16 novembre 2023 | International, Aérospatial

Emirates says orders 15 Airbus A350-900 worth $6 bln | Reuters

Dubai's Emirates Airline on Thursday anounced an order for 15 Airbus A350-900 wide-body jets, which it said was worth $6 billion.


Sur le même sujet

  • Here’s how many bombs the US plans to buy in the next year

    11 février 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre

    Here’s how many bombs the US plans to buy in the next year

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's fiscal 2021 budget request seeks to buy fewer munitions needed for the fights in Afghanistan and Iraq as it attempts to pivot towards investments in the kind of weapons that will be used in a high-end fight against China or Russia. The DoD has requested $21.3 billion in munitions, including $6 billion for conventional ammunition, $4 billion for strategic missiles and $11.3 billion for tactical missiles. Munitions and missiles make up 8.8 percent of overall procurement in the budget request. The department is pursuing a two-pronged approach, according to a budget summary provided by the Pentagon. The first is to make sure “U.S. worldwide munition inventories are sufficiently stocked” for ongoing needs. The second is to ensure “sufficient procurement of more advanced high-end weapon systems, which provide increases standoff, enhanced lethality and autonomous targeting for employment against near-peer threats in more contested environment.” Examples of that kind of high-end munition includes the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) and the Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM), both of which have enhanced procurement in the budget request. Major munitions buys in the budget include: 20,338 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) - $533 million. That is down 8,050 units from the FY20 enacted. 7,360 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) - $1.2 billion. That is down 1,163 units from FY20 enacted. 2,462 Small Diameter Bomb 1 (SDB 1) – $95.9 million. That is down 4,616 units from FY20 enacted. 1,490 Small Diameter Bomb II (SDB II) - $432 million. That is down 197 units from FY20 enacted. 8,150 Hellfire missiles - $517 million. That is down 640 units from FY20 enacted. 601 AIM-9X sidewinders - $316.6 million. That is down 119 units from FY20 enacted. 125 Standard Missile-6 - $816 million. That is the same amount as purchased in FY20 enacted. 400 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) - $577 million. That is up 10 units from FY20 enacted. 53 Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) - $224 million. That is up 36 units from FY20 enacted. The slowdown of procurement for munitions comes as the U.S. dropped 7,423 munitions onto Afghanistan in 2019 —the highest number of bombs released in nearly a decade. “For munitions, we continue to carefully manage production and stockpiles," Pentagon comptroller Elaine McCusker said Monday. "The JADM stockpile is healthier due to our last four years of increased procurements. The SM-6 is being procured at the maximum rate of production, continuing a five-year, multi-year procurement contract.” Keeping the munitions industrial base humming is important for the Pentagon. A May 2018 report identified major gaps in the munitions industrial base, warning that key components for America's weapons could disappear entirely if a small handful of suppliers were to close up shop. https://www.defensenews.com/smr/federal-budget/2020/02/10/heres-how-many-bombs-the-us-plans-to-buy-in-the-next-year

  • Pandemic doesn’t slow cyber training for the Army

    26 juin 2020 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Pandemic doesn’t slow cyber training for the Army

    Mark Pomerleau While much of the national security community has had to rethink or delay operations and business practices because of the global pandemic, the Army's cyber school has been able to carry on business as usual due to prior investments in online tools and virtual training environments. “Our virtual training environment had existed prior to COVID and that was really what our students logged into and that's where our training ranges are and where we do a lot of coding and where we ... conduct our courses,” Col. Paul Craft, the Fort Gordon-based school's commandant told Fifth Domain in an interview. “Because we had that environment, we were already prepared, we were already postured.” This environment is called the Virtual Training Area or VTA. It is a conglomeration of open-source technologies that Army users can login from around the world on the open internet, not the closed DoD network, to access course prep materials, courses, tests or even to note curriculum changes. Now, all the officer courses are conducted remotely in the unclassified environment. With the empty classroom space this creates, the enlisted student body can now meet in person and still follow Centers for Disease Control mandated social distancing standards. For some of the classified material, officers still need to come into classes, also adhering to social distancing mandates and wear masks. “We did not change. For us, it just occurred over a weekend where our students backed out and said ‘I'm going to log in [from home]' ... continue to train like we were logging into that virtual training environment and we're still going to conduct the classes,” Craft said. “We set up for a success that we didn't know we needed to have.” This change is especially important as the cyber school expanded to teach “operations in the information environment,” which incorporates how cyber operations, electronic warfare and information operations interact. Within the last two years, the Army merged the electronic warfare and cyber branches together. While much of the rest of the world has been forced to either halt operations or drastically change practices, many within the military cyber community have been able to lean on technical advancements to continue training. In addition to the Army Cyber School, U.S. Cyber Command is conducting its annual major training event in June almost entirely remote relying on a virtual training platform for the first time called the Persistent Cyber Training Environment. Craft explained that when PCTE comes fully online for all of the Defense Department, the plan is to migrate operations from the VTA to PCTE to conduct their training. Migrating to an almost entirely remote environment on the officer side has also allowed the school to open up more seats to more trainees since they aren't limited to physical space. It's also reduced travel costs for those who need training, Craft said. For example, personnel can take courses from their home stations without having to travel all the way to Fort Gordon. Moreover, senior leaders are able to audit courses or even conduct guest speaking sessions right from their desks without having to travel to the cyber school. https://www.fifthdomain.com/dod/army/2020/06/25/pandemic-doesnt-slow-cyber-training-for-the-army/

