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  • Latest emergency coronavirus funding package includes tens of billions for defense, VA

    March 26, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Latest emergency coronavirus funding package includes tens of billions for defense, VA

    Leo Shane III The Department of Defense is poised to get another $10.5 billion in emergency funding and the Department of Veterans Affairs another $19.6 billion as part of a $2 trillion package designed to blunt the economic impact of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak throughout America. The money includes $1.4 billion in direct funding for National Guard deployments to help state governments respond to emerging health needs, $1.5 billion for the expansion of military hospitals and mobile medical centers if needed, and $1 billion for the Defense Department to help with production of medical supplies running short because of the pandemic. The measure — which if passed would be the third major coronavirus response by Congress this month — also includes provisions to deliver billions of dollars to hospitals, new state and local government support, expanded unemployment compensation and massive business loans, all designed to help stabilize the economy amid unprecedented social shut-downs to curb the virus spread. Senate lawmakers are expected to vote on the measure sometime Wednesday afternoon. The House could take it up soon afterwards. Nationally, more than 54,000 individuals have tested positive for COVID-19, the strain of coronavirus causing worldwide disruptions and panic. More than 730 deaths have been connected to the illness in the United States alone, all in the last month. "Combating this disease has forced our country to put huge parts of our national life on pause and triggered layoffs at a breath-taking pace,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said after the deal was reached Wednesday morning. “This strange new reality has forced our nation on to something like war-time footing. A fight has arrived on our shores.” Lawmakers who worked on the agreement said the Defense Department funding is targeted “primarily for the protection of members of the Armed Forces, their families, and military retirees.” None of the funds can be transferred to accounts connected with the construction of a southern border wall, a sticking point between Democrats and President Donald Trump in past appropriations fights. Of the $10.5 billion total, $1 billion will be set aside for use with the Defense Production Act, allowing department officials to “invest in manufacturing capabilities that are key to increasing the production rate of personal protective equipment and medical equipment.” Those items have been in short supply in recent weeks. Trump invoked the act earlier this week but has yet to order any civilian production of the scare items. Veterans Affairs Within VA, the majority of the money — nearly $15.9 billion — will be used for direct care specifically in response to veterans health needs. “This covers treatment of veterans nationwide for coronavirus within VA hospitals as well as in community urgent care clinics and emergency rooms,” a bill summary stated. “These funds allow VA to cover overtime for their clinical staff, the purchase of personal protective equipment, test kits, and other necessary equipment to manage the impacts of this pandemic among the veteran population.” Another $3.1 billion will be set aside for new telemedicine efforts within VA, including staffing and equipping mobile treatment sites and “remodeling to VA facilities and state run veterans homes to address the needs of veterans being treated for coronavirus.” Nearly 300 veterans have already been diagnosed with the coronavirus strain, and four deaths of VA patients connected to the illness. The bill also includes a number of expanded authorities for VA officials to respond to the threat, including extended overtime pay rules for medical providers, new agreements with broadband internet suppliers to increase telemedicine options for veterans, and waiving some rules regarding income-level eligibility for department benefits. Lawmakers also included $360 million for the Department of Labor to invest in programs providing training and supportive services for dislocated workers, to specifically include homeless veterans. White House officials have indicated Trump will sign the measure into law if it passes Congress. Earlier this week, Trump called on lawmakers to quickly pass some deal, saying that the economic impact of the illness on the country could be more devastating than the health complications.

