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  • GSA chooses 22 companies to assist IT modernization solutions

    7 juin 2019 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    GSA chooses 22 companies to assist IT modernization solutions

    By: Jessie Bur Federal agencies that participate in the Centers of Excellence program will soon have more tools at their disposal for discovering the areas of greatest IT modernization need within their organization. The General Services Administration announced June 4 that it had issued a blanket purchase agreement to 22 companies to provide future CoE partners with the speed and flexibility to perform numerous discovery and assessment efforts simultaneously. “With just about a third of the agreements going to small businesses, we are proud of the cross-section of American industry and technological expertise represented,” said GSA CoE Executive Director Bob De Luca in a news release. “We selected companies who demonstrated the potential to discover issues related to current legacy systems and develop recommendations for modern-day technological solutions to the problems our citizens face when interacting with government services.” The Centers of Excellence program, started in December 2017 under a partnership between GSA and the White House, has so far had three agencies sign on to use the program to improve their IT: the Department of Agriculture, Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Office of Personnel Management. The 22 BPA awardees span seven areas of change, with some companies receiving awards under multiple categories: Change Management Ambit Group, LLC Deloitte Consulting LLP Ernst & Young, LLP ICF Incorporated LLC International Business Machines Corporation McKinsey & Company, Inc., Washington, D.C. Cloud Adoption Capgemini Government Solutions LLC Flexion Inc. ICF Incorporated LLC McKinsey & Company, Inc., Washington, D.C. Contact Center Deloitte Consulting LLP Digital Management LLC HighPoint Digital, Inc. ICF Incorporated LLC McKinsey & Company, Inc., Washington, D.C. Slalom, LLC Customer Experience Arc Aspicio LLC Deloitte Consulting LLP Grant Thornton LLP Guidehouse LLP ICF Incorporated LLC International Business Machines Corporation Data Analytics Guidehouse LLP KPMG LLP McKinsey & Company, Inc., Washington, D.C. Information Security Centennial Technologies Inc. Deloitte Consulting LLP Electrosoft Services, Inc. Ernst & Young, LLP Grant Thornton LLP ICF Incorporated LLC International Business Machines Corporation KPMG LLP McKinsey & Company, Inc., Washington, D.C. MindPoint Group, LLC ShorePoint, Inc. Veris Group, LLC d/b/a Coalfire Federal IT Infrastructure Optimization Capgemini Government Solutions LLC Deloitte Consulting LLP Ernst & Young, LLP Gartner, Inc. Guidehouse LLP ICF Incorporated LLC International Business Machines Corporation KPMG LLP McKinsey & Company, Inc., Washington, D.C. Systems Engineering Solutions Corporation

  • Deep Learning Model Speeds Up, Automates Satellite Image Analysis

    7 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    Deep Learning Model Speeds Up, Automates Satellite Image Analysis

    Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) develops satellite imagery recognition system using open-source deep learning libraries to quickly identify and classify objects or targets in large areas across the world, potentially saving image analysts countless hours manually categorizing and labeling items within an image. Global Automated Target Recognition runs in the cloud, using Maxar's Geospatial Big Data platform (GBDX) to access Maxar's 100 petabyte satellite imagery library and millions of curated data labels across dozens of categories that expedite the training of deep learning algorithms. Fast GPU's let GATR scan a large area very quickly, while deep learning methods automate object recognition and reduce the need for extensive algorithm training. GATR teaches itself what the identifying characteristics of an object area or target, for example, learning how to distinguish between a cargo plane and a military transport jet. The system scales quickly to scan large areas, including entire countries. GATR uses deep learning techniques common in the commercial sector and can identify ships, airplanes, buildings, seaports, and many other categories. “There's more commercial satellite data than ever available today, and up until now, identifying objects has been a largely manual process,” said Maria Demaree, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin Space Mission Solutions. “Artificial Intelligence models like GATR keep analysts in control while letting them focus on higher-level tasks.” GATR has a high accuracy rate, well over 90% on the models we've tested so far. It only took two hours to search the entire state of Pennsylvania for fracking sites – that's 120,000 square kilometers “I'm not an expert on what oil production sites are, and I don't have to be,” said Mark Pritt, senior fellow at Lockheed Martin and principle investigator for GATR. “This system teaches itself the defining characteristics of an object, saving valuable time training an algorithm and ultimately letting an image analyst focus more on their mission.” GATR builds on research Pritt's team pioneered during a Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) challenge, called the “Functional Map of the World.” The Lockheed Martin team was the only team from a company who placed in the top five.

