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  • Produire local, passage obligé des entreprises partant à l'international

    November 29, 2019 | International, Other Defence

    Produire local, passage obligé des entreprises partant à l'international

    Grandes et petites entreprises doivent se plier aux exigences croissantes des États de produire sur place une partie de leurs gros contrats. Y compris Dassault Aviation pour vendre son Rafale en Inde. Enquête. Difficile d'y échapper. Les exigences de compensations industrielles, ou offsets, occupent une place croissante dans la négociation des grands contrats. Elles sont presque autant l'apanage de pays émergents, qui cherchent à accélérer la montée en gamme de leur industrie domestique, que de pays développés. Dans le seul secteur de la défense, le montant global des offsets a progressé de 25 % entre 2012 et 2016, pour représenter près de 2,5 % des dépenses militaires. Pour décrocher le contrat de 36 avions Rafale en Inde, Dassault a dû s'engager à réinvestir 50 % de sa valeur dans le pays, sous forme de fabrication locale et d'approvisionnement auprès de sous-traitants indiens. Il a ouvert un site pour produire ses avions d'affaires Falcon et le Rafale avec l'indien Reliance. DCNS a consenti à transférer une partie de sa production et de ses compétences en Australie, dans le cadre du "contrat du siècle" de 12 sous-marins. Politique du "make in India" en Inde, "Buy american act" aux États-Unis, droits de douane exorbitants sur les importations de véhicules pour forcer les constructeurs à réaliser l'assemblage sur place... Au-delà de la défense et de l'aéronautique, le parapétrolier, le ferroviaire et la filière nucléaire font aussi face à des contraintes similaires, plus ou moins structurées. "La plupart des nouveaux contrats en Afrique prennent en compte la volonté de transférer des équipes et de produire localement ", remarque Pedro Novo, le directeur de l'international de Bpifrance. Accompagner les PME et les ETI "Les compensations industrielles étaient auparavant supportées par les seuls intégrateurs. Mais à mesure qu'elles augmentent et que les grands groupes externalisent davantage, elles descendent de plus en plus dans la supply chain", pointe Philippe Advani, un ancien d'Airbus, qui préside le comité sur les offsets des conseillers du commerce extérieur. Avec le groupement des industries françaises aéronautiques et spatiales (Gifas), il a publié en juillet un guide pour aider ETI et PME à naviguer dans les contraintes de transfert de savoir-faire ou de production – souvent complexes – fixées par les gouvernements. Pour les sous-traitants, l'opération n'est pas sans risque. En Inde, le spécialiste de l'ingénierie aéronautique Ametra, qui emploie 700 salariés, a sauté le pas l'an passé en créant une coentreprise avec un partenaire indien à Hyderabad, dans le sud du pays. "Cela demande du cash, et un pillage de propriété intellectuelle peut être plus dramatique pour une petite entreprise", reconnaît Philippe Advani. "Devenir indien en Inde, par exemple, implique d'accélérer la structuration de sa société, de revoir la logistique et la gestion des flux de données, d'impliquer le conseil d'administration. Il faut un accompagnement pour mettre ces contraintes à la portée des PME", énumère Pedro Novo, qui a lancé il y a un an le fonds Build-up International afin de co-investir dans des filiales à l'étranger d'ETI françaises et étudie une vingtaine de dossiers. Certains ont fait de ces contraintes un nouvel axe de leur stratégie. Depuis deux ans, le fabricant de c'ble marnais Axon'Cable surveille les obligations de compensations industrielles des grands contrats militaires pour implanter ses nouvelles usines. "Il est plus facile de vendre à nos grands clients car ils ne trouvent pas leurs fournisseurs habituels et nous en profitons pour démarcher des industriels locaux", pointe son président, Joseph Puzo, qui a ouvert en 2016 une filiale au Brésil et prépare un bureau en Australie pour 2020. L'ETI, qui possède déjà une usine low cost en Inde, a créé en début d'année une deuxième coentreprise, Dhruv, avec un partenaire local, afin d'obtenir le statut d'"offset indien partner", qui permet de répondre aux demandes de compensation industrielle. Produire localement ne supprime pas pour autant tous les échanges. Seul l'assemblage final est réalisé à proximité du client. Les composants les plus sensibles restent exportés depuis la France. Le meilleur moyen de protéger ses innovations. Latécoère suit Thales et Dassault en Inde S'implanter en Inde ne faisait pas partie des plans initiaux de Latécoère. "Je savais que l'Inde était un pays compliqué et bureaucratique. Nous serions certainement allés dans un autre pays d'Asie s'il n'y avait pas eu les contreparties du contrat Rafale", reconnaît volontiers Yannick Assouad, la PDG de l'équipementier aéronautique. Son usine de c'blage de Belagavi, dans l'État du Karnataka, a démarré sa production en septembre. Pour vendre ses 36 avions de combat, Dassault a dû s'engager à des compensations industrielles, dont l'ouverture d'un site à Nagpur, dans l'État du Maharashtra, pour produire des pièces pour le Rafale et le Falcon. En 2017, Latécoère a décroché auprès de Dassault la fourniture de harnais électriques pour le Falcon 2000 en s'engageant à suivre l'avionneur en Inde. "Se localiser dans un pays d'offset n'était pas suffisant pour remporter le contrat car il faut avant tout être compétitif. Mais c'était la cerise sur le g'teau", reconnaît Yannick Assouad. Dans la foulée, sa nouvelle usine indienne a permis à l'ETI de décrocher un deuxième contrat auprès de Thales, lui aussi tenu à des offsets, pour son système de divertissement à bord. De quoi atteindre plus vite que prévu le seuil de rentabilité de l'usine de 300 salariés. En attendant que Dassault implante sa chaîne d'assemblage du Falcon en Inde, Latécoère exporte toute sa production indienne vers la France et les États-Unis pour Thales et se fournit en France. "Nous allons progressivement démarcher des clients locaux et essayer d'évaluer la supply chain", précise la PDG.