  • Federal contractors face great uncertainty as coronavirus spreads

    March 26, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Federal contractors face great uncertainty as coronavirus spreads

    Andrew Eversden To stop the spread of the new coronavirus, federal agencies could shutter facilities. States and localities are already issuing shelter-in-place orders. And with obscure rules surrounding telework for federal contractors as well as the potential for supply chain disruptions and employee infections, there could be a new level of unpredictability for the contractor community. “There's both a little bit of stability and a fair amount of uncertainty,” said Alan Chvotkin, executive vice president and counsel at the Professional Services Council, an interest group representing more than 400 government contractors. “Things that were normal yesterday are not normal today. Behaviors that were planned for over the last couple days have been changed as government missions are changing,” he added. In the near term, schedules laid out in contracts will likely experience delays and costs may increase due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, said Jonathan Aronie, head of law firm Sheppard Mullin's government contracts practice group. These disruptions could be caused by employees not coming into work, or their suppliers' employees not working. President Donald Trump said March 18 that he's willing to use the Defense Production Act to force companies to manufacture goods the government needs to fight the virus, like ventilators or masks. These orders become “rated,” essentially allowing the government to skip to the front of the line. That poses other challenges. “While some companies are going to have problems that are slowing them down, other companies are going to have the problems associated with an influx of new orders,” Aronie said. Aronie warned of a complex web of orders that companies could have to fulfill, pulling businesses in different directions. For example, he said, companies could get an order from a hospital, an order from a state government with a preexisting contract, and then a rated order from the federal government as well as agencies without rated authorities — potentially overwhelming and confusing manufacturers. “Somehow you're going to have to make sense of this all,” Aronie said. Effects of telework Across the government, federal employees eligible for telework have generally been allowed to do so. But contractors haven't always followed the same rules. Not allowing contractors to telework could have significant ramifications, experts warned. Many contractors are required by their contracts to work in government facilities. But to stop the spread of COVID-19, access to these facilities could be limited or completely shut off. This conundrum leaves contractors with questions for the government. “Are there going to be access issues? Are contractors going to be asked in some cases to work from home where previously they were going into a government facility? What does that mean from a performance perspective? What does that mean from a cost perspective? How do you work that out with the government?” said Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement. “These are some of the thing people are thinking about.” On March 20, the Office of Management and Budget's deputy director for management, Margaret Weichert, released a memo urging agencies to “maximize telework for contractor employees.” But, as reported by Federal News Network, Weichert's memo did not mandate telework for federal contractors, leaving industry frustrated. Several interest groups that represent government contractors called on congressional leaders and the White House to allow contractors to work from home. PSC wrote a letter to OMB on March 18 warning that not issuing guidance regarding extending telework flexibility to contractors could lead to layoffs. “The duration of this is a huge uncertainty, if it does get worse before it gets better, if folks are really unable to perform the kind of work that need to be done at some government locations, that'll have some impact on people,” Chvotkin told Federal Times. Over the last few days, several states such as California and New York have begun following shutdown orders that could leave contractors in tenuous positions. A Justice Department memo from March 20 also directed U.S. attorneys general to tell state and local officials that federal employees must be allowed to travel and commute, “even when travel restrictions are in place.” This action didn't mention contractors either. State governments are going to have to “recognize that exceptions are going to be essential and some federal missions are just going to be so important to continue on that they'll have to accommodate them,” Chvotkin said. How does this compare to the government shutdown? This is the second consecutive year that contractors have faced challenges due to a crisis; last year's was the record 35-day government shutdown. Some aspects of the 2019 shutdown and the coronavirus crisis are the same. For example, Aronie said, both increase delays and incur higher costs on contractors. The big difference is that some companies will receive more work, instead of less. Another significant difference is that employees, both from the federal government and contractors, are still working — many federal employees from home. This increase in telework has increased agencies' demands for IT infrastructure as they work to accommodate the rise in telework. Last week, the White House requested several billion dollars for agencies to improve their IT infrastructure. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, the uncertainty is greater than during a government shutdown, experts said, because the ending was solely in the hands of the government. “Even in the shutdown ... everybody recognized that it was going to end sooner or later. It was under both the congressional and presidential control to bring an end to it — not so here,” Chvotkin said. “There's nobody who can just decree that the coronavirus has been cured.”

