3 janvier 2019 | International, C4ISR

Thales inaugure un hub Innovation et un Digital Competence Center à Toulouse


Dans la foulée de sa Digital Factory, qui après Paris, vient de s'installer à Montréal et Singapour, le groupe Thales vient de se doter à Toulouse d'un nouveau hub d'innovation et d'un Digital Competence Center. De nouveaux outils pour accélérer la transformation digitale du groupe, qui pourraient bientôt être dupliqués au sein d'autres sites du groupe.

Le groupe Thales vient d'inaugurer à Toulouse, ce 19 décembre 2018, un nouveau hub Innovation et un Digital Competence Center. Deux nouveaux outils destinés à accélérer sa stratégie de transformation digitale au plus près de ses équipes de développement et avec une volonté de renforcer ses coopérations avec l'éco-système régional.Les deux structures sont hébergées dans un espace dédié de 1 500 m2, au cœur du site avionique toulousain de Thales, où quelque 950 personnes (principalement des ingénieurs) travaillent notamment sur le développement de systèmes et de solutions pour les cockpits et les cabines des avions du futur.

"L'objectif est de développer en région de nouvelles méthodes d'innovation et d'amplifier une dynamique déjà bien amorcée avec la création de notre Digital Factory", annonce Gil Michielin, directeur général des activités avioniques mondiales de Thales.


Créée en juin 2017 à Paris, l'équipe de la Digital Factory de Thales occupe déjà 250 spécialistes principalement en intelligence artificielle, big data et cybersécurité, recrutés à la fois au sein du groupe et en externe, dont la mission est d'accélérer la transformation digitale du groupe en appliquant toutes les recettes de l'open innovation et du travail collaboratif. Des relais, les "Digital Champions", ont été désignés au sein des différents sites du groupe et par métier, pour faire émerger des besoins utilisateurs et les soumettre aux équipes de la Digital Factory qui travaillent ainsi pour le compte de toutes les entités du groupe."Nous montons des équipes très agiles de 3 à 8 personnes, qui s'engagent à livrer des premiers MVP (Minimum Viable Product) dans un délai très court de 4 mois maximum", explique Olivier Flous, directeur de la Digital Factory.

Le concept a déjà fait ses preuves. "Nous avons à notre actif le développement d'une vingtaine de MVP avec pour certains des premiers déploiements en cours", précise Olivier Flous. Dotée d'un budget de 150 millions d'euros sur trois ans, la Digital Factory dispose aujourd'hui de deux nouvelles bases à Montréal, au Canada et à Singapour. Avec son propre hub Innovation et son nouveau Digital Competence Center, le site de Toulouse se dote à son tour de ses propres espaces collaboratifs, avec une spécificité régionale. "A Toulouse, l'accent sera mis tout particulièrement sur l'avion connecté et l'autonomie", précise Gil Michielin.


Le hub Innovation et le Digital Competence Center ont la même ambition de faire émerger de nouveaux projets, à la fois en s'appuyant sur les expertises de la Digital Factory, en valorisation le savoir-faire des équipes de R&D toulousaines et en favorisant de nouvelles coopérations avec les entreprises du territoire régional, notamment en direction des PME et des start-up. "Nous avons conçu ces nouveaux espaces pour faire émerger de nouveaux projets, mais aussi pour accompagner leur développement et leur déploiement", insiste Gil Michielin.

Il s'agit à la fois de booster les équipes toulousaines du groupe pour développer en interne de nouvelles méthodes d'innovation et de s'ouvrir en direction de clients ou de partenaires, dans une dynamique d'open innovation. Un premier challenge toulousain sur la cybersécurité vient ainsi d'être organisé, associant des équipes de Thales, des ingénieurs d'Airbus et de Latécoère, mais aussi de sociétés régionales, telles que Pole Star ou iTrust. "En parallèle, nos équipes sont allées à la rencontre d'une centaine de startups toulousaines et en ont identifié environ 25, avec lesquelles nous serions susceptibles de développer de nouveaux projets", indique par ailleurs Laurent Lenoir, directeur du site avionique de Thales à Toulouse.


L'objectif est de faire émerger de nouveaux projets, mais aussi d'accompagner des projets issus d'autres sites et de les amener jusqu'au développement commercial. Après une première phase pilote conduite sur son site de Chatellerault (Vienne), le groupe a ainsi décidé de transférer à Toulouse, le projet "PartEdge", issu initialement d'un MVP identifié par les équipes de la Digital Factory. Le projet porte sur le développement d'un nouveau système de gestion de pièces de rechange pour les équipements aéronautiques.

