6 octobre 2020 | Local, Aérospatial

Government awards design contract for future fighter infrastructure in Bagotville

From: National Defence

News release

October 2, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

As outlined in Canada's defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, the Government of Canada is providing Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel with the infrastructure they require to support their future operations.

Today, the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, announced a $12.1-million contract award to EllisDon-EBC Inc. Joint Venture of Ottawa for the design of a new fighter jet facility at 3 Wing Bagotville, one of two main operating bases for Canada's future fighter aircraft. This infrastructure, along with the facilities being built at 4 Wing Cold Lake, will support the long-term maintenance and operation of 88 new aircraft being procured for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) through the Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP).

This contract is an important milestone in preparing Bagotville for the future fighter, and delivering the infrastructure our aviators will need. Both the Cold Lake and Bagotville infrastructure projects will provide significant economic opportunities for the Canadian construction industry, as well as their respective communities. In total, approximately 900 jobs are expected to be created during the design and construction of both facilities.

The Bagotville facility will host two tactical fighter squadrons and will cover approximately 12,500 m2, providing space for daily operations, maintenance, administration, mission planning, and simulator training.


“Modern infrastructure is a critical step to remaining operationally ready for the future, and this project is another guarantee that we will continue protecting Canadian sovereignty while standing with NORAD and NATO, today and tomorrow. We are well on our way to constructing the modern facilities we need to house our future fighter fleet.”

The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence

“By investing in infrastructure for the future fighter aircraft and the Canadian Armed Forces, the government is also investing in the Bagotville community. The design and construction of this new facility will provide economic benefits for Canadian industry and the Bagotville region, while ensuring our military remains strong, secure, and engaged.”

Anita Vandenbeld, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence

Quick facts

  • A $9.2-million contract was awarded in August 2020 to EllisDon Construction Services for the design portion of the Cold Lake future fighter infrastructure.

  • Construction is expected to begin at both bases in summer 2022.

  • Both the Bagotville and Cold Lake design contracts will include options for the contractors to build the new facilities, and any additional infrastructure once the future fighter is selected, should Canada decide to exercise these follow-on options.

  • By awarding these infrastructure design contracts now, before the future fighter is selected, necessary work can proceed and bases will be ready for the first aircraft deliveries.

  • These facilities will be designed and constructed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver standards and will use energy efficient options wherever possible.

  • https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/news/2020/10/government-awards-design-contract-for-future-fighter-infrastructure-in-bagotville.html

