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  • Defence minister says Canada 'very fortunate' to have Vance as defence chief

    16 décembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Defence minister says Canada 'very fortunate' to have Vance as defence chief

    OTTAWA — Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan has come out in support of Canada's top military general, saying the country is "very fortunate" to have someone like Gen. Jonathan Vance leading the Canadian Armed Forces. The comments come amid questions over whether the newly re-elected Liberal government plans to replace Vance, who was first appointed chief of the defence staff by Stephen Harper and is now in his fifth year in the position. "When it comes to the chief of defence staff, this is a decision for the prime minister and so we'll reflect on that and make a decision accordingly," Sajjan told The Canadian Press during a wide-ranging interview last week. However, he added, "Canada has been very fortunate to have somebody like Gen. Vance in this role at a very important time." Vance is already one of the longest-serving defence chiefs in Canadian history, and his lengthy tenure has coincided with a number of significant decisions and developments for the Armed Forces - both positive and negative. Those include significant new investments in the military through a new defence policy, the deployment of troops to Iraq, Mali and Latvia as well as efforts to crackdown on sexual misconduct and recruit more women. Yet he has also faced his share of criticism over the years, including over his decision to suspend Mark Norman in 2017, more than a year before the now-retired vice-admiral was charged with breach of trust. The case was eventually dropped. Vance also found himself under fire for the way he handled replacing Norman as the military's second-in-command last year, which saw significant upheaval and instability in the Armed Forces' senior ranks. The defence chief has also been accused of being too supportive of controversial decisions by the Liberal government such as its plan to buy interim fighter jets while some in the Forces have grumbled about a domineering style. While he wouldn't say whether the government planned to replace Vance any time soon, Sajjan said the general has brought important qualities and attributes to the high-profile and difficult position over the past four-plus years. Those include Vance's experience having served in Afghanistan and elsewhere and the work that he put into helping the government develop its defence policy, which was released in June 2017. "I'm very happy with the service that Gen. Vance has given," Sajjan said. "There's only one four-star general in our Canadian Armed Forces. You don't get there easily and every single one brings a unique experience. And Gen. Vance has brought very important experience during a very important time." Speculation about Vance's future has been mounting if for no other reason than the amount of time he has spent as Canada's top military general, said defence analyst David Perry of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. Exactly who would replace him is an open question, however. Norman's suspension and subsequent retirement contributed to a wider series of changes within the top ranks that have left many senior commanders relatively new in their positions. The reality is that Vance and Sajjan, who has served as defence minister since the Liberals were first elected to power in fall 2015, have emerged as the "constants" at the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces, said Perry. Given that and indications the Liberals do not have big plans to dramatically switch directions or roll out new initiatives for the military, "I think there's going to be a lot of continuity," he added. Which on the surface would suggest no immediate changes at the top. "Certainly the signals the government has sent to this point of time look a lot more like continuity and continuing to implement the policy and the framework that they set in place during the last Parliament." This report by The Canadian Press was first published on Dec. 15, 2019.

  • Slower-than-expected economic growth to help Canada's defence spending numbers

    16 décembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Slower-than-expected economic growth to help Canada's defence spending numbers

    Lee Berthiaume OTTAWA -- The federal government is predicting Canadian defence spending will inch closer to its NATO promises in the coming years than originally expected -- though not because Ottawa is planning to send new money the military's way. All NATO members, including Canada, agreed in 2014 to work toward spending the equivalent of two per cent of their gross domestic products on defence within the next decade as the military alliance sought to share the burden of defending from new threats like Russia and China. Two years ago, when they unveiled their defence policy, the Liberals said the government would hit 1.4 per cent by 2024-25. But Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan this week said, without providing details, that defence spending would instead reach 1.48 per cent of GDP. An increase of that size could represent close to $2 billion more per year for the military. However, the Department of National Defence told The Canadian Press that there are no new investments on the horizon for the Canadian Armed Forces beyond what's already in the Liberals' policy. Instead, Defence Department spokesman Daniel Le Bouthiller attributed the change to slower-than-expected economic growth over the next few years and more spending on non-military specific activities like veterans' benefits and the Canadian Coast Guard. The government has included such activities in its calculations since 2017 to try to address complaints from the U.S. and other NATO allies that Canada was not investing enough in its military. NATO approved the change. "Approximately two-thirds of the increase from 1.40 to 1.48 per cent is due to increased (other government department) forecasts and one-third due to fluctuating GDP forecasts," Le Bouthillier said in an email. Canada currently spends about 1.31 per cent of GDP -- a common measurement of a country's economic output -- on defence and has no plan to reach NATO's two per cent benchmark, a fact that has made it a target for U.S. President Donald Trump. Trump labelled Canada "slightly delinquent" on defence spending during a meeting in London last week in which he publicly grilled Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Canada's number before subsequently stepping up his calls for the government to meet the NATO target. "He's not paying two per cent and he should be paying two per cent," Trump said during a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Dec. 4. "It's Canada. They have money and they should be paying two per cent." The Liberal government has in fact refused to say whether it believes in the two-per-cent target and has instead repeatedly pointed to Canada's contributions of forces and equipment to NATO missions in Latvia, Iraq and other places as a better measurement of its contributions to the military alliance. The spending target is an imperfect way of measuring how much individual countries are contributing, said Stefanie von Hlatky, an expert on NATO and the military at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. But all allies are facing pressure to show Trump that they are stepping up on defence spending, she said, which is doubly true for Trudeau after his meeting with the U.S. president in London. "I think there's a little bit of pressure now to maybe update those numbers and probably some rejoicing that it looks better on paper," von Hlatky said. "If we're looking to impress Trump with these minor adjustments, maybe it's all for naught. But there is definitely added pressure with every NATO meeting and NATO summit. And we know it's going to come up as long as Trump is president." Conservative defence critic James Bezan accused the Liberal government of playing a numbers game to make Canada look better rather than investing in the Armed Forces. "It's a sad state of affairs for our military heroes when Justin Trudeau can only improve defence spending figures by engineering a made-in-Canada recession and playing a shell game with other departments' budgets to inflate the numbers," he said. This report by The Canadian Press was first published on Dec. 13, 2019.

