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May 2, 2022 | International, Aerospace

Why There Will Be A Microburst Of Space Mergers And Acquisitions

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  • Is this the first step to military passenger drones?

    August 14, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Is this the first step to military passenger drones?

    By: Kelsey D. Atherton The “passenger drone” is a flying contradiction. It is an autonomous vehicle, with a human inside. Current language has yet to capture this disparity — the weird balance between terms indicating that no human, not even a pilot, is onboard, and the fact that this is a robot people step inside and which then transports them. Regardless of the terminology, the whole category of machine is fascinating: what could people do with autonomous robots they can ride? On Aug. 4, 2019, Japan's NEC Corp demonstrated its autonomous flying passenger vehicle. With three wheels and four rotors, the craft is informally dubbed a flying car, though like most autonomous flying passenger vehicles it most closely resembles an oversized quadcopter. Long promised by science fiction and technologists alike, flying cars have yet to become a part of daily life. Yet there's something compelling about the drive, and modern attempts can inform what this new avenue for mobility might actually look like. While the vehicles are primarily designed for urban and commercial markets, any advance in vertical mobility in that space is worth watching for military planners. Taking advantage of commercially driven developments could subsidize new military machines, and it's not inconceivable that, if the technology becomes as prevalent as its designers hope, we could see versions modified like Hi-Luxes to become improvised weapons of future urban warfare. The most significant development in modern car-sized flying autonomous vehicles is the use of rotors or ducted fans for vertical takeoff and landing. Winged cars, a few of which have been developed, are clunky beasts, awkward on roads and in the air alike. VTOL, though, allows a vehicle like this to operate from helipads or even smaller areas, and to land where people might actually want to go. Freed from the runways and hassles of an airport, VTOL taxis could, for a certain set of extraordinarily well-off commuter, bypass rush-hour traffic. It's a promise that has attracted investment and development from companies like Uber and Bell, as well as multiple others. While the promise of carrying a person remains the distant dream of such machines, the easier-to-realize more immediate reality will be cargo and logistics, with the possibility of maybe evacuating a human in a pinch. The chief advantage offered by the car-sized vehicles over jetpacks, hoverbikes, jet bikes and flying boards is the stability and interior offered by the larger size. The technologies that enable vehicles like this are largely the same ones that enable drones at smaller and larger scales. Remote direction, autonomous stabilization, powerful batteries, the ability to maneuver in vertical space and potentially operate in cities, all of this could create a vehicle that provides a capability the commanders of the 2030s, who grew up with drones, might want in a machine. There is still much work to be done to transform the prototypes from experiments to useful machines. That there are multiple companies on multiple continents pursuing it should be a promising sign for the industry as a whole, and for any military designers looking to piggyback on a drone-like flying car into a new urban battle machine.

  • Army Halts Apache Helicopter Deliveries

    October 19, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval

    Army Halts Apache Helicopter Deliveries

    For the second time in two years, the Army had to stop accepting Boeing's attack helicopter. The exact reason remains unknown. Marcus Weisgerber The U.S. Army has stopped accepting Apache helicopters from Boeing after the company found that an employee kept “improper” records concerning parts installed on the aircraft. It's the latest quality-control issue to bedevil America's largest planemaker, which is trying to shift its company's culture and repair its public image after two deadly airliner crashes and a production line that left tools and trash inside new tanker aircraft. “At this time the Army is still conducting a comprehensive review of a number of Boeing processes, production, and manufacturing plans for critical safety items applicable to all AH-64E aircraft production,” Lt. Col. Brandon Kelley, an Army spokesman, said in an emailed statement. When it learned of “improper record keeping” at its AH-64 Apache factor in Mesa, Arizona, Boeing “immediately notified the Army,” Steve Parker, vice president and general manager of Boeing Vertical Lift, said in a statement provided by a company spokesman. “Boeing and the government are jointly reviewing our Mesa quality management processes and procedures,” Parker said. “Flight operations and deliveries will resume when Boeing and the Army are satisfied this issue has been resolved and appropriate corrective action plans have been implemented.” Boeing no longer employs the worker who kept the improper records, according to a person with knowledge of the issue. Boeing's Mesa operation builds new Apaches and overhauls old ones with more modern equipment — a process known as remanufacturing. The company continues to build aircraft amid the delivery stoppage, an industry source said. “The Army will begin acceptance of aircraft once conditions have been satisfied to ensure production processes meet standards for safety and quality and the potential for future quality escapes has been fully mitigated,” Kelley said. “The Army will continue to work with Boeing in reviewing their quality processes and manufacturing of critical safety items and recommend changes as necessary to prevent future delivery of non-conforming product.” Kelley said that soldiers' lives were not put at risk by the issues. It's not the first time the Army has suspended Apache deliveries. From March to August 2018, the service halted acceptances after finding a flaw in a part that holds the helicopter's rotors to the aircraft. Boeing quality-control practices have been called into question by both the commercial industry and the military. The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating potential manufacturing issues on 787 Dreamliner aircraft. The U.S. Air Force had to halt deliveries of KC-46 tankers on numerous occasions after military inspectors found trash, parts, and tools left inside the aircraft. In March 2019, Will Roper, the head of Air Force acquisition, blamed the company's assembly line culture for the issues. The coronavirus pandemic has only made things worse for Boeing and its suppliers as air travel evaporates and airlines cancel plane orders. Earlier this year, executives said the company's $34 billion defense business would outperform its typically lucrative commercial business for the first time in more than a decade. Coronavirus-related factory shutdowns and production slowdowns started taking a toll on Boeing's defense business in the spring. Boeing delivered 54 fewer military aircraft and satellites so far this year when to the first three quarters of 2019, a 31 percent decline, according to company data. This year, Boeing has delivered 10 KC-46 tankers, less than half of the 21 delivered through the third quarter of 2019.

