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June 3, 2021 | International, Naval

US Marines request more missiles, radars in FY22 wish list

The Marine Corps says additional funding in fiscal 2022 could support four key areas of investment that will set up the service for success in a fight against a peer adversary like China.

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  • What’s industry role in DoD information warfare efforts?

    July 20, 2020 | International, Aerospace, C4ISR

    What’s industry role in DoD information warfare efforts?

    Mark Pomerleau Government leaders are telling industry they need help with integration as the Department of Defense and individual services push toward a unifying approach to information warfare. Information warfare combines several types of capabilities, including cyber, intelligence, electronic warfare, information operations, psychological operations and military deception. On a high-tempo battlefield, military leaders expect to face against a near peer or peer adversary. There, one-off solutions, systems that only provide one function, or those that can't feed information to others won't cut it. Systems must be multi-functional and be able to easily communicate with other equipment and do so across services. “A networked force, that's been our problem for years. Having built a lot of military systems, a lot in C4 and mission command, battle command, we build them and buy them in stovepipes. Then we think of integration and connecting after the fact,” Greg Wenzel, executive vice president at Booz Allen, told C4ISRNET. “My whole view ... networking the force really is probably the best thing to achieve overmatch against our adversaries.” Much of this networking revolves around new concepts DoD is experimenting with to be better prepared to fight in the information environment through multi domain operations or through Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2). The former aims to seamlessly integrate the capabilities of each domain of warfare – land, sea, air, space and cyber – at will. It also aims to integrate systems and capabilities across the services under a common framework to rapidly share data. While not an official program, JADC2 is more of a framework for the services to build equipment. “It's more likely a mish-mash of service level agreements, pre-scripted architecting and interoperability mandates that you got to be in keeping with those in order to play in the environment,” Bill Bender, senior vice president of strategic accounts and government relations at Leidos, told C4ISRNET of JADC2. “It's going to take a long journey to get there because, oh by the way, we're a very legacy force and ... a limited amount of technology has the interoperability that is absolutely required for that mission to become a reality.” The “information warfare” nomenclature can fell nebulous and hard to understand for industry officials that provide solutions to the Pentagon. “It's a pretty broad definition. I think it's something that the DoD is struggling with, that's what we're struggling with in industry and it also makes it challenging because no one really buys equipment that way,” Anthony Nigara, director of mission solutions for electronic warfare at L3Harris, said. “No one really buys stuff to an abstract term like information warfare.” Others agreed that the term “information warfare” may be too broad, an issue that's further complicated as each service tackles information warfare in their own way. Most members of industry C4ISRNET talked with on the need to integrate described the key theme of a more networked force as a unifying way to think about the new push to information warfare. “There's a lot of discussions about the Joint All Domain Operations or the multidomain operations. When we look at that and we want to say ‘okay, what is information warfare really mean to everyone?” Steven Allen, director of information operations and spectrum convergence at Lockheed Martin rotary and mission systems, told C4ISRNET. “We look at it as how can we get the right information to warfighters in order to fight or how do we get the right information for them to plan? How do we move all that data across whether it's different levels of security or different levels of the warfighting and the data associated with it.” Others expressed the need for contractors to be flexible with how DoD is describing its needs. “Industry has learned to be flexible in responding to messaging calling for new situational awareness capabilities while other established capabilities were being mandated for use in cyber exercises,” Jay Porter, director of programs at Raytheon Intelligence & Space, said. The push to a more information warfare-centric force under the guise of larger concepts to defeat adversaries is pushing the DoD as a whole to fight in a more joint manner. Paul Welch, vice president and division manager for the Air Force and defense agencies portfolio at Leidos, explained that there's a consistent view by the services and the department that they must integrate operations within the broad umbrella of activities called information warfare just as they're integrating warfighting capabilities between the services and across the domains. This goes beyond merely deconflicting activities or cooperation, but must encompass true integration of combat capabilities. Some members of industry described this idea as one part of convergence. “When I talk about convergence, my observation is there is a convergence in terms of of a family of technologies and of a family of challenge problems and how do they come together,” Ravi Ravichandran, chief technology officer of the intelligence and security sector at BAE, told C4ISRNET. Ravichandran provided five specific challenge problems the military may have in which a married suite of technologies can help provide an advantage against adversaries. They include JADC2, overmatch or the notion of assembling technologies in a way better than enemies, joint fires where one service's sensors may be acquiring a target and passing that target off to another service to prosecute it, sensing in the electromagnetic spectrum and strategic mobility to get forces and resources to a particular place at a particular time. Similarly, Welch provided the notional example of an F-35 flying over an area, seeing something on its sensors and sending that information to either an Army unit, a carrier strike group, a Marine Corps unit, or even a coalition partner to seamlessly and rapidly understand the information and act upon it. These sensors must be incorporated into a joint kill chain that can be acted upon, coordinated and closed by any service at any time. Allen noted that when looking at information warfare, his business is examining how to take a variety of information from sensor information to human information to movement information and pull it all together. “There's a lot of discussion on [artificial intelligence] AI and machine learning and it's very, very important, but there's also important aspects of that, which is hey what's the technology to help the AI, what's that data that's going to help them,” he said. “We tend to look very closely with the customers on how do we really shape that in terms of the information you're getting and how much more can you do for the warfighter.” By bringing all these together, ultimately, it's about providing warfighters with the situational awareness, command and control and information they need to make decisions and cause the necessary effects, be it cyber C4ISR, intelligence or electronic warfare, Nigara said. Porter said at Raytheon's Intelligence & Space outfit, they view information warfare as “the unification of offensive and defensive cyber missions, electronic warfare and information operations within the battlespace.” Integrating EW and IO with cyber will allow forces to take advantage of a broader set of data to enable high-confidence decision-making in real time, he added, which is particularly important in the multi-domain information environment to influence or degrade adversary decision making. From a Navy perspective, the ability to share data rapidly across a distributed force within the Navy's distributed maritime operations concept will be critical for ensuring success. “We will certainly have to include the mechanisms with which we share information, data and fuse that data from node to node. When I say node to node, a node may be a ship, a node may be an unmanned vehicle and a node may be a shore based facility,” Kev Hays, director of information warfare programs at Northrop Grumman, who mostly supports the Navy, said regarding areas Northrop is investing. “Linking all those participants into a network ... is critically important. We have quite a bit of technology we're investing in to help communicate point to point and over the horizon and a low probability of intercept and low probability of detection fashion.” Ultimately, the information space is about affecting the adversary's cognitive space, they said. “When it comes to information warfare, it's a lot less tangible ... It's not tank on tank anymore. You're trying to affect people's perception,” James Montgomery, capture strategy lead for information operations and spectrum convergence at Lockheed Martin rotary and mission systems, told C4ISRNET. As a result, he said, it is critical to take the time with the customer to truly understand the concepts and capabilities and how they all fit together in order to best support them. “Really spending time with them [the customer] and understanding what it is that they're attempting to get at. It helps us better shape the requirements but it also helps us better understand what is it they're asking for,” he said. “When you're moving forward and attempting to come together with both a software hardware based solution to something, it takes a lot of talking time and a lot of touch time with that customer to understand where their head's at.”