  • Earthcube, la start-up française qui veut marcher dans les pas de Palantir

    13 février 2019 | International, C4ISR

    Earthcube, la start-up française qui veut marcher dans les pas de Palantir

    ANNE DRIF Fondé il y a deux ans par deux anciens d'Areva et Airbus, Earthcube travaille pour quatre « organisations » du ministère des Armées et un service britannique. L'un montait des joint-ventures en Chine, en Russie et en Corée chez Areva. L'autre élaborait de nouvelles technologies d'observation de la terre chez Airbus Defense & Space. A 37 et 34 ans, Arnaud Guérin et Renaud Allioux sont aujourd'hui à la tête d'Earthcube, la première start-up devenue, en l'espace de deux ans, le prestataire de quatre « organisations » au sein du ministère de la Défense, dont ses services de renseignement militaire. Et d'un service britannique. Identifier un pick-up dans le désert Faute d'écho à ses solutions de Big Data au sein de l'avionneur, et Space X ayant écarté sa candidature, les projets de Renaud Allioux, ont rencontré ceux d'Arnaud Guérin, qui s'intéressait lui aussi aux systèmes de surveillance stratégiques. Ensembles, ils ont lancé une solution d'intelligence artificielle qui permet d'identifier sur des images satellites prises à 600 kilomètres d'altitude, des objets de quelques dizaines de pixels en quelques secondes, comme un pick-up en plein désert, ou de suivre des dizaines de milliers de véhicules, dans de grands centres urbains, comme Deir Ezzor aux mains de l'EI. « Aujourd'hui, il faut plusieurs jours à un analyste de renseignement pour mener ce type de ciblage sur des images satellites. Avec l'arrivée des satellites espions européens CSO, qui fourniront un grand volume de données, les équipes d'analystes pourront, en l'état des outils actuels, traiter moins de 10 % des flux, explique Arnaud Guérin. Or, la rapidité d'intervention est clef dans ces missions ». Expansion américaine Rapidement identifiée par la Direction générale des Armées, Earthcube a scellé son alliance avec la Direction du renseignement militaire lors du premier défi de l' Intelligence Campus , son pôle dédié aux nouvelles technologies. Mais celle-ci n'est pas exclusive, puisque la start-up a pu se rapprocher d'autres services de renseignement. En 2017, la société a levé 3 millions d'euros. Au départ, pourtant, ils ambitionnaient de s'adresser seulement aux acteurs privés ayant de forts enjeux sécuritaires comme les groupes pétroliers ou nucléaires. « Chez Areva, je faisais mettre en place des systèmes de surveillance au sol pour des sites miniers ou chimiques, poursuit Arnaud Guérin. Mais, quand vous êtes le géant chinois Cnooc, vous devez sécuriser des dizaines de milliers de kilomètres de pipeline. Ces systèmes de surveillance sont vulnérables et onéreux ». Au lancement d'Earthcube en 2016, ajoute-t-il, « nous nous étions positionnés comme l'alternative non américaine d'analyses de données, mais c'est une illusion de croire que les services de renseignements américains ont une réelle longueur d'avance sur les Européens en la matière », poursuit le dirigeant. Earthcube est ainsi « en discussions avancées » avec des organisations américaines. Les deux fondateurs ont de sérieuses ambitions, quitte à prendre une référence qui fait polémique en France. « Pour nous, l'américain Palantir est un modèle. En très peu de temps, ils ont réussi à devenir l'égal de géants traditionnels de leur secteur ». Anne Drif https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/0600634357107-earthcube-la-start-up-francaise-qui-veut-marcher-dans-les-pas-de-palantir-2244076.php

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