  • Appel à idées : Formulaire en ligne et précisions des critères

    March 25, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Appel à idées : Formulaire en ligne et précisions des critères

    INNOVONS SANS PERDRE DE TEMPS Face à la situation sanitaire unique que nous vivons tous dans nos vies personnelles, professionnelles, sociales, nous avons lancé un appel à idées la semaine dernière. Nous avons déjà reçu des dizaines de demandes en quelques heures, preuve de l'intérêt et de l'implication de tous. C'est extraordinaire, merci beaucoup. À des fins d'efficacité, nous mettons en ligne un simple formulaire afin que les analyses, la qualification et la transmission vers le Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation soient encore plus rapides. Nous ne voulons pas perdre de temps. Aussi, nous désirons vous préciser les priorités et les critères. LES PRIORITÉS SONT (par ordre d'importance) : Projets avec impact le plus direct possible sur la santé, des technologies médicales reliées au diagnostic ou au traitement de nos concitoyens. Innovations utiles aux institutions et cliniciens sur la ligne de front de la lutte contre la pandémie, soit des solutions d'optimisation d'efficience et multiplication d'impact. Solutions permettant aux travailleurs et entreprises de mieux s'adapter aux nouveaux défis et contexte auxquels ils font face en ces temps difficiles. LES CRITÈRES D'ANALYSE SONT : la pertinence et ampleur des retombées et des résultats attendus vs les ressources requises; les chances de succès à relativement court terme; la qualité du ou des organisations porteuses du projet; Les demandes qualifiées seront par la suite envoyées au Ministère de l'Économie et innovation pour analyse. Encore merci de votre aide et de votre mobilisation. FORMULAIRE

  • NGen Announces Funding Program to Scale COVID Response

    March 25, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    NGen Announces Funding Program to Scale COVID Response

    Dear NGen Member, Today, NGen announced that it will invest $50 million in Supercluster funding to support companies as they rapidly respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by building a Canadian supply of essential equipment, products, and therapeutics. Projects will be selected for funding according to critical needs identified by the Government of Canada and the ability of manufacturers to produce products that are safe for both patients and health care workers. NGen will prioritize funding for projects that can have an immediate impact between April and the end of June 2020 and will fund eligible costs for projects within this timeframe up to 100% (depending on the level of knowledge and information sharing to help Canadians). Projects that will have an impact in the medium term – beyond the June 30 timeframe may also be considered for funding at 50%. Projects are not expected to exceed funding of more than $5m. For more information on NGen's COVID-19 Response Program, see the full bulletin, review the project guide, share your capabilities and follow us on Twitter @NGen_Canada for updates. Together, we can ensure that manufacturers can get their products to the front of the line in this crisis. Thank you for your support.