  • Saab supplying Sweden with firefighting capabilities

    April 3, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Saab supplying Sweden with firefighting capabilities

    April 3, 2020 - Saab has received an order from MSB, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, regarding Sweden's aerial firefighting capabilities. The contract is valid during the years 2020-2023. The order is for the capability to fight fires with two firefighting aircraft, from 1 April to 30 September, through to 2023. Under the contract there is also the opportunity to trigger an option for two more aircraft, beginning with the 2021 fire season. This resource will be available for Sweden and for EU. Saab has during a period of one year, established aerial firefighting capabilities, using the Air Tractor AT-802 F firefighting aircraft, with the associated pilot and technician skills, as well as the specific permits for their operation. "We are part of Sweden's national security and our specialist expertise and flight permits made it natural for us to complement our operations in Nyköping with aerial firefighting capabilities," says Ellen Molin, Head of Saab's Support and Services business area. "It is important to have a prompt national response to forest fires, and this service is going to help deliver that." The AT-802 F is a water-bombing aircraft that in the event of a forest fire can release 35,000-50,000 litres of water per hour. The firefighting aircraft will be based in Nyköping, where Saab already has aviation operations for, among other things, aerial target towing and support for the Swedish Coast Guard's aircraft. From Nyköping, firefighting aircraft can within two hours reach Copenhagen or eastern Finland and within three hours, Luleå in the north of Sweden. If necessary, the firefighting aircraft can be based at another location with advanced technical and maintenance resources. Rapid response to fires is crucial. For further information, please contact: For further information, please contact: Saab's press centre +46 (0)734 180 018 Follow us on Twitter: @saab Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents throughout the world. Through innovative, pragmatic and collaborative work, Saab constantly develops, adapts and improves new technology to meet the changing requirements of our customers. View source version on Saab:

