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February 12, 2018 | Local, Aerospace

La quadrature du cercle de Trudeau

ÉDITORIAL / Gouverner, c'est choisir. Ça ne fait pas que des heureux. Ça commence à donner des soucis à Justin Trudeau. Il n'y a pas d'issue facile à certains des litiges auxquels son gouvernement est confronté. L'exercice du pouvoir nourrit les rangs des mécontents ; à un moment donné, ils deviennent assez nombreux pour vous battre aux élections. Les libéraux n'en sont pas encore là, mais le premier ministre doit faire attention à l'accumulation d'accusations contre son gouvernement.

Hier, le Canada a vu un contrat de 233 millions $ lui filer entre les doigts ; les Philippines ont annulé l'achat de 16 hélicoptères de l'usine québécoise Bell Helicopter. Ottawa hésitait à les vendre au régime de Manille qui s'en servirait pour mater des mouvements terroristes. Quand le président Rodrigo Duterte, un adepte de la ligne dure, a senti les craintes du Canada, il a demandé à ses dirigeants militaires de rompre l'entente et de trouver un autre fournisseur.

Ces questions de principe sont difficiles à arbitrer. D'un côté, cette vente aurait assuré du travail à 900 personnes à Mirabel.

Les Canadiens ignorent l'importance du commerce des armes au pays. Il fournit de l'emploi à plus de 100 000 travailleurs au pays et discrètement, le Canada s'est faufilé parmi les 10 premiers exportateurs au monde. C'est que les statistiques officielles ne disent pas tout. Une part des ventes consiste en des équipements d'appoint ou technologique. Ainsi, le Canada a déjà vendu des hélicos à la Colombie pour sa lutte contre des groupes révolutionnaires, mais seulement après avoir été modifiés. Ainsi, la vente n'apparaissait pas publiquement comme une de type militaire, même si c'était un secret de Polichinelle.

Une autre transaction du genre, avec l'Arabie saoudite, continue de faire couler l'encre. Sous les conservateurs de Stephen Harper, Ottawa a permis en 2014 la vente de tanks légers pour 15 milliards $ et assurent de l'emploi à 3000 personnes de General Dynamics à Newmarket. En campagne électorale, M. Trudeau a diminué la portée de l'affaire, arguant que le Canada vendait « des Jeeps ». Mais personne ne reconnaîtrait un Jeep devant une photo de ces tanks légers, mais lourdement armés.

Des organisations comme Amnesty International font pression contre ce contrat parce que selon leurs prétentions, le régime de Riyad se servirait de ces véhicules pour réprimer sa minorité chiite. La ministre des Affaires globales, Chrystia Freeland, a soutenu hier que des preuves vidéo de 2016 n'étaient pas concluantes, sans rendre public le rapport à cet effet.

Les « Jeeps » de Justin Trudeau, puis cette vente avortée d'hélicoptères aux Philippines : le Canada est-il trop vertueux ? Se met-il la tête dans le sable ?

Différents sondages indiquent que la population est partagée.

Ajoutons au dossier l'approbation du pipeline Kinder Morgan entre l'Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique. Difficile de réconcilier les prétentions vertes du gouvernement Trudeau et le feu vert qu'il offre aux oléoducs...

Comment rétablir la quadrature du cercle ? En fait, c'est impossible. Ottawa doit arbitrer entre les intérêts des uns et des autres, d'une province contre l'autre, d'une question de principe contre des emplois et une économie florissante. Les conservateurs penchaient systématiquement pour l'économie. Ils pratiquaient une forme d'aveuglement volontaire. Quant aux libéraux..., au moins disent-ils avoir soupesé le tout ; croyons-les sur parole, jusqu'à preuve du contraire. Parfois, les circonstances peuvent faire pencher d'un côté ou de l'autre. C'est l'arbitrage difficile du pouvoir.

On the same subject

  • Unlike Finland, Canada nixes cold-weather tests, fly-off among competing fighter jets

    January 15, 2020 | Local, Aerospace

    Unlike Finland, Canada nixes cold-weather tests, fly-off among competing fighter jets