  • Lettre de mandat du ministre de la Défense nationale

    16 décembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Lettre de mandat du ministre de la Défense nationale

    Monsieur le ministre : Merci d'avoir accepté de servir les Canadiens à titre de ministre de la Défense nationale. Le jour de l'élection, les Canadiens ont choisi de continuer d'avancer. D'un océan à l'autre, les gens ont choisi d'investir dans leurs familles et leurs communautés, de créer de bons emplois pour la classe moyenne et de lutter contre les changements climatiques, tout en maintenant la vigueur et la croissance de notre économie. Les Canadiens ont indiqué qu'ils veulent nous voir travailler ensemble pour faire avancer les dossiers les plus importants, qu'il s'agisse de rendre la vie plus abordable et de renforcer le système de santé, de protéger l'environnement, d'assurer la sécurité de nos communautés ou d'avancer sur le chemin de la réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones. Les gens s'attendent à ce que les parlementaires travaillent ensemble pour obtenir ces résultats, et c'est exactement ce que fera cette équipe. Il est plus important que jamais pour les Canadiens d'unir leurs forces en vue de b'tir un pays plus fort, plus inclusif et plus résilient. Le gouvernement du Canada est l'institution centrale chargée de promouvoir cet objectif commun et, en tant que ministre de ce gouvernement, vous avez l'obligation et la responsabilité de contribuer à l'atteinte de cet objectif. Pour y arriver, il faut d'abord s'engager à gouverner d'une manière positive, ouverte et collaborative. Notre plateforme, Avancer : Un plan concret pour la classe moyenne, est le point de départ de notre gouvernement. Je m'attends à ce que nous collaborions avec le Parlement pour donner suite à nos engagements. D'autres questions et idées surgiront ou nous seront communiquées par les Canadiens, le Parlement, les intervenants et la fonction publique. Je m'attends à ce que vous établissiez un dialogue constructif et réfléchi et à ce que vous ajoutiez, au besoin, des priorités au programme du gouvernement. Lorsqu'une mesure législative est requise, vous devrez travailler avec le leader du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes et le Comité du Cabinet chargé des opérations pour établir les priorités au sein du Parlement minoritaire. Nous continuerons d'obtenir des résultats concrets pour les Canadiens et de mettre à leur disposition un gouvernement efficace. Pour obtenir les résultats que les Canadiens exigent de nous à juste titre, nous devons effectuer un suivi des progrès réalisés par rapport à nos engagements et produire des rapports publics connexes, évaluer l'efficacité de notre travail, aligner nos ressources sur nos priorités et nous adapter aux événements à mesure qu'ils se produisent. Bon nombre de nos engagements les plus importants nécessitent un partenariat avec les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux et les administrations municipales ainsi qu'avec les partenaires, les communautés et les gouvernements autochtones. Même en cas de désaccord, nous garderons à l'esprit que notre mandat nous a été confié par les citoyens qui sont servis par tous les ordres de gouvernement et qu'il est dans l'intérêt de tous de travailler ensemble pour trouver un terrain d'entente. La vice-première ministre et ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales est la responsable de toutes les relations avec les provinces et les territoires à l'échelle du gouvernement. Il n'y a pas de relation plus importante pour moi et pour le Canada que celle que nous entretenons avec les peuples autochtones. Au cours de notre dernier mandat, nous avons réalisé des progrès considérables en ce qui concerne l'appui à l'autodétermination, l'amélioration de la prestation des services et la progression de la réconciliation. Je vous demande, en tant que ministre, de déterminer ce que vous pouvez faire dans le cadre de votre portefeuille pour accélérer et renforcer les progrès que nous avons réalisés avec les Premières Nations, les Inuits et la Nation des Métis. Je m'attends également à ce que nous continuions de relever la barre en matière d'ouverture, d'efficacité et de transparence au sein du gouvernement. Autrement dit, je veux que notre gouvernement soit intrinsèquement ouvert et qu'il soit capable d'offrir une meilleure capacité numérique et de meilleurs services numériques aux Canadiens. Notre fonction publique doit être forte et résiliente. Nous devons aussi faire preuve d'humilité et continuer à reconnaître nos erreurs lorsque nous les commettons. Les Canadiens n'exigent pas de nous que nous soyons parfaits; ils s'attendent à ce que nous soyons diligents, honnêtes, ouverts et sincères dans nos efforts pour servir l'intérêt public. En tant que ministre, vous êtes responsable de votre style de leadership et de votre capacité à travailler de façon constructive au Parlement. Je m'attends à ce que vous collaboriez de près avec vos collègues du Cabinet et du caucus. Vous devrez également établir un dialogue productif avec les membres du caucus du gouvernement et les députés de l'opposition, le Sénat, qui est de moins en moins partisan, et les comités parlementaires. Il est également de votre responsabilité d'engager un dialogue fructueux avec les Canadiens, la société civile et les intervenants, y compris les entreprises de toutes tailles, les syndicats, le secteur public en général ainsi que les organismes de bienfaisance ou à but non lucratif. Vous