14 juillet 2024 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité

DarkGate Malware Exploits Samba File Shares in Short-Lived Campaign

DarkGate malware uses Samba file shares in a short-lived campaign targeting North America, Europe, and Asia.


Sur le même sujet

  • EU unveils new cooperation projects in training, cyber operations, naval warfare

    13 novembre 2019 | International, Naval, C4ISR, Sécurité

    EU unveils new cooperation projects in training, cyber operations, naval warfare

    By: Martin Banks BRUSSELS — The European Union has unveiled the latest batch of projects under its flagship defense-cooperation scheme, boosting the areas of training, cyber operations and naval warfare. The decision, announced on Tuesday, brings to 47 the number of projects that are currently in place under the Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO, initiative. The first two batches were adopted in the spring and fall of 2018. Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, whose country is the current holder of the EU's rotating presidency, welcomed the bloc's progress in security and defense cooperation, saying the PESCO schemes are “steps in the right direction.” “We should now concentrate on implementation and reaching results,” he said. The eventual aim of PESCO is to develop and deploy forces together, backed by a multibillion-euro fund for defense research and development Two of the 13 new projects relate to efforts to counter cyber threats. An envisioned EU Cyber Academia and Innovation Hub (EU CAIH), for example, could enhance the creation of an innovative web of knowledge for cyber defense and cybersecurity education and training. The aim of another scheme, the Cyber and Information Domain Coordination Center (CIDCC), is to create a “standing multinational military element” where the participating member states “continuously contribute with national staff but decide sovereignly on case-by-case basis,” reads an EU announcement. The Integrated European Joint Training and simulation Centre (EUROSIM) will integrate tactical training and simulation sites in Europe into a “real-time, networked, connected system.” Another of the new PESCO projects, the European Union Network of Diving Centres (EUNDC), will coordinate and enhance the operation of EU diving centres in order to better support defense missions, while the European Patrol Corvette (EPC) will design and develop a prototype for a new class of military ship. The Maritime Unmanned Anti-Submarine System (MUSAS), meanwhile, aims to develop and deliver an advanced command, control and communications service architecture for anti-submarine warfare. Elsewhere, the Special Operations Forces Medical Training Centre (SMTC) will focus on medical support for special operations and expand the Polish Military Medical Training Centre in Łódź. One other new scheme is the CBRN Defence Training Range (CBRNDTR), which intends to accommodate what the EU calls a “full spectrum of practical training, including live chemical agents training.” The Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA), also included in the latest batch, will allow European and NATO air forces to safely operate within EU territories while the Timely Warning and Interception with Space-based TheatER surveillance (TWISTER) scheme seeks to strengthen the ability of Europeans to better detect, track and counter air threats. A scheme called “Materials and Components for Technological EU Competitiveness” (MAC-EU) will develop the European defense technology and industrial base while the EU Collaborative Warfare Capabilities (ECoWAR) initiative hopes to increase the ability of the EU armed forces to face “collectively and efficiently the upcoming threats that are more and more diffuse, rapid, and hard to detect and to neutralize.” Jamie Shea, former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO, said the new projects “are good news for the EU at a time when President Macron is calling for the EU to step up its defense efforts and stand on its own feet. They show that PESCO is gaining traction in EU capitals and nations are buying in to the long overdue need to pool and share capability programs.” https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2019/11/12/eu-unveils-new-cooperation-projects-in-training-cyber-operations-naval-warfare/