Pour répondre aux attentes des compagnies aériennes et contribuer à réduire une des causes d'immobilisation au sol des avions commerciaux, PartEdge veut créer une marketplace où les compagnies pourront trouver en temps réel la bonne pièce, au bon prix et dans les meilleurs délais. L'objectif est maintenant de changer d'échelle et d'accompagner le projet jusqu'à sa maturité commerciale. Le Digital Competence Center est aussi déjà impliqué dans un projet industrie 4.0 visant à améliorer des process de production de calculateurs et de capteurs.


Une trentaine d'ingénieurs travaillent déjà au sein du Digital Competence Center de Toulouse, conçu pour accueillir jusqu'à une centaine de personnes. Cet espace sera probablement amené à grandir, mais aussi à être dupliqué sur d'autres sites du groupe. Un Digital Competence Center devrait ouvrir prochainement ses portes à Mérignac, en Gironde. Le concept pourrait ensuite essaimer au sein du groupe.

"En injectant dans notre organisation des structures agiles et en migrant le développant de projets sur des plates-formes conçues pour libérer la capacité de créativité et d'innovation, nous contribuons aussi à l'attractivité de nos sites", remarque aussi Gil Michielin. Le groupe, qui emploie 4 500 salariés à Toulouse, avec, outre l'avionique, des sites et des équipes impliqués dans le spatial, la sécurité et la défense), a recruté cette année 150 personnes et table sur un niveau de recrutement similaire pour 2019.



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    28 juillet 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    In a future USAF bomber force, old and ugly beats new and snazzy

    Robert Burns, The Associated Press WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. — In the topsy-turvy world of U.S. strategic bombers, older and uglier sometimes beats newer and snazzier. As the Air Force charts a bomber future in line with the Pentagon's new focus on potential war with China or Russia, the youngest and flashiest — the stealthy B-2, costing a hair-raising $2 billion each — is to be retired first. The oldest and stodgiest — the Vietnam-era B-52 — will go last. It could still be flying when it is 100 years old. This might seem to defy logic, but the elite group of men and women who have flown the bat-winged B-2 Spirit accept the reasons for phasing it out when a next-generation bomber comes on line. “In my mind, it actually does make sense to have the B-2 as an eventual retirement candidate,” says John Avery, who flew the B-2 for 14 years from Whiteman Air Force Base in western Missouri. 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Then there is the fact that the B-52, which entered service in the mid-1950s and is known to crews as the Big Ugly Fat Fellow, keeps finding ways to stay relevant. It is equipped to drop or launch the widest array of weapons in the entire Air Force inventory. The plane is so valuable that the Air Force twice in recent years has brought a B-52 back from the grave — taking long-retired planes from a desert “boneyard” in Arizona and restoring them to active service. Strategic bombers have a storied place in U.S. military history, from the early days of the former Strategic Air Command when the only way America and the former Soviet Union could launch nuclear weapons at each other was by air, to the B-52′s carpet bombing missions in Vietnam. Developed in secrecy in the 1980s, the B-2 was rolled out as a revolutionary weapon — the first long-range bomber built with stealth, or radar-evading, technology designed to defeat the best Soviet air defenses. By the time the first B-2 was delivered to the Air Force in 1993, however, the Soviet Union had disintegrated and the Cold War had ended. The plane made its combat debut in the 1999 Kosovo war. It flew a limited number of combat sorties over Iraq and Afghanistan and has launched only five combat sorties since 2011, all in Libya. The last was a 2017 strike notable for the fact that it pitted the world's most expensive and exotic bomber against a flimsy camp of Islamic State group militants. “It has proved its worth in the fight, over time,” says Col. Jeffrey Schreiner, who has flown the B-2 for 19 years and is commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman, which flies and maintains the full fleet. But after two decades of fighting small wars and insurgencies, the Pentagon is shifting its main focus to what it calls “great power competition” with a rising China and a resurgent Russia, in an era of stiffer air defenses that expose B-2 vulnerabilities. Thus the Pentagon's commitment to the bomber of the future — the B-21 Raider. The Air Force has committed to buying at least 100 of them. The plane is being developed in secrecy to be a do-it-all strategic bomber. A prototype is being built now, but the first flight is not considered likely before 2022. Bombers are legend, but their results are sometimes regretted. A B-2 bomber scarred U.S.-China relations in 1999 when it bombed Beijing's embassy in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, killing three people. China denounced the attack as a “barbaric act,” while the U.S. insisted it was a grievous error. The Air Force had planned to keep its B-2s flying until 2058 but will instead retire them as the B-21 Raider arrives in this decade. Also retiring early will be the B-1B Lancer, which is the only one of the three bomber types that is no longer nuclear-capable. The Air Force proposes to eliminate 17 of its 62 Lancers in the coming year. The B-52, however, will fly on. It is so old that it made a mark on American pop culture more than half a century ago. It lent its name to a 1960s beehive hairstyle that resembled the plane's nosecone, and the plane featured prominently in Stanley Kubrick's 1964 black comedy, “Dr. Strangelove.” More than once, the B-52 seemed destined to go out of style. “We're talking about a plane that ceased production in 1962 based on a design that was formulated in the late 1940s,” says Loren Thompson, a defense analyst at the Lexington Institute, a Washington think-tank. Rather than retire it, the Air Force is planning to equip the Boeing behemoth with new engines, new radar technology and other upgrades to keep it flying into the 2050s. It will be a “stand off” platform from which to launch cruise missiles and other weapons from beyond the reach of hostile air defenses. In Thompson's view, the Air Force is making a simple calculation: The B-52 costs far less to operate and maintain than the newer but finickier B-2. “They decided the B-52 was good enough,” he says. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2020/07/26/in-a-future-usaf-bomber-force-old-and-ugly-beats-new-and-snazzy/

