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January 22, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Interservice rivalries: A force for good

By: Susanna V. Blume and Molly Parrish

It's no secret that the military services fight hard to protect their shares of the defense budget. Just last week, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday made his case for a greater share of the defense budget. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy quickly answered, making the same claim on behalf of his service. What if the Department of Defense were able to use these rivalries as a force for good? The secretary of defense should pit the services against each other in a healthy competition for solutions to real operational challenges. The reward? More funding in their budgets to implement the best solutions.

It is by now old news that the 2018 National Defense Strategy solidified a shift in priorities from long-term counterinsurgency and stabilization operations in the Middle East to strategic competition with China and Russia. This shift represents a significant change in what the country will require of the joint force in the future. As a result, to fully embrace this shift in priorities, it follows that the services must accept additional risk in some areas in order to invest in the capabilities required to sustain U.S. military advantage over aspiring great powers. In other words, in order to implement the NDS, the DoD must shift resources.

But shifting resource around with the defense budget is really hard. For the most part, defense budgets are built from the bottom up, with each program having strong institutional champions, regardless of how relevant that program is to the current strategy. In this environment, it's difficult to take money away from something to give it to something else. The result is budgets that largely reflect the status quo.

While the DoD should of course avoid capricious and destabilizing swings in funding for defense programs, there are times when deliberate, strategy-driven shifts in resources are necessary. To make it a little easier to move money around the DoD in these cases, we recommend in our latest report that the secretary of defense harness interservice rivalry as a force for good. The secretary should give the services specific operational challenges to solve at the outset of the budget cycle, and reward the service or services with the best solutions at the end of the cycle with the funds to implement them.

The DoD competition would start at the beginning of the budget cycle, with the operational challenge given alongside the usual strategic, planning and fiscal guidance. Over the course of the budget cycle, the services would each work to come up with solutions to the operational challenges posed by the secretary.

During program review, the services would present their solutions to defense leadership. The service or services with the best solution to the secretary's challenges would then receive the funds to implement them.

To fund this competition, the secretary would have to hold back some resources at the start of the process, effectively giving less to each of the services to begin with. This decision will be extremely unpopular with the services, but it will also ensure that the secretary has easily accessible funding available to him or her at the end of program review with which to ensure that the services are implementing his or her top priorities.

The idea of spurring innovation through competition is not new. The DoD already uses competitions to drive innovative solutions to a wide variety of technical challenges. Take the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Launch Challenge, which aims to improve resiliency in space by tasking participants to “launch payloads to orbit on extremely short notice.” DARPA will give the team who is able to complete both launches a prize of $10 million to continue their work.

In addition, this past September, the DoD's Joint Artificial intelligence Center, along with the National Security Innovation Network, hosted a Hackathon at the University of Michigan. Participants came from both academia and the commercial industry to find artificial intelligence-enabled solutions. The hackers were given a specific problem and then tasked with finding a solution. The winners of the Hackathon are rewarded with — surprise — money!

The services like money just as much as the average citizen, and the Department of Defense needs to take this concept and use these persistent and unavoidable interservice rivalries as a force for good. A healthy competition between the services, incentivized by funding, could be the next step toward implementing and addressing the challenges inherent in implementing the National Defense Strategy.

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    June 29, 2018 | International, Naval

    BAE reportedly comes out on top in Australia’s future frigate showdown

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  • Leonardo DRS delivers 70,000th mounted family of computer system to the U.S Army

    July 8, 2020 | International, C4ISR, Security

    Leonardo DRS delivers 70,000th mounted family of computer system to the U.S Army

    Arlington, VA, July 7, 2020 - Leonardo DRS, Inc. announced today that the company has delivered its 70,000th mission command computing system known as the Mounted Family of Computer Systems (MFoCS), to the U.S. Army. The delivery marks two decades of providing the U.S. military advanced tactical computing units for ground combat vehicles and command post operations. MFoCS systems provide ruggedized modular computing capabilities for the U.S Army and other services, giving warfighters the next-generation of computing and display technology with faster processing performance. This enables support for simultaneous applications as well as the integration of additional sensors and communications networks. “We are honored to continue supporting the delivery of the next generation of mission critical computing in support of our soldiers and Marines at the point of the spear,” said Bill Guyan, senior vice president and general manager of the Leonardo DRS Land Electronics business unit. “We take great pride in having designed a mission-critical family of network systems using the latest commercial off-the-shelf technologies that can be confidently relied upon when in harm's way,” Guyan said. Over a twenty year period working with our partners at the U.S. Army Project Manager - Mission Command, the Leonardo DRS Land Electronics business has designed and built multiple generations of MFoCS, building on each with innovative advancements in technology and supporting the Army's Network Modernization Plan. The platform has also continuously met the Army's current Mounted Computing Operating Environment requirements and is ready to satisfy the Army's advanced Mounted Mission Command requirements in the future. For more information about Leonardo DRS Mounted Family of Computer Systems, visit About Leonardo DRS Leonardo DRS is a prime contractor, leading technology innovator and supplier of integrated products, services and support to military forces, intelligence agencies and defense contractors worldwide. Its Land Electronics business unit Provides C4I Network computing and integrated situational awareness, as well as state-of-the-art embedded diagnostics, vehicle power management and combat vehicle integration products and services. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Leonardo DRS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. See the full range of capabilities at and on Twitter @LeonardoDRSnews CONTACT US Michael Mount Vice President, Public Affairs +1 571 447 4624 View source version on Leonardo DRS:

  • Boeing ends deal, angering Brazilian jet maker Embraer

    April 27, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Boeing ends deal, angering Brazilian jet maker Embraer

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