19 mars 2020 | Local, Naval

Construction of new Arctic ships, maintenance of frigates halted because of COVID-19


Construction of the Royal Canadian Navy's new Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships and maintenance of its frigates has been halted because of the novel coronavirus.

“We are immediately suspending industrial activities at Halifax Shipyard, Marine Fabricators, and Woodside Industries related to the AOPS construction program and the Halifax-class In-Service maintenance program,” wrote Irving Shipbuilding president Kevin McCoy.

“The decision became necessary given the high density of the employee population in certain work areas, high absenteeism, and reduced critical vendor support in materials and services.”

Irving will review its decision on a week-by-week basis to assess the latest information about COVID-19, McCoy added.


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    9 septembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Aero Gatineau-Ottawa 2019: Hand-in-hand with history

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