22 avril 2021 | Local, Aérospatial

L'équipe Team Artemis ajoute des entreprises canadiennes pour le programme de systèmes d'aéronefs télépilotés (SATP) de l'Aviation royale canadienne (ARC).

Faits saillants :
• Quatre entreprises canadiennes de l'aérospatiale se joignent à l'équipe
• Ces entreprises offrent leur expertise en ingénierie, en logistique, en formation et simulation, ainsi qu'en gestion de mission
• La base de fournisseurs de l'équipe emploie plus de 18 000 Canadiens.
MIRABEL, Québec, le 22 avril 2021 – Quatre entreprises canadiennes se sont jointes à l'équipe Team Artemis, renforçant ainsi son expertise et ses capacités pour soutenir le programme de systèmes d'aéronefs télépilotés (SATP) de l'Aviation royale canadienne (ARC).
Airbus Defence and Space Canada, située en Ontario, se joint aux entreprises albertaines ATCO Frontec, Canadian UAVs et Lockheed Martin CDL Systems en tant que membres de l'équipe Team Artemis, dirigée par L3Harris Technologies, une entreprise novatrice du secteur des technologies, et Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), un chef de file mondial dans le développement de systèmes d'aéronef sans pilote (UAS).
Ces nouveaux membres apportent leur expertise en ingénierie aéronautique, en logistique du déploiement, en formation et simulation et en gestion de mission. Ils se veulent un complément aux membres de l'équipe qui fournissent des composants canadiens essentiels : la tourelle électro-optique/infrarouge (EO/IR) de la série WESCAM MX de L3Harris et le moteur PT6A de Pratt & Whitney Canada, au Québec. L3Harris, dont les opérations canadiennes se déroulent dans 14 sites et 6 provinces, est l'entrepreneur principal et assurera l'intégration du C4ISR pour la plateforme, ainsi que l'ensemble des activités de soutien en service pour la durée prévue du contrat, soit de plus de 25 ans.
La base de fournisseurs de l'équipe Team Artemis emploie plus de 18 000 Canadiens, génère des revenus de 11 milliards de dollars et pratique ses activités d'un océan à l'autre.
« L'ajout de ces entreprises bien établies, à la fois novatrices et hautement qualifiées, consolide davantage notre position pour offrir à l'ARC la meilleure solution pour répondre à ses besoins en matière de SATP », a déclaré Ugo Paniconi, directeur général de L3Harris, à Mirabel. « Notre équipe offrira une solution éprouvée et rentable, qui comprendra un contenu industriel canadien à la fois important et durable, ce qui se traduit par du travail et des emplois importants à travers le pays. »
L'équipe Team Artemis propose l'UAS Artemis, basé sur l'UAS Heron TP de IAI, mais conçu de façon unique afin de respecter les spécifications canadiennes. Le Heron TP est en service depuis plus de 10 ans au sein de la Force aérienne israélienne et a été sélectionné par les Forces armées allemandes. Il s'agit du seul système éprouvé au combat qui satisfait aux exigences opérationnelles rigoureuses de l'ARC.
Le gouvernement du Canada prévoit acquérir un système SATP pour mieux répondre à ses besoins en matière de défense. Le SATP sera intégré à un réseau de systèmes de renseignement, surveillance et reconnaissance afin de permettre une circulation d'information en temps quasi réel, laquelle est essentielle aux opérations de l'ARC.
L3Harris a été choisie comme soumissionnaire qualifié à la fin de mai 2019. La demande de propositions devrait être publiée plus tard cette année, le contrat sera attribué en 2022 ou 2023 et la livraison du premier système est prévue en 2024 ou 2025.
L3Harris est l'une des entreprises en défense et en sécurité des plus importantes et des plus diversifiées au Canada et emploie plus de 2 300 Canadiens. Pour en apprendre davantage, visitez le site TeamArtemis.ca.
Déclarations prospectives
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives fondées sur des attentes, des hypothèses et des estimations actuelles de la direction relatives au rendement et à la conjoncture économique futurs. Ces déclarations sont énoncées sous réserve des règles d'exonération (safe harbor provisions) prévues à l'article 27A de la Securities Act, loi américaine de 1933 et à l'article 21E de la Securities Exchange Act, loi américaine de 1934. L'entreprise met en garde les investisseurs du fait que toute déclaration prospective est soumise à des risques et à des incertitudes, si bien que les résultats réels et futurs sont susceptibles de différer de façon significative de ceux exprimés ou sous-entendus dans ces déclarations prospectives. Les énoncés concernant les capacités du système, la valeur ou la valeur prévue des commandes, contrats ou programmes sont des déclarations prospectives soumises à des risques et à des incertitudes. L3Harris décline toute intention ou obligation de mettre à jour ou de réviser ses déclarations prospectives consécutivement à l'obtention de nouveaux renseignements ou à de nouveaux événements ou pour tout autre motif.