  • Sizing Up The U.S. Air Force’s Adversary Aircraft Fleet

    November 29, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Sizing Up The U.S. Air Force’s Adversary Aircraft Fleet

    The U.S. Air Force has awarded contracts to seven companies that will provide advanced adversary and close air support threat services. The contracts—worth up to $6.4 billion over the next five years—have gone to Air USA Inc., Airborne Tactical Advantage Co., Blue Air Training, Coastal Defense, Draken International, Tactical Air Support and Top Aces Corp. Here is a look at the private fleets of aircraft from around the world that these companies will use to help alleviate the U.S. Air Force's pilot shortage.

  • Airbus Defence and Space Works An Incremental Approach to Manned-Unmanned Teaming: International Fighter Conference 2019

    November 29, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Airbus Defence and Space Works An Incremental Approach to Manned-Unmanned Teaming: International Fighter Conference 2019

    By Robbin Laird At last year's International Fighter Conference, the team working on the Franco-German Future Combat System program provided an overview on the launch of the effort. At this year's conference, the team provided an update on progress over the first year, and underscored key timelines into what was called an incremental approach to building a new fighter by 2040. And now Spain has joined the program as well. I provided an update on this year's overview in a separate piece. But in this piece, I want to look at one key element of the future combat system, one which will need to be introduced into the evolving combat force, and not wait until 2040. A key element of building the connected force is clearly the question of the nature and capabilities of remote carriers to work with manned systems in the air. Remote carriers will become part of the evolving combat force in the near to mid-term. This has become a key dynamic associated with the changes in C2 revolving around enhanced artificial intelligence built into the force, but a clear need to both evolve data linked weapons – which after all are the first round of manned-unmanned teaming already in the sky. Remote carriers are coming with the various loyal wingman approaches as well within which current fighters work with evolving remote capabilities to deliver a combat effect from the teaming capability. It is clear that remote carriers will become key force multipliers and shape new concepts of operations going forward as they are added to air combat fleets. During the conference, I had a chance to continue my conversation began last year on this topic with Bruno Fichefeux, Head of FCAS for Airbus Defence and Space. From my perspective, Airbus has already delivered two key 21st century air platforms – the MRTT tanker and the A400M airlifter – which should provide useful launch points for the redo of air combat along the lines envisaged by the FCAS. And doing so makes business interest for Airbus, and not just for those air forces flying Rafale or Eurofighter. To highlight the opportunities, in an interview I did last year at Amberley Airbase in Australia, the Wing Commander charged with operating the KC-30A or the A330MRTT, a la Australian, focused on how he saw the future of that tanker. According to Group Captain Steve Pesce, Officer Commanding 86 Wing, comprising the RAAF's C-17, KC-30A, B300, CL604 and B737 fleets, in a conflict against a “near-peer” adversary the RAAF and allied forces may not have the luxury of secure tanking in uncontested airspace. Air forces will gain transient advantage rather than total control of the air and will support surface assets that will be more dispersed across a larger Area of Operation (AO). Demand for AAR (and air mobility in general) will increase as the survivability of a large tanker is reduced. Distributed operations in contested airspace will become a norm, and that means in his view the end of the classic larger tanker operations. The manned tanker will operate further away in the battlespace and become the mother ship for tanking remotes operating as refueling nodes to expendable assets deployed forward, “My view of the future battlespace is that sensors and shooters will be more proliferated, integrated and reach further and with greater precision. “There will be a natural move towards dispersion to improve survivability and delivery of fuel will be critical. “The future of a large tanker will be to support more distributed and dispersed operations and we will be looking at small tactical refuelers providing fuel to tactical air combat assets – these tactical assets will likely be cheaper, unmanned and more expendable. “That is where A3R comes in. “I see an advantage in the automatic boom because it reduces the workload on the operator who in the future may be managing or controlling formations of UAV during AAR. “As we learn to use this technology, it will be part of shaping the skill sets to transition to the next phase, of a large tanker replenishing smaller, automated tactical refuelers....” As Airbus Defence and Space is a global business, it would make sense as the FCAS program generates manned-unmanned teaming capabilities that