25 février 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre

The Canadian Armed Forces to host international partners in Nunavut

This week, approximately 350 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel will deploy to Resolute Bay and Rankin Inlet, Nunavut as part of Operation Nanook-Nunalivut 2020 (Op Na-Nu 20).

From Feb. 24 to March 27, 2020, CAF personnel and international partners will work together to enhance and test their specialized Arctic skill-sets, and reaffirm their ability to operate in the High Arctic.

Ranging from ground and underwater activities to complex logistical support, Op Na-Nu 20 will demonstrate the presence and capabilities of the CAF in the Arctic, and will improve our readiness to operate in the region: a key component of Canada's Defence Policy – Strong, Secure, Engaged. Operations like Op Na-Nu 20 also enhance Canada's ability to work effectively with northern partners and allies.

“Each year, Operation Nanook-Nunalivut provides us with a renewed focus on our operational capabilities and effectiveness in the High Arctic. The North is a vast, harsh and unique place to operate, and because of this, careful preparations and close collaboration with our northern partners is key. Sharing knowledge with our partners and allies will allow us to be better able to adapt to new demands and challenges in the North, and address common northern defence, security and safety concerns in the High Arctic,” said BGen Patrick Carpentier, commander, Joint Task Force (North).


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