23 juillet 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

Le Canada annonce la prochaine étape dans le cadre du processus concurrentiel d'acquisition de chasseurs

GATINEAU, QC, le 23 juill. 2019 /CNW/ - Le Canada s'assure que les membres des Forces armées canadiennes disposent de l'équipement dont ils ont besoin pour faire leur travail.

Dans le cadre de sa Politique de défense « Protection, Sécurité, Engagement », le gouvernement fera l'acquisition de 88 chasseurs évolués pour fournir la capacité dont les Forces armées canadiennes ont besoin et pour assurer la sûreté et la sécurité des Canadiennes et des Canadiens et respecter ses obligations internationales.

Il s'agit du plus important investissement dans l'Aviation royale canadienne en plus de 30 ans. Gr'ce à cet investissement, le gouvernement livrera les avions qui répondent aux besoins du Canada, tout en assurant un bon rapport qualité-prix pour la population canadienne. Cet investissement appuiera la croissance de la main-d'œuvre hautement spécialisée du Canada dans les industries de l'aérospatiale et de la défense pour les décennies à venir, d'un océan à l'autre.

Aujourd'hui, le gouvernement du Canada a franchi une étape importante. À la suite d'une vaste mobilisation de l'industrie et des fournisseurs admissibles au cours des 18 derniers mois, la demande de propositions officielle a été remise aux fournisseurs admissibles.

Les fournisseurs ci-après ont jusqu'au printemps 2020 pour présenter leurs propositions initiales au Canada :

  • Suède--SAAB AB (publ) -- Aeronautics
  • Royaume-Uni et Irlande du Nord -- Airbus Defense and Space GmbH (avec MBDA UK Limited, L3 Technologies MAS et CAE Canada)
  • États-Unis--Lockheed Martin Corporation (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company) (avec Pratt and Whitney)
  • États-Unis--The Boeing Company (avec Peraton Canada Corp., CAE Inc., L3 Technologies MAS Inc., GE Canada et Raytheon Canada Limited Services and Support Division)

Le Canada offrira à tous les soumissionnaires deux occasions de démontrer qu'ils peuvent présenter un plan pour répondre aux exigences du Canada en matière de sécurité et d'interopérabilité. L'offre de sécurité doit être soumise à l'automne 2019 et, à la suite des commentaires du Canada, les soumissionnaires pourront modifier et soumettre à nouveau cette offre dans le cadre de la proposition initiale au printemps 2020.

Les soumissionnaires auront également l'occasion de combler les lacunes de leurs propositions en ce qui concerne les critères obligatoires. Plutôt que d'être rejetés d'emblée parce qu'ils ne satisfont pas aux exigences obligatoires, les soumissionnaires recevront une rétroaction du Canada afin qu'ils puissent corriger les aspects non conformes. Cette approche a déjà été utilisée dans le cadre d'autres grands approvisionnements fédéraux et s'est avérée efficace pour maintenir un niveau élevé de concurrence.

Tous les soumissionnaires seront assujettis aux mêmes critères d'évaluation, et les propositions seront évaluées rigoureusement en fonction des exigences de mérite technique (60 %), des coûts (20 %) et des retombées économiques (20 %). Dans le cadre de cet approvisionnement, on attribue l'une des pondérations les plus élevées aux retombées économiques pour le Canada dans l'histoire du pays. Tous les fournisseurs seront tenus de présenter un plan sur des retombées économiques correspondant à la valeur du contrat proposé; les points maximums étant accordés uniquement aux fournisseurs proposant des garanties contractuelles.

Ce processus concurrentiel ouvert et transparent est observé par un surveillant de l'équité indépendant afin d'assurer des règles du jeu équitables pour tous les soumissionnaires éventuels. Le rapport provisoire du surveillant de l'équité sur le processus de qualification et de mobilisation des fournisseurs a révélé que les activités étaient menées de façon équitable.

Le surveillant de l'équité a fait la déclaration suivante à Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada :

« En tant que surveillant de l'équité du Projet de capacité future en matière d'avions chasseurs, nous avons supervisé le projet durant toute l'étape de qualification et de mobilisation, y compris l'élaboration de la demande de propositions, et nous n'avons relevé aucune lacune en matière d'équité. Nous sommes d'avis que le processus a été mené de façon équitable. Les décisions ont été prises objectivement et sans favoritisme personnel ni influence indue, et le processus englobaient les éléments d'ouverture, de compétitivité, de transparence et de conformité. »

L'évaluation des propositions, y compris des propositions révisées, devrait permettre de sélectionner un soumissionnaire au début de 2022. La livraison du premier aéronef est prévue dès 2025.