such capabilities would be made available to its global customers in the tanker program, for which there are many, and for the A400M program which there are fewer but certainly more than the core participants into the FCAS program itself Bruno Fichefeux confirmed that this proposition is being studied within Airbus Defence and Space. He argued that there were two ways in which Airbus Defence and Space was addressing the opportunities within and eternal to the FCAS program. First, for each of its key platforms such as tanker and A400M, they were shaping road maps for the development of the platforms which highlighted ways to enhance their capabilities within an integrated and connected battlespace. Second, they are shaping technology streams which are designed to deal with the different challenges within manned-unmanned teaming. Those technology streams can be drawn upon to shape developmental opportunities for the existing or new platforms envisaged in FCAS. With regard to the first, the focus of what has been called the smart tanker program is precisely designed to shape ways ahead to use the space within the tanker for enhanced contributions to the integrated battlespace. It must be remembered that the fuel carried by the A330MRTT is carried in the wings, which leaves the large cabin free to do other missions, which now are largely devoted to movement of warfighters and support staff or to carrying cargo. According to Fichefeux: “Smart MRTT is focused on how to make use of all the internal space and to leverage it for the other platforms in the combat system and to increase their situational awareness and to handle data transfers.” Another example is the A400M and its potential role as a remote carrier. According to Fichefeux: “We have initiated a series of design studies looking at how we can operate the A400M as a launcher and recovery platform for remotes, and operating as a mother ship so to speak. “In this sense, the A400M becomes the wingman for the fighter fleet, but by functioning as a mother ship to launch and recover remotes which can go deeper into the battlespace to provide broad support for the tip of the spear of the air combat force.” In addition to working to study capabilities of its two core new air combat assets, namely the tanker and the A400M, Airbus Defence and Space has launched a series of “technology streams” examining how to develop a manned-unmanned teaming capability.'' According to Fichefeux: “We have launched generic technology streams, where we are looking to mature technologies around swarming, around level of autonomy, around the teaming intelligence, around how do we display this teaming for future fighter cockpit. How does the fighter pilot and the drones work together? “We are running these technology streams concurrently with developmental streams and are targeting the introduction of remote carriers on the Eurofighter platforms to extend the range of its capabilities and to fill the combat gaps.” And to my earlier point that in many ways data linked weapons are the precursor of the manned-unmanned teaming envisaged with regard to UAVS, fighters, lifters and tankers working together, he underscored the working relationship between Airbus and MBDA. Fichefeux underscored that they were working on the spectrum of unmanned platforms with various size and operational characteristics to think through a technology and development tree to introduce such capabilities into the combat force. For example, with regard to the smaller remotes, they have teamed with MBDA to leverage MBDA's experience in operating data link weapons. “In the design of remote vehicles of a smaller size category, Airbus and MBDA are working together which allows us to leverage their experience and gives them access to our thinking and developments with regard to remote carriers which will carry evolving sets of weapons in the future”. And, of course, the overall technology developments are clearly affecting thinking about new platforms. In no case is this clearer than the European MALE RPAS program. When Airbus Defence and Space presented their focus on European MALE RPAS few years ago at the last Airbus Defence and Media day, clearly the European MALE RPAS one saw glimmers of such thoughts. But with the FCAS launch these glimmers are becoming solidified in a programmatic sense. In short, Bruno Fichefeux laid out the incremental approach of Airbus Defence and Space in the crucial area of manned-unmanned teaming and the importance of integrating new remote platforms within the concepts of operations of air combat fleets. While the strategic objective of FCAS is clearly to deliver a new combat fighter, the focus is very much on delivering key building blocks along the way. And new remote platforms are such a building block. Airbus Defence and Space are looking to add new remote platforms which can work with existing air combat platforms, including fighters as well as other air combat assets, such as air lifters and airborne tankers. In short, they are looking to deliver a System-of-Systems, connecting platforms, operating across domains, and being fully interoperable with allied forces instead of “only” targeting a new combat fighter qua a new platform.

