24 juillet 2018 | Local, Terrestre

Troops warned about driving habits on Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles


Defence Watch has been told about concerns being raised about the brakes on the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle fleet.

But the Department of National Defence says the issue isn't about the brakes but how the vehicles are being driven during training.

“Vehicles in the TAPV fleet have not been quarantined, though we have investigated a few incidents involving stopping distances,” DND spokesman Dan Le Bouthillier explained to Defence Watch.

“Investigating these types of incidents is a normal part of equipment fielding and integration into the CAF fleet. This is done to identify issues and ensure vehicle and crew safety.”

Le Bouthillier said the findings thus far are that the incidents were isolated and occurred during driver training. The TAPV is a heavy vehicle and requires longer stopping distances at higher speeds than most new drivers are familiar with, he added. In over 50 TAPV Driver courses across the country, only two incidents were noted, said Le Bouthillier.

Canada is in the midst of acquiring 500 Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles. In June 2012, Textron Systems Canada Inc. was awarded two contracts, one for the acquisition of 500 vehicles, valued at $603.4 million, and a second contract for their support at $105.4 million to conduct in-service support for the fleet for five years following the last vehicle delivery, the government noted.

The TAPV is a wheeled combat vehicle that will conduct reconnaissance and surveillance, security, command and control, and armoured transport of personnel and equipment.


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