15 juillet 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - July 11, 2019


General Dynamics Electric Boat Corp., Groton, Connecticut, is being awarded a $173,805,431 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for engineering, technical, design agent and planning yard support for operational strategic and attack submarines. The contract provides for drawings and related technical data; design change documentation; logistics technical data; configuration management; hull, mechanical and electrical engineering; submarine safety design review; non-propulsion plant electrical system engineering; propulsion plant engineering; maintenance engineering; refit/availability technical support; on-site support; configuration change program design and installation support; configuration change program material support; submarine technical trade support; training and facility support; research development test and evaluation (Navy) program support; research and development submarine/submersibles support; miscellaneous special studies; temporary alteration support; modernization of submarine/submersible systems/subsystems; and affordability/cost reduction technical support. Work will be performed in Groton, Connecticut (70%); Kings Bay, Georgia (13%); Bangor, Washington (10%); Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (3%); North Kingston, Rhode Island (2%); and Newport, Rhode Island (2%), and is expected to be completed by September 2023. This contract includes options, which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $1,043,513,079, and be complete by September 2023. Fiscal 2019 other procurement (Navy); 2019 operations and maintenance (Navy); and 2018 other procurement (Navy) funding in the amount of $24,556,100 will be obligated at time of award, and $4,415,300 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. In accordance with 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1), this contract was not competitively procured (only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements). The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N00024-19-C-2125).

Massa Products Corp., Hingham, Massachusetts, is being awarded a $32,419,133 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract for the design, document, manufacture, test, package and delivery of hydrophones. This requirement is to deliver hydrophones for new-construction platforms to support shipyard installation schedules and to replace failed hydrophones for all in-service platforms. As this is an IDIQ contract, in which only a minimum guarantee is established and all firm government requirements will be established at the order level, it does not include options. Work will be performed in Hingham, Massachusetts, and is expected to be completed by July 2024. Fiscal 2019 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $1,051,578 will be obligated at time of award via the first delivery order and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with one offer received. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, is the contracting activity (N66604-19-D-F900).

Gryphon Technologies LC, Washington, District of Columbia, is being awarded a $23,842,331 cost-plus-fixed-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity services contract with cost reimbursable services for aircraft carrier program management, engineering, technical and logistics support services. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division, is the Navy's agent for the program management, engineering, technical and logistical support for hull, mechanical and electrical systems and equipment on Navy aircraft carriers. To execute these responsibilities, the Navy requires the support of engineering, technical, logistical and program management personnel to assist in the support of aircraft carrier type commanders and other Navy activities on Navy aircraft carriers while in port or underway. There are provisions for firm-fixed-price completion orders. As emergent requirements arise, work will be performed at various Navy bases, shipyards, repair facilities and contractor facilities in the continental U.S. and outside of the continental U.S., and is expected to be complete by July 2024. Fiscal 2019 shipbuilding and conversion (Navy) funding in the amount of $62,999 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website with two offers received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contracting activity (N64498-19-D-4022).

BAE Systems Technology Solutions & Services, Rockville, Maryland, is being awarded a $23,456,568 modification (P00043) to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00421-15-C-0008). This modification provides for services in support of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division's Special Communications Mission Solutions Division, to support integrated communications and information systems radio communications for Navy ships. Work will be performed in St. Inigoes, Maryland, and is expected to be completed in July 2024. Fiscal 2019 working capital funds (Navy) in the amount of $4,000,000 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

The Boeing Co., Seattle, Washington, is being awarded a $23,375,361 cost-plus-fixed-fee order (N00019-19-F-4058) against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-16-G-0001). This order procures contractor logistics support for the United Kingdom's (UK's) P-8A program and aircraft. Contractor logistics support includes initial acceptance and breakdown of four aircraft and provision of training with an eight-month detachment to the UK to establish initial operational capability as well as subsequent full operational capability, scheduled aircraft maintenance, support equipment maintenance, engineering reach back and technical assistance. Work will be performed in Lossiemouth, Scotland (59%); Seattle, Washington (21%); and Jacksonville, Florida (20%), and is expected to be completed in December 2020. Foreign military sales funds in the amount of $23,375,361 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

Aptim Federal Services LLC, Alexandria, Virginia, is being awarded a $15,309,450 firm-fixed-price task order 0005 (modification 02) under a multiple award construction contract for the cleaning, inspection and repair of mined-in-place military petroleum storage tanks (Red Hill Tanks 14, 17, and 18). The work to be performed provides for the additional repairs in Tank 17 as identified by Aptim Federal Services LLC, and subcontractor, Enterprise Engineering Inc.'s comprehensive American Petroleum Institute 653 out-of-service internal integrity inspection and suitability for service evaluation inspection report. After award of this modification, the total cumulative contract value will be $36,078,000. Work will be performed at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, and is expected to be completed by May 2022. Fiscal 2016 working capital funds (Navy) in the amount of $15,309,450 are obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Hawaii, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, is the contracting activity (N39430-15-D-1632).


Gentex Corp., Simpson, Pennsylvania, was a awarded a $95,000,000 maximum, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, firm-fixed-price contract (H92403-19-D-0004) for the purchase of SOF personal equipment advance requirements (SPEAR) coxswain helmet systems, in support of U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) procurement division. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $150,000 are being obligated at time of award. This is a five-year contract with a two-year option period. The majority of work will be performed in Simpson and is expected to be completed by July 2024. This contract was awarded through full and open competition and two proposals were received. USSOCOM headquarters, Tampa, Florida, is the contracting activity.


Walsh Federal LLC, Chicago, Illinois, was awarded a $52,929,000 firm-fixed-price contract for the construction of a new two-bay general purpose aircraft maintenance hangar. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work will be performed in Burlington, New Jersey, with an estimated completion date of June 18, 2021. Fiscal 2018 military construction (Air Force) funds in the amount of $52,929,000 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York, New York, is the contracting activity (W912DS-19-C-0011).

Pontchartrain Partners LLC,* New Orleans, Louisiana, was awarded an $8,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for Mississippi River stone bank paving, Mississippi River and tributaries flood control, and channel improvement project. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2020. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi, is the contracting activity (W912EE-19-D-0010).


Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Melbourne, Florida, has been awarded a $17,045,952 delivery order (SPRPA1-19-F-KY01) against a long-term contract (SPM4AX-12-D-9401) for E-2 aircraft high voltage power supplies. This is a firm-fixed-price contract. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. Location of performance is Florida, with an Oct. 30, 2021 performance completion date. Using military service is Navy. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2022 Navy working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Melbourne, Florida, has been awarded an $11,063,832 delivery order (SPRPA1-19-F-KY00) against a long-term contract (SPM4AX-12-D-9401) for E-2 aircraft power amplifier modules. This is a firm-fixed-price contract. This was a sole source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. Location of performance is Florida, with an Oct. 30, 2022 performance completion date. Using military service is Navy. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2019 through 2022 Navy working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

*Small business


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    Budgets Défense : les doutes du député Cornut-Gentille

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    Mme Parly : Le ministère des Armées n’est pas un « client vache à lait »

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