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August 29, 2023 | Local, Security

Department News type Teaser Canadian Armed Forces to hold a briefing for media on culture change progress

Media are invited to a virtual briefing on efforts by the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to deliver meaningful culture change across the organization. Lieutenant-General Jennie Carignan, Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture, will provide an update on initiatives being implemented in response to the Independent External Comprehensive Review, led by former Supreme Court of Canada Justice Louise Arbour.

On the same subject

  • Unprecedented level of secrecy surrounds costs and work on $80B warship project

    January 25, 2024 | Local, Naval

    Unprecedented level of secrecy surrounds costs and work on $80B warship project

    Liberal government has invoked a shroud of secrecy around a controversial warship project estimated now to cost around $80 billion.

  • Canada launches production of new combat vehicles

    August 6, 2020 | Local, Land

    Canada launches production of new combat vehicles

    ByDylan Malyasov Aug 5, 2020 Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan said that production on the first Armoured Combat Support Vehicle, or also know as ACSV, has begun in London, Ontario at the General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada manufacturing facilities. These new vehicles will fulfill a variety of combat support roles such as that of Troop/Cargo Vehicle (TCV), ambulance, command post, and mobile repair and recovery, according to a press release issued Tuesday by National Defense. The contract for this project was awarded last September, and since then, a number of subcontracts have been awarded by General Dynamics to allow work to start. These subcontracts represent over $137 million in investments to more than 30 Canadian businesses from coast to coast to coast, creating and sustaining over 400 jobs across the country. This is a big step forward as the government continues to deliver on Strong, Secure, Engaged, Canada's first fully costed and funded defence policy. As per the Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy, General Dynamics will re-invest an amount equal to the value of the contract to create and sustain well-paying jobs across the country. These vehicles will replace the current fleets of M113 Tracked Light Armoured Vehicle (TLAV) and the LAV II Bison. The first vehicle is expected roll off the production line this December, with deliveries occurring through February 2025. Testing, training, and procurement of spare parts will be required before the initial vehicles are distributed to Canadian Armed Forces bases in 2022. “These vehicles will form the backbone of the Army's combat support fleet, and be used on a wide range of operations including domestic disaster relief and international peace support missions,” said Harjit Sajjan. “Thanks to the flexibility found in our defense policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, work on the vehicles has started years earlier than expected and ensures that we continue to support well-paying Canadian jobs and critical innovation in communities across the country.” The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry also added that “Our government has ensured that this contract supports Canadian jobs and provides benefits to Canadian industry, including small and medium-sized businesses. Through the Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy, this project will continue to strengthen key industrial capabilities that support the Canadian Armed Forces and help to keep Canada's economy strong.”

  • New IDEaS Challenges

    November 6, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    New IDEaS Challenges

    New IDEaS Challenges Our colleagues at The Department of National Defence's Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program have launched their 4th Call for Proposals! Check out their website to learn how you can support our troops with your logistics solutions, new armour designs and visual and data security. Here are their current opportunities: Essential Deliveries: Getting Vital Supplies to Troops Using Autonomous Vehicles Armour Up! Modular Lightweight Armour for Land Vehicles It's not just Noise – Innovative Tools for Acoustic Sensor Operators Better than Meets the Eye: Reliable Object Detection Amongst the Waves Making Data Make Sense: Real-time Data Analysis for Rapid Decision Making Knot Vulnerable - Locking Down Cybersecurity on Naval Vessels Navigating Your Next Chapter – The Transition Back to Civilian Applications must be submitted by December 10th, 2020. Learn more

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