devrez agir de manière proactive pour solliciter des conseils auprès d'un grand nombre de personnes, et ce, dans les deux langues officielles et dans toutes les régions du pays. Nous nous sommes engagés à prendre des décisions fondées sur des données probantes qui tiennent compte des répercussions des politiques sur tous les Canadiens et qui respectent pleinement la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Les décisions que vous prendrez devront s'appuyer sur l'analyse comparative entre les sexes plus (ACS+). Il est essentiel que vous mainteniez des relations professionnelles et régulières avec les médias canadiens, qui jouent un rôle crucial. La Tribune de la presse parlementaire et, en fait, tous les journalistes canadiens et étrangers, posent des questions pertinentes et contribuent grandement au processus démocratique. Vous devrez aider le gouvernement à continuer d'honorer son engagement à faire des nominations transparentes et fondées sur le mérite, pour veiller à ce que les personnes de toutes les identités de genre, les peuples autochtones, les personnes racialisées, les personnes handicapées et les minorités soient représentés dans les postes de direction. En tant que de ministre de la Défense nationale, vous continuerez de veiller à ce que les Forces armées canadiennes forment une force militaire agile, polyvalente et apte au combat, composée de femmes et d'hommes hautement formés et bien équipés, qui ont l'appui de leur gouvernement et de leurs concitoyens. Cette responsabilité se fonde dans la mise en œuvre de Protection, Sécurité, Engagement: la politique de défense du Canada. Je m'attends à ce que vous travailliez avec vos collègues et dans le respect des lois, règlements et processus du Cabinet établis pour mener à bien vos grandes priorités. Notamment, vous devrez: Veiller à ce que les Forces armées canadiennes disposent des capacités et de l'équipement nécessaires pour s'acquitter de leurs responsabilités par la mise en œuvre du programme Protection, Sécurité, Engagement, y compris les nouvelles acquisitions et les augmentations de financement prévues. Renforcer l'engagement du Canada envers nos partenariats de défense bilatéraux et multilatéraux afin de défendre la souveraineté du Canada, de protéger l'Amérique du Nord et de rehausser la sécurité internationale : Travailler avec le ministre des Affaires étrangères pour veiller à ce que tout déploiement des Forces armées canadiennes soit conforme à l'intérêt national du Canada, à nos engagements multilatéraux et aux objectifs stratégiques du gouvernement; Poursuivre l'importante contribution du Canada à l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN) et travailler avec les États-Unis pour veiller à ce que le Commandement de la défense aérospatiale de l'Amérique du Nord (NORAD) soit modernisé afin de surmonter les défis actuels et à venir, conformément à la politique de défense Protection, Sécurité, Engagement; Collaborer avec le ministre des Affaires étrangères pour accroître l'appui du Canada aux opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies, notamment en ce qui a trait aux nouveaux investissements dans le programme pour les femmes, la paix et la sécurité, la prévention des conflits et la consolidation de la paix; Assurer l'efficacité des déploiements des Forces armées canadiennes, y compris dans le cadre de l'opération IMPACT au Moyen-Orient, de l'opération NEON dans la région de l'Asie-Pacifique, de la présence avancée renforcée de l'OTAN en Lettonie, de la mission de l'OTAN en Irak et de l'opération UNIFIER en Ukraine; Élargir le rôle d'assistance et de formation du Canada, notamment en tirant profit de l'expertise des Forces armées canadiennes pour aider d'autres pays exposés à un risque plus élevé de catastrophes liées aux changements climatiques. Collaborer avec la ministre des Services publics et de l'Approvisionnement dans la gestion du processus concurrentiel pour choisir un fournisseur et conclure un contrat pour la construction de la flotte d'avions chasseurs du Canada. Collaborer avec la ministre des Services publics et de l'Approvisionnement pour poursuivre le renouvellement de la flotte de la Marine royale canadienne, afin de poursuivre la revitalisation de l'industrie de la construction navale au Canada, créer des emplois pour la classe moyenne et assurer que la Marine du Canada dispose des navires modernes dont elle a besoin. Appuyer la ministre des Services publics et de l'Approvisionnement dans l'élaboration d'options et d'analyses par rapport à la création d'Approvisionnement de défense Canada, afin de veiller à ce que les projets d'approvisionnement les plus importants et les plus complexes pour la Défense nationale et la Garde côtière canadienne soient livrés à temps et de manière plus transparente à l'égard du Parlement. Cette priorité doit progresser en même temps que les projets d'approvisionnement en cours et dans le respect des échéanciers établis. Comme le prévoit le Cadre stratégique pour l'Arctique et le Nord, collaborer avec le ministre des Affaires étrangères, le ministre des Affaires du Nord et nos partenaires pour augmenter les capacités de surveillance (notamment le renouvellement du Système d'alerte du Nord) de défense et d'intervention rapide dans le Nord et dans les zones d'approche maritimes et aériennes du Canada afin de renforcer la défense continentale, protéger les droits et la souveraineté du Canada, et faire preuve d'un leadership international relativement à l'utilisation et aux