Sur le même sujet

  • CAE launches new virtual reality trainer

    3 décembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Autre défense

    CAE launches new virtual reality trainer

    By: Valerie Insinna WASHINGTON — As the U.S. Air Force looks increasingly toward virtual reality for speeding up and cutting the cost of pilot training, Canadian defense firm CAE is stepping forward with own courseware and virtual reality system with the hopes of attracting interest from the U.S. and international militaries. CAE will debut its CAE TRAX Academy curriculum and Sprint Virtual Reality trainer this week at the Interservice/Industry, Training, Simulation and Education Conference. Throughout the show, the company plans to conduct T-6 flight demonstrations using both products. CAE was inspired by the U.S. Air Force's Pilot Training Next program, which uses virtual reality and other cutting-edge simulation technologies to immerse new pilots in flight training, allowing airment to move more quickly and effectively through training. But CAE is hoping to build on the principles of Pilot Training Next and package it to be purchased by the U.S. Air Force and international militaries, said Phillipe Perey, the head of technology for CAE's defense business. “With Pilot Training Next, everyone is looking with big eyes saying, ‘Wow, oh wow,' but [some generals] are sort of like, ‘Would you really embrace this and do that for your entire air force?'” he said. “So perhaps this is a way of taking the great mission of Pilot Training Next and bringing into that environment with many of the key capabilities that customers have been used to, [such as] true aircraft simulation and many other aspects like a force-feedback stick.” All of the Sprint virtual reality trainer's hardware — including the Varjo VR-2 headset — are commercial off-the-shelf products and can be modified or swapped with a different device to meet the customer's needs. The real value, Perey said, is the software and courseware of TRAXX Academy, in which students progress from mobile apps and VR trainers to a higher fidelity flight simulator. “I think it really drives efficiencies at two levels. One, it reduces costs because the students in there are able to progress at their own pace. Them being alpha personalities; they don't want to be average. They want to be top of class, and they will see how other students are performing and they will be able to pick up their pace,” he said, adding that a six month class could take four months or less to complete if students are driven to complete the coursework. Secondly, the use of self-paced tools and virtual instructors decreases the need for human instructors that could be filling other needed functions within an air force, Perey said. In developing the Sprint VR trainer, CAE started with same kit as used in the Pilot Training Next program, and tweaked it to create “a better self-paced learning environment," he said. CAE made a number of adjustments: Using the same software on the virtual reality trainer as the full flight simulator, substituting a joystick that better simulates G forces, and adding haptics so that pilots can feel vibration or other sensory feedback that they would normally expect while operating the aircraft. Perey said CAE is looking forward to briefing the U.S. Air Force on TRAXX Academy and the Sprint VR trainer during I/ITSEC and getting officials' feedback. “That's really the priority now in the next coming months, is to build out these devices, get them in the customer's hands, get their feedback and develop a solution that is tailored to their particular training needs,” he said. https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/itsec/2019/12/02/cae-launches-new-virtual-reality-trainer

  • La Défense nationale lance son programme IDEeS visant à résoudre les défis en matière de défense et de sécurité gr'ce à l’innovation

    9 avril 2018 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    La Défense nationale lance son programme IDEeS visant à résoudre les défis en matière de défense et de sécurité gr'ce à l’innovation