  • Army gives green light to shape vehicle electrification requirements

    22 septembre 2020 | International, Terrestre, C4ISR

    Army gives green light to shape vehicle electrification requirements

    Jen Judson WASHINGTON — Army Futures Command has given the green light to the Maneuver Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate to move forward on developing a plan to equip tactical and combat vehicles with electric power, according to a Sept. 21 statement. The directorate will begin drafting a requirements document for Tactical and Combat Vehicle Electrification (TaCVE) and will host an industry day Oct. 20 to share its electrification initiatives with industry. CALSTART, an organization that focuses on clean technology transportation, and the Ground Vehicles Systems Center will cohost the event. The electrification effort aims to decrease the Army's reliance on fossil fuels. “The requirement also aims to increase operational reach across all maneuver formations through electric propulsion, which offers a variety of operational and tactical benefits,” a statement from the directorate read. “These include the potential to double operational duration, implement silent mobility, increase silent watch, and potentially reduce the Army's logistical burden by nearly half when fully implemented,” it stated. The Army launched an earnest effort into electrifying the brigade earlier this spring. Lt. Gen. Eric Wesley, then-director of the Futures and Concepts Center within AFC, told Defense News at the time that the effort is easier said than done and doesn't just just focus on simply powering a vehicle electrically. Instead, it would attempt to work out how an entire enterprise that would support those electric vehicle fleets and other capabilities could work. “Let's be clear. We're behind. We're late to meet on this thing,” Wesley said. “If you look at all of the analysis, all of the various nations that we work with, they're all going to electric power with their automotive fleet, and right now, although we do [science and technology] and we've got some research and development going on and we can build prototypes, in terms of a transition plan, we are not there.” Army officials know there will likely be a time where vehicles that use fossil fuel and ones that are all-electric share the battlefield. “What is the distribution plan that enables that?” Wesley wondered. “That is much more complex when you look at the implications for an entire enterprise.” Wesley was preparing a proposal for the head of Futures Command on how the service might accomplish such an endeavor that could change the paradigm of the logistics and sustainment tails as well as enhance force mobility. The proposal was intended to make a business case for the Army electrifying the formation, discuss the technical feasibility and describe a transition process. The MCDID requirements development process gives the overall effort traction to move out quickly. https://www.defensenews.com/land/2020/09/21/army-gives-green-light-to-shape-vehicle-electrification-requirements/

  • La place Beauvau recherche 645 drones

    21 avril 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    La place Beauvau recherche 645 drones

    Le ministère de l'Intérieur vient de diffuser un appel d'offres portant sur 645 drones en quatre lots. Le volume total atteindrait les 3,8 M€. 645 drones de toutes tailles Le service de l'achat, de l'innovation et de la logistique du ministère de l'Intérieur (SAELSI) recherche 645 drones de toutes tailles, apprend-on dans un appel d'offres diffusé le 15 avril. Le volume atteindrait les 3,8 M€ en quatre lots. Le premier concerne les drones du quotidien, un programme initié par la gendarmerie, et qui désormais semble profiter aussi à la police nationale. Le contexte d'emploi principal concerne des opérations diurnes. Ce lot de 1,8 M€ concerne à la fois la formation, la fourniture de drones (565) et leur maintenance pour des unités non spécialisées. Tout le territoire et l'outremer pourront être ainsi dotés. Nano-drones Le deuxième lot équipera des drones pour les unités nationales spécialisées, pour une valeur de 1,58 M€. Les mini-drones concernés sont utilisables de jour comme de nuit, et plus résilients, mais aussi plus chers. Là aussi, le lot concerne la formation, le MCO et la livraison des 66 drones, de quoi équiper notamment le GIGN, le RAID et leurs antennes. Tous sont aujourd'hui dotés d'une kyrielle de modèles. Les nano-drones spécialisés constituent le troisième lot. Il sera là aussi réservé aux unités dont certaines, comme le GIGN, disposent déjà de Black Hornet. Le volume peut sembler assez minime puisque seulement 175 000 euros sont réservés. Ce qui, au prix, du Black Hornet 3 représente assez peu de systèmes. Les prévisions sont néanmoins assez élevées, pas moins de 20 nano-drones. Le quatrième et dernier lot concerne les capacités de communication afférentes, pour une valeur de 240.000 euros. 300 passerelles wi-fi sont attendues. Barkhane La gendarmerie a été motrice sur l'engagement de drones, via le GIGN, mais aussi lors de manœuvres de maintien de l'ordre, à Notre-Dame des Landes, lors des manifestations des gilets jaunes. Elle a notamment utilisée des DJI Phantom IV et des micro drones NX70 et NX110 de Novadem. Elle a rencontré des difficultés avec les NX70 de première génération, interdits de vol plusieurs mois. Ces problèmes ont apparemment été réglés sur la deuxième génération, car les militaires qui les utilisent à Barkhane n'en font pas état. L'expérimentation de drone du quotidien, qui vient de s'achever, a concerné 48 micro-drones, notamment des Mavic Pro et des Anafi du Français Parrot qui a manifestement une belle carte à jouer. https://air-cosmos.com/article/la-place-beauvau-recherche-645-drones-22936

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