  • General Dynamics Mission Systems Receives $731.8M 10-Year Sustainment Contract for Next-Generation Satellite Communications System

    November 29, 2019 | International, C4ISR

    General Dynamics Mission Systems Receives $731.8M 10-Year Sustainment Contract for Next-Generation Satellite Communications System

    November 27, 2019 FAIRFAX, Va. – On November 8, the U.S. Navy awarded General Dynamics Mission Systems a $731.8M cost-plus-award-fee and firm-fixed-price indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity sole-source contract for the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) ground system sustainment. MUOS is a next-generation satellite communications system that provides secure voice and data communications for U.S. forces worldwide. General Dynamics Mission Systems provides the integrated ground segments for MUOS, which will soon provide secure cell phone-like communications for warfighters on the move. “MUOS will provide our warfighters with the ability to communicate securely, anywhere, anytime, with voice clarity and data transmission speed similar to using a civilian cellphone,” says Manny Mora, vice president and general manager for the Space and Intelligence Systems line of business at General Dynamics Mission Systems. “This capability delivers a whole new level of connectivity for troops in the field.” MUOS was recently deemed operationally effective, operationally survivable, and cyber survivable, following successful completion of its Multiservice Operational Test and Evaluation (MOT&E). This summer's rigorous MOT&E, conducted by the U.S. Navy's Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force, included participation from the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps. Most of the MUOS work will be completed in Scottsdale, Arizona, and completion is expected by November 2029. For more information about General Dynamic Mission System's support to the MUOS program, visit: General Dynamics Mission Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). For more information about General Dynamics Mission Systems, please visit and follow us on Twitter @GDMS. View source version on General Dynamics Mission Systems :

  • Naval Group shares its industrial vision with the submarine community and broadens strategic partnership at NEDS

    November 29, 2019 | International, Naval

    Naval Group shares its industrial vision with the submarine community and broadens strategic partnership at NEDS