  • Will the stars finally align to upgrade Britain’s ‘obsolete’ tanks?

    7 juin 2019 | International, Terrestre

    Will the stars finally align to upgrade Britain’s ‘obsolete’ tanks?

    By: Andrew Chuter LONDON – Britain has fallen behind its allies and potential adversaries in key armored combat vehicle capabilities and must do more to become a force to be reckoned with, Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt has warned. “The future may look very different in years to come, but meantime, while armour is relevant it must be capable, and we must be competitive. We have not been,” Mourdaunt told an audience of senior international army chiefs and industry executives at a land warfare conference in here June 4. The Challenger 2 main battle tank and the Warrior infantry fighting vehicle, two of the key elements of the British army's battle formations, were both labeled as “obsolete” by a defense secretary who only started the job a month ago but could move on once a new Conservative prime minister is elected in July to replace Theresa May. “Challenger 2 has been in service without a major upgrade since 1998. During this time the U.S., Germany and Denmark have completed two major upgrades, whilst Russia has fielded five new variants with a sixth pending,” she said. “Warrior is even more obsolete, and is twenty years older than those operated by our key allies. Since Warrior's introduction in 1988 the United States and Germany have conducted four major upgrades and Russia has invested in three new variants,” said Mordaunt. What does she mean by obsolete? In the case of Warrior its best known shortcoming is the inability to fire on the move, and a 30mm cannon that has to be manually loaded with three round clips of ammunition. As it stands, the vehicle is unlikely to scare potential adversaries like the Russians. The British have been under-invested in combat armored capability for years aside from meeting the urgent operational requirements to counter improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan. Many of those vehicles remain in service, even though the threat has changed. Efforts are finally underway to improve the situation, sparked, in part, by the army's move to form two armored strike brigades by 2025. That force is planned to include tracked reconnaissance vehicles, an 8x8 mechanized infantry vehicle and a new 155mm artillery system. General Dynamics UK has started delivering the first of 589 Ajax reconnaissance and support vehicles in what has been touted by the government as the largest armored vehicle investment in three decades. Germany's Artec has been nominated as the preferred supplier with its Boxer 8x8, although no contract has been signed yet. A competition on the artillery is getting underway. Programs to upgrade both the vehicles named as obsolete by Mordaunt are in the works, but there is no manufacturing contract yet for either. In the Warrior's case Lockheed Martin UK secured the upgrade development program from the defense ministry in 2011, but is only now undertaking the reliability trials on which a final production contract depends. At one time the number of hulls to be updated was in the region of 380, but suppliers at a recent Lockheed Martin briefing said that as the British Army has shrunk and budgets got tighter, that figure is now down to around 265 and could go even lower. As for Challenger 2 upgrades, an assessment phase involving BAE Systems and Rheinmetall has been completed and is now under review. It seems no final decision has been made, but the signals coming out of the defense ministry suggest the Army may get what they want, which is a Challenger 2 sporting a German turret and smoothbore cannon. Tank numbers to be upgraded are unclear, with defense procurement minister Stuart Andrew telling Parliament recently that the final decision would be informed by “the assessment phase, the defense requirement and a balance of investment consideration.” The British Army currently has a fleet of 227 Challenger 2 tanks. BAE and Rheinmetall recently announced their intention to form an armored vehicle joint venture including the British companies activities in the sector, with the German company having the majority shareholding. Final approval of the deal is expected this month and a decision about the way forward on Challenger 2 could follow in the following two or three months. The scope and size of the armored-vehicle effort depends, like everything else, on the availability of funding. The defense ministry has budgeted £18.4 billion ($23.4 billion) for land-warfare equipment purchases over the next 10 years. Shorter-term budget considerations, though, will be resolved in the next few months. A government-wide review of departmental budgets, known as the comprehensive spending review, is currently underway. That will dictate whether the currently cash-strapped military will get the sizeable spending increases they are hoping for over the next three years. In opening remarks to the RUSI conference this week, Gen. Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, the chief of the general staff, made it clear he saw the threat of the tank diminishing in the military of the future as the focus shifts to issues like cyber warfare. “The main threat is less missiles and tanks. It's the weaponization of those elements of globalization that hitherto have made us prosperous and secure, such as mobility of goods, people, data and ideas," he said. "Living on an island gives no guarantees against the corrosive and intrusive effects of disinformation, subversion and cyber.” Perhaps for now, at least, the last word over the utility of the tank in today's information-rich environment should go to the conference speaker who voiced the opinion, “You can cyber all you like, but there comes a time when only a tank will do."