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - June 04, 2020

    June 5, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - June 04, 2020

    ARMY Harris, Rochester, New York, was awarded a $90,000,000 modification (P00019) to contract W91CRB-16-D-5006 to procure Harris family of radios, ancillaries, spare parts and services. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 21, 2021. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity. Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin JV, Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $75,350,484 modification (P00019) to contract W31P4Q-19-C-0076 for Javelin weapon system full rate production primary deliverables. Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2023. Fiscal 2010, 2018 and 2020 missile procurement (Army) funds in the amount of $75,350,483 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity. Alberici Constructors Inc., St Louis, Missouri, was awarded a $35,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract to paint and repair the 15 Tainter Gates and Bridge Spans at Lock and Dam No. 24 on the Mississippi River. Bids were solicited via the internet with five received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 2, 2025. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, Missouri, is the contracting activity (W912P9-20-D-0006). (Awarded June 3, 2020) Baskerville-Donovan Inc.,* Mobile, Alabama (W91278-20-D-0028); Jacobs Government Services, Orlando, Florida (W91278-20-D-0031); Mason & Hanger + Mead & Hunt JV, Tulsa, Oklahoma (W91278-20-D-0032); and Tetra Tech, Pasadena, California (W91278-20-D-0033), will compete for each order of the $34,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architect and engineering services to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division Mobile District's Horizontal Design Program. Bids were solicited via the internet with 26 received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 3, 2025. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, Alabama, is the contracting activity. Baskerville-Donovan Inc.,* Mobile, Alabama (W91278-20-D-0027); CEMS Engineering Inc.,* Summerville, South Carolina (W91278-20-D-0029); and Cypress Digital,* Ocean Spring, Mississippi, will compete for each order of the $15,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architect and engineering services to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division Mobile District's Horizontal Design Program. Bids were solicited via the internet with 26 received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 3, 2025. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, Alabama, is the contracting activity. The Dutra Group, San Rafael, California, was awarded an $11,999,875 firm-fixed-price contract for hopper dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with two received. Work will be performed in Plaquemines, Louisiana, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 6, 2021. Fiscal 2020 civil operations and maintenance, Recovery Act funds in the amount of $11,999,875 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, Louisiana, is the contracting activity (W912P8-20-C-0028). Mike Hooks LLC, Westlake, Louisiana, was awarded a $7,901,200 firm-fixed-price contract for pipeline maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with four received. Work will be performed in Matagorda, Texas, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 30, 2020. Fiscal 2020 civil operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $7,901,200 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston, Texas, is the contracting activity (W912HY-20-C-0020). NAVY ENCANTO Facility Services 2 LLC,* El Paso, Texas (N69450-20-D-0036); Bristol Prime Construction LLC,* Anchorage, Alaska (N69450-20-D-0037); MIK Construction Inc.,* Dallas, Texas (N69450-20-D-0038); WEIL Construction Inc.,* Alvarado, Texas (N69450-20-D-0040); and VELIZ Construction LLC,* El Paso, Texas (N69450-20-D-0041), are awarded $49,000,000 for a design-bid-build, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple award construction contract for construction projects located at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, Fort Worth, Texas. All work on this contract will be performed in Texas (100%) within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast (NAVFAC SE) area of operations. The work to be performed provides for, but is not limited to: general building type projects, new construction such as renovations, alterations, demolition, roofing and repair work for industrial infrastructure, administrative, training, community support and dormitory facilities. Work is expected to be complete by February 2021. ENCANTO Facility Services 2 LLC is awarded the initial task order of $907,847 for the renovation of Building 1428. The maximum dollar value for the five-year ordering period for all five contracts is a combined $49,000,000. The term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months, with an expected completion date of May 2025. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Navy) (O&M,N) contract funds in the amount of $911,847 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Future task orders will be funded by O&M, N. