24 septembre 2023 | Local, Sécurité

Canadian cities from coast to coast Recognize Naval Reserve Centennial

Today the Naval Reserve will mark 100 years of service to Canada with approximately 4,000 Naval Reservists marching in Freedom of the City parades across 24 Canadian cities.


Sur le même sujet

  • Attribution d’un contrat de prolongation de la durée de vie du navire de la Garde côtière canadienne Terry Fox

    2 novembre 2022 | Local, Naval

    Attribution d’un contrat de prolongation de la durée de vie du navire de la Garde côtière canadienne Terry Fox

    Ottawa (Ontario) - Veiller à ce que le personnel de la Garde côtière canadienne dispose de l'équipement dont il a besoin pour maintenir les voies navigables du Canada ouvertes et sécuritaires est une priorité essentielle du gouvernement du Canada. Aujourd'hui, la Garde côtière canadienne (GCC) annonce l'attribution d'un contrat de prolongation de la durée de vie du navire de la Garde côtière canadienne (NGCC) Terry Fox à hauteur de 135,56 millions de dollars. Le navire sera placé en cale sèche et entamera une période d'entretien prolongée destinée à augmenter sa durée de vie opérationnelle. À la suite d'un processus concurrentiel ouvert, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, au nom de la GCC, a attribué le contrat à Heddle Shipyards, de St. Catharines, en Ontario, pour effectuer les travaux de prolongation de la durée de vie du NGCC Terry Fox. Le contrat de prolongation de la durée de vie du navire comprend deux phases : une phase d'ingénierie et d'approvisionnement de 14 mois qui préparera le chantier naval pour la deuxième phase, et une période de travail de 18 mois, où le navire sera placé en cale sèche pour le projet de prolongation de sa durée de vie. Grand brise-glace polyvalent, le navire est capable de mener des opérations soutenues dans l'archipel arctique pendant les mois d'été, et des opérations d'escorte de déglaçage dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent et sur la côte est de Terre-Neuve en hiver. Le navire participe également à divers programmes de la GCC, notamment à des missions scientifiques dans l'Arctique. Pendant que le navire fait l'objet de travaux de prolongation de sa durée de vie de la fin de 2023 au printemps 2025, la Garde côtière canadienne réaffectera ses autres ressources maritimes, afin de s'assurer que les voies navigables du Canada continuent d'être sécuritaires pour tous les gens de la mer. Ce contrat s'inscrit dans le cadre du volet des projets de réparation, de radoub et d'entretien de la Stratégie nationale de construction navale, qui contribue à faire en sorte que le Canada dispose d'une flotte de navires sécuritaire et efficace pour servir et protéger les Canadiens dans les années à venir, tout en offrant des possibilités continues aux chantiers navals et aux fournisseurs dans l'ensemble du Canada. https://www.canada.ca/fr/garde-cotiere-canadienne/nouvelles/2022/11/attribution-dun-contrat-de-prolongation-de-la-duree-de-vie-du-navire-de-la-garde-cotiere-canadienne-terry-fox.html

  • Radarsat Constellation to track ships, provide surveillance over Arctic and other regions - satellites successfully launched

    13 juin 2019 | Local, Autre défense

    Radarsat Constellation to track ships, provide surveillance over Arctic and other regions - satellites successfully launched

    DAVID PUGLIESE Canada's RADARSAT Constellation Mission was launched successfully into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket this morning from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The constellation of three satellites will provide daily images of Canada's territory and maritime approaches, as well as images of the Arctic, up to four times a day, according to the Canadian Space Agency. It will have daily access to 90 per cent of the world's surface. The RCM is also equipped with an Automatic Identification System (AIS), allowing improved detection and tracking of ships, including those conducting illegal fishing, the CSA noted. The constellation will orbit Earth at an altitude of 600 km. Each of the satellites has a life expectancy of 7 years. The Canadian government owns and will operate the satellites. The three spacecraft were assembled in the Montreal area by the prime contractor MDA. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/radarsat-constellation-to-track-ships-provide-surveillance-over-arctic-and-other-regions

  • The case for a second interim supply ship? New stats show how foreign navies continue to refuel Canadian warships

    9 avril 2019 | Local, Naval

    The case for a second interim supply ship? New stats show how foreign navies continue to refuel Canadian warships

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN MV Asterix is now operating with HMCS Regina in Middle Eastern waters as part of a Canadian-led coalition task force. The Asterix, a commercial ship converted by Davie shipyards in Quebec and leased to the federal government to perform a military supply role, has been going almost non-stop since it was launched. It has refueled both Canadian and allied warships. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said there is no need for a second such interim supply ship and the head of the Royal Canadian Navy, Vice Admiral Ron Lloyd, says he is happy with having the Asterix as the force's only supply ship until 2023 when the first of two Joint Support Ships, to be built at Seaspan in Vancouver, is expected to be ready. Davie, however, has offered to convert a second such ship, MV Obelix, to the same capabilities of Asterix and lease it to the government. At one point the navy had three of its own supply ships supporting its vessels. Information recently tabled in Parliament indicates that even though Asterix has been going full-tilt over the last year, there was still a requirement for Canadian warships to receive fuel and provisions from supply vessels operated by foreign navies or for Canadian ships to head to port to receive fuel and supplies. Here are the details from Parliament: The Asterix is also at the heart of federal government's case against Vice Admiral Mark Norman. Norman has been accused by the RCMP of warning Davie that Liberal cabinet ministers wanted to derail the Asterix project. That development leaked out to the news media and the resulting embarrassment was one of the factors that forced the Liberal government to back down on its plans and Asterix proceeded. Norman has denied any wrongdoing. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had twice predicted that Norman would eventually wind up in court, prompting concerns of political interference and concerns the Liberal government is punishing the officer. Norman's lawyers are in pre-trial trying to get documents they argue are needed so the officer can defend himself. Norman's trial is scheduled for August. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/the-case-for-a-second-interim-resupply-ship-new-stats-show-how-foreign-navies-continue-to-refuel-canadian-navy-ships

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