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  • IAI names Boaz Levy as new chief exec

    23 novembre 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    IAI names Boaz Levy as new chief exec

    By: Seth J. Frantzman JERUSALEM — Israel Aerospace Industries has named Boaz Levy, its former vice president for the Systems Missiles and Space Group, as its new CEO. Levy's group oversaw major contracts for IAI over the years, including billion-dollar deals in India in 2018. He was also central to the Arrow 3 program, which was developed with U.S. support to intercept high-altitude targets in space, such as ballistic missiles. In his new position, Levy said he plans to lead the company through the challenges of the future. “IAI has transformed in recent years, but we still have a considerable way to achieve the company's potential and strengthen our position in existing and new markets,” he said. Levy's appointment was approved by the Board of Directors, according to a statement from the company. The search committee chose Levy to replace Nimrod Sheffer after announcing in July he would step down. Sheffer had replaced Joseph Weiss as CEO in 2018, who had been at the helm of the company for six years. Sheffer came from the strategic planning area of the company and had drafted a new growth strategy for IAI. In March the company said its annual revenue surpassed $4 billion for the first time. That was an increase from $3.6 billion in 2018 and $3.5 billion in 2017. IAI's chairman of the board, Harel Locker, praised the unanimous decision to nominate Levy. “Levy has successfully managed the Systems Missiles and Space Group — IAI's most profitable group that in recent years has made technological and financial groundbreaking achievements. Boaz knows the domestic and international defense market and understands our customer's needs,” Locker said. Sheffer officially stepped down on Oct. 31, and Levy's nomination has been submitted to Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Minister for Cyber and National Digital Matters Dudi Amsalem, who supervise the government's authority over IAI. IAI is one of Israel's three large defense companies along with Elbit Systems and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. Many of the companies' capabilities are integrated into key Israeli weapon systems, such as the Iron Dome air defense system, which uses radar made by IAI subsidiary Elta Systems. Similarly, the new Sa'ar-class corvette will combine capabilities from IAI, including a new sea-to-sea missile the company recently tested. Levy was previously head of IAI's air defense division between 2010 and 2013. A graduate of Israel's Technion, he came to IAI in 1990 as an engineer and worked on the Arrow program in the 1990s and 2000s. According to IAI, he “headed the induction of the Arrow-2 into operational service.” He also headed the Barak-8 program, which IAI claims is one of the world's most advanced air defense systems. The Barak-8 is also a major revenue source for the company. In 2017, Levy indicated Israel aimed to build future interceptors beyond Arrow 2 and Arrow 3. The Arrow 3 is currently Israel's top tier in a multilayered air defense system that includes the Iron Dome and David's Sling, all programs supported by the U.S. More than 20 American states are involved in the production of Arrow 3. Israel faces increasing threats from Iran and also challenges at sea, which is partly why it has shifted its naval doctrine amid adoption of the new Sa'ar 6 corvettes, and also why it rolled out a new multiyear defense strategy called Momentum. The country has aso begun modernizing training, creating new military units and upgrading communications systems for its armed forces. https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2020/11/20/iai-names-boaz-levy-as-new-chief-exec

  • Armement : l'Italie au nirvana en Egypte, la France aux oubliettes

    15 juin 2020 | International, Naval

    Armement : l'Italie au nirvana en Egypte, la France aux oubliettes

    Par Michel Cabirol | 13/06/2020, 8:00 | L'Italie va vendre deux frégates FREMM à l'Égypte, autrefois cliente de l'industrie d'armement française. Rome souhaite également vendre de 12 à 24 Typhoon au Caire. L'erreur majeure de la France en Égypte continue d'exploser à la figure de Paris. Comme prévu, l'Italie va réussir à vendre au Caire deux frégates FREMM, qui était initialement destinées à la marine italienne, pour un montant de 1,2 milliard d'euros. Depuis la visite du 28 janvier 2019 d'Emmanuel Macron en Égypte où il s'était autorisé à donner la leçon sur les droits de l'homme au maréchal Abdel Fattah Sissi chez lui, la France s'est fait complètement sortir du marché de l'armement égyptien au profit notamment de l'Italie et de l'Allemagne. Les nouvelles ventes de Rafale et de corvettes Gowind semblent définitivement enterrées. La vente de deux FREMM italiennes va se concrétiser alors que l'affaire entre Le Caire et Rome portant sur l'étudiant italien Giulio Regeni, retrouvé mort et atrocement mutilé et torturé, n'a jamais été résolue en dépit des demandes de l'Italie. Quelle ironie du sort pour la France, qui a joué la carte des droits de l'homme début 2019 alors que l'Italie a quant à elle préféré la realpolitik même si elle tente de ménager son opinion publique : "Le gouvernement et les institutions italiennes continuent d'exiger la vérité des autorités égyptiennes par le biais d'une coopération réelle, efficace et effective", a assuré mercredi aux députés le ministre des Affaires étrangères Luigi di Maio. "La vente des frégates est une opération commerciale qui n'a rien à voir avec la recherche de la vérité sur la mort de Giulio Regeni. Au contraire, c'est seulement en maintenant les canaux ouverts que nous pouvons penser obtenir quelque chose de l'Egypte", ont pourtant expliqué des sources gouvernementales relayées par le quotidien La Repubblica. Un feu vert imminent Le gouvernement italien a donné jeudi soir son feu vert à la vente des deux frégates à l'Égypte. Ces deux frégates seront prélevées sur le programme de la Marina militare (9e et 10e) : Spartaco Schergat et Emilio Bianchi. Fincantieri s'est notamment appuyé pour cette vente sur un intermédiaire proche de Sissi, l'homme d'affaires Ahmed Elsewedy. Il ne reste plus que l'accord formel d'une administration en charge des exportations d'armements pour rendre définitive cette vente. Le feu vert pourrait être donné ce dimanche, selon nos informations. Le projet est financé à 100% par un crédit comme le souhaitait Le Caire. Il est piloté par Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) associé à la banque... https://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/armement-l-italie-au-nirvana-en-egypte-la-france-aux-oubliettes-850137.html

  • Contracts for May 3, 2021

    4 mai 2021 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Contracts for May 3, 2021


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