  • L’Europe doit mieux réfléchir à sa défense

    7 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    L’Europe doit mieux réfléchir à sa défense

    (B2) Les Européens doivent faire preuve d'une volonté politique forte pour faire face à leur environnement géostratégique en bouleversement, selon Louis Gautier, ancien secrétaire général pour la défense et la sécurité nationale (SGDSN). C'est ce qu'il a expliqué lors des entretiens de la défense européenne à Paris jeudi (16 mai) Un constat qui demande une réflexion politique Un environnement international délétère, une Europe fragilisée L'environnement international et stratégique est « délétère ». Des conflits qui semblaient oubliés reviennent et se rapprochent de la périphérie de l'Europe. De nouveaux dangers (cyber, spatiaux...) se développent. Le constat que fait Louis Gautier n'est pas engageant. D'autant que l'Union européenne est aujourd'hui « fragilisée », minée par ses divisions. La situation s'est « encore détériorée ces derniers mois » : l'Italie, membre fondatrice de l'Union, rejoint le camp des eurosceptiques, le Royaume-Uni persiste dans les errements du Brexit, etc. Le « plus inquiétant » concerne les inconnues qui pèsent sur l'équation de sécurité européenne : le démantèlement des accords conclus à la fin de la guerre froide, l'amoindrissement de la garantie américaine, ou ce qui est ressenti comme tel, et les provocations russes. Etre lucides ! Face à ces enjeux, c'est à un constat de lucidité qu'appelle Louis Gautier : « les Européens sont incapables de faire face collectivement à une crise majeure qui surviendrait sur leur sol ou à un conflit dans leur voisinage ». La nécessité d'agir de façon stratégique doit être repensée. « L'Europe, c'est en fonction du monde qu'on doit la faire. Et la défense européenne doit répondre à ces défis de sécurité ». L'Europe et sa défense, telles qu'elles avaient été imaginées au début, doivent être « réinterrogées ». Et n'envisager la défense européenne qu'au « prisme des capacités » est une erreur. On doit commencer par « dessiner un paysage stratégique, déterminer des enjeux, définir nos intérêts collectifs ». Une relance possible ? Certes, la relance du projet de défense européenne est bien engagée, avec une « multiplication des projets », entre 2016 et 2018. C'est « très positif ». Avec le fonds européen de défense (FEDef), « pour la première fois, il y aura sur la table de l'argent européen pour la défense et cela va changer la donne ». Mais ces projets n'ont un intérêt que si l'on a des organes de gouvernance, une définition des priorités. Il s'agit maintenant de faire attention à ce que cet élan ne retombe pas. On a « déjà connu des poussées similaires » lors du Traité de Maastricht, du sommet de Saint-Malo ou du retour de la France dans l'OTAN et du Traité de Lisbonne. Et l'élan a toujours fini par s'essouffler. Les objectifs sont « à chaque fois revus à la baisse, jamais mis en œuvre, restés en suspens dans les déclarations ». L'Union européenne reste « handicapée par les divisions européennes, le manque de volonté, les déficits capacitaires ». Les réticences, les habitudes et les conservatismes l'emportent sur le dynamisme. La clé : la volonté politique pour une intervention collective La volonté politique est donc la condition majeure pour obtenir des avancées durables. Aujourd'hui, l'Union serait « absolument incapable de gérer une crise majeure sur son sol ». L'Union reste faible dans la défense de ses intérêts, qu'ils