règles de navigation dans les eaux de l'Arctique. Continuer d'améliorer le soutien aux membres des Forces armées canadiennes et assurer un milieu de travail professionnel et inclusif qui favorise la diversité : Collaborer avec les haut gradés des Forces armées canadiennes afin d'établir et de maintenir un milieu de travail exempt de harcèlement et de discrimination; Créer une nouvelle prestation libre d'impôt de 2 500 $, destinée aux familles militaires qui doivent déménager afin de couvrir les coûts associés au renouvellement de la formation, de l'accréditation et des autres coûts liés à la recherche d'un nouvel emploi; Faire augmenter à 25 % la proportion de femmes parmi les membres des Forces armées canadiennes d'ici à 2026. Avec l'appui du ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile, mettre en place un nouveau cadre régissant la collecte, la gestion et l'utilisation des renseignements de défense par le Canada, comme le recommande le Comité des parlementaires sur la sécurité nationale et le renseignement. Collaborer avec le ministre des Anciens Combattants et ministre associé de la Défense nationale pour renforcer les partenariats entre le ministère de la Défense nationale et Anciens Combattants Canada afin de revoir la prestation des services et réduire la complexité. Ces priorités sont largement tirées des engagements pris dans notre plateforme électorale. Comme je l'ai déjà mentionné, je vous encourage à chercher des occasions de travailler avec tous les membres du Parlement pour donner suite à ces engagements et cerner d'autres priorités. Je m'attends à ce que vous travailliez en étroite collaboration avec votre sous‑ministre et ses cadres supérieurs pour veiller à ce que les travaux en cours dans votre ministère soient effectués de manière professionnelle et que les décisions soient prises dans l'intérêt public. Votre sous-ministre vous informera des nombreuses décisions quotidiennes nécessaires pour assurer la réalisation de vos priorités, le bon fonctionnement du gouvernement et la prestation de meilleurs services aux Canadiens. Je m'attends à ce que vous mettiez en pratique nos valeurs et nos principes dans la prise de décisions, afin que ces décisions soient prises en temps opportun, de manière responsable et conformément à l'orientation globale de notre gouvernement. Pour que notre gouvernement puisse donner suite à ses priorités, il doit tenir compte des conseils professionnels et non partisans des fonctionnaires. Chaque fois qu'un employé du gouvernement se présente au travail, il le fait au service du Canada, dans le but d'améliorer notre pays et la vie de tous les Canadiens. Je m'attends à ce que vous établissiez une relation de travail basée sur la collaboration avec votre sous‑ministre, dont le rôle, tout comme celui des fonctionnaires sous sa direction, est de vous appuyer dans la réalisation de vos responsabilités ministérielles. Nous nous sommes engagés à être un gouvernement transparent, honnête et redevable envers les Canadiens; un gouvernement qui respecte les normes d'éthique les plus rigoureuses, qui porte une attention soutenue à la gestion des fonds publics et observe la plus grande prudence dans ce domaine. Je m'attends à ce que vous incarniez ces valeurs dans votre travail et que vous ayez une conduite éthique irréprochable dans tout ce que vous faites. Je veux que les Canadiens regardent leur gouvernement avec fierté et confiance. À titre de ministre, vous devez vous assurer que vous connaissez bien la Loi sur les conflits d'intérêts et les politiques et lignes directrices du Conseil du Trésor, et que vous les respectez à la lettre. Vous recevrez une copie du document Pour un gouvernement ouvert et responsable afin de vous aider à mener à bien vos responsabilités. Je vous demande de le lire attentivement, y compris les parties qui ont été ajoutées pour le renforcer, et de vous assurer que les membres de votre personnel en prennent connaissance également. Je m'attends à ce que vous embauchiez des personnes qui reflètent la diversité du Canada et à ce que vous respectiez les principes de l'égalité entre les sexes, de l'égalité des personnes handicapées, de l'équité salariale et de l'inclusion. Portez une attention particulière au code d'éthique qui figure à l'annexe A de ce document. Ce code d'éthique s'applique à vous et à vos employés. Comme il est indiqué dans le code, vous devez observer les normes les plus élevées en matière d'honnêteté et d'impartialité, et l'accomplissement de vos t'ches dans le cadre de vos fonctions officielles de même que l'organisation de vos affaires privées devraient pouvoir faire l'objet d'un examen public scrupuleux. On ne s'acquitte pas de cette obligation simplement en se contentant de respecter la loi. Je souligne qu'il est de votre responsabilité de faire en sorte que votre cabinet respecte les normes les plus élevées en matière de professionnalisme et qu'il constitue un milieu de travail sûr, respectueux, enrichissant et accueillant pour votre personnel. Je sais que je peux compter sur vous pour exercer ces importantes responsabilités. La vice-première ministre et moi-même sommes là pour vous appuyer dans votre rôle de ministre, et je m'attends à ce que vous communiquiez régulièrement avec nous. Veuillez agréer, cher collègue, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués. Le très hon. Justin Trudeau, c.p., député Premier ministre du Canada *Cette lettre de mandat a été signée par le premier ministre dans la première langue officielle du ministre.

