30 juin 2022 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

Trudeau defends Canadian military spending ahead of NATO summit as new report projects decline

Ahead of a NATO summit in Spain, the Prime Minister said Canada has repeatedly proven its commitment to the military alliance by stepping up with deployments in Latvia and elsewhere


Sur le même sujet

  • Entreprises canadiennes détenues ou dirigées par des personnes LGBTQ2+ : Aidez nous à trouver des moyens d’accroître votre participation aux marchés publics fédéraux en nous parlant de votre entreprise

    9 décembre 2021 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Entreprises canadiennes détenues ou dirigées par des personnes LGBTQ2+ : Aidez nous à trouver des moyens d’accroître votre participation aux marchés publics fédéraux en nous parlant de votre entreprise

    Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada (SPAC) invite les entreprises canadiennes détenues ou dirigées par des personnes LGBTQ2+ à remplir un questionnaire en ligne afin de fournir des renseignements sur leurs entreprises. Les renseignements recueillis gr'ce à ce questionnaire nous aideront à élaborer des façons d'accroître la participation des entreprises détenues ou dirigées par des personnes LGBTQ2+ aux marchés publics fédéraux. Ils permettront également de s'assurer que les initiatives visant à accroître la participation reflètent leurs réalités et leurs besoins. Rendez-vous au lien vers la DDR sur Achatventes.gc.ca pour accéder : • le questionnaire en ligne ou une autre version du questionnaire en Word • une foire aux questions • des renseignements sur les personnes à contacter si vous avez des questions La date limite pour soumettre vos réponses au questionnaire est le 28 janvier 2022. Ce questionnaire utilise un logiciel qui respecte les directives pour l'accessibilité du contenu Web 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) de niveau AA. Si vous avez besoin de mesures d'adaptation supplémentaires pour accéder au questionnaire ou le remplir, ou si vous avez des questions supplémentaires sur le questionnaire, veuillez contacter : TPSGC.PAPiloteSocioEconomique APSocioEconomicPilot.PWGSC@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca

  • PAL Aerospace Awarded Contract for RCAF CT-142 Fleet

    19 juillet 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    PAL Aerospace Awarded Contract for RCAF CT-142 Fleet

    PAL Aerospace has been awarded a contract to provide heavy maintenance services for the Royal Canadian Air Force's CT-142 Dash-8 Fleet. The contract covers an initial four-year period and includes the possibility of contract extensions that would increase the life of the agreement to seven years. "PAL Aerospace appreciates this new opportunity to continue building our relationship as a trusted partner of the Royal Canadian Air Force," said PAL Aerospace Senior Vice-President of Business Development John Turner. "We understand the important role these aircraft play in training Canada's next generation of aviation professionals, and we look forward to working closely with the RCAF in ensuring the successful delivery of this contract." Flown by the 402 Squadron, the CT-142 is used to train Air Combat Systems Operators and Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators from the Royal Canadian Air Force and other Air Forces from around the world. Designed and produced in Canada, the CT-142 is a conversion of the twin turboprop Dash-8 airliner modified to include a suite of on-board training computers and a large radar system. PAL Aerospace will perform the maintenance services associated with this contract at its facilities in St. John's, Newfoundland; and Winnipeg, Manitoba. http://www.canadiandefencereview.com/news?news/2702

  • Canada Unprepared for Military Aggression Via Arctic, Say Defence Experts

    6 février 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Canada Unprepared for Military Aggression Via Arctic, Say Defence Experts

    BY RAHUL VAIDYANATH Modernizing outdated North Warning System not funded as part of defence budget No sooner had a gathering to discuss modernizing the defence of North America taken place than two Russian strategic bombers approached Canadian airspace from the Arctic. The menace underscores the message to the Canadian government and public that the country is at greater risk than it has been in decades. North American Aerospace Defence Command (Norad) reported the Russian activity on Jan. 31, just two days after the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) hosted a major defence conference in Ottawa. “They [the Russians and Chinese] have the weapons systems and we are increasingly seeing the intent, so we haven't caught up to that yet,” University of Calgary political science professor and conference panelist Rob Huebert said in an interview following the incident. The Russian aircraft stayed in international airspace and didn't enter U.S. or Canadian sovereign airspace, but it nevertheless highlighted the threat. Huebert says what's been holding Canada back is a decades-long multi-faceted problem of attitudes. Canada is accustomed to playing the “away game” instead of the “home game,” meaning it prefers to face its threats as far away from its borders as possible. Thus the protection of the North American continent requires a change of mindset given the advanced capabilities of the Russians and Chinese. It's also naive on Canada's part to think it can simply talk to Russia and China and get them to play nice. “We have to be a lot more honest with Canadians,” Huebert said. A government can favour certain initiatives, and the current one has shown it can generate broad public buy-in for its environmental initiatives. But even if the public isn't clamouring for better military capabilities—as seen in the lack of interest the topic garnered during the election run-up—experts say the government can no longer ignore the military threat from Russia and China. “What this government has shown no willingness to deal with is a much more comprehensive understanding of security that encapsulates both environmental security and military security,” Huebert said. For example, the Liberals didn't put forth their Arctic policy until a day before the election was called. ‘People have to recognize there is a real threat' Canadian governments have put a lower priority on defence spending for decades, and that has left a consistent drop in capability compared to potential rivals. A case in point is that Canada opted in 2005 to not be a part of the U.S. ballistic missile defence program. Contrast that attitude with the Russians or the Chinese and their imperialist goals. Russia wants to destroy us and China wants to own us, said John Sanford of the U.S.'s National Maritime Intelligence Integration Office, at the CGAI forum. A power play is shaping up between the United States, China, and Russia, and the Arctic is the epicentre of the military conflict. That makes it Canada's business, according to defence experts. “People have to recognize there is a real threat,” said conference opening speaker Commodore Jamie Clarke, Norad's deputy director of strategy. “We are defending our entire way of life.” At risk is Canada's economy and infrastructure, not to mention that of the United States. At the heart of the matter is an outdated detection and deterrence system with no comprehensive replacement in the works. https://www.theepochtimes.com/canada-unprepared-for-military-aggression-via-arctic-say-defence-experts_3228565.html

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