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  • How Poland plans to land an F-35 deal and ‘Fort Trump’

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For 2019, the Polish MoD set a record budget, at more than 44 billion zloty, as required by the country's plan to raise defense spending to 2.1 percent of gross domestic product in 2020, and reach 2.5 percent in 2030. A significant share of the country's defense spending is to be directed at the acquisition of Western-made gear. Warsaw's potential acquisition of fifth-gen fighters is one of the top modernization projects in the pipeline. In May, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said the ministry sent a letter of request to the U.S. regarding Warsaw's plan to acquire 32 F-35A aircraft. The fighters are to replace the Air Force's outdated, Soviet-designed Sukhoi Su-22 and Mikoyan MiG-29 jets. Negotiations for the jets are taking place as Warsaw is seeking a permanent U.S. military presence in Poland, dubbed “Fort Trump.” Warsaw offered to allocate at least $2 billion toward the project under which the U.S. would build a military base in the country. On June 12, Polish President Andrzej Duda met with U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington to discuss the initiative and ink a joint declaration on defense cooperation regarding U.S. force posture in Poland. “The United States plans to enhance its current military presence of approximately 4,500 rotational U.S. military personnel in Poland. This enduring presence is expected to grow by about 1,000 additional U.S. military personnel in the near-term, and would focus on providing additional defense and deterrence capabilities in Poland,” the declaration read. “With the understanding that the increased U.S. force presence in Poland is made sustainable with Polish support, Poland plans to provide and sustain jointly determined infrastructure for the initial package of additional projects listed below, at no cost to the United States and taking into account the planned level of its use by U.S. forces.” Trump was scheduled to visit Poland, but he canceled the trip to deal with a hurricane at home. The topics of a stronger U.S. troop presence in the country, as well as a potential F-35 sale, were expected to come up. Trump is instead sending Vice President Mike Pence to observances Sunday marking the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II and for meetings with Polish leaders Monday expected to include new military and energy deals. But F-35 acquisition negotiations will likely be separate from Fort Trump discussions, as the logistics and technical aspects of a troop deployment deal are nearing a conclusion, according to Tomasz Smura, the director of the research office at the Warsaw-based Casimir Pulaski Foundation. “If Poland decides to buy the F-35, this will open an array of new possibilities before the Polish Air Force in the upcoming decades. This aircraft offers stealth and interoperability capacities that are currently not available to the Polish military,” Smura told Defense News. “However, there are also some critical voices on this potential purchase. Some analysts doubt whether we should introduce a second type of fighter instead of expanding Poland's fleet of 48 F-16s. This number of modern fighter jets doesn't match Poland's military needs and the country's size. Other analysts add that we're simply not ready to fully use the capacities offered by the F-35, and that further F-16s would suffice to match the current state of development of the air forces of our eastern neighbors.” Despite the country's rising defense expenditure, some observers also doubt Poland's capacity to finance the F-35 acquisition alongside other ambitious military procurements, such as the Wisla air defense program. In March 2018, Poland signed a letter of offer and acceptance with the U.S. government to purchase Raytheon's medium-range Patriot system. Under the deal, Warsaw is to acquire two Patriot Configuration 3+ batteries fitted with Northrop Grumman's Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System, as well as Lockheed Martin-made Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancement missiles. Deliveries are expected by the end of 2022, with plans to reach an initial operational capacity around the 2023-2024 time frame, according to data from the Polish MoD. Warsaw's other procurement plans include short-range air defense systems, combat helicopters for the country's Air Force, new submarines for the Polish Navy, UAVs for various military branches, and the buildup of cyber warfare capacities using new hardware, the ministry said. https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/dsei/2019/08/29/how-poland-plans-to-land-an-f-35-deal-and-fort-trump/

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