  • Bell Invictus to Offer Army ‘Lower-Risk Path’ to FARA Capabilities

    16 décembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Bell Invictus to Offer Army ‘Lower-Risk Path’ to FARA Capabilities

    By Brian Garrett-Glaser ARLINGTON, Texas — Bell's offering for the Army's Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) contest, the 360 Invictus, is intended to offer the Army an insurance policy by presenting a lower-risk path to the capabilities it hopes to acquire as a “knife fighter” light attack helicopter to replace the retired OH-58 Kiowa Warriors. The Invictus, with its low-drag tandem cockpit design, draws from a lot of the development Bell has put into the 525 Relentless, a super-medium utility aircraft it hopes will be the first fly-by-wire rotorcraft certified for the civil market. Though Bell's FARA program is newer than some of its competitors, such as Sikorsky's S-97 Raider — Bell officials said the program had just three employees at this time last year and now comprises over 200 — the company believes its reliance on systems which it already has at a high technology readiness level due to work on the 525 will provide the Army with a compelling aircraft inside of its cost and timeline objectives. “It's still a very advanced aircraft. But by using technologies that we already had high TRLs in, or high manufacturing readiness levels in, we are ahead on that timeline piece,” Frank Lazzara, director of advanced vertical lift systems, told Avionics International during a press visit to the company's Flight Research Center here. The Invictus design meets or exceeds Army requirements in every area, according to Lazzara, due in part to the clean-sheet engineering that went into the Bell 525, including in the main and tail rotor systems. That aircraft has flown in excess of 200 knots without issue, despite being designed for 160 knots cruise speed. Bell intends the Invictus to cruise efficiently at 180 knots. “We flew [the 525] until we said we're done, but that rotor wasn't done,” said Josh O'Neill, senior manager for technology and evaluation on the Bell 525 program. “So we went not just 201 knots. It was a good bit more than that.” The 525 Relentless was the first aircraft Bell designed “totally in the 3D space,” O'Neill said, and the Invictus is similarly using a digital thread, enabling things like virtual reality maintaining exercises to provide design feedback without a physical product. “You have a digital thread, the same part that's used when you design your aircraft is used in the maintenance training, used throughout the product,” said O'Neill. “You design the aircraft in 3D, lay out all the systems and you're able to go in there with an actual maintainer. So we pulled [a line maintainer] and had him put the gloves on and go maintain the aircraft. And you can see in the 3D space, I need to reach around this piece, I need to turn my hand in a way that the human hand doesn't like to be turned. So we need to move that item.” As a fly-by-wire aircraft designed with a modular open systems architecture (MOSA) approach, Bell believes Invictus will provide the Army with an path to autonomy — or enable a single person in the aircraft to focus on mission functionality — similar to Bell's approach with the V-280 Valor, its offering for the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) competition. Bell officials said they are currently introducing autonomous flight software and performing software regression tests for that aircraft and intend to begin autonomous flight tests within the next few months. In March 2020, when the Army narrows the FARA competition from five companies to two, Bell's team will be nine months into design. After that, two of the five designs — selected from Sikorsky, Bell, Karem Aircraft, AVX/L3Harris, and Boeing — will be selected to participate in a fly-off slated for the second half of 2022. The Army hopes to field the first FARA aircraft in 2028.

  • Here are some early adopters of the controversial JEDI cloud

    13 décembre 2019 | International, C4ISR

    Here are some early adopters of the controversial JEDI cloud

    Andrew Eversden There will be 14 early adopters of the Pentagon's controversial new enterprisewide general-purpose cloud, Defense Department CIO Dana Deasy said Dec. 12. Deasy, speaking at the AFCEA NOVA Air Force IT Day, said parties eyeing a move to the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud are U.S. Transportation Command, Special Operations Command, Joint Special Operations Command and the Navy. “What's really unique is the variety of the 14 early adopters allows us to test various principles on JEDI from the tactical edge all the way to the top secret — needing to use the cross-domain,” Deasy said. “So we're going to learn fairly quickly what it takes to actually now go from the strategic vision to the ability to stand it up and to bring it to life.” Federal Times asked the Department of Defense to provide the other 10 components among the first movers. A DoD spokesperson didn't immediately respond. Deasy reiterated what he told Defense News earlier in the week: that the unclassified JEDI environment will be ready in February, with the “secret” environment ready six months after that. There is also no specific timeline for the top-secret environment. He said that there are meetings every two weeks where the JEDI team discusses the “60 to 70 services” that must be ready to go when the unclassified environment kicks off. DoD awarded the JEDI contract to Microsoft over Amazon Web Services, which recently filed a protest in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims that relied heavily on interference allegations against President Donald Trump. The contract is potentially worth $10 billion over 10 years. Throughout the entirety of the JEDI procurement, DoD has struggled to dispel the notion that the Pentagon's only cloud would be JEDI, when in reality the JEDI cloud is just one in a multicloud environment. Deasy took aim at that characterization in his address, highlighting that there are “something like” 10 more cloud contracts out for bids next year. “The whole reason we started JEDI was we were not short on clouds,” Deasy said. “What we were short of was an enterprise capability ... all the way out to the tactical edge. ... There will always be a need for special-purpose clouds." Once the JEDI cloud is set up, Deasy said, the next step is to look across the department at the various siloed cloud and ask “do they serve a unique purpose that is truly distinctly different than JEDI? Or is there overlap?” The Pentagon has signaled that it will move 80 percent of its systems to the JEDI cloud. Consolidation is an option for overlapping clouds, but Deasy said the DoD won't know what to do specifically with the overlaps until the JEDI cloud is stood up. The JEDI cloud environment will allow the DoD to significantly reduce the number of clouds it has, which the Congressional Research Services has estimated sits at more than 500. With the JEDI cloud, Deasy's ready to reduce that number by hundreds. At the end of the day, “we sure in the heck don't need 100 clouds, we probably don't need 50 clouds, but we definitely need more than one or two clouds,” Deasy said.