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website and 17 proposals were received. The five contractors may compete for task orders under the terms and conditions of the awarded contract. The NAVFAC SE, Jacksonville, Florida, is the contracting activity. Jacobs Technology Inc., Tullahoma, Tennessee, is awarded a $44,308,341 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N69450-20-D-0045) for base operating support services at the Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay and outlying areas. Work will be performed in Kings Bay, Georgia (99%); and outlying areas (1%), and provides for base operating support services to include force protection, facility investment, swimming pools, electrical, wastewater, steam, water, compressed air, supervisory control and data acquisition, telecommunications, chiller plant, environmental services and base support equipment and vehicles. Work is expected to be complete by September 2021. The maximum dollar value is $385,758,331, which includes the base period and seven option years. No funds will be obligated at time of award. Fiscal 2021 operations and maintenance (Navy) (O&M, N) funds; fiscal 2021 Department of Defense health programs funds; and fiscal 2021 family housing (O&M, N) contract funds in the amount of $35,187,307 for recurring work will be obligated on individual task orders and will be issued during the base period. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website and three proposals were received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southeast, Jacksonville, Florida, is the contracting activity. Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Herndon, Virginia, is awarded a $29,939,440 firm-fixed-price modification to previously awarded contract N00024-17-C-6327 to exercise options for mounted systems, dismounted systems and auxiliary kits for the Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare Increment One Block One (I1B1) systems full rate production in support of the Expeditionary Warfare Program Office. Work will be performed in San Diego, California. This option exercise is in support of Australia (Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case AT-P-LGA) for mounted systems, dismounted systems, auxiliary kits, support equipment, and operational and depot level spares to provide support needs. Work also includes diminishing material and depot repairs to keep FMS and I1B1 viable for future production and to maintain operational readiness for the field. Work is expected to be complete by April 2022. FMS Australia funding in the amount of $29,939,440 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity. AUSTAL USA LLC, Mobile, Alabama, is awarded a $7,727,457 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N69316-20-F-4002) for the accomplishment of post shakedown availability (PSA) for the littoral combat ship (LCS) U.S. Ship Oakland (LCS-24). Work will be performed in San Diego, California. This effort encompasses all of the manpower, support services, material, non-standard equipment and associated technical data and documentation of the aforementioned. Work includes correcting government-responsible trial card deficiencies, new work identified between custody transfer and the time of PSA and incorporating the approved engineering changes that were not incorporated during the construction period (which are not otherwise the building yard's responsibility under the ship construction contract). Work is expected to be complete by December 2021. Fiscal 2020 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $7,727,457 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1). The Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, Gulf Coast, Pascagoula, Mississippi, is the contracting activity. AIR FORCE DynCorp International LLC, Fort Worth, Texas, has been awarded a $40,422,804 modification (P00015) on an existing firm-fixed-price contract for the executive airlift maintenance support contract. This contract provides the following services: aircraft maintenance and back shop support of aircraft assigned to the 11th Wing and 89th Wing at Joint Base Andrews-Naval Air Facility Washington, Maryland, and is expected to be completed Aug. 31, 2021. The cumulative face value of the contract is $105,218,774. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance funds in the full amount are being obligated at the time of award. The 11th Contracting Squadron, Services Flight, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, is the contracting activity (FA7014-18-F-5045). Data Link Solutions LLC, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has been awarded a $33,598,645 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, requirements contract for the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) low volume terminal. The contract provides for repair services for current configuration line and shop replaceable units to ensure terminal-to-terminal interoperability between MIDS and Link-16 terminal platform variants. Work will be performed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and Wayne, New Jersey, and is expected to be completed June 4, 2023. Fiscal 2020 working capital funds in the amount of $3,898,790 are being obligated at the time of award. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Air Force Sustainment Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity (FA8539-20-D-0005). DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Middle Atlantic Wholesale Lumber Inc.,* Baltimore, Maryland (SPE8E6-20-D-0016); Progressive Services Corp.,* Beaverton, Oregon (SPE8E6-20-D-0017); S&S Forest Products LLC,* Boerne, Texas (SPE8E6-20-D-0018); and Sylvan Forest Products LLC,* Portland, Oregon (SPE8E6-20-D-0019), are sharing a maximum $16,800,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract under solicitation SPE8E6-20-R-0002 for lumber, millwork and plywood for the Wood Products Tailored Logistics Support Program, East Region. This was a competitive acquisition with seven responses received. These are two-year base contracts with three one-year option periods. Locations of performance are Maryland, Oregon and Texas, with a June 3, 2022, ordering period end date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2022 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. *Small business

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