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February 7, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, C4ISR

DND Selects Seven Engineering and Costing Proposals for Space-Based Surveillance System

In December of 2019 the Department of National Defence (DND) put a call for engineering and costing studies related to a space-based surveillance system.

Today DND published the companies selected to continue the process for the three streams.

The three space-based surveillance system streams are:

  • Stream 1 – Constellation Design concept.
  • Stream 2 – Data Exploitation concept.
  • Stream 3 -Alternate mission type design concept (non-SAR).

Up to nine proposals would be selected. Seven were announced today. The companies were notified that they had been selected in late January. They have until March 31, 2020 to complete their work. No value was published for the contracts.

Stream 1 – Constellation Design Concept

Scope: DG Space requires a detailed engineering and costing analysis to be conducted on a space-based surveillance system constellation design concept that best meet its requirements, as described in its SBS-RD (Space-Based Surveillance Requirements document). Follow-on analysis may also be required.

The companies selected for Stream 1 are;

  1. MDA Systems Ltd.
  2. UrtheCast Corp.

Stream 2 – Data Exploitation Concept

Scope: DG Space requires a detailed engineering and costing analysis to be conducted on a space-based surveillance system data exploitation design concept that best meet its requirements, as described in its SBS-RD (Space-Based Surveillance Requirements document). Additional analysis may also be required.

The companies selected for Stream 2 are;

  1. MDA Systems Ltd.
  2. Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
  3. UrtheCast Corp.

Stream 3 – Alternate Mission Concept

Scope: DG Space requires a detailed engineering and costing analysis to be conducted on a space-based surveillance system alternate mission type (non-SAR) design concept that best meet its requirements, as described in its SBS- RD (Space-Based Surveillance Requirements document). Additional analysis may also be required.

The companies selected for Stream 3 are;

  1. MDA Systems Ltd.
  2. Satconsult

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