soient industriels, économiques ou sécuritaires, martèle le spécialiste des enjeux stratégiques. En cas d'attaque, les États répondront avec des moyens nationaux, moyens inégaux en fonction des capacités de chacun. Ce alors que « les brèches chez les uns créeront des vulnérabilités chez les autres ». C'est bien le manque de vision stratégique de l'Union qui paralyse les efforts. En finir avec l'éternel débat UE – OTAN Il faut arrêter de se concentrer sur l'éternel débat UE-OTAN car il s'agit aujourd'hui d'une question qui concerne « les États, leur réponse collective, et le fait que l'Union européenne peut faciliter leur coordination ». Sans intervention collective des Européens, « nous ne pouvons pas obtenir les solutions de sortie de crise ». Alors même que certaines de ces solutions sont à la portée des États membres. Cela a été démontré lors du conflit au Kosovo : des conseils européens réguliers ont « rythmé les opérations par des décisions qui ont maintenu unis les Européens ». Des clarifications nécessaires Les Européens n'ont « jamais été collectivement capables de définir quelle devait être leur contribution collective à leur défense collective ». Quel que soit le cadre. Cerner les objectifs de la défense européenne Le concept même d'‘Europe de la défense' — un ‘mot valise',« très français », intraduisible pour nos partenaires — permet de mettre « un peu tout dans le même sac : des coopérations intergouvernementales, les projets communautaires, le pilier européen dans l'OTAN... » Sans spécifier suffisamment les aspects sur lesquels travailler. Clarifier les contours de cette défense européenne est nécessaire. Il faut « cerner les objectifs, car trop d'ambition effraie ». Une indispensable clarification entre l'OTAN et l'UE Cela implique aussi une « indispensable clarification » entre l'OTAN et l'UE. « Jusqu'à preuve du contraire », la défense collective européenne « se fait dans l'OTAN ». Mais l'Union doit vérifier qu'elle est en mesurer de gérer des attaques qui ne relèveraient pas de la responsabilité de l'OTAN. « Les réponses, elles sont européennes ». On ne peut pas se reposer sur une distribution des rôles dans laquelle l'OTAN s'occupe des questions militaires pendant que l'Europe « ne ferait que du capacitaire ». Parce que, déjà, « c'est faux » selon Louis Gautier. Et car le développement des capacités vient, avant tout, « au service d'une politique militaire, industrielle. » Cinq priorités pour la suite D'abord, « l'affirmation stratégique » des Européens. Qui doivent comprendre qu'ils ont des enjeux communs à défendre et que personne ne va les défendre pour eux. Mais aussi « la protection » des frontières, des citoyens, la capacité de « réaction aux crises », « le capacitaire » et « le renforcement de la BITD [Base industrielle et technologique de défense] ». Pour ce faire, il faut « consolider l'autonomie technologique » de l'Europe, anticiper plus et mieux, et améliorer la cohérence et cohésion des structures. Alors que le budget militaire européen est de « 230 milliards d'euros », supérieur à celui de la Chine, les duplications ont un prix : « l'absence de crédibilité ». Et « si les Européens ne s'activent pas, ils sont les grands perdants du 21ème siècle ». (propos recueillis par Coline Traverson, st.)

  • Developing the Royal Navy’s autonomous underwater capability: commercial clarification

    7 juin 2019 | International, Naval

    Developing the Royal Navy’s autonomous underwater capability: commercial clarification

