21 octobre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

Le commandement de l'Espace sera installé à Toulouse

La ministre de la Défense a indiqué dimanche que le commandement militaire de l'Espace, dont la création a été annoncée la veille par le président de la République, sera située à Toulouse. Elle a également précisé les premiers moyens qui seront alloués à cette nouvelle branche militaire.

Le commandement militaire de l'espace dont le président Emmanuel Macron vient d'annoncer la création sera implanté à Toulouse, a affirmé dimanche la ministre des Armées Florence Parly sur France Inter.

Ce grand commandement "va se localiser à Toulouse, qui est le grand lieu de l'espace francais", a-t-elle détaillé au lendemain de l'annonce du chef de l'Etat.

"Nous allons rassembler tous les moyens qui sont dispersés dans nos armées et qui contribuent à la bonne utilisation des moyens spatiaux, et créer un commandement de l'espace", qui "va commencer par environ 200 personnes puis va monter en puissance au fil du temps", a souligné la ministre.

Espionnage, brouillage, cyberattaques, armes antisatellites... L'espace, indispensable aux opérations militaires, est devenu un champ de confrontation entre nations, mettant la France au défi de muscler ses capacités dans ce thé'tre hautement stratégique et de plus en plus militarisé.

Les plus grandes puissances spatiales mondiales -- Etats-Unis, Chine et Russie -- sont engagées depuis plusieurs années dans une course pour la domination de l'espace.

Un budget de 3,6 milliards d'euros

La Loi de programmation militaire française (LPM) 2019-2025 prévoit un budget de 3,6 milliards d'euros pour le spatial de défense. Il doit notamment permettre de financer le renouvellement des satellites français d'observation CSO et de communication (Syracuse), de lancer en orbite trois satellites d'écoute électromagnétique (CERES) et de moderniser le radar de surveillance spatiale GRAVES.

Ce que nous avons constaté, c'est que l'espace est devenu un espace de conflictualité", a expliqué Mme Parly. "Il y a 1.500 satellites autour de la Terre, il y en aura 7.000 dans dix ans, et ces satellites sont de plus en plus considérés comme des objets qui peuvent être espionnés ou modifiés."

"Il ne faut pas être naïf, il faut pouvoir protéger ce qui est vital pour le fonctionnement de nos systèmes de transport, nos systèmes aériens, nos hôpitaux (...) et ce qui est essentiel au bon fonctionnement de nos forces (armées, ndr)", a-t-elle conclu, en promettant de donner plus de détails "dans une dizaine de jours" sur la stratégie française dans le spatial militaire.


Sur le même sujet

  • Air Force to Add 12 Weapons Systems for AI/ML-Informed Predictive Maintenance This Year

    14 juillet 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Air Force to Add 12 Weapons Systems for AI/ML-Informed Predictive Maintenance This Year