    Communiqué de presse De : Défense nationale Le 9 avril 2018 – Ottawa, Ontario – Défense nationale/Forces armées canadiennes La résolution de problèmes, la créativité et la connaissance sont nécessaires pour affronter et atténuer les menaces en constante évolution en matière de défense et de sécurité. Gr'ce à l'innovation, nous développerons et maintiendrons des capacités permettant de relever les défis liés à l'environnement mondial actuel de la sécurité. En vue de transformer notre manière de créer des solutions aux problèmes complexes de défense et de sécurité, le ministère de la Défense nationale (MDN) a lancé aujourd'hui son nouveau programme Innovation pour la défense, l'excellence et la sécurité (IDEeS). Annoncé en juin 2017 au moment de la diffusion de la politique de défense du Canada, Protection, Sécurité, Engagement, le programme IDEeS sera à l'origine d'investissements de 1,6 milliard de dollars dans le milieu canadien de l'innovation au cours des 20 prochaines années. Au moyen d'IDEeS, le MDN se tournera vers les esprits les plus novateurs et les plus créatifs du Canada, qu'il s'agisse d'inventeurs, d'universitaires qui travaillent dans les laboratoires de leur établissement ou de scientifiques attachés à des sociétés de petite ou de grande envergure. Ces penseurs novateurs fourniront aux praticiens des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et du Canada en matière de sûreté et de sécurité des solutions inédites aux problèmes d'aujourd'hui. Le programme IDEeS stimulera l'innovation au moyen d'une gamme d'activités, dont des compétitions, des concours, des réseaux et des bacs à sable pour la mise à l'essai de concepts sur le terrain. Le ministre Sajjan a lancé aujourd'hui son premier appel de propositions dans le cadre de l'élément des projets concurrentiels d'IDEeS, dans lequel seize problèmes en matière de défense et de sécurité ont été recensés. Les parties intéressées disposent de six semaines pour présenter leurs propositions de solutions, qui doivent être transmises au plus tard le 24 mai 2018. Cet appel de propositions aborde les difficultés dans certains domaines, comme la surveillance, les cyberoutils de défense, l'espace, l'intelligence artificielle, les systèmes de télépilotage, l'analytique des données et la performance humaine. Les propositions seront examinées et feront l'objet d'un processus d'évaluation rigoureux. Les premiers contrats devraient être attribués à l'automne 2018. Les innovateurs sont invités à consulter le site Web d'IDEeS pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur cet appel de propositions et sur les appels subséquents à mesure qu'IDEeS prendra forme. Citations « Le programme IDEeS présentera aux Canadiens des occasions inédites de faire valoir leurs meilleures solutions aux problèmes de défense et de sécurité et de placer ces solutions entre les mains des femmes et des hommes des Forces armées canadiennes. Cet investissement appuiera la croissance et l'épanouissement du milieu canadien de l'innovation au cours des deux prochaines décennies. » – Harjit S. Sajjan, ministre de la Défense nationale Faits en bref Gr'ce au programme IDEeS, la Défense nationale : créera des réseaux d'innovateurs (universitaires, industrie, particuliers et autres partenaires) pour mener des travaux de pointe en recherche et développement dans des domaines essentiels aux futurs besoins en défense et en sécurité; organisera des concours et invitera les innovateurs à présenter des solutions viables à des problèmes précis en matière de défense et de sécurité; instaurera de nouveaux rouages d'acquisition qui lui permettront d'élaborer et de mettre à l'épreuve des concepts, dans le cas des idées les plus prometteuses. Le programme IDEeS aidera les innovateurs en appuyant l'analyse, en finançant la recherche et en élaborant des processus pour faciliter l'accès à la connaissance. Il soutiendra également les tests, l'intégration, l'adoption et l'acquisition de solutions créatives pour les milieux canadiens de la défense et de la sécurité. Liens connexes Documentation – Programme Innovation pour la défense, l'excellence et la sécurité (IDEeS) Documentation – Le gouvernement du Canada lance un appel aux innovateurs pour résoudre des défis en matière de défense et de sécurité IDEeS Protection, Sécurité, Engagement Personnes-ressources Byrne Furlough Attaché de presse Cabinet du ministre de la Défense nationale Téléphone : 613-996-3100 Courriel : Byrne.Furlough@forces.gc.ca Relations avec les médias Ministère de la Défense nationale Téléphone : 613-996-2353 Courriel : mlo-blm@forces.gc.ca https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/nouvelles/2018/04/la-defense-nationale-lance-son-programme-idees-visant-a-resoudre-les-defis-en-matiere-de-defense-et-de-securite-grace-a-linnovation.html