Le gouvernement du Canada continuera de faire progresser ce projet important pour assurer la sécurité de la population canadienne au cours des prochaines décennies.


« Notre gouvernement tient sa promesse de remplacer la flotte d'avions chausseurs du Canada au moyen d'un processus concurrentiel ouvert et transparent. Aujourd'hui, on franchit une étape importante dans le cadre du processus qui fournira aux femmes et aux hommes de l'Aviation royale canadienne les aéronefs dont ils ont besoin pour assurer la sûreté et la sécurité des Canadiens, au juste prix et dans le plus grand intérêt économique du Canada. »

L'honorable Carla Qualtrough
Ministre des Services publics et de l'Approvisionnement et de l'Accessibilité

« L'acquisition de la future flotte de 88 chasseurs est une étape essentielle que notre gouvernement s'est engagé à mener à bien dans la politique Protection, Sécurité, Engagement. Gr'ce à cet investissement, l'Aviation royale canadienne aura le nécessaire pour protéger la population canadienne. Il est essentiel que nous obtenions le bon équipement qui servira nos femmes et nos hommes en uniforme pour les décennies à venir. »

L'honorable Harjit S. Sajjan
Ministre de la Défense nationale

« Des retombées économiques concrètes et durables pour les Canadiens sont une priorité de ce projet. Il s'agit d'une occasion unique de soutenir la croissance de la main-d'œuvre hautement spécialisée du Canada dans les industries de l'aérospatiale et de la défense. Nous sommes persuadés que les Canadiens profiteront pleinement de ce processus d'approvisionnement gr'ce aux investissements, à la recherche et au développement ainsi qu'à de bons emplois pour les décennies à venir. »

L'honorable Navdeep Bains
Ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique

Les faits en bref

  • Depuis le lancement de ce processus en décembre 2017, le gouvernement du Canada a consulté de façon soutenue les industries canadiennes de l'aérospatiale et de la défense afin que celles-ci soient bien positionnées pour participer à ce processus d'approvisionnement.
  • L'attribution du contrat est prévue pour le début de 2022, et la livraison du premier avion de remplacement est attendue dès 2025.
  • La transition vers une nouvelle flotte de chasseurs exigera le maintien en activité des CF-18 actuels jusqu'à ce que la nouvelle flotte atteigne sa pleine capacité opérationnelle.
  • L'intégration de chasseurs australiens additionnels aide à garantir que les Forces armées canadiennes ont l'équipement nécessaire pour continuer de remplir leurs missions et obligations internationales.

Liens connexes

Projet de capacité future en matière d'avions de chasse

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SOURCE Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada

Renseignements: Marielle Hossack, Attachée de presse, Cabinet de l'honorable Carla Qualtrough, 819-997-5421; Relations avec les médias, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 819-420-5501, media@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca

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  • Why can't Ottawa get military procurement right?

    30 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Why can't Ottawa get military procurement right?

