10 juillet 2020 | International, Terrestre

Northrop Grumman Delivering Next Generation Ammunition Capability to US Army

Plymouth, Minn. – July 9, 2020 – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) received a contract award from the U.S. Army's Project Manager for Maneuver Ammunition Systems (PM-MAS) to develop the next generation airburst cartridge for the 30mm XM813 Bushmaster® Chain Gun®.

The gun and ammunition function as a system and will provide greater capability for the Army's up-gunned Stryker Brigade Combat Team fleets.

“Northrop Grumman is leading the way in developing new ammunition types that provide existing gun systems with increased capabilities to defeat difficult targets ranging from threat drones to targets in defilade positions,” said Dan Olson, vice president, armament systems, Northrop Grumman. “Our air bursting technology is proven and the addition of this new round will provide the Army with an even more capable gun system for our soldiers.”

The 30mm x 173mm airburst cartridge will feature a contact set fuze design with three operational fuze modes: Programmable Airburst, Point Detonation and Point Detonation with Delay. The initial contract will fund the completion of the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase and final qualification by the Army.

Northrop Grumman will also begin deliveries this year of the first airburst type cartridge to support the U.S. Army's Germany-based, 2nd Cavalry Regiment's Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV) fleet that were recently ‘up-gunned' with the company's 30mm Bushmaster® Chain Gun®. The new airburst cartridge in development also will support additional U.S. Army platforms to include, but not limited to, the future Stryker Brigade Combat Teams.

The newly fielded gun system nearly doubles the range of the platform's current .50-caliber machine gun. The addition of an airburst cartridge provides a complete family of ammunition that arms the crew to meet the challenges posed by peer and near-peer adversarial threat systems.

Northrop Grumman solves the toughest problems in space, aeronautics, defense and cyberspace to meet the ever evolving needs of our customers worldwide. Our 90,000 employees define possible every day using science, technology and engineering to create and deliver advanced systems, products and services.

Media Contact
Jarrod Krull
+1 (763) 744-5371

View source version on Northrop Grumman: https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-delivering-next-generation-ammunition-capability-to-us-army

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    29 juin 2018 | International, Naval

    BAE reportedly comes out on top in Australia’s future frigate showdown

    By: David B. Larter and Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON ― In a move that could send shock waves through the global frigate market, Australia appears poised to announce that it has selected BAE Systems' Type 26 design for its new future frigate design. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that on June 29, the Australian military will make the formal announcement that BAE has won the AU$35 billion (U.S. $26 billion) contest to build nine frigates, which are being designed with anti-submarine warfare in mind. Under the competition guidelines, construction on the ship is scheduled to begin at the shipyards at Osborne in 2020. The design beat out two strong challenges from ships that, unlike the Type 26, already exist. The move is a major blow to Fincantieri, which had been pushing its anti-submarine warfare FREMM for the requirement. The Spanish shipbuilder Navantia, which already has a major operation in Australia, was also a strong competitor for the contract with its F-100 frigate design. In 2007, Navantia was selected to build the Australian air warfare destroyer. The competition also has implications for the Canadian frigate program, which is expected to announce a winner later this year, said Byron Callan, an defense analyst with Capital Alpha Partners. “The win is a positive for BAE because it's the first international order for the Type 26 and it may help position that ship type for Canada's Surface Combatant program that should be decided in late 2018,” Callan said. Canada has a 15-ship requirement. The unit price for the hull is about $850 million to $1 billion, which does not include some government-furnished systems. The U.K. has already agreed to buy eight of the Type 26 designs, with the goal of fielding them in the mid-2020s. BAE started building the first of three Type 26s it has under contract last year. The first warship is currently scheduled to enter service with the British Royal Navy in 2027 to start replacing the Type 23 fleet. Rolls-Royce with its MT30 gas turbine engine and MBDA with the Sea Ceptor anti-air missile are among the Type 26 subcontractors who could be significant beneficiaries from the Australian order. There has been speculation in the media that the decision to go with BAE may be driven, in part, by Australia's desire to secure strong terms with the U.K. as it negotiates a series of new trade agreements after Britain leaves the European Union. The announcement came just hours after the U.S. State Department announced it had clearedthe sale of $185 million in parts to help Australia connect its CEAFAR 2 phased array radar system with Lockheed Martin's Aegis combat system, with the goal of having both pieces of equipment aboard the future frigates. Andrew Chuter from London contributed to this report. https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2018/06/28/report-australia-selects-bae-for-frigate-design/

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    12 février 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Le premier contrat de R&T du SCAF (avion de combat du futur) passe au grill du Bundestag

