12 mars 2024 | International, Terrestre

Leonardo seeks central role in EU defence strategy

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  • Budgets Défense : les doutes du député Cornut-Gentille

    15 octobre 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Terrestre

    Budgets Défense : les doutes du député Cornut-Gentille

    Jean-Marc Tanguy Le député de la Haute-Marne, rapporteur spécial pour la défense à la Commission des finances de l'Assemblée Nationale a, une fois de plus, transmis ses doutes sur le projet de loi de finances (PLF) 2021. Surcoûts Opex Le député (LR) de la Haute-Marne, rapporteur spécial pour la défense à la Commission des finances de l'Assemblée Nationale, a une fois de plus transmis ses doutes, ce 13 octobre, sur la fin de gestion 2020, et le projet de loi de finances (PLF) 2021, qui sera étudié en première lecture dans l'hémicycle à la fin du mois. François Cornut-Gentille estime que la « fin de gestion 2020 sera compliquée comme tous les ans, mais un peu plus en 2020 » du fait de l'augmentation des surcoûts Opex liés aux 600 personnels déployés en plus à Barkhane (mais aussi aux pertes en matériels), aux opérations Résilience et Amitié. Ainsi, le niveau pourrait atteindre 1,6 Md€, estime l'élu. Dassault Rafale pour la Grèce Auparavant, le ministère des Armées trouvait des ressources pour financer ces surcoûts : les montants non dépensés du titre 2 par exemple, mais le député estime que la totalité des fonds du T2 seront dépensés cette année. Le report de charge, qui aurait dû se réduire dans le cours de la LPM, progresse, constate François Cornut-Gentille, et pourrait atteindre 15 à 16 %. Le député se félicite aussi des annonces grecques sur le Dassault Rafale, « une bonne nouvelle pour les exportations et pour Dassault Aviation » mais il s'inquiète comme beaucoup des conséquences du prélèvement des 12 Dassault Rafale dans l'Armée de l'Air. Et du fait qu'il va falloir inscrire environ un milliard d'euros non prévus en LPM au chapitre des dépenses. Certes, la Grèce va payer pour les appareils d'occasion (sur lesquels en sus il faudra enlever des équipements/ndlr), mais moins que pour des avions neufs. Definvest pas à la hauteur ? Et la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, elle-même reconnaissait en commission il y a peu qu'elle n'était pas sûre de récupérer le produit de cette vente même si elle entend obtenir gain de cause avec Bercy. Le niveau du reste à payer, les engagements non couverts par des paiements, atteint les 72,7 MdEUR à la fin 2019, un plus haut historique depuis 2006 au moins. François Cornut Gentille veut aussi dynamiser la logique de Definvest, qui n'a réalisé « que huit opérations » et « n'est pas à la hauteur des enjeux ». Photonis n'a pas été suffisamment protégé, constate-t-il. Enfin, il a déploré l'absence de réponses du ministère des Armées à ses 150 questions budgétaires posées en juillet en vue du PLF2021, ou des réponses trop tardives : 50 sont arrivées au courrier ce samedi. D'autres réponses, enfin, sont accompagnées d'une demande de discrétion, alors qu'elles figurent par ailleurs... en source ouverte, dans d'autres documents budgétaires. https://www.air-cosmos.com/article/budgets-dfense-les-doutes-du-dput-cornut-gentille-23737

  • State, DoD Letter Warns European Union to Open Defense Contracts, Or Else

    22 mai 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    State, DoD Letter Warns European Union to Open Defense Contracts, Or Else

    By PAUL MCLEARY Europe has bristled at a letter sent to the EU from the Pentagon and State Department, which says proposed EU defense programs are unfair to the US defense industry. WASHINGTON: Pentagon and State Department officials have told the European Union they're “deeply concerned” over plans to potentially exclude US defense firms from competing for billions worth of new arms deals, suggesting the US could slap restrictions on buying European defense equipment in retaliation. At issue is the proposed $14 billion European Defence Fund, and a host of procurement programs under the the Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO, the European economic alliance is undertaking. While the May 1 letter from Ellen Lord, Pentagon procurement chief, and Andrea Thompson, State's undersecretary for arms control and international security, expressed general support for the EU initiatives, it made clear the US would like to see significant changes in the draft language before the 28-country bloc votes on them as early as next month. The language in both documents, the US argues, feature intellectual property and export control restrictions that would act as “poison pills” to “effectively preclude participation by any company that uses U.S.-origin technology.” Overall, Lord and Thompson write, the conditions outlined in the EDF and PESCO documents “represent a dramatic reversal of the last three decades of increased integration of the transatlantic defense sector.” If the restrictions are kept in place, the US officials warn, “it is clear that similar reciprocally imposed U.S. restrictions would not be welcomed by our European partners and Allies, and we would not relish having to consider them in the future.” But EU officials defended their efforts this week. Asked about the US letter, an EU spokesperson replied in an email that the EDF and PESCO will “complement and strengthen NATO,” at a time in which the Trump administration has made that a key policy goal, and “enable Europe to shoulder its fair share of the burden and responsibility for global security.” But it's clear the letter has rankled the Europeans. “The EU has an open and competitive defense procurement framework, in fact more so than the US procurement market,” the spokesperson wrote. “In the EU, there is no ‘Buy European Act.' 81 percent of the total value of international defense contracts in Europe go to US firms. The US defense market is three to four times larger than that of the EU, and yet imports from the EU are marginal for the US, while EU imports from the US are significant.” The official said that American companies with subsidiaries in the EU will remain eligible for funding under the EDF subject to security conditions “which are similar – in fact less restrictive – to the ones that EU companies face in the US.” The EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini told reporters Tuesday that PESCO projects aren't meant to be a vehicle to increase transAtlantic ties, and the EU will gladly continue doing business with non-EU defense companies. The program “is not defined to be an instrument for partnership,” she said. “It does not substitute other partnerships, including in the defense industry and research that we have already in place and that are essential for us,” she added. For years, non-NATO countries like Sweden and Finland have drawn closer to NATO and have increased ties with US defense firms while also building their own domestic defense capabilities, though the relationship hasn't always been smooth. While the US government is concerned over US companies being excluded, the PESCO effort has been developed explicitly to bolster the ability of European countries to produce their own weapons systems, cyber capabilities, and surveillance technologies. So-called “third states” — non EU members — may ask to participate in PESCO projects, but all of the member states must vote to allow them in. Lord and Thompson argue that walling-off EU projects from NATO efforts would lead to duplication and waste, while decreasing interoperability between the EU and NATO. It could also “potentially tum the clock back to the sometimes divisive discussions about EU defense initiatives that dominated our exchanges 15 years ago.” In the end, the US letter is just the latest turn in what has been a complex, up and down relationship between the US and Europe under the Trump administration. The president has loudly condemned Washington's closest allies in Europe for not spending enough on their own defense, while threatening to pull out of NATO. At the same time, the US has increased troop levels in Europe and pumped over $11 billion into the European Deterrence Initiative over the past two years, in an effort to upgrade US and allied basing, increase joint exercises, and modernize equipment on the continent to counter the Russian threat. https://breakingdefense.com/2019/05/state-dod-letter-warns-european-union-to-open-defense-contracts-or-else/

  • Saab signs support contract with South Korea for Arthur systems

    30 novembre 2023 | International, Aérospatial

    Saab signs support contract with South Korea for Arthur systems

    Saab will carry out the work with its local support team in South Korea, in cooperation with a team in Gothenburg, Sweden for spare parts supply  and back-office support. http://presscentre@saabgroup.com

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