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March 20, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

ERRATUM : Appel à Idées face à la situation liée au COVID-19



PROMPT a pour mission d'accélérer l'innovation et la recherche collaborative dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies afin d'inventer le monde de demain. Plus que jamais au regard de la situation sanitaire, sociale et économique, nous portons cette mission comme un étendard. L'équipe de PROMPT se tient prêt à vous assister et permettre de combler des besoins révélés par cette crise sans précédent.


Pour aider au combat contre le COVID-19 et tous les obstacles et enjeux qu'il créé pour le Québec, le Canada et le monde, PROMPT fait appel à tout le génie et la richesse qui existent au sein de la communauté de recherche et de la communauté entrepreneuriale du Québec. Nous avons aujourd'hui la chance de proposer des solutions aux enjeux multiples soulevés par les maladies infectieuses, et d'assurer le maintien de la prospérité économique du Québec.

Si vous avez des idées innovantes ou des projets déjà en cours, des propositions qui ne demandent qu'à voir le jour, Conctactez-nous! Vos idées pourraient faire partie d'un programme de financement PROMPT et nous vous accompagnerons pour trouver au besoin des partenaires et pour créer une chaine solidaire de l'innovation.

DONNONS-NOUS les moyens de traverser la crise
mais aussi d'être plus forts après celle-ci !

Écrivez-nous à, particulièrement si vous avez des idées de projets en :

  • Outils de productivité
  • Outils de gestion
  • Outils logistiques
  • Outils de transport et d'approvisionnement
  • Solutions d'automatisations
  • Applications de l'IA aux maladies infectieuses

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  • Military has no documents about fighter jet 'capability gap,' a claim used to justify aircraft purchase

    November 19, 2018 | Local, Aerospace

    Military has no documents about fighter jet 'capability gap,' a claim used to justify aircraft purchase

    David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen Neither Canada's top soldier nor the commander of the air force had or produced any records about a fighter jet “capability gap” in the year leading up to the Liberal government's announcement that such a critical issue had to be dealt with by spending billions to buy aircraft. Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan used the capability gap argument in November 2016 to justify a $5-billion program to buy new Super Hornet jets, a deal since scuttled, and later a $500-million program to purchase used F-18 planes from Australia. But in the year leading up to Sajjan's announcement about the urgent need to acquire such planes, neither Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jon Vance nor Lt.-Gen. Mike Hood, then head of the Royal Canadian Air Force, produced any documentation indicating there was ever a capability gap, according to Department of National Defence's Access to Information branch. In addition, no such documents exist among the records of various members of Sajjan's staff, according to the department. It would be normal practice to have hundreds, if not thousands of pages of records, discussing such a key defence issue or gap if it existed, military insiders tell Postmedia. But records obtained by Postmedia through the Access law do show that just before Sajjan's announcement that the 18 jets were needed in the “interim” to deal with the capability gap, the minister was told the existing fleet of CF-18s was in better shape than expected and could keep flying until 2032. Conservative MPs allege the capability gap didn't exist and was concocted by the government to delay a larger project to buy new jets, a competition that might end up selecting the F-35 stealth fighter the Liberals vowed never to purchase. When asked about the lack of documentation about the capability gap, a DND official said the department could not comment. Taxpayers may get more information Tuesday when the Auditor General's office releases its examination of the fighter jet plan. Full article:

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