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"Mesdames et messieurs les parlementaires du Bundestag, votre vote dans quelques jours sur le démonstrateur du SCAF, aura une importance décisive, et enverra un signal politique fort, sur la volonté de nos deux pays de construire l'Europe de la défense", avait lancé à Strasbourg le 5 février la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly en conclusion de son discours devant l'Assemblée parlementaire franco-allemande. Un contrat signé en décembre en attente du Bundestag Le travail entre les étatiques français et allemands a été bien fait (tout est parfaitement équilibré dans le programme entre la France et l'Allemagne) et plutôt rapidement. D'autant que le contrat a été déjà signé en décembre par les industriels, qui se sont mis d'accord sur le devis. Un contrat qui sera mis en vigueur bien évidemment sous réserve d'acceptation du Bundestag. Quel est ce dossier qui va passer mercredi au grill des parlementaires allemands ? C'est un contrat de R&T de 155 millions d'euros (soit 148 millions pour la tranche ferme et 7 millions pour la tranche optionnelle), financé à parité par la France et l'Allemagne (77,5 millions d'euros chacun) et d'une durée de 18 mois. Ce contrat porte sur l'ensemble des cinq piliers du programme (avion, moteur, combat collaboratif connecté, drones et coordination du programme). Il doit faire travailler les industriels ensemble sur les technologies ainsi que sur leur maturation avec l'ambition de développer des démonstrateurs à l'horizon de 2026. Deux dossiers du SCAF (capteurs et furtivité) ont été remis à plus tard. Un premier contrat dit d'études de concept de 65 millions d'euros financé à parité avait signé en janvier 2019 avec une tranche ferme et une tranche optionnelle qui a été affermie fin octobre. Vers un contrat de démonstrateurs Ce premier contrat de R&T doit logiquement amener les industriels vers un deuxième contrat plus ambitieux, qui reste encore à définir par la France et l'Allemagne. Il doit être signé entre mi-21 et mi-22 et permettra avec des financements plus importants d'aller encore plus loin dans les travaux communs en vue de réaliser des démonstrateurs, dont notamment l'avion, le moteur, les drones et le combat collaboratif connecté. "Il y aura une stratégie complète de démonstration", souligne-t-on à La Tribune. Le montant de ce futur contrat devrait s'élever à plus de 1 milliard d'euros au moins. Tout dépendra si la phase de démonstration est saucissonnée en plusieurs tranches comme le voudrait le Bundestag afin de contrôler au plus serré le programme SCAF et donc peser sur le discussions entre la France et l'Allemagne. Au total, l'Allemagne et la France devront mettre plusieurs milliards d'euros. Et là, le programme deviendra irréversible, ce qui affaiblira le pouvoir de nuisance du Bundestag. Mais d'ici là, la course de haies va se poursuivre pour les Français face aux Allemands, qui n'auront de cesse de vouloir se renforcer et acquérir des compétences qu'ils n'ont pas pour devenir la première industrie aérospatiale européenne. https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/le-premier-contrat-de-r-t-du-scaf-avion-de-combat-du-futur-passe-au-grill-du-bundestag-839400.html


    28 septembre 2018 | International, Terrestre


    Lockheed Martin to upgrade nearly 500 simulators at dozens of locations worldwide ORLANDO, Fla., Sept. 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Army selected Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) to upgrade nearly 500 simulators for the service's tactical vehicle fleet at dozens of locations worldwide. The Close Combat Tactical Training (CCTT) Manned Module Modernization (M3) contract, worth up to $356 million, modernizes training while increasing sustainability in support of emerging Army training requirements and systems. The CCTT M3 system integrates all facets of combat vehicle operations, immersing soldiers in real-world battle scenarios through computer-based simulations. Through CCTT M3, Abrams, Bradley and Reconfigurable Vehicle Simulator (RVS) upgrades ensure simulators remain concurrent with the vehicles in the field, with modernization and support in place for the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle and other emerging Army ground vehicle platforms. Modernizing these systems improves sustainability and cybersecurity, preparing the system for future Army simulation architectures. "Lockheed Martin is honored to continue providing the U.S. Army with an affordable complement to live training through the CCTT M3 program," said Tom Gordon, vice president of Training and Simulation Solutions at Lockheed Martin. "We look forward to enabling soldier readiness through the program's design, production and fielding of concurrency and modernization upgrades." Lockheed Martin partners with two small businesses on this work – AVT Simulation and Dignitas Technologies, both in Orlando, Florida. Together, the integrated team brings the most experienced system architecture and visual system experts together to accomplish the CCTT M3 development, production and fielding requirements for the U.S. Army. Since 1992, Lockheed Martin has developed and delivered nearly 500 CCTT systems. Earlier this year, Lockheed Martin was awarded a seven-year, $3.53 billion contract to globally sustain more than 300,000 fielded Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS), which includes the CCTT M3 system. For additional information, visit www.lockheedmartin.com/training. About Lockheed Martin Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 100,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. This year the company received three Edison Awards for ground-breaking innovations in autonomy, satellite technology and directed energy. About AVT Simulation Orlando-based Applied Visual Technology (AVT) Simulation is a Small Minority Owned Disadvantaged modeling and simulation company that provides end-to-end systems integration and engineering services for the DoD. As a recognized top 100 simulation and training company, they are the Prime contractor for multiple US Army programs and develop reconfigurable rotary wing collective trainers and Apache Gunnery Trainers for US and international customers. About Dignitas Technologies Dignitas Technologies, LLC, a Certified Woman-Owned Small Business, founded in 2004, is providing system and software engineering services for the modeling and simulation community with a mission to shape the future of simulation with innovative technology. Dignitas leads several Small Business Innovation Research projects and supports a wide range of large and small programs spanning the Live, Virtual, and Constructive domains across a diverse customer set. Dignitas has extensive experience and successful past performance in the development of key simulation systems and provides expertise in management, research, engineering, and programming. SOURCE Lockheed Martin https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2018-09-27-U-S-Army-Modernization-Contract-Enables-Soldier-Readiness

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