    Please be advised that, in respect to the Defence and Security Accelerator competition: developing the Royal Navy's autonomous underwater capability, Dstl Commercial Services have offered a commercial clarification in respect to industry queries around the agreement of a Limitation of a Contractor's Liability to the proposed Framework Agreement: It is not possible to request a Limit of a Contractor's Liability (LoCL) under a Framework Agreement because it is impossible to calculate an appropriate LoCL amount with such a broad scope of work. Requests for a LoCL to the overarching framework agreement will be turned down, and proposals that include such requests will be deemed to be commercially non-compliant and excluded from the competition. However, in the event of placement of any Framework Agreement as a result of this Themed Competition, under the Tasking element of the aforementioned Framework Agreement (Item 2 of the proposed Framework Agreement only) on a Task by Task basis we will consider the risks associated with that Task and may consider it appropriate to agree a LoCL against that specific task only. This does not apply to Item 1 of the proposed Framework Agreement. Requests for a LoCL against Item 1 of the Framework Agreement will not be considered and proposals that include them excluded from the competition. Please be advised that this clarification explicitly applies to the Defence and Security Accelerator competition: developing the Royal Navy's autonomous underwater capability only.

  • Électrification des camions lourds: Effenco débarque à Paris pour conquérir l’Europe

    7 juin 2019 | Local, Terrestre

    Électrification des camions lourds: Effenco débarque à Paris pour conquérir l’Europe

    MONTRÉAL | L'entreprise montréalaise Effenco, qui se spécialise dans l'électrification des camions lourds, s'installe en France afin de partir à la conquête du marché européen. C'est un contrat de 3 millions $ signé au début de 2019 avec Derichebourg Environnement qui a fait croître la demande pour les solutions d'Effenco sur le vieux continent. Cette entreprise internationale a décidé d'opter pour la technologie hybride électrique Active Stop-Start d'Effenco afin d'équiper ses camions à benne affectés à de nouveaux contrats de collecte dans la Ville Lumière. «À la suite de l'entente avec Derichebourg, nous avons reçu de nombreuses expressions d'intérêt et conclu des ententes additionnelles avec des flottes et manufacturiers de camions en Norvège, en Italie, en Suisse ainsi qu'en Espagne», a indiqué David Arsenault, président et cofondateur d'Effenco, par communiqué. «Plusieurs centaines d'unités seront ainsi progressivement déployées dans différentes villes européennes au cours des deux prochaines années, a ajouté l'homme d'affaires. Nous sommes confiants que nos ventes à l'exportation atteindront d'ici trois ans quelque 100 millions $.» La technologie hybride électrique d'Effenco permet de réduire de 30 % les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des camions, qui sont également plus silencieux, un avantage en milieu densément peuplé.

  • New contract with the Royal Navy will extend QinetiQ's test and evaluation capabilities into ASW training

    7 juin 2019 | International, Naval, C4ISR

    New contract with the Royal Navy will extend QinetiQ's test and evaluation capabilities into ASW training

    QinetiQ has confirmed it has secured a new contract to provide the Royal Navy with advanced anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training services using the latest target simulation technology from Saab. The new contract will extend QinetiQ's long-term partnership role at the MOD's British Underwater Test and Evaluation Centre (BUTEC) at the Kyle of Lochalsh into the training environment. Significantly, the new training service supports the Royal Navy's forthcoming introduction of Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers and will increase ASW training opportunities while also maximising operational deployment of the submarine fleet. It will also provide unprecedented training analytics to optimise exercise outcomes and deliver world-leading training capabilities. With QinetiQ as the lead partner, the new contract is the result of a progressive and close collaboration between QinetiQ, Saab and Serco. The new programme will capitalise on Saab's state of the art AUV62-AT autonomous underwater vehicle system to provide full and effective simulation of an operational submarine in a wide range of training scenarios. Highly experienced QinetiQ personnel will coordinate, manage and control all deployment of the simulated target, with Serco providing the vessels for launch and recovery. De-risking trials were completed by the QinetiQ team at BUTEC, and two successful training serial events have already been completed off the south west coast of England. According to the Royal Navy's Lt Cdr Ben Costley-White, Staff Warfare Officer (Under Water) to Flag Officer Sea Training, the new contract led by QinetiQ will transform the Navy's ASW training capabilities. “This move will enable us to harness the expertise of QinetiQ and the very latest simulation technologies to deliver comprehensive and first class ASW training exercises without the limitations posed by the practicalities and cost of redeploying submarine assets for training purposes. This represents a major step change in our training options and our ability to harness analytical data for effective evaluation of all ASW training.” “We're delighted to be extending our test and evaluation capabilities into the training environment for the Royal Navy,” says QinetiQ's Stu Hider, Programme Director (Maritime). “Combining our expertise and experience in programme planning and delivery with the world's most advanced target simulation technology will help to ensure the Royal Navy benefits from the most versatile, cost-effective and sophisticated ASW training solution.”

