7 mai 2021 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

We are lost in the woods on acquisition reform

Incentives can and must be refocused from within Congress to unleash the best of our free enterprise system. New players must be enticed by lowering barriers to entry into the defense-industrial base and provided real opportunities to compete fairly with the major defense contractors.


Sur le même sujet

  • Introducing Leonardo and Codemar S.A., a new joint venture focused on security and resilience, infrastructure management, and helicopter-based services

    15 février 2020 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Introducing Leonardo and Codemar S.A., a new joint venture focused on security and resilience, infrastructure management, and helicopter-based services

    Rio de Janeiro, February 12, 2020 - Leonardo, the Italian-headquartered aerospace and security multinational, through its subsidiary Leonardo International, which was set up to support the Company's operations around the world, and Codemar, Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Maricá, have announced the creation of a joint venture named Leonardo&Codemar S.A., with 49% share of Codemar and 51% of Leonardo, established under Brazilian law. The joint venture's objective is to become the flagship in the development and delivery of projects for urban security and resilience as well as new infrastructure and helicopter-based services that will boost the expertise of Brazilian industry. Through the implementation of a range of innovative and challenging projects, Maricá will become a “living lab” for the most exciting and promising technological applications contributing to the safety and quality of citizens' life, and the sustainable development within the area. As of today, Leonardo&Codemar will setup joint project teams that, thanks to Leonardo broad product portfolio and advanced technological capabilities and Codemar knowledge of local requirements, aims to progressively become the partner of the Maricá Municipality and the natural recipient of request for projects and services within its business perimeter. The status of the preferred partner to the Municipality of Maricá will give Leonardo&Codemar access to similar projects as they arise throughout the Latin America region. “We are thrilled about the new development of Leonardo's presence in Brazil, showing how an open minded and fair dialogue between such different organisations can shape unexplored and promising mutual opportunities”, said Leonardo's CEO, Alessandro Profumo. He added, “The new joint venture will focus on delivering systems and services for the security, resilience and protection of populations and territories and will prove how space, cyber and digital, aeronautical, and unmanned technologies can contribute to development”. Leonardo and Codemar are joining up financial and technological resources with the intent of leveraging the best of both companies' experience and know-how to provide innovative products and services to the Municipality of Maricá. Thanks to its strategic location, Maricá is set to become a primary logistic base for Oil & Gas operations throughout the Country, with a huge potential for related businesses (i.e. financial, high tech and services) requiring the best and most reliable networked infrastructures. Similarly, a substantial tourist and residential development, facilitated by the proximity to Rio de Janeiro, will be pursued while respecting the City's spectacular and intact territory. About Leonardo: Leonardo, among the top ten world players in Aerospace, Defence and Security, is Italy's main high-technology industrial company. Organised into five business divisions (Helicopters; Aircraft; Aerostructures; Electronics; Cyber Security) Leonardo has a significant manufacturing presence in Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland and the USA, where it also operates through subsidiaries such as Leonardo DRS (electronics), and joint ventures and partnerships: Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space and Avio (space); ATR (regional aircraft); and Elettronica and MBDA (electronics and defence systems). Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange (LDO), in 2018 Leonardo recorded consolidated revenues of €12.2 billion and invested €1.4 billion in Research and Development. The Group has been part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) since 2010 and became Industry leader of the Aerospace & Defence sector in 2019. About Codemar: Codemar, Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Maricá, manages public goods and areas, encourages the promotion, socio-economic development and the surroundings of the Municipality of Maricá, in collaboration with the municipality, public bodies and the corporate sector, thanks to a progressive expansion of investments. It also contributes to the definition of public policies for economic development in the city of Maricá. View source version on Leonardo: https://www.leonardocompany.com/en/press-release-detail/-/detail/12-02-2020-introducing-leonardo-codemar-s-a-a-new-joint-venture-focused-on-security-and-resilience-infrastructure-management-and-helicopter-based-serv

  • Contracts for July 14, 2021

    15 juillet 2021 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contracts for July 14, 2021


  • L’armée de l’Air et de l’Espace et le GIFAS soutiennent le projet TARMAQ

    17 mai 2021 | International, Aérospatial

    L’armée de l’Air et de l’Espace et le GIFAS soutiennent le projet TARMAQ

    Le général Philippe Lavigne, chef d'état-major de l'armée de l'Air et de l'Espace, et Éric Trappier, président du GIFAS et PDG de Dassault Aviation, seront le 18 mai à Mérignac pour apporter leur soutien au projet TARMAQ, future Cité des savoirs aéronautiques et spatiaux. À cette occasion, TARMAQ et l'armée de l'Air et de l'Espace signeront une convention de partenariat. Seront également présents Alain Rousset, président du Conseil régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Alain Anziani, maire de Mérignac et président de Bordeaux Métropole et Jean-Jacques Gondallier de Tugny, président de TARMAQ, précise le quotidien Sud-Ouest. Sud-Ouest du 17 mai

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