    The U.S. Air Force is to add a dozen weapons systems to its Enhanced Reliability Centered Maintenance (ERCM) model that employs artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) for predictive maintenance. Those systems are the Boeing [BA] F-15 fighter, B-52 bomber, RC-135 reconnaissance plane, C-17 transport, and A-10 Thunderbolt II close air support aircraft, the Lockheed Martin [LMT] AC/MC-130 gunships, F-16 fighter, and HH-60 helicopter, the Bell [TXT] and Boeing CV-22 tiltrotor, the Northrop Grumman [NOC] RQ-4 Global Hawk and the General Atomics‘ MQ-9 Reaper. “We have a couple of different initiatives under what we would call the umbrella of predictive maintenance,” Air Force Lt. Gen. Warren Berry, the service's deputy chief of staff for logistics, engineering and force protection, said during a July 9 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies' Aerospace Nation virtual discussion. “One is Condition Based Maintenance Plus [CBM+]. We have three weapons systems in there right now: the C-5, the KC-135, and the B-1. They've been doing it for about 18 to 24 months now, and we're starting to get some real return on what it is that the CBM+ is offering us. The other element is called Enhanced Reliability Centered Maintenance [ERCM], which is really laying that artificial intelligence and machine learning on top of the maintenance information system data that we have today and understanding failure rates and understanding mission characteristics of the aircraft and how they fail, and then laying that into the algorithms that then tell us when parts are likely to fail based on failure rates and the algorithms we plug in.” “We're in the process of adding another 12 weapons systems under the ERCM umbrella this calendar year,” Berry said. Defense Daily has asked Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) for the names of the 12 systems. AI/ML is to assume a significant role in predictive maintenance for the 11 combatant commands (COCOMs). In April last year, the Pentagon said that the new Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) had delivered its first product, a predictive Engine Health Model (EHM) maintenance tool for Sikorsky [LMT] Black Hawk helicopters, to U.S. Special Operations Command's 160th Special Operations Regiment (SOAR) for use with SOAR's MH-60 helicopters. JAIC said that its Joint Logistics Mission Initiative (MI), one of six JAIC AI projects, is working “to develop a repeatable, end-to-end AI ecosystem” to bring EHM to scale across the Black Hawk fleet. EHM, developed in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, “predicts the probability of an engine hot start so decision-makers can consider next steps,” including replacing the engine or holding it back for training missions instead of deployments in high-risk missions, Army Col. Kenneth Kliethermes, JAIC's Joint Logistics MI lead, said in a recent JAIC blog post. Another JAIC mission initiative, the Joint Warfighting MI, “is working with several COCOMs to build, test, and expand its Smart Sensor, a video processing AI prototype that rides on unmanned aerial vehicles and is trained to identify threats and immediately transmit the video of those threats back to manned computer stations for real-time analysis,” according to the JAIC blog post. Army Col. Bradley Boyd, the lead for the Joint Warfighting MI, said that the Smart Sensor could lead to “a dramatic reduction in the amount of data that has to be pushed back for a human to cull through.” “Instead of staring at one video feed and hours and hours of trees and rocks and nothing happening, that person can instead be monitoring 10 video feeds because they are only seeing the stuff that really matters,” Boyd said in the JAIC blog post. https://www.defensedaily.com/air-force-add-12-weapons-systems-ai-ml-informed-predictive-maintenance-year/army/

  • US Air Force picks same bomb-destroying robot used by the British Army

    22 septembre 2021 | International, Terrestre

    US Air Force picks same bomb-destroying robot used by the British Army

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  • Chinese threats means the Pentagon needs new C4ISR systems

    30 janvier 2020 | International, C4ISR

    Chinese threats means the Pentagon needs new C4ISR systems

    By: Chiara Vercellone For the United States to meet the goals laid out in the National Defense Strategy, especially in Asia, and to realize President Donald Trump's vision of an open Indo-Pacific, the Department of Defense's battlefield technology must undergo significant changes, according to a Center for a New American Security report released Jan. 28. The report, an independent assessment mandated by Congress in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, proposed the revamping of C4ISR systems as they remain “brittle in the face of Chinese cyberattacks, electronic warfare and long-range strikes.” The Pentagon's C4ISR capabilities have fallen behind technologically, as they were developed “in an era when competitors or adversaries could not attack U.S. assets in space or at long ranges,” the report found. At the same time, a 2019 Department of Defense's report on China's military and security developments found that country has prioritized military capabilities with disruptive potential, including hypersonic weapons, counterspace capabilities, artificial intelligence and C4ISR advanced robotics. Thus far, the Department of Defense has been able to develop countermeasures against China's abilities, said Chris Dougherty, a senior fellow at CNAS and one of the authors of the report. “As the threat continues to get more sophisticated, these [countermeasures] will likely lose their effectiveness,” Dougherty said. “This necessitates building a new architecture that is designed around resiliency, kill webs, and graceful degradation.” While under attack, U.S. systems sometimes fail to have any connectivity and have sporadic dial-up speeds. Instead, they should still have some level of communication even while the attack is going on, even if this means at lower bandwidths. To strengthen its systems, the report recommended, the U.S. military should develop space capabilities resistant to kinetic attacks, synthetic training environments for U.S. forces to practice C4ISR operations, systems that can transmit data via multiple pathways and surveillance systems that can avoid being detected. A recent project by RAND found that, while the Department of Defense maintains an advantage in airspace penetration capabilities, it remains vulnerable to air base attacks and Chinese anti-surface warfare. An initial system with these developments could be in place in the next decade if the Department of Defense and armed services create a basic system and improve it over time, Dougherty said. “If, as we have done in the past, we wait around for a ‘perfect' set of requirements to develop an ‘objective' future system, we could see this take 15-20 years, at which point China will likely have far surpassed us in this competition,” he said. https://www.c4isrnet.com/newsletters/daily-brief/2020/01/29/chinese-threats-means-the-pentagon-needs-new-c4isr-systems/

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