  • L3 to Modernize Avionics for U.S. Air Force C-130Hs

    7 juin 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    L3 to Modernize Avionics for U.S. Air Force C-130Hs

    NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 6, 2019-- L3 Technologies (NYSE:LLL) announced today that it has been competitively awarded the $499 million U.S. Air Force C-130H Avionics Modernization Program Increment 2 (AMP INC 2). Under the contract, L3 will design, produce and certify a state-of-the-art modernization solution for a fleet of 176 Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve C-130H aircraft to improve aircraft availability, reliability and sustainability while significantly reducing life-cycle costs. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: L3's avionics and Communications, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) upgrade solutions are fully certified for airworthiness and CNS/ATM compliance, and are flying today with U.S. and international customers. (Photo: Business Wire) “L3 is committed to delivering innovative, cost-effective solutions to ensure mission readiness in support of the U.S. Air Force's modernization strategy,” said Christopher E. Kubasik, L3's Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President. “We are focused on providing an agile and low-risk approach to modernizing the Air Force's diverse fleet of C-130s, enabling these assets to operate well into the future.” Modernization solutions will include integration of a commercial off-the-shelf avionics suite, as well as L3's training integration and services. Development, initial- and full-rate production will take place at L3's facility in Waco, Texas, on multiple C-130H variants, including the C-130H1, C-130H2, C-130H2.5, C-130H3 and LC-130H. “L3's aircraft modernization and modification capabilities are world-class,” said Jeff Miller, L3's Senior Vice President and President of its ISR Systems segment, which includes the Waco facility where work on the AMP will be centered. “Our skilled workforce and our unique 1.25-million-square-foot facility in Waco will provide differentiated capabilities for C-130H fleet longevity.” L3 has more than 65 years of experience as an aircraft systems integrator, including modernizing avionics for C-130 aircraft in the U.S. Air Force fleet and for international allies. The company's tailored C-130 solutions feature a modern cockpit and open-architecture solutions that integrate avionics from leading providers, and are fully certified for airworthiness and Communications, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) compliance. L3's aircraft modernization and modification facilities are capable of retrofit, modernization and production for both fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, delivering a broad range of aerospace modification and integration solutions to keep international military, head-of-state, government and commercial customers safe and mission-ready. L3 supports aircraft of all types, sizes and missions, with industry-leading capability to provide complex aircraft conversions; maritime, ISR, command and control, and airborne systems missionization; depot fleet maintenance and modification; and highly customized design, integration and certification of mission subsystems and interiors. With headquarters in New York City and approximately 31,000 employees worldwide, L3 develops advanced defense technologies and commercial solutions in pilot training, aviation security, night vision and EO/IR, weapons, maritime systems and space. The company reported 2018 sales of $10.2 billion. To learn more about L3, please visit the company's website at L3 uses its website as a channel of distribution of material company information. Financial and other material information regarding L3 is routinely posted on the company's website and is readily accessible. Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 Except for historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release are forward-looking statements. Statements that are predictive in nature, that depend upon or refer to events or conditions or that include words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “will,” “could” and similar expressions are forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements set forth above involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any such statement, including the risks and uncertainties discussed in the company's Safe Harbor Compliance Statement for Forward-Looking Statements included in the company's recent filings, including Forms 10-K and 10-Q, with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made, and the company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

  • Tweaked Terms For Canada Future Fighter Help F-35 And Rivals

    7 juin 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Tweaked Terms For Canada Future Fighter Help F-35 And Rivals

    Four years after successfully campaigning, in part, on a critique of the previous government's selection of a new fighter for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) without first holding a competition, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's staff is finding out just how difficult the task can be. In an extended series of drafts released to industry since October, the Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) agency has rewritten key provisions of the original solicitation, with ...

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