  • KBR Fortifies Cybersecurity of U.S. Air Force Weapons Systems

    March 25, 2020 | International, C4ISR, Security

    KBR Fortifies Cybersecurity of U.S. Air Force Weapons Systems

    Houston – March 23, 2020 – KBR (NYSE: KBR) announced today that it has been awarded a $26.8 million task order to provide additional cybersecurity engineering support to the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Engineering Directorate Cyber Systems Engineering Division. KBR was awarded this cost-plus-fixed-fee task order under the Department of Defense Information Analysis Center's (DoD IAC) multiple-award contract. The task order is part of the DoD IAC's Cyber Security and Information Systems Technical Area Task (CSTAT). This task order was awarded by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) Installation Contracting Center. KBR won a seat on the CSTAT contract in December 2015. Under the new task order, KBR experts will develop cybersecurity frameworks for U.S. Air Force command and control (C2) and rapid cyber acquisition (RCA) customers. C2 and RCA systems provide integrating communications capabilities that permit almost all other Air Force weapon systems to operate and communicate securely. The cybersecurity of these systems is paramount to the secure operation of key assets including fighter, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft. KBR will provide system and software security, mission assurance, risk management, and resilience in developing, implementing, training, verifying, and executing cybersecurity strategies across the portfolio of C2 and RCA weapon systems for AFLCMC. Through this work, which will be performed at Hanscom AFB in Massachusetts, KBR will increase the cybersecurity and resiliency of USAF systems while helping to ingrain cybersecurity best practices into the engineering processes of systems in acquisition. “This award demonstrates the military's trust in KBR's ability to provide knowledge-based cybersecurity services,” said Byron Bright, KBR President, Government Solutions U.S. “KBR's growing cybersecurity portfolio underscores our position as a leading provider of cutting-edge cyber and electronic security solutions for the government.” KBR offers an array of IT and cyber capabilities, including software engineering and development; big data analytics, computer network management, defense and support; cyber certification and accreditation; cyber policy development, translation and training; vulnerability assessment and evaluation; utility monitoring and control; health IT; and cloud security. About DoD IAC Program The DoD IAC program operates as a part of Defense Technical Information Center and provides technical data management and research support for DoD and federal government users. Established in the 1940s, the IAC program serves the DoD science & technology (S&T) and acquisition communities to drive innovation and technological developments by enhancing collaboration through integrated scientific and technical information development and dissemination for the DoD and broader S&T community. About KBR, Inc. KBR is a global provider of differentiated professional services and technologies across the asset and program lifecycle within the Government Solutions and Energy sectors. KBR employs approximately 38,000 people worldwide (including our joint ventures), with customers in more than 80 countries, and operations in 40 countries, across three synergistic global businesses: Government Solutions, serving government customers globally, including capabilities that cover the full lifecycle of defense, space, aviation and other government programs and missions from research and development, through systems engineering, test and evaluation, program management, to operations, maintenance, and field logistics Technology Solutions, featuring proprietary technology, equipment, catalysts, digital solutions and related technical services for the monetization of hydrocarbons, including refining, petrochemicals, ammonia and specialty chemicals, as well as inorganics Energy Solutions, including onshore oil and gas; LNG (liquefaction and regasification)/GTL; oil refining; petrochemicals; chemicals; fertilizers; differentiated EPC; maintenance services (Brown & Root Industrial Services); offshore oil and gas (shallow-water, deep-water, subsea); floating solutions (FPU, FPSO, FLNG & FSRU); program management and consulting services KBR is proud to work with its customers across the globe to provide technology, value-added services, integrated EPC delivery and long term operations and maintenance services to ensure consistent delivery with predictable results. At KBR, We Deliver. Visit Forward Looking Statement The statements in this press release that are not historical statements, including statements regarding future financial performance, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company's control that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the outcome of and the publicity surrounding audits and investigations by domestic and foreign government agencies and legislative bodies; potential adverse proceedings by such agencies and potential adverse results and consequences from such proceedings; the scope and enforceability of the company's indemnities from its former parent; changes in capital spending by the company's customers; the company's ability to obtain contracts from existing and new customers and perform under those contracts; structural changes in the industries in which the company operates; escalating costs associated with and the performance of fixed-fee projects and the company's ability to control its cost under its contracts; claims negotiations and contract disputes with the company's customers; changes in the demand for or price of oil and/or natural gas; protection of intellectual property rights; compliance with environmental laws; changes in government regulations and regulatory requirements; compliance with laws related to income taxes; unsettled political conditions, war and the effects of terrorism; foreign operations and foreign exchange rates and controls; the development and installation of financial systems; increased competition for employees; the ability to successfully complete and integrate acquisitions; and operations of joint ventures, including joint ventures that are not controlled by the company. KBR's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, any subsequent Form 10-Qs and 8-Ks, and other U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings discuss some of the important risk factors that KBR has identified that may affect the business, results of operations and financial condition. Except as required by law, KBR undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason. For further information, please contact: Investors Alison Vasquez Vice President, Investor Relations 713-753-5082 Media Brenna Hapes External Global Communications 713-753-3800 View source version on KBR:

  • Podcast: What COVID-19 Portends For Defense, Now And In The Future

    March 25, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Podcast: What COVID-19 Portends For Defense, Now And In The Future

