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November 4, 2021 | Local, Naval

Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox Call for Applications Re-launches

The Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox (CDIS), previously postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions, has re-launched its Call for Applications. The Sandbox will focus on solutions that might better detect and assess corrosion behind surface coatings onboard Royal Canadian Navy platforms in order to reduce operational impact and improve the effectiveness of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.


Location: Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Time: April/May 2022

How to apply: Sign up for an E-Post account by November 30, 2021 in order to make the submission deadline of 16 December, 2021 at 14:00 EST.

Applications for this Sandbox will be open to all innovators, including those that did not apply previously. The pandemic situation will continue to be monitored and plans adjusted as necessary to conduct the Sandbox in a safe manner.

Full details: Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox Challenge

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