6 septembre 2018 | Local, Naval

Will a sixth Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship be built for the Royal Canadian Navy?


There is still no word on whether the Royal Canadian Navy will receive a sixth Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship.

Irving Shipbuilding is building five AOPS. There is the possibility of building a sixth ship if costs are kept in line and that vessel could be constructed within the project budget. It is unclear if the financial state of the project would allow for a sixth vessel or whether the federal government would have to contribute more funding to allow for the construction of an additional AOPS. Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough has said she is open to the idea of additional AOPS being purchased for Canada but has provided few details.

It is expected a decision on the sixth ship will be made in the coming months.

“We are hopeful that the Government of Canada will construct a sixth Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship at Halifax Shipyard and understand they will make a decision before the end of 2018.” Irving spokesman Sean Lewis told Defence Watch.

As reported in Defence Watch recently the first AOPS will be delivered in the first week of October. There is a possibility one of the government politicians attending that ceremony might make an announcement then of the construction of a sixth ship.


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    Canadian Forces says submarines can operate until mid-2020s - but still no details on how fleet will be upgraded

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    Le gouvernement attribue un contrat pour la conception d’une installation destinée aux futurs chasseurs à Cold Lake

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    28 janvier 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

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