    Jen DiMascio Michael Bruno Will the coronavirus pandemic completely change how the defense budget is prioritized nationally? Steve Grundman, principal of Grundman Advisory, joins Aviation Week editors.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - March 24, 2020

    March 25, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, C4ISR, Security

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - March 24, 2020

    MISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY Lockheed Martin Corp., Missiles and Fire Control, Dallas, Texas, is being awarded a $932,836,737 modification (P00026) to previously-awarded contract HQ0147-17-C-0032 to exercise an option for the production of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptors and associated one-shot devices to support the U.S. government (USG) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case requirements. The THAAD interceptors and associated one-shot devices will be procured under fixed-price incentive (firm target) contract line items. The value of this contract is increased from $5,366,947,800 to $6,299,784,537. The work will be performed in Dallas, Texas; Sunnyvale, California; Huntsville, Alabama; Camden, Arkansas; and Troy, Alabama, with an expected completion date of April 1, 2026. Fiscal 2020 USG procurement funds in the amount of $327,498,097; and KSA FMS funds in the amount of $605,338,640 are being obligated at time of award. The Missile Defense Agency, Huntsville, Alabama, is the contracting activity. NAVY CACI Inc. - Federal, Chantilly, Virginia, is awarded $180,336,750 for a single award, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, performance based, cost-plus-fixed-fee, level-of-effort contract (N65236-20-D-8003) to provide special operations communications systems, satellite communications (SATCOM) and network support services. Work will be performed in Fayetteville, North Carolina (65%); continental U.S. (20%); outside continental U.S. (10%); and Tampa, Florida (5%). This contract will require command, control, communications, computers, combat systems, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to exercise planning and evaluation, systems integration, operational systems, fielding, training, certification, maintenance, logistics, configuration management, systems engineering, network engineering, documentation and graphics support, program management, quality assurance and life-cycle sustainment management and support of deployable tactical SATCOM systems and military information, support operations and equipment for various joint warfighting customers at multiple locations within the global area of responsibility. Work is expected to be complete by March 2025. If the option is exercised, work may continue until September 2025. The contract includes a five-year ordering period and one six-month option with the cumulative value (ceiling) of this contract being $199,486,199. Fiscal 2019 procurement defense agency funding in the amount of $10,000 will be obligated at time of award. Funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The contract was competitively procured by full and open competition via the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command E-Commerce Central website and two offers were received. The Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic, Charleston, South Carolina, is the contracting activity. VT Halter Marine Inc., Pascagoula, Mississippi, is awarded a $39,906,609 firm-fixed-price modification to previously awarded contract N00024-18-C-2230 to exercise an option for the detail design and construction of an Auxiliary Personnel Lighter – Small (APL(S)). Work will be performed in Pascagoula, Mississippi (58%); Boca Raton, Florida (25%); Mandeville, Louisiana (5%); Metairie, Louisiana (5%); Gautier, Mississippi (4%); and Billerica, Massachusetts (3%), and is expected to be complete by May 2021. The initial contract was for the detail design and construction of the lead and second craft in the APL(S) 67 class; this option exercise is for the fourth craft. Construction of all APL(S) craft is firm-fixed-price. The contract also includes options for associated support efforts related to the craft design and construction for deployment spare parts, crew familiarization, international delivery and production-level technical data package and rights. Fiscal 2020 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $39,906,609 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity. Honeywell International Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, is awarded a $10,340,614 cost-plus-fixed-fee job order under basic ordering agreement N00164-18-G-GM66 for engineering sustainment support services of the strategic radiation-hardened microelectronics facility and production capability. Work will be performed in Plymouth, Minnesota, and is expected to be complete by March 2022. The sustainment services under the job order cover engineering efforts to sustain Honeywell International's strategic radiation-hardened microelectronics capability through researching extensions of existing products and technology, radiation testing and analysis, and sustaining existing application specific integrated circuit product support and multi-project wafer test/modeling capability. The services are required to maintain a domestic, trusted source for strategic radiation-hardened microelectronics to meet the Department of Defense certification to Congress, as stipulated by the fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization Act Section 1670. Defense Production Act Title III funding in the amount of $10,340,614 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(3), and was awarded to a particular source in order to maintain a facility, producer, manufacturer or other supplier available for furnishing property or services to achieve industrial mobilization. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Crane, Indiana, is the contracting activity (N00164-20-F-G001). Pratt and Whitney - United Technologies Corp., Hartford, Connecticut, is awarded a $7,681,734 firm-fixed-price delivery order (N00019-20-F-0658) against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-17-G-8008). This order provides for the production and delivery of seven Lift Fan Inter Stage Vane (LF ISV) kits for the Marine Corps in support of the Joint Strike Fighter program. Work will be performed in Indianapolis, Indiana. The new LF ISV will provide lift fan operations over an increased temperature range, improved trailing edge angle conformance and will address vibration and flutter concerns. Work is expected to be complete by July 2021. Fiscal 2020 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount of $7,681,734 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Ceradyne Inc., Irvine, California, has been awarded a maximum $111,100,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for enhanced small arms protective inserts. This was a competitive acquisition with two responses received. This is an 18-month base contract with two one-year option periods. Location of performance is California, with a Dec. 30, 2021, performance completion date. Using military services are Army and Air Force. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE1C1-20-D-1242). SupplyCore Inc.,* Rockford, Illinois, has been awarded a maximum $75,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for facilities maintenance, repair and operations items. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is an 18-month bridge contract with no option periods. Location of performance is Illinois, with a Sept. 24, 2021, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE8E3-20-D-0008). TW Metals Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois, has been awarded a maximum $62,000,000 firm-fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment contract for commercial metal products. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is an 18-month bridge contract. Locations of performance are Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Illinois and West Virginia, with a Sept. 24, 2021, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE8E5-20-D-0001). AIR FORCE L-3 Communications Integrated Systems, Greenville, Texas, has been awarded a not-to-exceed $85,000,005 firm-fixed-price, undefinitized contract for engineering, procurement and fabrication which will result in Phase One modification to the mission aircraft. Work will be performed in Greenville, Texas, and is expected to be completed by October 2022. This contract involves 100% foreign military sales and is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $41,600,000 are being obligated at the time of award. The 645th Aeronautical Systems Group, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8620-20-F-4837). JW Clark Enterprises Inc., Chesapeake, Virginia, has been awarded a $16,000,000 modification (P00006) to previously awarded contract FA4800-16-D-0001 to exercise Option Year Four. This modification provides simplified acquisition of Base Civil Engineer Requirements support for Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. The contract provides all labor, tools, equipment, transportation, materials, supervision and all other necessary supplies and services required to perform a broad range of maintenance, repair, minor and new construction work on real property on Joint Base Langley-Eustis. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance funds will be used to fund individual task orders awarded. Zero funds will be obligated at time of exercising this option year modification. This modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $75,000,000. Work will be performed on Fort Eustis and Langley Air Force Base, and is expected to be complete by March 24, 2021. The 633 Contracting Squadron, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, is the contracting activity. The Boeing Co., Layton, Utah, has been awarded an $8,330,128 firm-fixed-price contract modification (P00011) to previously award contract FA8204-19-C-0001 for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Cryptography Upgrade Increment II production. This modification exercises production Lot 3, Options 2, 4, 8 and 9, and provides the government 176 A-4 drawers. Work will be performed in Huntsville, Alabama; Huntington Beach, California; and Layton, Utah, and is expected to be completed by Feb. 17, 2023. The total cumulative face value is $112,543,853. Fiscal 2019 missiles procurement funds in the amount of $1,639,817; and fiscal 2020 missiles procurement funds in the amount of $6,690,311 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) Contracting Division, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity. (Awarded March 23, 2020) ARMY Vali Cooper International LLC,* Covington, Louisiana, was awarded a $30,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architect-engineer technical support services for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System. Bids were solicited via the internet with received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of March 23, 2030. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska, is the contracting activity (W9128F-20-D-0027). CORRECTION: A $19,940,157 firm-fixed-price contract announced yesterday, March 23, 2020, to SGS LLC,* Yukon, Oklahoma (W912BV-20-C-0005), for design-build construction of a fire rescue center, was actually awarded today, March 24, 2020. *Small business

