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July 6, 2021 | Local, Aerospace, Security

Modernization of RCAF search and rescue helicopters deemed unaffordable '€” project on hold for now

A plan to modernize the Canadian military's search and rescue helicopters is on hold after the proposal received from the aircraft's manufacturer was deemed to'€¦

On the same subject

  • Bell awarded contract to sustain RCAF CH-146 fleet  - Skies Mag

    January 17, 2024 | Local, Aerospace

    Bell awarded contract to sustain RCAF CH-146 fleet  - Skies Mag

    The in-service support deal will help ensure the widely used Griffon helicopters are operational into the mid-2030s.

  • First Royal Canadian Air Force CC-295 shows off its final livery

    October 9, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    First Royal Canadian Air Force CC-295 shows off its final livery

    The first Airbus CC-295, purchased by the Government of Canada for the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) Fixed Wing Search and Rescue Aircraft Replacement (FWSAR) program, rolled out of the paint shop showing off its final livery at the Airbus facility in Seville, Spain. The aircraft will now go through the final preparation phase before its delivery to the customer, planned to take place in Spain before the end of the year. The aircraft adopts the yellow paint scheme following the tradition defined in the 1970s for search and rescue aircraft, giving high visibility for those in the air and on the ground. The contract, awarded in December 2016, includes 16 CC-295 aircraft and all in-service support elements including training and engineering services, the construction of a new training centre in Comox, B.C., and maintenance and support services. The aircraft will be based where search and rescue squadrons are currently located: Comox, B.C.; Winnipeg, Man.; Trenton, Ont.; and Greenwood, N.S. Considerable progress has been made since the FWSAR programme was announced two and a half years ago: the first aircraft is due to be delivered in Spain in the coming months; another six aircraft are either completing flight tests or in various stages of final assembly; and seven simulators and training devices are starting up preliminary acceptance tests. The first RCAF crews started training in late summer 2019 at Airbus' International Training Centre in Seville, Spain.

  • Supporting defence innovation – Innovative Solutions Canada launches new defence challenges | Soutenir l'innovation en matière de défense – Solutions innovatrices Canada lance de nouveaux défis en matière de défense

    April 7, 2022 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Supporting defence innovation – Innovative Solutions Canada launches new defence challenges | Soutenir l'innovation en matière de défense – Solutions innovatrices Canada lance de nouveaux défis en matière de défense

    Supporting defence innovation – Innovative Solutions Canada launches new defence challenges Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) recently launched six new Calls for Proposals in its defence testing stream. ISC is seeking pre-commercial innovative prototypes that can be tested in real life settings and address a variety of defence priorities within the Government of Canada. The Testing Stream aims to procure, test and evaluate innovative late stage pre-commercial prototypes in the following areas: • Digital Enablers and Cybersecurity • UAS and Drone-related infrastructure • Enhanced Warfighting • Training and in-Service support • Enhanced Soldier systems • Smart Sustain and Fleet Optimization The purpose of this call for proposals is to create pools of pre-qualified innovations that Canada may select from to address a broad range of the Government of Canada organizations' requirements. Check the Innovative Solutions Canada web site for eligibility requirements and apply by 14:00 April 22, 2022. Soutenir l'innovation en matière de défense – Solutions innovatrices Canada lance de nouveaux défis en matière de défense Solutions innovatrices Canada (SIC) a récemment lancé six nouveaux appels à propositions dans le cadre de son volet mises à l'essai en défense. SIC est à la recherche de prototypes novateurs pré-commerciaux qui peuvent être testés en situation réelle et qui répondent à diverses priorités de défense du gouvernement du Canada. Le volet mise à l'essais vise à acquérir, à tester et à évaluer des prototypes novateurs pré-commerciaux de stade avancé dans les domaines suivants : • Outils numériques habitants et cybersécurité • Infrastructure liée aux systèmes de surveillance aérienne sans pilote et aux drones • Amélioration de la conduite de la guerre • Formation et soutien en service • Systèmes du soldat améliorés • Soutien intelligent et optimisation de la flotte Le but de cet appel à propositions est de créer des bassins d'innovations préqualifiées parmi lesquelles le Canada pourra choisir afin de répondre à un large éventail de besoins des organisations du gouvernement du Canada. Consultez le site Web de Solutions innovatrices Canada pour connaître les conditions d'admissibilité et présentez votre application d'ici 14h00 le 22 avril 2022.

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