    Finland, which is considering the same aircraft as Canada, for its new jet fleet, is requiring each competing aerospace company to provide two aircraft to test at low temperatures and in real world operating conditions. DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Updated: January 15, 2020 Canada won't conduct a fly-off between fighter jets competing to become the country's new warplane nor conduct testing to see how such aircraft perform under cold weather conditions. The decision not to proceed with such tests under Canada's $19-billion future fighter procurement program stands in contrast to Finland, which is considering the same aircraft as Canada, for its new jet fleet. Each competing aerospace company is required to provide Finland with two aircraft to test at low temperatures and be evaluated in real world operating conditions. Public Services and Procurement Canada has confirmed that Canada will not do any fly-offs among competing jet or tests for cold-weather operations like Finland has underway. “We do not have plans for an exercise of this nature,” stated department spokeswoman Stéfanie Hamel. Finland and Canada are considering the Boeing Super Hornet, Lockheed Martin F-35 and Saab Gripen. The Finnish Air Force is also testing the Dassault Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon, both of which pulled out of the Canadian competition because of worries the process was rigged to favour the F-35. Finland hopes to buy 64 aircraft. Canada will purchase 88 aircraft. Canadian aerospace industry representatives say the competing companies as well as allied air forces could provide Canada with results from tests they have conducted on the competing aircraft. Finland could have taken the same route but its procurement staff want to ensure the country is getting value for money since the project will cost around $14 billion. Finnish defence ministry program manager Lauri Puranen outlined in a blog post the extensive tests that will be conducted and the reasons for not relying on tests conducted by others. “The Finnish operating environment and operating methods may differ from other users' weather and lighting conditions,” Puranen stated. “Winter conditions affect the operation of the multi-function fighter and especially the performance of electro-optical systems, but possibly other active and passive systems as well.” The fighter jet candidates will be tested on the ground, in the air, and during takeoff and landing, he added. The testing of the competing aircraft is currently underway. Another series of tests involving the jets taking part in flight operations and a simulated lengthy war game will be conducted by the Finnish Air Force later this year. Finland expects to select a winner for the aircraft program in 2021. The planes, which will replace Finland's current fleet of F-18s, are expected in 2025. The Canadian government expects bids for its fighter jet program to be submitted by the end of March. A winning bidder is to be determined by early 2022. The first aircraft would be delivered to the Royal Canadian Air Force by 2025. Information about how Canada intends to evaluate the jets is limited. But Public Services and Procurement Canada has noted that technical merit will make up the bulk of the assessment at 60 per cent. Cost and economic benefits companies can provide to Canada will each be worth 20 per cent. Concerns have been raised by Lockheed Martin's rivals that the competition has been designed to favour the F-35. This newspaper reported last year the requirements for the new jets put emphasis on strategic attack and striking at ground targets during foreign missions. That criteria is seen to benefit the F-35. In addition, the federal government changed criteria on how it would assess industrial benefits after the U.S. government threatened to pull the F-35 from the competition. The Conservative government had previously selected the F-35 as the air force's new jet but backed away from that plan after concerns about the technology and growing cost. During the 2015 election campaign, Justin Trudeau vowed that his government would not purchase the F-35. But at the same time, Trudeau stated his government would hold an open competition for the fighter purchase. The Liberal government backed away from its promise to freeze out the F-35 and the aircraft is now seen as a front-runner in the competition as it has many supporters in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Many of Canada's allies plan to operate the plane. Canada is a partner in the F-35 program and has contributed funding for the aircraft's development.

  • Contracts awarded to enhance tracking and detecting capabilities of Halifax-class frigates

    February 4, 2019 | Local, Naval

    Contracts awarded to enhance tracking and detecting capabilities of Halifax-class frigates