    Murray Brewster · CBC News The last couple of weeks may go down in the Trudeau government's public record as the point when the desires of deliverology met the drawbacks of defence procurement. Remember 'deliverology'? That lofty concept — measuring a government's progress in delivering on its promises — was the vogue in policy circles at the beginning of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's administration. While it's sometimes derided as an empty concept, deliverology must have seemed tailor-made for a new government inheriting a troubled defence procurement system. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal's decision Tuesday to step into the brawl over which multinational consortium will design and support the construction of the navy's new frigates is another lesson in how (apologies to Robert Burns) the best laid plans of mice and men go awry. The tribunal's decision to order Ottawa to put the frigate project on hold pending the completion of their probe into a complaint by a failed bidder comes at a politically awkward time for the Liberals. One week ago, Auditor General Michael Ferguson delivered an ugly report on the Liberals' handling of fighter jet procurement — specifically, the plan to buy interim warplanes to cover the gap until the current CF-18 fleet can be replaced with new aircraft. Self-inflicted wounds A cynic's reflex (given the checkered history of defence purchasing over the last decade) might be to consider these two events as just another day at the office for the troubled government procurement system. That might not be entirely fair. Still, experts were saying Wednesday that the government is suffering from numerous self-inflicted political and administrative wounds on this file. With a federal election on the horizon, and in a climate of growing geopolitical instability, the question of what the government has actually managed to deliver on military procurement is an important one to ask, said Rob Huebert, an analyst in strategic studies at the University of Calgary. While the system, as the Trudeau Liberals and previous governments have constructed it, seems to be the perfect model of the "evidence based" policy making promised by the champions of deliverology, it's also not built for speed. Some would suggest the deliverology model was followed to the letter in the design competition now tied up before the trade tribunal and in Federal Court. What seemed like endless consultations with the bidders took two years. The government made up to 88 amendments to the tender. And in the end, the preferred bid was challenged by a competitor that claims not all of the navy's criteria were met. Alion Science and Technology Corp. and its subsidiary, Alion Canada, argue the warship Lockheed Martin Canada and BAE System Inc. want to sell to Ottawa cannot meet the speed requirements set by the tender without a substantial overhaul. It does not, the company claims, meet the government's demand for a proven, largely off-the-shelf design. Michael Armstrong, who teaches at Brock University and holds a doctorate in management science, said the government could have avoided the challenges and accompanying slowdowns had it been more precise in its language. "They could have been more clear and firm when they use the words 'proven design'," he said. "Did they literally mean we won't buy ships unless they're floating in the water? Or did they mean that British one that doesn't quite exist yet is close enough? "If they would have been more firm and said, 'We want a ship that actually exists,' that might have simplified things at this stage." Huebert described the auditor general's report on the purchase of interim fighters as an all-out assault on evidence-based policy making. "It is just so damning," he said. A break with reality The Conservatives have accused the Liberals of avoiding the purchase of the F-35 stealth jet through manufacturing a crisis by claiming the air force doesn't have enough fighters to meet its international commitments. The auditor found that the military could not meet the government's new policy commitment and even ignored advice that one of its proposed solutions — buying brand-new Super Hornets to fill the capability gap —would actually make their problems worse, not better. That statement, said Huebert, suggested a jaw-dropping break with reality on the government's part. "They [the Liberals] were just making things up," he said. It might have been too optimistic to expect the Liberals to fix the system, said Armstrong, given the short four years between elections. But Huebert said Ottawa can't carry on with business as usual — that the government now must deliver on procurement, instead of doubling down on rhetoric. The problem, he said, is that governments haven't really paid a price in the past for botched military procurement projects. There was "no political pain for the agony of the Sea King replacement, as an example," he said, referring to the two-decade long process to retire the air force's maritime helicopters. "The thing that makes me so concerned, even outraged, is that we are heading into a so much more dangerous international environment," said Huebert, citing last weekend's clash between Russia and Ukraine over the Kerch Strait and ongoing tension with Beijing in the South China Sea. "When things get nasty, we have to be ready." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/why-can-t-ottawa-get-military-procurement-right-1.4924800

  • Maxar's Radiant Solutions Awarded $92 Million Small Business Innovation Research Phase III contract by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

    18 octobre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Maxar's Radiant Solutions Awarded $92 Million Small Business Innovation Research Phase III contract by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