    28 November 2019 On November 28th 2019, Naval Group participates to the Defence & Security exhibition held at Rotterdam AHOY. During this event, Naval Group shares its vision on the development of the submarine community in the Netherlands. The project will generate a workload of 15 million man/hours and is expected to create over 2000 jobs in the Netherlands. In view of the Walrus capability replacement programme, Naval Group demonstrates their will to commit to a full submarine IP and knowledge-sharing with the Dutch knowledge centers and industry. This will empower the Netherlands submarine community to take part in the future design and build phase, thus reinforcing the existing knowledge and leading to an autonomous maintenance and upgrade of the submarine. Naval Group has successfully adopted this methodology in Australia, which is leading to the development of a game-changing capacity with a Barracuda-family submarine which offers outstanding acoustic superiority as well as expeditionary capabilities. Naval Group's vision of the future submarine project. “What is at stake in this project is not industrial workload for Naval Group in France-as our submarines factories will be quite busy along the next decades-but the European cooperation within the maritime industry of our two countries. Beyond the industrial workload which will be transferred to the Netherlands, Naval Group is totally committed to support the Netherlands in remaining fully autonomous on operational, strategical and technological aspects on the long- term basis.” declared Hervé Guillou during NEDS. With all the complexities and long lead-time involved in a submarine project, it is crucial to determine how strategic knowledge and expertise is shared, used and maintained over a period which exceeds thirty years. Defining all the required technical and operational trade-offs based on a value-mapping process through an in-depth dialogue with the client is key to reach the best possible submarine platform. For this purpose, Naval Group has released its plan for the future submarine design and production ecosystem at NEDS. One of the key features of Naval Group's vision to organize transfer IP rights and design authority to the Netherlands, which effectively will deliver to local industry and knowledge centers an in-depth understanding and mastering of the selected design. The submarine project will see the reinforcement of a submarine community whose contribution and expertise will grow over the years when key upgrades or changes are implemented on the chosen design. In this process, Naval Group has already qualified 30 new companies to be Tier 1 and 2 suppliers for this programme and other international programmes. In February 2019, Naval Group announced the partnership with Royal IHC. The two companies brought their complementary experience and expertise in designing and manufacturing complex maritime and defense systems together in order to offer the best submarine to the Netherlands and fully comply with the Defense Industrial Strategy (DIS). In continuity to this important first step, Naval Group now unveils one of its strategic partnerships: the teaming agreement with Contour, whose team possesses a comprehensive experience in providing simulation and digital training tools for the Netherlands MOD and notably the Royal Netherlands Army. Their expertise will allow modern simulation tools to be deployed to ease the crew's training period before the actual submarine is sent on trials. Using the Dutch world-class maritime ecosystem, Naval Group has identified more than 30 partners in the country partners of excellence which can provide critical systems and components for submarine and surface ships programmes alike. The submarine community will remain a center of excellence where the best Dutch expertise will be sustained.This ambitious industrial cooperation program is expected to generate over 2000 jobs, which represent 15 million man-hours, for the Netherlands economic growth during the design and build phase. Most of this capabilities will then be used for decades for through-life support. “Naval Group deliberately involves local partners in its international activities. The purpose of these agreements is to pool a Dutch submarine community for the Netherlands would Naval Group be selected for the Walrus replacement program. Key to a successful cooperation is a know-why methodology and a true IP and know-how repository to build-up and contribute that unique expertise, which will support in the long-term both the Netherlands' but also international submarine programmes” declared Mark van Rooij, Naval Group Netherlands CEO. A long-term commitment towards the Dutch industry The Dutch ecosystem has long been a partner with Naval Group on several major programmes; since 2013, a volume of 200 million euros contracts has been awarded to Dutch industrial and knowledge partners covering both French and international programmes. At NEDS, Naval Group deepens existing bonds with the Dutch maritime and defense industry, building and expanding existing relationships with more than 70 companies and knowledge institutes. The latest Naval Group surface ship (FDI) benefits from key Dutch technologies. Rubber Design has developed and supplied silencing elastic mounts to help reduce the ship's acoustic signature, whilst MAFO's door systems have been conceived as Radar Cross Signature reduction devices. Naval Group Netherlands, the Dutch subsidiary established in 2018 has played a significant role in the reinforcement of these long-term relationships. Sliedrecht-based company DBR has just been selected to supply key propulsion equipment on Naval Group's latest international ship programme. The company, well-known in the maritime industry, will for the first time enter the naval military market with this contract. For the Belgium-Dutch Mine Counter Measure Vessels program, several Dutch actors are about to be consulted. For instance, Dutch knowledge center Marin has already been selected by Naval Group in 2019 to test and improve its latest hull design, delivering improved hydrodynamic capabilities along with better energy-efficiency. For this program, other domains will be opened to Dutch competitors such as IPMS (Integrated platform management system), IBNS (Integrated Bridge Navigation System), radar, ventilation, firecontrol, speedboats and handling systems. Press contact Klara Nadaradjane Tel. +33 6 45 03 11 92 View source version on Naval Group :

