4 novembre 2021 | International, Aérospatial

National Reconnaissance Office wants satellite imagery from commercial providers

A new request for proposals will govern the agency's new commercial imagery contracts.


Sur le même sujet

  • Fonds européen de défense : 100 millions d'euros pour l'eurodrone

    26 mars 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Fonds européen de défense : 100 millions d'euros pour l'eurodrone

    Par Justine BOQUET La Commission Européenne a annoncé qu'un budget global de 525 millions d'euros avait été débloqué au titre du fonds européen de Défense, dont 100 millions devraient être attribués pour le programme Eurodrone. La Commission Européenne a détaillé le 19 mars la répartition du budget du fonds européen de défense pour la période 2019-2020. Un budget initial de 500 millions d'euros a ainsi été approuvé. A cela s'ajoute « un montant supplémentaire de 25 millions d'euros [qui] a été affecté à l'appui aux projets de recherche collaboratifs dans le domaine de la défense en 2019 », rapporte la Commission Européenne. Deux projets ont d'ores et déjà été sélectionnés, lesquels bénéficieront d'un soutien financier émanant du FED. Parmi eux, figure l'eurodrone. Le drone male européen, développé par Airbus, Dassault et Leonardo, obtient ainsi un financement de 100 millions d'euros. Le programme de communications militaires ESSOR hérite lui d'une enveloppe de 37 millions d'euros. L'institution a par la même détaillé les domaines qui devraient hériter d'un financement, dans le but de soutenir la BITD européenne et pour permettre aux Etats Membres de se doter d'équipements leur permettant d'assurer leur sécurité. « L'accent sera mis sur des domaines tels que la technologie des drones, la communication par satellite, les systèmes d'alerte rapide, l'intelligence artificielle, la cyberdéfense ou la surveillance maritime », précise la Commission. Afin de sélectionner les programmes qui bénéficieront d'un soutien européen, l'Union Européenne réalisera un appel à propositions pour 21 projets sur la période 2019-2020. Parmi les axes technologiques soutenus par la Commission Européenne, on retrouve la prévention des menaces NRBC et le domaine de l'anti-drones, volet qui hérite d'un montant de 80 M€. La cybersécurité, la cyberdéfense, la surveillance de l'espace, les capacités d'alerte rapide et de surveillance maritime bénéficieront d'une enveloppe globale de 182 M€. « 71 millions d'euros soutiendront la mise à niveau ou le développement de la prochaine génération de capacités de frappe de précision au sol, de capacités de combat au sol, de capacités de lutte aérienne et de futurs systèmes navals », ajoute la Commission Européenne. Pour soutenir le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle, de la réalité virtuelle et des cybertechnologies, l'Union Européenne débloquera une enveloppe de 27 millions d'euros, laquelle permettra par ailleurs d'appuyer les PME dans la conduite de leurs projets. http://www.air-cosmos.com/fonds-europeen-de-defense-100-millions-d-euros-pour-l-eurodrone-121705

  • Pentagon’s central AI office wants to standardize its acquisition process

    2 septembre 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Pentagon’s central AI office wants to standardize its acquisition process

    Andrew Eversden WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's top artificial intelligence office released a request for information Aug. 28 outlining interest in establishing a new acquisition approach for standardizing the development and procurement process for AI tools. According to the solicitation, the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center is “considering” starting a competition for a 501(c) nonprofit manager or managers of its prototype “Artificial Intelligence Acquisition Business Model” that looks to use other transaction authorities to more quickly purchase AI products. The JAIC's prototype business model could deliver “AI capabilities through meaningful market research/front-end collaboration and optimal teaming arrangements of both traditional and non-traditional companies for AI product procurement,” the RFI said. If the plan moves forward, the JAIC would also “explore the possibilities of using the model to enable agile AI acquisition processes to the DoD at scale.” The JAIC is the Defense Department's main hub for artificial intelligence and is responsible for increasing adoption of AI across the department. It works with the services and combatant commands to develop AI tools that have practical use. To meet the military's needs, the JAIC uses the traditional government contracting process, known as Federal Acquisition Regulation-based contracts, and works with the General Services Administration, the Defense Information Systems Agency and the Defense Innovation Unit. The traditional acquisition strategy currently being used is unlikely sufficient enough to help the JAIC carry out its mission, the RFI stated. “To scale this strategy to other DoD service requirements or respond to emergent requirements such as COVID-19 is challenging and may not be the most efficient use of acquisition tools,” the RFI read. “The JAIC will therefore prototype a new AI Acquisition Business Model to assess the potential for non-FAR-based contracts mixed with FAR-based contracts to meet JAIC requirements.” JAIC's goals are to streamline awards while maintaining flexibility between FAR and non-FAR awards, and to maximize competition while minimizing restrictions, the RFI explained. The JAIC recently awarded major contracts through DISA and GSA. In May, it awarded a five-year contract with an $800 million ceiling to Booz Allen Hamilton through the GSA for its new joint war-fighting national mission initiative, though JAIC officials have continuously noted that the value of the contract won't hit $800 million. https://www.c4isrnet.com/artificial-intelligence/2020/09/01/pentagons-central-ai-office-wants-to-standardize-its-acquisition-process/

  • Italian government praise for F-35 shows early doubts waning

    21 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Italian government praise for F-35 shows early doubts waning

    By: Tom Kington ROME – Italy's populist government has given its clearest sign yet that it is firmly backing the F-35, following early pledges to scrap the program by the Five Star party, one of two parties making up Rome's governing coalition. “It is obvious we cannot deprive our Air Force of a great air capability that puts us ahead of many other countries,” said junior defense minister Angelo Tofalo during a speech in Italy's parliament this week. Tofalo is a member of the Five Star party, which formed a governing coalition in June this year with the League party after courting votes with its condemnation of the fighter program. Last year, the party said it would cancel Italy's plans to buy 131 aircraft. Since taking office, the new government's defense minister Elisabetta Trenta — who was tapped for office by the Five Star party — has said the government will consider slowing down orders, rather than cancelling the program. Last month, a government source told Defense News Italy would buy six or seven aircraft in the next five years instead of the previous plan to buy around ten. Tofolo's statement took the positive appraisal of the F-35 one step further. “We have talked about the F-35 for many years in Italy, often in a distorted way, whereas you often need to really know and evaluate information,” he said. “The F-35 program is now moving, and is 20 years old, and contrary to what is often said it is an aircraft which surely has the benefit of optimum technology, maybe the best in the world at this time,” he added. Italy has so far taken delivery of 10 F-35As and one F-35B, which were assembled at the country's final assembly line in Cameri, northern Italy. The Italian aircraft based at Amendola air base have totalled 2,000 flying hours, and in a first for Europe the fledgeling fleet were given Initial Operating Capability status on Nov. 30. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/12/20/italian-government-praise-for-f-35-shows-early-doubts-waning

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