  • Post-Brexit Defense Review Challenged By Costs And Coronavirus

    March 24, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Post-Brexit Defense Review Challenged By Costs And Coronavirus

    Tony Osborne Post-Brexit Britain is taking its first steps toward understanding its place in the world and the military capabilities it may need to ensure it can hold onto that status. A review, described by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as the most extensive of its kind since the end of the Cold War, is examining the UK's foreign, defense, security and development policies. And it is proceeding despite the challenges and costs surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Although it will examine the work of several government departments—notably the Foreign Office, the Defense Ministry and the Department for International Development—considerable focus is likely to be on defense. It has the largest budget of those under the microscope and an oft-criticized procurement process that some in government are eager to overhaul. The process will run in parallel with the government's comprehensive spending review. That assessment decides UK government spending for the next three years and will deliver its findings potentially as early as this summer. Some critics argue that is simply too soon for a thorough analysis of Britain's future defense needs. “If you are to have a strategy that is worth the name, you must address ends, ways and means together. . . . If you do not do the whole package, including the money, together, then you do not have a strategic review,” Jock Stirrup, a former chief of the Royal Air Force (RAF) and UK Defense Staff, told parliamentary defense committee hearings on March 17. The 2020 review represents a break from the traditional defense-led Strategic Defense and Security Review (SDSR) usually held every five years. Some analysts contend the 2020 edition could shape defense capabilities for decades to come. Jack Watling, Land Warfare research fellow at the London-based Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) says the review would have to make “hard choices” but that these would “determine the trajectory of the UK's defense capabilities for a generation.” He notes that for a post-Brexit Britain looking to expand its trading and security partners, future conflicts may be difficult to avoid. “Security and trade partnerships are closely intertwined. . . . If ‘Global Britain' means diversifying our economic partnerships, it will be necessary to build meaningful security ties as well,” Watling says. The UK must look at its role in the Euro-Atlantic alliance and in the Great Power competition, in addition to other global issues and homeland security, Defense Minister Ben Wallace told Parliament. The review will also “place prosperity and manufacturing at its heart,” he added. The assessment comes at a challenging time for Britain's defense and its equipment-procurement plans. The National Audit Office recently warned that for a third consecutive year there will be shortfalls in the budget. The ministry's plans call for the spending of £183.6 billion ($214 billion) over the next 10 years, equivalent to 42% of the ministry budget during that period. Auditors say the Defense Ministry has a shortfall of at least £2.9 billion over that period, but this could be as high as £13 billion. Although the UK is expanding its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities with the upcoming arrival of the General Atomics Protector unmanned aircraft system and deliveries of the Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime patroller—two of which have already arrived—capability gaps in the ISR mission are imminent. The planned retirement of the RAF's long-suffering Boeing E-3D Sentry fleet has been pushed to December 2022. But the Boeing E-7 Wedgetail, the 737-based platform planned as its replacement, is not due to enter service until the end of 2023, potentially leaving a yearlong capability gap. The RAF also plans to retire its Raytheon Sentinel radar-reconnaissance platform in March 2021. It got several reprieves after its Afghanistan duties ended, but its departure would leave the UK without a standoff ground-moving-target-indicator and synthetic aperture radar platform. Several commitments made in the 2015 SDSR, such as the UK's decision to commit all 138 Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters across the lifetime of the program, have also not been budgeted, auditors note. Current plans forecast only the costs of the first 48 aircraft. The government says that “decisions on future numbers and aircraft variants will be taken at the relevant time,” but it is unclear whether this will be considered in the review. The British government is aiming to maintain the target of 2% of GDP set by NATO for all allies. Defense ministers have said they will fight to meet that share, and more if needed, although the UK has a history of not fully funding post-review defense portfolios. “It is not a ​review designed to cut costs,” says Jeremy Quin, minister for defense procurement. “It is a review designed to ensure we know what we are doing in the world and that [this is achieved] through really effective equipment.” Along with defining capabilities required for land, sea and air, the review is also likely to conclude that the UK should make additional investment in both the cyber and space domains.