  • La Pologne serait prête à payer 2 milliards de dollars pour une base américaine, qui pourrait s'appeler «Fort Trump»

    September 20, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Land

    La Pologne serait prête à payer 2 milliards de dollars pour une base américaine, qui pourrait s'appeler «Fort Trump»

    M.C. avec AFP Une réponse au « comportement agressif » de la Russie. La Pologne est prête à débourser au moins deux milliards de dollars pour l'implantation d'une base militaire américaine sur son sol, une offre que le président Donald Trump a affirmé étudier « très sérieusement ». Le président Andrzej Duda « nous a offert beaucoup plus que deux milliards de dollars » pour l'installation d'une base permanente dans son pays, a indiqué Donald Trump lors d'une conférence de presse commune à la Maison Blanche avec son homologue polonais. « Nous étudions cela très sérieusement », avait-il fait savoir plus tôt dans le Bureau ovale avant leur entretien. Il a précisé que les Etats-Unis examinaient cette requête polonaise « d'un point de vue, en premier lieu, de protection militaire pour les deux pays et, aussi, de coût ». Dans la soirée, la Maison Blanche a indiqué dans un communiqué que « les Etats-Unis s'engagent à explorer les options pour un rôle plus important de l'armée américaine en Pologne, et nous intensifierons nos consultations pour déterminer la faisabilité du concept ». « Les résultats de ces efforts contribueront à la défense non seulement de l'Europe centrale et orientale mais aussi de l'Alliance tout entière », a poursuivi l'exécutif américain en référence à l'Otan dont fait partie la Pologne. « Fort Trump » Lors de leur conférence de presse commune, le président polonais a appelé Donald Trump à « déployer plus de soldats américains en Pologne ». « J'espère que vous prendrez la décision de déployer plus d'unités et d'équipement (...). J'aimerais voir une base américaine permanente en Pologne », a-t-il ajouté, suggérant de l'appeler « Fort Trump ». Le ministre américain de la Défense Jim Mattis a salué plus tard les efforts de la Pologne pour augmenter son budget militaire, tout en insistant sur le fait qu'aucune décision n'avait été prise concernant une éventuelle base américaine sur son territoire. « Les questions sont nombreuses », a-t-il souligné auprès de journalistes au Pentagone. « Comme vous le savez, il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une base. Il s'agit de zones d'entraînement, il s'agit d'infrastructures de maintenance au sein de la base, toutes ces choses, ce sont beaucoup de détails que nous devons étudier avec les Polonais », a-t-il expliqué. « Donc aucune décision n'a été prise, nous l'étudions et nous travaillons ensemble ». Aggraver les tensions entre l'Occident et la Russie Aux côtés de Donald Trump, Andrzej Duda a également longuement insisté sur « le comportement agressif » de la Russie, évoquant notamment la situation en Géorgie voisine ou en Crimée qui font partie de la « violation permanente du droit international » par Moscou. « Il y a toute une panoplie d'arguments en faveur du fait que la présence des forces armées des Etats-Unis dans cette région est absolument justifiée », a poursuivi Andrzej Duda. « Je suis convaincu qu'il n'y a pas de méthode plus efficace pour empêcher une guerre que de montrer que nous sommes prêts à repousser une attaque à tout moment », a-t-il affirmé. Des propos appuyés par le milliardaire new-yorkais : « Il y a beaucoup d'agressivité dans cette situation. La Russie a agi de manière agressive. Ils respectent la force. (...) Et nous avons la plus grande force au monde, surtout en ce moment ». Une telle initiative, si elle se concrétisait, pourrait cependant créer des crispations au sein de l'Otan, dont la Pologne est membre, mais aussi aggraver encore un peu plus les vives tensions entre l'Occident et la Russie.

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