  • Canada seeking qualified bidders for Polaris replacement

    17 février 2021 | Local, Aérospatial

    Canada seeking qualified bidders for Polaris replacement

    BY CHRIS THATCHER | FEBRUARY 16, 2021 Estimated reading time 7 minutes, 45 seconds. The Canadian government is inviting aerospace and other interested companies to qualify for the Strategic Tanker Transport Capability (STTC) project. Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) posted the notice on the government Buy and Sell website Feb. 12 as a first step in a three-phase procurement process to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) CC-150 Polaris strategic airlift fleet. The invitation to qualify (ITQ), which closes on Feb. 26, is intended to identify respondents able to meet the project's security and other core requirements before moving to the tender phase. Once a qualified suppliers list is established, Procurement Canada and the Air Force will then review and refine the project requirements with companies before developing a draft request for proposal (RFP), to be issued by fall 2021. The review phase “is intended to be a collaborative process and may involve interactions such as workshops, one-on-one sessions (commercially confidential meetings), and written questions and answers,” according to the ITQ documents. “Canada will consider the feedback provided by qualified suppliers.” A formal RFP, the third phase, is expected by late 2021 or early 2022. While the process means only qualified suppliers will be invited to submit bids, the government “reserves the right . . . to re-evaluate any aspect of the qualification of any Qualified Supplier at any time during the aircraft procurement process and change their status to ‘unqualified' if they no longer meet the requirements provided in this ITQ,” according to the document. In addition, “Canada may, at its sole discretion, re-open Phase 1 – ITQ.” The RCAF is seeking a multi-role platform that can be configured for air-to-air refueling, personnel airlift, strategic government transport, aeromedical evacuations and freight movement, among other roles. The aircraft may also be used to support disaster relief, search-and-rescue and contributions to peace operations; it must also include the capacity to detect, avoid and defeat air-to-air and air-to-ground threats. In its tanker role, the aircraft must be able to refuel allied fighter jets on NATO and NORAD operations. Though the ITQ does not specify a quantity, the fleet must be large enough to concurrently provide support to three lines of tasking of “unrestricted global air mobility movements” over a 24-hour period. The STTC project was outlined in the Liberal government's June 2017 defense policy as initiative 47 to recapitalize strategic tanking and airlift with a next generation platform to replace the CC-150. The Polaris is a modified variant of the Airbus A310-300 built in the late 1980s, and operated by 437 Transport Squadron at 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario. A fleet of five was acquired in 1992 from Canadian Airlines, and two were converted to tankers in 2008. While the two CC-150Ts have been providing air-to-air refueling globally (their crucial role alongside other coalition tankers in the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria was highlighted in a recent RAND research brief), they only recently received full operational capability to conduct mid-air refueling on NORAD operations — a role that had previously only been done by the CC-130H Hercules tankers operated by 435 Transport and Rescue Squadron from 17 Wing Winnipeg, Manitoba, and U.S. Air Force aircraft. Boeing and Airbus have indicated interest in the program. Boeing is offering the KC-46 Pegasus, a militarized variant of the 767 widebody, while Airbus is promoting the A330 multirole tanker transport (MRTT), a variant of the A330-200 airframe. CBC has reported the government may also be assessing “whether any deal can be found among commercial airlines that are currently looking for financial relief from Ottawa,” including Air Canada. “We look forward to working with the government of Canada and engaging in [the] Strategic Tanker Transport Capability project,” Boeing Defense, Space & Security said in a statement. “Boeing's KC-46A is a wide-body, multi-role tanker, and is already certified to refuel Canadian, allied and coalition military aircraft. In addition to serving as an aerial refueling tanker, the KC-46 can be configured to accommodate cargo, passengers, or to serve as an aero-medical evacuation aircraft or any combination of all three. . . . The KC-46 offers superior interoperability, supportability and affordability benefits – coupled with a robust industry plan that will bring real, guaranteed jobs to companies all across Canada. With 183 aircraft on order and growing international interest, we expect the fleet to surpass 200 aircraft by 2029.” “We welcome Canada's invitation to qualify for the Strategic Tanker Transport Capability project,” said Simon Jacques, president of Airbus Defence and Space Canada, in a statement. “We believe that our A330 MRTT multirole-tanker is the best option in the market, and are confident that our offer will fulfill all current and future requirements for this key capability for the RCAF.” Prospective bidders will be expected to provide aircrew and maintenance training programs, and establish initial sustainment and long-term in-service support “that assures operational readiness and maintains mission effectiveness of the capability throughout its service life,” according to the ITQ. As part of the STTC project, the Air Force will improve infrastructure for 437 Squadron. In December, the government released an advanced procurement notice for a new or renovated hangar at the main operating base in Trenton, as well as upgrades to the apron and taxiways. A request for proposals is expected by summer 2021. Contenders will also have to comply with Canada's Industrial and Technological Benefits policy, which requires the successful bidder to make investments in Canadian industry and academic research equal to the value of the contract. With STTC, the government will be seeking investments that align with key industrial capabilities, including aerospace systems, systems integration, in-service support and training and simulation. https://skiesmag.com/news/canada-seeking-qualified-bidders-polaris-replacement/

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