    Expands development of machine learning and crowdsourcing capabilities to augment global GEOINT missions HERNDON, VA, Oct. 18, 2018 /CNW/ - Radiant Solutions, a Maxar Technologies company (NYSE: MAXR) (TSX: MAXR), today announced a $92 million contract award on a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract with the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency (NGA) to rapidly develop, prototype, and deploy machine learning and crowdsourcing capabilities to augment a wide variety of NGA missions. NGA exercised the 2019 contract option year and expanded the value over a three year period of performance. The SBIR Phase III program incents commercial firms to apply innovative solutions to pressing national security problems. As outlined in NGA's recently updated commercial GEOINT strategy, the agency is employing a variety of contracting methods to leverage commercial automation capabilities to augment conventional analysis, giving analysts more time to focus on more challenging, mission-critical problems. Through SBIR Phase III awards, the U.S. government can fund logical extensions of SBIR Data and receive a royalty-free license to that technology while protecting commercial industry's ability to make these offerings available to the global marketplace. Radiant Solutions participates in the SBIR Phase III program through its ongoing investment in Signature Analyst™, a predictive modeling engine that applies machine learning to massive amounts of geospatial data to help analysts quickly search broad geographic areas. Since 2006, Radiant Solutions and its subsidiary companies have been awarded eight SBIR Phase III contracts across multiple agencies. Radiant Solutions will advance development of machine learning capabilities, such as its DeepCore Computer Vision SDK and crowdsourcing capabilities, such as Tomnod, to help analysts quickly process large volumes of remote sensing data, understand global patterns of life and enable broad area search. The award also expands support for the NSG Open Mapping Enclave (NOME), a volunteered geographic information operational prototype that enables trusted users on multiple domains to easily create or modify foundation GEOINT to create living maps and enable timely analysis. These capabilities will be available for broad use across the U.S. Government and its global mission partners. "We are excited to expand our SBIR Phase III partnership with NGA and apply commercial innovation in machine learning and crowdsourcing to difficult national security problems," said Tony Frazier, President of Radiant Solutions. "We are fully committed to helping the NGA harness the massive potential of Commercial GEOINT to reveal insights where and when it matters to build a better world." Radiant Solutions has made several recent announcements that reveal how the company is applying Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing to Global GEOINT Missions: Maxar Technologies' Radiant Solutions Awarded Janus Geography Prime Contract by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Maxar Technologies' Radiant Solutions Partners with NGA to Accelerate Innovation in Machine Learning Technologies Applied to Satellite Imagery SpaceNet™ Team Earns the 2018 USGIF Industry Achievement Award The company will be showcasing a number of these capabilities at the NVIDIA GTC DC event Oct. 22-24. About Radiant Solutions Radiant Solutions provides highly specialized, innovative geospatial multisource data, analytics, software, and services to deliver critical insights and intelligence where and when it matters. Poised to transform how customers support global mapping and intelligence missions at scale, Radiant Solutions harnesses the proliferation of pervasive information-gathering sensors, open-source software, cloud computing, machine learning, and big data analytics. Our combined team of over 1,000 sensor and spacecraft engineers, geospatial analysts, developers, data scientists, and DevOps engineers delivers innovative geospatial solutions that keep our nation safe, protect critical infrastructure, and preserve scarce natural resources. Building on the legacy of MDA Information Systems, RadiantBlue, DigitalGlobe Intelligence Solutions, and HumanGeo, the newly combined Radiant Solutions has a strong track record with its advanced capabilities, open approach, and experience supporting missions that helps customers in the GEOINT community reach critical decisions faster and with greater accuracy. Radiant Solutions is based in Herndon, VA with major offices across Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Michigan, and Colorado. Radiant Solutions is a Maxar Technologies company (NYSE: MAXR; TSX: MAXR). For more information visit: www.RadiantSolutions.com. About Maxar As a global leader of advanced space technology solutions, Maxar Technologies (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates) is at the nexus of the new space economy, developing and sustaining the infrastructure and delivering the information, services, systems that unlock the promise of space for commercial and government markets. As a trusted partner, Maxar Technologies provides vertically-integrated capabilities and expertise including satellites, Earth imagery, robotics, geospatial data and analytics to help customers anticipate and address their most complex mission-critical challenges with confidence. With more than 6,500 employees in over 30 global locations, the Maxar Technologies portfolio of commercial space brands includes MDA, SSL, DigitalGlobe and Radiant Solutions. Every day, billions of people rely on Maxar to communicate, share information and data, and deliver insights that Build a Better World. Maxar trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange as MAXR. For more information, visit www.maxar.com. Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements and other information included in this release constitute "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") under applicable securities laws. Statements including words such as "may", "will", "could", "should", "would", "plan", "potential", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate" or "expect" and other words, terms and phrases of similar meaning are often intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements involve estimates, expectations, projections, goals, forecasts, assumptions, risks and uncertainties, as well as other statements referring to or including forward-looking information included in this release. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or expectations expressed in this release. As a result, although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. The risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to, the risk factors and other disclosures about the Company and its business included in the Company's continuous disclosure materials filed from time to time with Canadian and U.S. securities regulatory authorities, which are available online under the Company's SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com, under the Company's EDGAR profile at www.sec.gov or on the Company's website at www.maxar.com. The forward-looking statements contained in this release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. All such forward-looking statements are based upon data available as of the date of this release or other specified date and speak only as of such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this release as a result of new information or future events, except as may be required under applicable securities legislation. Investor Relations Contact Jason Gursky Maxar Technologies 1-303-684-2207 jason.gursky@maxar.com Media Contact Andre Kearns Radiant Solutions 1-703-480-6290 andre.kearns@radiantsolutions.com SOURCE Maxar Technologies Ltd. https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/maxars-radiant-solutions-awarded-92-million-small-business-innovation-research-phase-iii-contract-by-the-national-geospatial-intelligence-agency-697898421.html

