a total of 42 months. Each phase will focus on increasing the complexity of an application the CHESS system is able to analyze effectively. https://www.c4isrnet.com/it-networks/2018/04/27/darpa-wants-to-arm-ethical-hackers-with-ai/

  • Design Milestone Reached For Air-Launched Hypersonic Missile

    28 février 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Design Milestone Reached For Air-Launched Hypersonic Missile

    Steve Trimble ORLANDO—Lockheed Martin expects to complete the critical design review (CDR) on Feb. 27 for the AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), the U.S. military's most technologically ambitious hypersonic weapon, an executive said. The key milestone, indicating an imminent design freeze, comes as part of an unusual development schedule imposed on the ARRW program. The technical complexity of ARRW stems from its high lift-to-drag profile, a shape the U.S. military has never tested successfully in flight. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Tactical Boost Glide (TBG) program, which shares the advanced ARRW profile, is intended as a risk-reduction measure for ARRW, but still has not completed a self-powered flight test. In fact, the CDR milestone for ARRW originally was scheduled to come after a first flight for TBG, but the Air Force has kept ARRW on its original pace even as schedules for the DARPA program have slipped. “The [original TBG and ARRW] schedules were more serial,” said John Varley, vice president of hypersonics for Lockheed's Missiles and Fire Control business. “As we're moving fast, things are merging together and becoming more parallel. If we waited until all that was done, we wouldn't be moving at the pace that the customer is looking for.” Indeed, Jeff Babione, president of Lockheed's Skunk Works, said last June that he expected the first TBG flight by the end of last year or early next year. But U.S. defense officials now say they expect the DARPA program to enter flight testing later this year, after a planned test of the Block 1 version of the Common Hypersonic Glide Body, a low-lift-to-drag shape for intermediate-range Army and Navy missiles. In other ways, ARRW is further along in development than most military acquisition projects at the CDR milestone, Varley said. “It's not the traditional way of doing it, because at CDR you wouldn't have hardware built, you wouldn't have [demonstration/validation] testing done. And this is very mature,” he said. https://aviationweek.com/shows-events/air-warfare-symposium/design-milestone-reached-air-launched-hypersonic-missile

  • E-2D Hawkeye : venir moderniser les moyens de la Marine Nationale

    2 décembre 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval

    E-2D Hawkeye : venir moderniser les moyens de la Marine Nationale

    La DGA a annoncé une commande de trois avions de guet aérien embarqué E-2D Hawkeye à destination de la Marine Nationale. Ils viendront embarquer sur le PANG. Foreign Military Sale. Le Ministère des Armées a rapporté le 20 novembre que la Marine serait prochainement dotée d'avions de guet aérien embarqué E-2D Hawkeye, en remplacement des E-2C actuellement en service. Ce contrat, qui prend la forme d'une FMS, a été formalisé le 4 novembre entre les armées françaises et le gouvernement américain. Prévu depuis plusieurs années, cette commande était inscrite au sein de la LPM 2019-2025 et fait suite à une longue réflexion menée par la Marine nationale, accompagnée par la DGA. Les premières livraisons sont attendues dès 2028. Le retrait du service des E-2C sera corrélé à l'arrivée des E-2D. Moderniser la flotte. Les E-2D Hawkeye, de Northrop Grumman, viendront moderniser la flotte d'aéronefs de la Marine nationale et permettront de remplacer les E-2C Kawkeye, actuellement en service. De par les développements technologiques apportés par ce nouvel appareil, le MinArm parle de « saut de génération ». « Son radar à antenne active, son cockpit et ses liaisons de données sont notamment améliorées et il peut également être ravitaillé en vol », souligne ainsi le Ministère des Armées. Les E-2D seront dotés du radar AN/APY-9 à antenne électronique active, une technologie permettant d'accroître les capacités de détection de l'appareil. Par ailleurs, afin de procéder à une évaluation de la situation maritime, les E-2D emporteront un calculateur, directement développé en France par le SIAé. Enfin, la Marine nationale nous précise que « le système de communication est entièrement modernisé, ainsi que le système de pilotage avec glass-cockpit ». Porte-avions. Tout comme les E-2C qu'ils viendront remplacer, les E-2D Hawkeye seront opérés par la flottille 4F, depuis la base aéronautique navale de Lann-Bihoué. Et tout comme leurs prédécesseurs ils pourront être embarqués sur le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle ainsi que sur le PANG (porte-avions de nouvelle génération). Les travaux d'intégration ont débuté dans ce sens. « Leurs caractéristiques sont d'ores et déjà prises en compte dans la conception du futur porte-avions français. Ils seront donc nativement compatibles », nous explique la Marine, interrogée à ce sujet. MCO. Outre l'acquisition des trois E-2D Hawkeye, la FMS passée avec le gouvernement américain et Northrop Grumman comprend un volet soutien. L'industriel américain sera ainsi en charge de la maintenance des appareils sur les deux premières années. Par la suite, la DMAé prendra le relai et notifiera un nouveau contrat de soutien. Le SIAé s'occupera alors de la cellule et des équipements depuis Cuers et des moteurs depuis Bordeaux. Le montant total du contrat s'élève à 1,850 Md€. Il inclut ainsi « l'acquisition des trois E-2D Francisés, un système d'entraînement et un système de soutien, ainsi que le soutien sur deux années », nous détaille la Marine. https://www.air-cosmos.com/article/e-2d-hawkeye-venir-moderniser-les-moyens-de-la-marine-nationale-23924

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