  • Canada has plenty to gain from upping its defence spending

    November 28, 2019 | International, Other Defence

    Canada has plenty to gain from upping its defence spending

    COLIN ROBERTSON Colin Robertson, vice-president and fellow, Canadian Global Affairs Institute If we thought passage of the new North American free-trade agreement would get Donald Trump off our back, think again. We've been served notice that Canada has got to pony up more on defence and security. We should do so, not because the U.S. wants us to, but because it serves Canadian interests, especially in exercising Canadian sovereignty in our North. The Trump administration is close to a deal with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on congressional ratification of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) on trade. The possible changes to the agreement signed last November will not trouble Canada. Tougher labour and environmental standards enforcement – “trust but verify” – are aimed at Mexico. Another change would shorten the patent-protection period for new pharmaceutical drugs. The USMCA could pass through Congress before Christmas. But even if the deal gets stuck, Mr. Trump's threat to rescind NAFTA is increasingly remote. The more Americans learned about NAFTA, the more they liked it, especially in the farming community and Mr. Trump needs their votes if he is to be re-elected next year. A new trade agreement does not mean complacency about trade. We're still paying tariffs on our lumber exports. Protectionism, especially in procurement, is endemic. We need to sustain the Team Canada effort with Congress, governors and state legislators. Rather than blame Ottawa, provincial premiers need to remind their neighbouring states why trade and investment is mutually beneficial. Premiers and governors should strive for a reciprocity agreement on procurement. But if our trading relationship is shifting out of crisis mode, defence and security will take that space. Continued free riding by the allies, as the Trump administration sees it, is not an option. With the end of the Cold War, Canada took the peace dividend and then coasted in our defence spending. But today's world is meaner with a rising China and revanchist Russia. The Trudeau Government thought its defence policy – titled Strong, Secure, Engaged – and its promise of new warships, fighter jets and active missions in Latvia and Iraq, would suffice. Wrong. For Mr. Trump, the bottom line is the 2014 commitment by the governments of North Atlantic Treaty Organization member-countries to achieve spending of 2 per cent of gross domestic product on defence by 2024. Canadian spending, according to NATO, is currently 1.27 per cent. It is scheduled to rise to around 1.4 per cent by 2026-27, well short of the allies' pledge. If we are going to spend more, then let's invest in northern sovereignty. Brian Mulroney persuaded Ronald Reagan to tacitly acknowledge Canadian sovereignty through Arctic waters. Since then, the Americans have pressed us to exercise that sovereignty. Stephen Harper instituted Operation Nanook and he made annual summer visits to the North. But the promised Arctic base in Nanisivik, Nunavut, has never materialized. The promised icebreakers are still to be built. In contrast to the American, Chinese and Russian policies, Canada's long-delayed Arctic policy framework, finally released in September, is sophomoric. It ignores both defence and security. The Americans want us to collaborate in updating the postwar North Warning System. Jointly managed as part of our NORAD alliance, its replacement will be expensive. But it's also an opportunity for us to lead in the development of innovative space and underwater applications that would buttress our Arctic sovereignty. We can take inspiration from HMCS Harry DeWolf, the first of our offshore patrol ships. The largest Canadian warship built in 50 years, it is now afloat in Halifax harbour. We are also an Indo-Pacific country. The almost year-old Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) gives us first-mover advantage over the U.S. in places such as Japan. But our Pacific partners expect us to demonstrate greater commitment to their security. This means more navy and air reach. Is our Pacific posture adequate? Does our capability, including our bases, meet the new threat assessments? Managing the trade relationship with the Trump administration is hard. David McNaughton was the right ambassador for the Trudeau government's first term and its focus on trade. Mr. MacNaughton's outreach strategy needs to become a permanent campaign. Our next ambassador will need demonstrated security chops in addition to political savvy. Handling defence and security is going to be really hard. But as a friendly ambassador, whose country faces the same challenge, observed at the recent Halifax International Security Forum, we Canadians are going to have to toughen up.

  • Un contrat de 1 milliard de dollars pour moderniser la flotte d'avions AWACS de l'OTAN

    November 28, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Un contrat de 1 milliard de dollars pour moderniser la flotte d'avions AWACS de l'OTAN

    Le secrétaire général de l'OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, et le président de Boeing International, Michael Arthur, étaient à l'aéroport de Melsbroek, près de Bruxelles, ce mercredi (27 novembre 2019) pour célébrer un investissement majeur dans la flotte d'avions de surveillance AWACS de l'Alliance. Ce contrat d'un milliard de dollars signé entre l'OTAN et Boeing est destiné à moderniser la flotte d'avions AWACS afin qu'elle puisse continuer d'appuyer les missions de l'Alliance jusqu'en 2035. « Les AWCS sont nos yeux dans le ciel. Ils sont indispensables à nos opérations depuis des dizaines d'années : patrouilles dans l'espace américain après le 11-Septembre, opérations en Afghanistan, missions dans le cadre de la coalition internationale contre l'EIIL », a expliqué le secrétaire général. Il s'est félicité du contrat signé avec Boeing, qui permettra d'intégrer dans les 14 appareils AWACS de l'OTAN de toutes nouvelles capacités de communication et de mise en réseau. Seize pays membres de l'Alliance, de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique, financent cette modernisation, et des entreprises basées en Europe et aux États-Unis travaillent ensemble pour fournir ces capacités de pointe. « Les AWACS symbolisent l'excellence transatlantique, tant par leurs aspects technologiques que par ce partenariat entre Boeing, l'OTAN et l'Europe. Ce programme de modernisation va permettre à ces appareils de rester à la pointe du progrès », a déclaré Michael Arthur. Le secrétaire général a souligné que l'OTAN continue de s'adapter et qu'elle travaille déjà sur le remplacement des AWACS en 2035. « L'OTAN travaillera en relation étroite avec l'industrie. Nous étudierons ce que les nouvelles technologies comme l'intelligence artificielle, les systèmes autonomes et le big data, peuvent apporter à l'OTAN pour qu'elle conserve son avance », a-t-il déclaré. Le secrétaire général a ajouté que l'OTAN permet aux Alliés d'unir leurs forces et d'investir dans de nouvelles capacités pour une sécurité commune. « Nous modernisons et adaptons notre Alliance, et nous continuerons de le faire », a-t-il conclu.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - November 27, 2019

    November 28, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - November 27, 2019