  • AETE must move to make room for new fighters says commanding officer

    4 janvier 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    AETE must move to make room for new fighters says commanding officer

    Kelly-Anne Riess ADJUSTCOMMENTPRINT Moving the Canadian military's Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment out of Cold Lake to Ottawa is the only way 4 Wing can grow to accommodate new fighters, says AETE commanding officer Col. Eric Grandmont, referring to feasibility studies conducted by the Air Force. He said the loss of AETE will be offset by a gain for 4 Wing. “We are planning ahead for the long-term future of Canada's fighters,” he said. “The RCAF is committed to Cold Lake and Bagotville as our fighter bases, and there will be significant investment in these areas to prepare for the arrival of the future fighters.” The new aircraft will require an expansion of 4 Wing. Facilities will need to be updated and the current AETE building, which is the newest and second largest hanger on the base, will need to be repurposed. Canada is currently in the process of purchasing 25 used fighter aircraft from Australia and buying another 88 new jets to replace the existing fleet of CF-18s. The costs for relocating AETE are included in the $470 million the Liberal government has set aside for buying the used Australian F-18 fighter jets. Grandmont said he is hoping the transition plan for AETE will be approved by this spring. The move, which would not take place before the summer of 2021, could affect one-third of AETE, which employs 166 military personnel and 22 public servants. The remainder would be reassigned elsewhere in the air force, either in Cold Lake or other military bases. “We are trying to minimize the impact on the city,” said Grandmont, adding the current plan is to stagger his staff's moves to Ottawa. He said some of the positions in question are currently vacant and, if filled, those employees would start their jobs immediately in the nation's capital instead of coming to Cold Lake in the interim. Also, some public servants currently working for AETE in Cold Lake are close to retirement and would likely choose to end their careers and stay in Alberta's north instead of moving to Ottawa. Grandmont says once the unit relocates it will augment its staff with civilian test pilots. “We are hoping to recruit retired members back to the unit once it's in Ottawa,” said Grandmont, adding that moving AETE would put the unit in a central position to service all Canadian Forces aircraft, many of which are in Eastern Canada. “Our people spend a lot of time on the road. They can be away for five or six months a year,” said Grandmont. Recently, some AETE personnel spent seven months in Petawawa, Ont. doing the work necessary to have two Chinooks available to send to Mali, where Canada has been providing emergency medical evacuation for the United Nations peacekeeping mission going on in that country. There are 19 fleets in the Canadian Air Force and only two of them are in Cold Lake—the CF-18 and the Griffon helicopters, said Grandmont. Other aircraft, like the CC-130J Hercules, CC-17 Globemaster and CC-150 Polaris are all based in Trenton, Ont. The CC-144 Challengers are in Ottawa. The CP-140 Aurora and the CH-149 Cormorants are in Greenwood, NS. The CH-148 Cyclones are in Shearwater, NS, The CH-147F Chinooks are in Petawawa, Ont. There are CC-138 Twin Otters are in Yellowknife. AETE, like all units in the Air Force, is facing a shortage of pilots. Recruiting multiengine pilots from Eastern Canada is a challenge for AETE, and a CC-130H Hercules pilot based in Winnipeg does not necessarily want to uproot his or her family to Cold Lake where his or her spouse would have limited options for employment, as well as restricted access to health care. “Although once people get to Cold Lake, they usually enjoy their time here,” said Grandmont. “It is a beautiful area.” AETE has also been losing personnel to private industry, which can offer better working conditions for experienced testers. Postmedia first revealed the proposal to move AETE in 2016. The plan first started under the Conservative government, but the Liberals continued with the relocation initiative. -With files from David Pugliese (Disclosure: The editor of the Cold Lake Sun is married to a member of AETE.) https://www.pinchercreekecho.com/news/local-news/aete-must-move-to-make-room-for-new-fighters-says-commanding-officer

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