    February 1st, 2019 –– Halifax (N.-S.) –– National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces As outlined in Canada's defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, the Government of Canada is providing the Royal Canadian Navy with enhanced naval intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. Today, on behalf of Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan, the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Rural Economic Development, announced the award of two contracts valued at $186 million to General Dynamics Mission Systems-Canada to upgrade and maintain underwater sensors installed in the modernized Halifax-class frigates. The majority of this work will occur in Canada, creating and maintaining about 120 highly skilled jobs while supporting the continued growth and competitive advantage of the underwater sensor industrial capabilities in Canada. As a result of this investment, the Halifax-class frigates will be able to detect quieter targets at increased ranges. In addition, improved automation will allow sonar operators to improve their underwater warfare performance work and to focus on other priorities. This will make our frigates more effective in both coastal regions and the open-ocean. The Halifax-class multi-role frigates will remain the key contributor to naval operations for the next 20 years. The contracts announced today will increase the frigates' overall ability to deal with emerging and future threats, and ensure that the women and men of our Royal Canadian Navy have what they need to do the important job we ask of them. Quotes “Through our defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, we are investing in the women and men of our Royal Canadian Navy and making sure they are well equipped to address emerging threats. Threat detection is critical to initiate rapid defence countermeasures that protect our sailors and our ships. As the security environment continues to evolve, we will continue to adapt our naval capabilities, enabling effective defence of Canadian waters and meaningful contribution to international operations and exercises.” Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence “Communities across Canada, and here in Nova Scotia, will greatly benefit from this important long-term investment in skilled employment in Canada's technology sector. Our Government is making sure defence contracts bring prosperity and support as well as critical Canadian Armed Forces equipment. ” Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Rural Economic Development “The Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy helps to create jobs, supports innovation and stimulates economic growth in Canadian communities. These contracts will continue to advance Key Industrial Capabilities in Canada and help support our Royal Canadian Navy.” Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development “Our Government is committed to building a more agile, better-equipped military, while supporting the Canadian economy. These enhancements to the Halifax-class frigates will provide the Royal Canadian Navy with the latest technology it needs to detect incoming threats.” Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility “Defence contracts create tangible benefits for Canadians. These defence contracts will bring highly skilled jobs and generate economic opportunities to communities on the East Coast and in Canada for many years, while supporting the operations of the Royal Canadian Navy. Andy Fillmore, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism Quick facts Halifax-class frigate sonar operators detect, locate and track surface and sub-surface threats through the continuous monitoring and collection of information via high-tech sensors. The $186 million contracts include acquisition and upgrade for the first six Halifax-class frigates ($103 million) and in-service support (potentially $83 million). The contracts include options to upgrade all twelve Halifax-class frigates, which would bring the acquisition portion of to $170 million. The in-service support contract will maintain and sustain upgraded suites for up to 23 years, if all options are exercised. The first installation of the upgraded underwater warfare suite is expected to be completed in 2021 and operational in 2022. Licensed Defence Research and Development Canada Intellectual Property forms the basis of the winning technical bid for the UWSU Project. A repository of re-usable software has been developed over 25 years by DRDC in support of RCN and RCAF technology demonstration projects in underwater warfare. The Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy applies to this project, creating jobs and supporting key industrial capabilities in Canada. Associated links Canadian Patrol Frigates Halifax-class modernization and frigate life extension

  • Government of Canada launches pilot project to construct new facility for the Royal Canadian Dragoons

    January 17, 2019 | Local, Land

    Government of Canada launches pilot project to construct new facility for the Royal Canadian Dragoons

    January 15, 2019 – Petawawa, Ontario – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces In support of Canada's defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, the Government of Canada is providing modern, green and functional infrastructure in which our military personnel can work and train. Today, on behalf of Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan, William Amos, Member of Parliament for Pontiac, announced a project to deliver new and enhanced facilities for the Royal Canadian Dragoons at 4th Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa. This pilot project represents the first time the Government of Canada will use the integrated project delivery approach for a construction project. This approach offers a unique way to manage construction projects and deliver results faster, by promoting greater collaboration and innovation between industry and the Crown. Valued at $80.6 million, the project is expected to provide economic opportunities for the local community and generate about 225 jobs during the construction period. It will see the renovation of three existing buildings, and the replacement of eight obsolete buildings with a single, centralized 9,900-m2 facility. These modern facilities will provide the regiment with enhanced vehicle maintenance, storage, logistics and training areas to increase collaboration and support daily operations. Quotes “Through our defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, we are ensuring that the women and men of our Canadian Armed Forces have the tools, facilities and equipment they need to do the important work we ask of them. This project will provide Canadian Armed Forces members with enhanced logistics and training areas to support them in their daily operations. This new, modern infrastructure will also support our government's commitment to fighting climate change while providing good, middle class jobs for local residents.” Harjit S. Sajjan, Defence Minister “This project represents a great investment for the Royal Canadian Dragoons, as well as the wider Ottawa Valley and Pontiac regions. By replacing aging infrastructure with updated green facilities, we're increasing our military's capabilities, lowering our carbon footprint, and creating jobs and economic opportunities for Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.” William Amos, Member of Parliament for Pontiac Quick facts Formed in 1883, the Royal Canadian Dragoons is the most senior armoured regiment of the Canadian Army. The integrated project delivery approach is more innovative than traditional delivery models, and has been used to successfully deliver private sector infrastructure projects. The Crown, the designer and the builder have formed an integrated project team, and will establish goals and make project decisions together throughout the project. Emphasis on collaborative, early project planning has the potential to shorten the construction phase and deliver the project faster and at a better value. On behalf of DND, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) awarded the construction and design contracts to PCL Constructors Inc. and Architecture49 Inc. Initial design and planning are expected to be completed by fall 2019, with construction and renovations expected to begin by spring 2020. The facility is expected to be completed in 2021. The new building will meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Silver standards and save an estimated $4.6 million in operations and maintenance costs over 40 years. This and other green projects will help Defence reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and non-military vehicles by 40 percent (from 2005 levels) by 2030, and support the new federal emissions reduction target of 80 percent by 2050. DCC is a Crown corporation that delivers infrastructure and environmental projects for the defence of Canada. It provides contracting, construction contract management and related infrastructure services to DND. Associated links Royal Canadian Dragoons

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