    NAVY United Technologies Corp., Pratt & Whitney Military Engines, East Hartford, Connecticut, is awarded a $521,996,409 undefinitized contract modification (P00070) to a previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee and fixed-price-incentive-firm-target contract (N00019-17-C-0010). This modification provides performance based logistics sustainment in support of the F-35 Lightning II F135 propulsion system for the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, non-Department of Defense (DoD) participants and foreign military sales (FMS) customers. Work will be performed in East Hartford, Connecticut (73%); Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (18%); Camari, Italy (3%); Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (2%); Edwards Air Force Base, California (1%); Hill Air Force Base, Utah (1%); Luke Air Force Base, Arizona (1%); and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina (1%), and is expected to be completed in November 2020. Fiscal 2020 operation and maintenance (Air Force) funds for $72,261,440 will be obligated at time of award, all of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This modification combines purchases for the Air Force ($179,272,654; 34%); Marine Corps ($134,605,633; 26%); Navy ($29,758,385; 6%); non-DoD participants ($124,483,008; 24%), and FMS customers ($53,876,729; 10%) under the FMS Program. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity. Kings Bay Support Services LLC, Alexandria, Virginia, is awarded a $20,049,858 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity modification for the exercise of the option to extend services for base operating support services at Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, Georgia. The work to be performed provides for all labor, facilities management, supervision, tools, materials, equipment, incidental engineering, environmental services and transportation to effectively execute base operating support services. After award of this option, the total cumulative contract value will be $342,241,061. Work will be performed in Kings Bay, Georgia. This option period is from December 2019 to May 2020. No funds will be obligated at time of award. Fiscal 2020 operation and maintenance (Navy) contract funds for $16,928,444 for recurring work will be obligated on individual task orders issued during the option period. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast, Jacksonville, Florida, is the contracting activity (N69450-11-D-7578). ARMY Seaside Engineering & Surveying LLC,* Baker, Florida (W9126G-20-D-6003); and Lowe Engineers LLC,* Robert, Louisiana (W9126G-20-D-6004) will compete for each order of the $240,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for professional land survey architect-engineer in support of the Southwestern Division Department of Homeland Security Border Infrastructure Program. Bids were solicited via the internet with 12 received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 26, 2024. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock, Arkansas, is the contracting activity. Lockheed Martin Corp., Orlando, Florida, was awarded a $134,707,194 modification (P00094) to contract W31P4Q-15-C-0102 for procurement of the Joint-Air-to-Ground Missiles. Work will be performed in Orlando, Florida, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 28, 2023. Fiscal 2019 procurement of ammunition, Army funds in the amount of $134,707,194 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity. Ames Construction Inc., Burnsville, Minnesota, was awarded a $58,784,850 firm-fixed-price contract for plant, labor, materials to construct a gated water control structure, dam walls, a vehicle service bridge, stilling basin, pre-formed scour hole, approach apron, a slope protection slab and approach walls. Bids were solicited via the internet with two received. Work will be performed in Fargo, North Dakota, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 16, 2024. Fiscal 2019 civil construction funds in the amount of $58,784,850 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the contracting activity (W912ES-20-C-0001). Technica LLC,* Charleston, South Carolina, was awarded a $17,880,934 modification (0004BK) to contract W52P1J-12-G-0018 for logistics support services, maintenance, transportation, and supply support. Work will be performed in El Paso, Texas, with an estimated completion date of June 2, 2020. Fiscal 2020 overseas contingency operations transfer and operation and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $10,477,200 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, is the contracting activity. Lockheed Martin Corp., Orlando, Florida, was awarded a $7,563,160 modification (P00002) to contract W52P1J-19-F-0533 for Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight Pilot Night Vision Sensor Systems, subcomponent production and technical services for the Apache Attack Helicopter. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 1, 2023. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE KPMG LLP, McLean, Virginia, is being awarded a labor-hour contract option with a maximum value of $41,643,963 for audit services of the Army general fund and working capital fund financial statements. Work will be performed in McLean, Virginia, with an expected completion date of Nov. 30, 2020. This contract is the result of a competitive acquisition for which one quote was received. The modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $131,613,957 from $89,969,994. Fiscal 2020 Army operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $41,643,963 are being obligated at the time of the award. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Contract Services Directorate, Columbus, Ohio, is the contracting activity (HQ0423-17-F-0010). DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Apteryx Inc. Akron, Ohio, has been awarded a maximum $20,900,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for hospital equipment and accessories for the Defense Logistics Agency electronic catalog. This was a competitive acquisition with 101 responses received. This is a five-year contract with no option periods. Location of performance is Ohio, with a Nov. 26, 2024, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2025 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DH-20-D-0025). R.A. Miller Industries Inc.,** Grand Haven, Michigan, has been awarded a maximum $8,737,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-quantity contract for antennas and an antenna element. This was a competitive acquisition with one offer received. This is a three-year base contract with two one-year option periods. Location of performance is Michigan, with a Nov. 26, 2022, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2023 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio (SPE7MX20D0008). LVI, Pendergrass, Georgia, has been awarded an $8,696,995 modification (P00036) exercising the fourth one-year option of a three-year base contract (SPM1C1-14-C-0002) with four, one-year option periods for warehousing, storage, logistics and distribution functions. This is a fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment contract. Location of performance is Georgia, with a Dec. 1, 2020, performance completion date. Using customers are Army and Defense Logistics Agency. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. *Small Business **Woman-Owned Small Business