  • Canadian military will no longer release info about numbers of personnel affected by COVID-19

    March 24, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Canadian military will no longer release info about numbers of personnel affected by COVID-19

    “This is information we don't want opposing forces to have as we're relatively a small force,” a spokesman said Friday. DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN The Canadian Forces won't be releasing information on the numbers of military personnel who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus because of security reasons. The military had previously confirmed three cases, including one involving a reservist who had been on a personal trip to Spain. The Canadian Forces had also stated that no personnel on overseas operations had tested positive for COVID-19. But going forward, the Canadian military will no longer be confirming any other cases publicly because of operational security, Department of National Defence spokesman Dan Le Bouthillier said Friday. “This is information we don't want opposing forces to have as we're relatively a small force,” he added. Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Jon Vance has warned that the “integrity” of some military units could be threatened by personnel contracting coronavirus. The Canadian Forces could be eventually called upon by the federal government to provide support if the pandemic worsens. The U.S. military has confirmed that more than 50 of its personnel have tested positive for COVID-19. The Canadian Forces has also ordered approximately 2000 COVID-19 test kits for military clinics across the country, Le Bouthillier said. The kits are expected in the next week. “The needs of deployed units for COVID-19 testing will be considered in the distribution plan,” he added. “In the interim, we are working in collaboration with our partners, through a combination of integral, allied and host nation supports, to ensure deployed CAF members are provided with the best available health care.” COVID-19 has also caused the cancellation of Exercise Maple Resolve, the army's main training event for the year, as well as a naval exercise off the coast of Africa. HMCS Glace Bay and HMCS Shawinigan, which were to take part in that naval training, are now returning to Halifax. The ships are expected to arrive in mid-April. Troops from Canadian Forces Base Petawawa who were supposed to take part in Exercise Maple Resolve will now be training in smaller groups, Le Bouthillier said. “We will mitigate this lost training opportunity through the aggressive pursuit of smaller training events and professional development,” he noted. “We will return to our normal managed readiness cycle when conditions permit.” “The current situation with COVID-19 is unprecedented and prudence demands we adopt a posture that allows us to best support civilian authorities should the need arise while safe-guarding the well-being of our personnel and the broader Canadian public,” Le Bouthillier stated. Maple Resolve was scheduled to take place from May 11 to 24 at Wainwright Alta. It normally involves approximately 5000 personnel and 1450 pieces of major equipment. The exercise gives participating personnel the opportunity to train with a wide variety of weapons, simulation technology, armoured fighting vehicles, and aircraft in order to hone their skills in a realistic setting, short of an actual operation. Another exercise that was to have taken place before Maple Resolve has also been cancelled. That training event, scheduled to run from April 5 to May 5, would have involved around 2,000 troops. Military personnel from the U.S., United Kingdom, France and Brazil had been scheduled to take part in Maple Resolve. Many other nations are also cancelling military exercises because of COVID-19. In addition, the Canadian Forces is also limiting public access to its recruiting centres across the country. The military is continuing to recruit but has asked new applicants to begin their recruiting process using its website. “For those applicants currently going through the recruitment process, please note that all face-to-face interactions will be restricted and by appointment only,” the Canadian Forces added in a social media post. “If contacted for an appointment, please note that we are implementing additional protective protocols including increased questions specific to individual circumstances in order to ensure the continued health of our recruiting teams.”

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