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - December 12, 2019

    13 décembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - December 12, 2019

    NAVY Ameresco Select Inc., Framingham, Massachusetts, is awarded a firm-fixed-price task order (N39430-19-F-9901) at $402,833,556, under a multiple award indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for energy conservation measures at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia. The work to be performed provides for the construction, operations and maintenance of energy conservations to improve energy efficiency and reliability, which include steam distribution upgrades to decrease steam energy loss, energy security upgrades for energy related process improvements, replacement of transformers to improve equipment reliability and water treatment plant improvements to reduce operational and safety risks. Work will be performed at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia, and is expected to be completed by January 2043. No funds will be obligated with this award as private financing obtained by the contractor, will be used for the 36-month construction (i.e. implementation) phase of the project. Two proposals were received for this task order. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center, Port Hueneme, California, is the contracting activity for the task order. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Golden, Colorado, is the contracting activity for the basic contract (DE-AM36-09GO29029). Lightforce USA Inc., doing business as Nightforce Optics,* Orofino, Idaho, is awarded a $53,735,930 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with a five-year ordering period for Precision-Variable Power Scopes (P-VPS). This procurement is for the P-VPS Standard and the P-VPS Standard, Long Range. The P-VPS is a precision direct view optic with continuously variable magnification ranging from 3x to less than or equal to 7x and greater than or equal to 25x continuous zoom for U.S. Special Operations Command. Work will be performed in Orofino, Idaho, and is expected to be complete by December 2024. Fiscal 2020 defense procurement funding in the amount of $2,351,124 will be obligated at the time of award and will expire at the end of the current continuing resolution period. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website with two offers received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Crane, Indiana, is the contracting activity (N00164-20-D-JQ57). Orion Construction Corp.,* Vista, California, is awarded a $32,363,000 firm-fixed-price contract for the construction of potable water distribution improvements at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. The work to be performed provides for the construction of potable water supply pipelines to transport potable water from the 24 Area to the 20 Area potable water storage tanks on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. This project provides necessary waterline valves, appurtenances and tie-ins to meet operational needs of the Southern Water System and meet applicable standards and codes. The contract also contains one unexercised deductive option, which, if exercised, would decrease cumulative contract value to $30,893,000. Work will be performed in Oceanside, California, and is expected to be completed by May 2022. Fiscal 2019 military construction, (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $32,363,000 are obligated on this award and the funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with two proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N62473-20-C-0612). Jacobs Technology Inc., Tullahoma, Tennessee, is awarded a $30,429,224 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity modification for the exercise of Option One to extend services for base operations support services at Naval Station Mayport, Marine Corps Support Facility, Blount Island, and outlying areas. The work to be performed provides for base operations support services to include port operations, facility investment, custodial, pest control, integrated solid waste management, other (swimming pools), grounds maintenance and landscaping, utilities management, electrical, wastewater, steam, water, base support vehicles and equipment and environmental. After award of this option, the total cumulative contract value will be $61,139,761. Work will be performed in Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Station Mayport (62%); Blount Island (37%); and outlying areas (1%). This option period is from January 2020 to December 2020. No funds will be obligated at time of award. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Navy) (O&M,N); fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Marine Corps); fiscal 2020 Navy working capital funds; and fiscal 2020 family housing O&M,N contract funds in the amount of $24,895,628 for recurring work will be obligated on individual task orders issued during the option period. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southeast, Jacksonville, Florida, is the contracting activity (N69450-18-D-1800). VLJM LLC,* Fullerton, California, is awarded a maximum $25,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for paving construction alterations, renovations and repair projects at Naval Bases Ventura County, Port Hueneme, California. Projects will be primarily design-bid-build (fully designed) task orders or task order with minimal design effort (e.g. shop drawings). Projects may include, but are not limited to, alterations, repairs and construction of road paving projects. Work will be performed in Port Hueneme (50%); and Point Mugu (50%), California. The term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months with an expected completion date of December 2024. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Navy) (O&M,N) contract funds in the amount of $5,000 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Future task orders will be primarily funded by O&M,N. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with three proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N62473-20-D-0014). Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is awarded an $18,055,674 modification (P00055) to a previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (N00019-16-C-0004). This modification provides for the maintenance and operation of the Australia, Canada, United Kingdom Reprogramming Laboratory (ACURL). This effort includes sustainment support for all ACURL systems to include consumables for the F-35 aircraft in support of the governments of Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Work will be performed in Eglin, Florida, and is expected to be completed in February 2021. Non-U.S. Department of Defense participant funds in the amount of $18,055,674 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity. Northrop Grumman, Charlottesville, Virginia, is awarded a $16,055,006 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ), cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price delivery order for engineering and technical services for the design, development, testing, integration and system support of the AN/BPS-16(V)5 radar system. The work will be performed in Charlottesville, Virginia, and is expected to be completed by December 2020. The IDIQ ordering vehicle includes options, which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $83,253,974 and expire in December 2024. Fiscal 2013 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $410,000 will be obligated at time of award and will expire on Aug. 30, 2020. Fiscal 2019 other procurement (Navy) funding in the amount of $300,000 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured under the authority of 10 U.S Code 2304(c)(1), as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii), only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington Navy Yard, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N00024-20-D-6203). Zero Waste Solutions Inc.,* Concord, California, is awarded a maximum $14,288,305 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity firm-fixed-price contract for integrated solid waste management services at various Navy and Marine Corps installations within the San Diego metropolitan area, as well as three outlying naval training installations in the San Diego County area. The work to be performed provides for labor, supervision, management and materials (except those specified as government furnished), to perform various integrated solid waste management service functions as follows: refuse and recycling collection and disposal services. Initial task order is being awarded at $371,768 for integrated solid waste management services at Naval Base San Diego (45%); Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (24.2%); Naval Base Point Loma (23.7%); Marine Corps Recruit Depot (5.8%); Camp Michael Monsoor (0.6%); Remote Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Camp Warner Springs (0.4%); and Camp Morena, California (0.3%). Work for this task order is expected to be completed by December 2020. The term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months with an expected completion date of December 2024. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance, Navy (O&M,N); operations and maintenance, Defense Health Program (O&M, DHP); and Navy working capital (NWC) contract funds in the amount of $371,768 are obligated on this award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Future task orders will be primarily funded by O&M,N; O&M, DHP; and NWC contract funds. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website with four proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity (N62473-20-D-0015). DMR Consulting Inc.,* Panama City Beach, Florida, is awarded an $8,991,202 firm-fixed-price modification to previously awarded contract N61331-19-D-0002 to exercise the option for the depot level repair, overhaul and modification for the MK-105 Magnetic Minesweeping Gear. This option exercise is for depot level repair and maintenance of the MK105 Magnetic Minesweeping Gear. The MK105 Magnetic Influence Minesweeping System, better known as the "sled," is a high-speed catamaran hydrofoil platform, which is towed behind the MH-53E helicopter and is used to sweep magnetic influence mines. Work will be performed in Panama City, Florida, and is expected to be completed by December 2020. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City Division, Panama City, Florida, is the contracting activity. ARMY HDR Architecture Inc., Seattle, Washington, was awarded a $25,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architectural and engineering. One bid was solicited with five bids received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 11, 2024. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland, Oregon, is the contracting activity (W9127N-20-D-0001). Weeks Marine Inc., Covington, Louisiana, was awarded a $13,071,000 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Plaquemines, Louisiana, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2020. Fiscal 2020 Recovery Act; civil works and operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $13,071,000 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, Louisiana, is the contracting activity (W912P8-20-C-0007). AIR FORCE The Boeing Co., Seattle, Washington, has been awarded a $12,011,819 firm-fixed-price contract modification (P00047) to previously-awarded contract FA8625-16-C-6599 for the incorporation of two engine Airworthiness Directives (ADs) and 29 engine service bulletins (SBs) on the program's eight Genx-2B engines. This contract modification will allow for VC-25B operational benefits and cost efficiencies with the work being performed concurrently with the VC-25B-specific modifications to the program's 747-8 aircraft engines under the engineering and manufacturing development activity. This contract modification will allow for the avoidance of increased costs and operational capability interruptions to the presidential aircraft by allowing for the incorporation of the ADs and SBs prior to final delivery of the VC-25B aircraft. Work will be performed at San Antonio, Texas; and Peebles, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by November 2021. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Fiscal 2019 research and development funds in the amount of $7,831,032 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity. *Small Business