  • Northrop Grumman, MBDA and Saab Demonstrate the Integration of Disparate Missile and Radar Systems into Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Manager

    November 27, 2019 | International, C4ISR

    Northrop Grumman, MBDA and Saab Demonstrate the Integration of Disparate Missile and Radar Systems into Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Manager

    HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Nov. 26, 2019 – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC), MBDA and Saab have successfully completed a joint, collaborative effort to demonstrate the ability to integrate MBDA's Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM) family and Saab's Giraffe radar system family into Northrop Grumman's Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS). CAMM was the first non-U.S. missile system to be demonstrated with IBCS earlier this year, and Giraffe represents the first non-U.S. sensor system to be demonstrated. The three companies demonstrated rapid and functional integration during simulated threat scenarios that included simultaneous engagements. Simulated air targets were fed to the Giraffe radar emulator, which passed the radar information to IBCS to assess and track threats. IBCS operators planned and executed optimized engagements based on that data using the CAMM missile emulators which engaged multiple threats simultaneously. IBCS then closed the loop by displaying the outgoing missiles detected and reported by the Giraffe emulators. The event successfully demonstrated both Distributed Fire Direction and Advanced Integrated Fire Control engagements. “Building on lessons learned from the CAMM family integration, we were able to integrate the Giraffe radar onto the IBCS network even more rapidly and cost effectively, continuing to demonstrate the dynamic and flexible nature of IBCS's open architecture in adding capabilities when and as needed,” said Bill Lamb, director, international battle management, Northrop Grumman. “Together we are creating a revolutionary IAMD enterprise that maximizes the combat potential of all sensors and weapons across all domains and fills gaps in today's air defense capabilities.” MBDA's CAMM family is the next generation of air defense missiles for multi-domain applications. Designed to defeat the most challenging of modern and future threats, including saturation attacks by precision-guided munitions and maneuvering high-speed missiles attacking simultaneously from multiple directions, the CAMM family of missiles feature a solid-state active radar seeker, two way data-link, low-signature rocket motor and a 360° soft-vertical launch system. “This represents the latest successful demonstration of the flexibility of the CAMM family, which has been designed from the ground up to operate within a modern network-centric open IAMD architecture. In this event we were able to demonstrate multiple simultaneous engagements of a full range of contemporary threats, using targeting information from networked surveillance sensors,” said Ben Newland, ground based air defence programme head, MBDA. Saab's Giraffe AMB radar delivers key capabilities as part of short- and medium-range surveillance and Ground Based Air Defence. It integrates powerful 3D surveillance radar and C3 functionality in one and the same system and provides forces with swift understanding of the air situation, enabling immediate and effective response to changing threats, new tactics and shifting operational conditions. “We are delighted to see this demonstration of integration of the Giraffe radar onto the IBCS network, contributing both directly to the demonstrated “sense-assess-engage” chain and to the wider Integration Air and Missile Defense with the level of interoperability delivered by IBCS,” said Lars Tossman, vice president and head of Saab business unit Radar Solutions. IBCS creates a paradigm shift for IAMD by replacing legacy stove-piped systems with a next-generation, net-centric approach to better address the evolving complex threat. The system integrates disparate radars and weapons to construct a far more effective IAMD enterprise. IBCS delivers a single integrated air picture with unprecedented accuracy and broadens surveillance and protection areas. With its open systems architecture, IBCS allows incorporation of current and future sensors and effectors and interoperability with joint C2 and the ballistic missile defense system. IBCS is managed by the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. With more than 90 armed forces customers worldwide, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems. In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 others currently in development. MBDA is jointly owned by Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%), and Leonardo (25%). Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, Saab develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers' changing needs. Learn more at Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information. View source version on Northrop Grumman Corporation:

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