16 juillet 2020 | Local, Aérospatial


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Sur le même sujet

  • Deal allows Canada to continue operating aging RCAF VIP aircraft in U.S. airspace

    26 décembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Deal allows Canada to continue operating aging RCAF VIP aircraft in U.S. airspace

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Two RCAF Challenger aircraft are too old to be upgraded with the modern systems required to meet new regulations for civilian airspace. Canada has cut a deal with the United States to allow two of the military's aging Challenger jets to continue to operate in American airspace despite not having the required new air traffic control equipment on board. The two Royal Canadian Air Force Challenger aircraft, used for VIP transportation and other military duties, are too old to be upgraded with the modern systems required to meet new flight regulations for civilian airspace. The new rules come into effect for the U.S., Mexico, Columbia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on Jan. 1. For most of Europe, those rules will apply starting June 7. In Canada, the rules are being phased in between Jan. 1, 2021, and Jan. 1, 2023. The aviation rules call for increased reliance on data links, new air traffic control surveillance technologies and satellite-based navigation. The regulatory changes are being implemented worldwide and are commonly referred to as ADS-B. Canada had been in ongoing negotiations with the U.S. government and its Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) over the continued use of the Challengers in U.S. airspace. &ldquo;The RCAF has confirmed with the United States Department of Defense and the FAA that we will continue to operate our aircraft in U.S. airspace under a Memorandum of Understanding,&rdquo; Department of National Defence spokesman Dan Le Bouthillier said. &ldquo;This interim measure will allow the RCAF to continue operating its Challenger aircraft in U.S. airspace with established processes and is a reflection of our strong relationship with our American partners.&rdquo; The memorandum covers a five-year period. &ldquo;Since two of our Challenger aircraft are not ADS-B compliant, they may still be subject to suboptimal flight routings in parts of the U.S., depending on location, density of air traffic and other factors,&rdquo; Le Bouthillier added. That could mean, for instance, that the Canadian aircraft might need to be rerouted or take a different flight path if the level of air traffic in an area is high. The RCAF operates four Challenger jets, with the two more modern aircraft already outfitted with the new equipment. The Liberal government has been reluctant to buy new aircraft since it is expected Conservative MPs will try to score political points about planes being purchased for VIPs such as the prime minister before new fighter jets are bought for the RCAF. When the Liberals were in opposition, they criticized the Conservative government's use of VIP aircraft. Some within the RCAF support either replacing the two older Challenger jets or purchasing a new fleet of four aircraft, noting the planes are also used for military missions such as medical transportation of injured personnel. The older Challenger planes are not the only aircraft in the VIP fleet that have faced problems. The RCAF's specialized VIP aircraft used by the prime minister won't be flying until August 2020 because of an accident this fall. On Oct. 19, while being towed into a hangar at 8 Wing Trenton by contracted maintenance personnel, the Polaris aircraft was significantly damaged when it rolled into the back wall of a hangar. Engineering teams from Airbus, the original manufacturer of the aircraft, and General Electric, which made the engines, assessed the damages and have provided an initial repair plan. &ldquo;We do not have sufficient detail about potential costs, or the attribution of those costs, to provide any detail at this time,&rdquo; RCAF spokesman Lt.-Col. Steve Neta stated in an earlier email. Neta said the RCAF was confident it could meet travel needs of the prime minister and other VIPs. The RCAF has other aircraft that can be used for VIP transport, including other Polaris planes and as the CC-144 Challenger fleet, depending on the requirements, Neta added. In early December, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used another Polaris aircraft to fly to a NATO summit in the United Kingdom. After that plane arrived, though, problems were discovered in one engine and the aircraft was deemed temporarily &ldquo;unserviceable&rdquo; while it was repaired. Another RCAF Polaris, which had taken Governor General Julie Payette to Europe for a tour, was instead used to transpot Trudeau and government officials back to Canada. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/deal-allows-canada-to-continue-operating-aging-rcaf-vip-aircraft-in-u-s-airspace

  • Leadersphère 2022

    29 septembre 2022 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Leadersphère 2022

    Le 29 septembre 2022 &ndash; Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc &ndash; Défense nationale / Forces armées canadiennes Les médias sont conviés au colloque Leadersphère 2022, qui se tiendra le 4 octobre prochain au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR Saint-Jean). Le thème de cette édition est « Analyser, décider, agir : Répondre aux défis de sécurité contemporains ». Quels sont les défis auxquels sera confronté le leadership canadien dans l'environnement international? Comment penser un monde en mouvement? Leadersphère 2022 s'articule en trois panels autour des points clés du processus de prise de décision stratégique. Chercheur(-euse)s, ambassadeur(-drice)s, politicien(-ne)s, dirigeant(e)s d'entreprise, militaires seront donc réunis autour d'une même table pour penser le monde de demain. Nous retrouvons parmi les panélistes Dre Caroline Quach-Than, Laure Waridel et Megan MacKenzie, mais aussi l'Ambassadrice Jacqueline O'Neill, la Brigadière-générale Krista Brodie, Madeleine Redfern de CanArctic Inuit Networks Inc. et Martine Saint-Victor de Edelman Canada. Quoi : Colloque Leadersphère 2022 - Analyser, Decider, Agir : Répondre aux défis de sécurité contemporains Quand : 8 h 30 à 17 h 45, le mardi 4 octobre 2022 Où : Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, 15 boul. Jacques-Cartier Nord, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Québec) J3B 8R8 Note au rédacteur en chef / chefs des nouvelles Les représentants des médias sont priés de confirmer leur présence avant 16 h, le lundi 3 octobre, en communiquant avec capitaine Rachel Lefebvre, officier des affaires publiques du CMR Saint-Jean, au 450-358-6777, poste 5733, ou à rachel.lefebvre@forces.gc.ca. Liens connexes Leadersphère 2022 Personnes-ressources Capitaine Rachel Lefebvre Officier des affaires publiques Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean Téléphone : 450-358-6777, poste 5733 Courriel : rachel.lefebvre@forces.gc.ca https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/nouvelles/2022/09/leadersphere-2022.html

  • New DND strategy warns Canadian military's approach to artificial intelligence 'fragmented' | CBC News

    29 juillet 2024 | Local, C4ISR

    New DND strategy warns Canadian military's approach to artificial intelligence 'fragmented' | CBC News

    A new artificial intelligence strategy penned by Canada’s Department of National Defence warns that the military’s approach to utilizing AI is disjointed. Experts in high-tech and civil society say the federal government needs to get its act together quickly.

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