  • Thales integrated sonar suite selected for Spanish Navys New Multi-Mission Frigates

    13 décembre 2019 | International, Naval

    Thales integrated sonar suite selected for Spanish Navys New Multi-Mission Frigates

    November 12, 2019 - The General Directorate for Armament and Material (DGAM) and the naval shipyard Navantia have selected Thales technologies for the Spanish Navy's five new multi-mission frigates. The vessels' anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability, based on two world-class sonars, the CAPTAS 4 Compact and the BlueMaster, and the BlueScan digital acoustic system, will be integrated through Navantia Combat Management System SCOMBA F110 and will enable the service to conduct maritime surveillance, search and protection missions in any theatre of operations. To protect their maritime territory and security interests around the world, States need to counter all types of threats in any environment or theatre of operations. Naval forces need reliable, high-performance systems to assert national sovereignty and accomplish their ASW missions with optimum effect. The choice of Thales technologies, which have been extensively proven in service with navies around the world, provides the highest levels of protection available today. BlueScan is a collaborative ASW solution that processes significantly higher volumes of sonar data from various different platforms to provide the operator with a complete overview of the acoustic situation in real time. The solution leverages Big Data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies to bring naval forces a tactical advantage. Under this contract, key underwater acoustics technology will be transferred to Spanish industry, in particular for the supply of the TUUM-6 digital underwater communication system and acoustic arrays. “After two years of talks with the Spanish Navy and Navantia about this contract to equip five F110 frigates, we welcome Spain's decision to join other NATO countries (the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Norway) and Australia in placing their trust in Thales for their anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities. To help their naval forces conduct their missions in today's heightened underwater threat environment, Thales has invested for many years in Australia, France and the United Kingdom to develop a unique set of digital sonar data processing and analytics technologies. Given the complexity of the underwater environment and the level of sophistication of the adversary, digitalisation and data fusion techniques are the only effective way to counter undersea threats in the 21st century. With our Spanish partners, and with Navantia in particular, we are very pleased to have the opportunity to strengthen our cooperation on this programme, in which local industry will play a significant role in producing, integrating and maintaining the systems alongside the Spanish Navy." Alexis Morel, Vice President, Underwater Systems, Thales • Thales sonars and acoustic systems will provide the Spanish Navy's five F110 frigates with a latest-generation anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability. • The key components of the integrated suite are the BlueMaster (UMS 4110) and CAPTAS 4 Compact sonars, the TUUM-6 underwater communication system, and the BlueScan digital acoustic system already in service with other European navies. • Spanish industry partners will supply some of the high-tech equipment under a decisive transfer of technology programme put in place by Thales. View source version on Thales:

  • Army Revs Up High-Tech Tank Engine

    13 décembre 2019 | International, Terrestre

    Army Revs Up High-Tech Tank Engine

    By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. WASHINGTON: Just outside Detroit, home of the muscle car, the Army's put together a powertrain as potent as three Trans Ams strapped together — with an electric stealth mode that sounds more like a lawnmower than a tank. The 1,000-horsepower Advanced Powertrain Demonstrator packs more diesel horsepower in less space than current engines, along with a 160-kilowatt generator that can power advanced electronics – like a drone-killing laser or anti-missile defenses – and even move an entire 50-ton vehicle for brief periods. Now installed in an M2 Bradley hull for testing, the current version of the APD can move war machines up to 50 tons, but it's meant to be easily modified for larger or smaller vehicles. “Each of the pieces can be scaled” up or down, said John Tasdemir, chief of the power & mobility branch of the Army's Ground Vehicle Systems Center (formerly TARDEC) in Warren, Mich. “It could not just fit a Bradley, it could fit a future vehicle, [or] it could fit a legacy vehicle as well.” Compact enough to fit into the notoriously cramped Bradley, the 1,000-horsepower Advanced Powertrain Demonstrator produces 48 percent more horsepower than the most-upgraded Bradley variant and 67 percent more than the standard 600-hp model. The engine could also fit the turretless utility variant of the Bradley, the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle, or, with some rearrangement of the components, the M109A7 Paladin howitzer. And since the design is modular, the APD could be scaled down to 500 hp – potentially powering the more tank-like of the Robotic Combat Vehicles the Army's now developing – or up to 1,500 hp – enough to drive the 70-ton M1 Abrams main battle tank. Another logical candidate for APD technology is the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle now in development to replace the Bradley. Fitting the new vehicle would require some redesign, said one of Tasdemir's engineers, Mike Claus, but if they could optimize the APD components for an all-new hull without the awkward compromises of the Bradley, the resulting design could be “way more compact.” How It Works Why is it important to be compact? Well, the heaviest part of a combat vehicle is its armor. The weight of the armor, in turn, is the product of its thickness and the surface area it has to protect. The bulkier you make your vehicle – the greater the “volume under armor,” in Army terms – the more tons of armor you need to get the same level of protection. To make the APD more compact, it needs to be more efficient. To do that, the Army and its contractors went to work on every piece of the powertrain – for example: In the diesel engine itself, built by Cummins, the pistons go through a two-stroke cycle instead of the usual four, allowing them to generate more horsepower with less waste heat from the same amount of gas. Historically, two-stroke engines are also highly polluting, which is why they've not been widely adopted, but the APD uses cutting-edge emissions controls. The SAPA drive-by-wire transmission replaces traditional, inefficient mechanisms like pumps with precisely engineered electromagnetic controls called solenoids. The transmission is in fact so attractive to other Army programs that they're considering installing it even without the rest of the APD powertrain. The cooling system replaces traditional filters – which wear out in 20 hours in dusty areas like deserts – with a Donaldson pulse-jet air cleaner that lasts 500 hours and provides much more airflow. Cooling armored vehicles is always challenging, even when they're not fighting in the desert, because they're basically metal boxes in which you want to punch as few holes as possible. The L3-Harris Integrated Starter-Generator produces 160 kW – many times the current alternator on the Bradley – but doesn't require its own dedicated cooling system, unlike traditional electronics. That's because it uses heat-resistant silicon carbide components that can function at 105 centigrade (hot enough to boil water), the same as the engine block. That electrical power is as important for modern combat vehicles as diesel horsepower. During the Iraq War, the Cold War-vintage Bradleys got upgraded with so many advanced sensors, communications networks, display screens, and radio jammers to deactivate roadside bombs that they couldn't power everything at once. Now, worried about Russia's vast arsenal of RPGs and anti-tank missiles, the Army is pushing to install so-called Active Protection Systems on its armored vehicles, which use compact radars to track incoming projectiles – a big power drain – so miniature missile launchers can shoot them down. And for the near future, the Army is highly interested in high-powered laser and microwave weapons, albeit primarily against fast-moving, fragile targets like drones and rockets rather than heavily armored vehicles like tanks. The Ground Vehicle Systems Center plans to test the APD powertrain on a stationary Bradley hull through this coming March, by which point they expect to have demonstrated what's called Technological Readiness Level (TRL) 6. Then they'll fully integrate the APD into a drivable Bradley, the Advanced Mobility Experimental Prototype (AMEP), which will be tested to TRL 7 or 8 – the highest level possible for a prototype – in 2022. The next year, 2023, the Army will hold the final competition to build the Bradley replacement, the OMFV.

  • Turkey to Rolls-Royce: Let’s renegotiate terms for TF-X fighter jet support

    13 décembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Turkey to Rolls-Royce: Let’s renegotiate terms for TF-X fighter jet support

    By: Burak Ege Bekdil ANKARA, Turkey — The Turkish government is keen to revive talks with Rolls-Royce for the design and production of its first indigenous fighter jet, the TF-X, a top cabinet minister has said. Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said the government wants to move forward with its planned cooperation with Britain for the production of the new-generation aircraft. But Turkey must first select an engine for the TF-X and then finalize the aircraft's full design — a process that has has lagged behind schedule. Its aerospace and procurement officials now aim to fly the TF-X in the 2025-2026 time frame, despite an original target of 2023. A £100 million (U.S. $132 million) deal between Rolls-Royce and Turkish manufacturer Kale Group was effectively put on hold amid uncertainties over technology transfer. In October 2016, Rolls-Royce offered a joint production partnership to Turkey to power Turkey's planned platforms. The offer also involved potential sales to third parties. The British company's proposal also included a production unit in Turkey to manufacture engines for the TF-X, as well as for helicopters, tanks and missiles. A year before that, in October 2015, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Turkey and Rolls-Royce for technological know-how and a production unit. Under the plan, Rolls-Royce would launch an advanced manufacturing and technology center in Turkey ― the company's eighth such unit worldwide. Also in 2017, BAE Systems and Turkish Aerospace Industries, the prime contractor of TF-X, signed a $125 million heads of agreement to collaborate on the first development phase of the planned fifth-generation fighter jet. After its membership in the U.S.-led, multinational Joint Strike Fighter program was suspended, Turkey started to look for alternatives for an off-the-shelf bridge gap solution until its own fighter jet can be built. Talks with Russia are underway for a potential Su-35 or Su-57 deal, according to officials in Ankara and Moscow.

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