6 juin 2023 | International, Terrestre

Defence contractor Rheinmetall says Germany orders 20 more fighting vehicles for Kyiv

Germany has tasked arms maker Rheinmetall with supplying another batch of 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine over the coming months, the company said on Tuesday.


Sur le même sujet

  • UK Navy to buy six vessels, enters new ‘golden age’ of shipbuilding

    14 mai 2024 | International, Naval

    UK Navy to buy six vessels, enters new ‘golden age’ of shipbuilding

    The country also plans to give its future frigates the ability to attack land-based targets.

  • Raytheon Expects Biden to Block $500M Bomb Sale to Saudi Arabia

    27 janvier 2021 | International, Terrestre

    Raytheon Expects Biden to Block $500M Bomb Sale to Saudi Arabia

    Yet industry executives believe foreign arms sales will remain a priority of the new administration. BY MARCUS WEISGERBER GLOBAL BUSINESS EDITOR JANUARY 26, 2021 02:51 PM ET Raytheon Technologies executives told investors Tuesday that it expects the Biden administration to block at least one arms deal to a Middle Eastern ally as the U.S. shifts its weapons export policy. Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes, speaking on the company's quarterly earnings call, said Raytheon has removed from its books a $519 million projected sale of an “offensive weapon system” to a “customer in the Middle East...we can't talk about.” On the same call, CFO Toby O'Brien said the sale involves an “offensive munition.” The scale of the deal indicates that the execs were referring to the planned sale of some 7,500 Paveway bombs to Saudi Arabia. Last April, Raytheon said in a regulatory filing that its arms sales could be hurt by lawmakers' concerns about Riyadh's role in Yemen's civil war and about the Saudi crown prince's involvement in the murder of a U.S.-based Saudi journalist. Still, in December, Bloomberg reported that the Trump administration was moving ahead with the sale. “We had assumed that we were going to get a license to provide these offensive weapon systems to our customer,” Hayes said. “With the change in administration, it becomes less likely that we're going to be able to get a license for this. And so we appropriately decided that we could no longer support the booking of that contract.” During his Senate confirmation hearing last week, now-confirmed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the Biden administration would “end our support for the military campaign led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen.” Still, Hayes said the company does not anticipate issues selling defensive weapons, like Patriot missile interceptors, and other types of arms in the region. “Look...peace is not going to break out in the Middle East anytime soon,” Hayes said. “I think it remains an area where we'll continue to see solid growth.” Similarly, Lockheed Martin CEO Jim Taiclet expected foreign arms sales to remain a priority in the Biden administration. “As far as international business, including foreign military sales, the tendency of the people in the Biden administration [and] in the president's own statements, reiterate his view that alliances are important that they need to be cultivated, and that they have real value in deterrence and national defense,” Taiclet said. “I do think that we'll have a more open environment for [foreign military sales] and direct commercial sales to our international partners.” Taiclet said foreign weapon sales are a way to generate American jobs and stimulate the U.S. economy. “If jobs and the economy are important, the promotion of international defense sales, one would surmise, would also be important,” Taiclet said Tuesday morning on Lockheed's quarterly earnings call. While arms sales create jobs growth, a 2019 Center for International Policy report said those claims, particularly during the Trump administration, were greatly exaggerated. Still Taiclet, a former U.S. Air Force pilot, said arms sales are a way to deepen relationships with an ally. “I can tell you that there's no better way to get a tighter bond with an ally than sell them jet fighter aircraft,” he said. “All the way back in the mid-[19]80s, when I was in pilot training, we had Saudis in our class, for example.” https://www.defenseone.com/business/2021/01/raytheon-expects-biden-block-500m-bomb-sale-saudi-arabia/171645/

  • BAE Systems Signs agreement with Emirati repair and overhaul center for F-16 tech transfer

    19 février 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    BAE Systems Signs agreement with Emirati repair and overhaul center for F-16 tech transfer

    By: Agnes Helou ABU DHABI — BAE Systems signed a memorandum of agreement with the United Arab Emirates repair and overhaul center to transfer technology of some F-16 initiatives to the UAE. The memorandum between BAE and the Advanced Military Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Center, or AMMROC, was signed on the second day of IDEX 2019. BAE Systems will open a facility at Al Ain, along the eastern border, “formalizing the relationship” with AMMROC, which also supports Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky with Black Hawk and C-130 maintenance, and repair and overhaul of ever fixed wing aircraft that the UAE Air Force counts among its fleet. “Our agreement with AMMROC allows us to work with an established leader in MRO and benefit from the skill and experience of their local workforce in the UAE,” said Paul Markwardt, vice president of survivability, targeting and sensing solutions at BAE Systems' Electronic Systems business. Under the MOU, the two organizations will work closely together on multiple projects, ranging from testing and repair services to manufacturing, support, and product installation. Potential projects include BAE Systems' avionics, communication, display, sensor, and survivability products. Among other things, “the MOU provides the testing of the equipment BAE Systems has on the F-16 platform," with BAE transfering technology for the testing of some products and building of some others, another BAE Systems official added. Other potential products BAE Systems could bring to the UAE, are the eye goggle tester, EMI/EMC lightening test equipment, F-16 ground support equipment, and IFF (identification friend or foe) license production. AMMROC CEO Abdul Hakeem Ahmed Saif Al Muflahi noted that the MOU doesn't include buying systems but transferring technology. “This MOU enhances AMMROC's position in delivering a fully integrated, world class MRO solution in accordance with industry best practices," he said. "The potential projects represent an exciting opportunity for both companies to work together in the field of MRO. AMMROC is proud to partner with BAE Systems, one of the world's leading defense companies, and we look forward to working with their team to develop and execute on the MOU.” https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/idex/2019/02/18/bae-systems-signs-agreement-with-emirati-repair-and-overhaul-center-for-f-16-tech-transfer/

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