Sur le même sujet

  • L3 WESCAM wins defense contracts valued at more than US$250 million

    1 février 2018 | Local, C4ISR

    L3 WESCAM wins defense contracts valued at more than US$250 million

    L3 WESCAM announced on Feb. 1 that it ended the second half of 2017 with more than US$250 million in contracts from military and law enforcement customers for its MX-Series electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) products and in-service support products and services. The orders will provide a range of MX imaging and targeting solutions to both experienced MX end users and military customers new to L3 WESCAM products and services. “For more than 40 years, L3 has been a key supplier of ISR technologies, including sensors and systems, to help military and law enforcement agencies stay on the leading edge as surveillance and reconnaissance missions evolve,” said Jeff Miller, L3's senior vice-president and president of its sensor systems business segment. “We have earned and maintained a very strong reputation for quality, performance, reliability and rapid delivery, having provided more than 4,100 MX surveillance and targeting systems worldwide.” New platforms, new end-user countries The demand for L3 WESCAM's ISR technologies continued to grow as systems were sold for the first time into four new countries across four separate continents, including Africa, Europe, Asia and North America. Additionally, MX-Series systems were purchased for the first time on six significant airborne platforms, including airframes developed in Europe, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. L3 WESCAM turrets are now operating in over 70 countries on more than 190 different types of platforms across the air, land and maritime domains. Continued growth for in-service support L3 continued to experience a growing demand for in-service support contracts from MX customers located across North America, Europe and Asia. To keep operators and maintainers of MX systems operating at maximum efficiency, L3 WESCAM held a series of highly interactive customer conferences in Italy, France, Australia and Canada. With over 230 MX operators and maintainers in attendance, L3 presented a series of technology sessions, gaining pivotal insight into each customer's direct experience with MX products and a better understanding of future surveillance and targeting requirements. Complementing these customer-centric user groups, L3's global in-service support infrastructure, composed of 13 service centres staffed by a team of dedicated field service support personnel, continued to provide unmatched maintenance and repair solutions to customers who rely on L3's airborne, land and maritime imaging capabilities 24/7. L3 WESCAM also conducted a series of new product demonstrations in the latter half of the year that were overwhelmingly successful, underscoring the company's commitment to anticipating customer needs and achieving the highest levels of performance possible. These trials will help to support future business opportunities moving into 2018 and beyond. L3 WESCAM is a world leader in the design and manufacture of stabilized, multi-spectral imaging systems. https://www.wescam.com/wp-content/uploads/Final_WESCAM_-second-half-2017-results.pdf

  • Erratic flight path: Canada’s fighter procurement plan

    4 octobre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Erratic flight path: Canada’s fighter procurement plan

    by Alan Stephenson The path towards procuring a replacement fighter for the CF-188 Hornet has been one with many twists and turns due to political gamesmanship and strategic business marketing, causing much public misunderstanding. This short article aims to put a few things into perspective as the competitors complete their analysis and response to the government's request for proposal (RFP) issued July 23, 2019, for the Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP). Eligible suppliers Of the original five qualifying suppliers, only the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet Block III, Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II, and Saab Gripen E fighters remain in the competition. The Dassault Rafale and Airbus Eurofighter Typhoon were both pulled from consideration, with company officials citing “that NORAD [North American Aerospace Defense Command] security requirements continue to place too significant of a cost on platforms whose manufacture and repair chains sit outside the United States-Canada 2-EYES community.” Given that the Canadian government identified the first two principal roles of the Canadian Armed Forces as ensuring Canadian sovereignty and the defence of North America, the requirement to be fully functional and integral within NORAD is mandatory. The reality today is that fighters are not simply weapons platforms, but flying computers that also function as airborne sensors that are designed to be integrated into command and control computer networks. Thus, the challenge for non-American manufacturers is to overcome both sensitive commercial and U.S. national security concerns when they are required to integrate and support U.S. information-sharing equipment in their platforms. A second reason given for Airbus's departure was the eleventh-hour modification to the RFP that relaxed the expected industrial technological benefits (ITB) obligations. To attract more than three suppliers and ensure a competition, the government originally stuck to its standing ITB policy of “requiring the winning supplier to make investments in Canada equal to the value of the contract.” However, this effectively eliminated the F-35 due to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program agreement – signed by Canada – that forbade such a demand. To provide latitude to all bidders, the final RFP was modified into a two-phased proposal to allow non-American companies to address 2/5-EYES challenges up front, while also applying rated criteria for economic offset potential of stated ITB requirements, to keep the F-35 within the bidding process. Additionally, five per cent was shifted from cost to economic criteria to compensate for changes in the original draft ITB policy. The proposals will now be assessed on 60 per cent technical merit, 20 per cent cost and 20 per cent economic benefits. Current bidders In recent years, the Saab Group expanded globally by offering industrial partnerships that combined local production and capital-heavy ventures with national customer partners. Saab's approach with the Gripen E bid in Canada follows this successful formula of maximizing national economic benefits with an economical product; however, Saab also faces the challenges that Airbus determined to be too difficult to overcome. Additionally, the Gripen E is still in development; its first production flight occurred on Aug. 26, 2019, meaning issues of proven performance and systems maturation need to be factored in during bid evaluation. According to the firm, this first fighter will be used as a test aircraft in a joint Swedish/Brazilian test program, the only two customers for the Gripen E to date. Given that the Eurofighter bid was sponsored by the U.K. government, a member of the 5-EYES community that decided it could not meet the information-sharing requirements, Saab will need to be innovative and cost-conscious in its proposal if it is to surmount this mission-critical criteria. As for the Super Hornet, Boeing promised to invest $18 billion in ITBs under the failed 2017 purchase agreement for 18 fighters, and it is anticipated that the company will follow its established approach to investing in Canada as per previous ITB commitments. Concern over the so-called Boeing Clause, “to allow only companies that it deems ‘trusted partners' to bid on major capital programs,” has faded away and Boeing is confident that it can mount a competitive bid, particularly now that the U.S. Navy's (USN) commitment to future purchases will keep the production line open until 2033. By incorporating leading-edge technology into the Block III to meet adversarial advances, Boeing has ensured the Super Hornet will meet Canadian requirements. Although still in development as well, a major question for government decision-makers has to do with sustainability. At present, only the USN and Kuwait will operate the Super Hornet Block III, while Australia has plans to upgrade their Block II version. As Australia expects to retire its fleet in the early 2040s and the USN in 2045, the challenge for Boeing will be in meeting the stated lifecycle expectancy of Canada's future fighter in a cost-effective manner. Since 2015, the much-maligned F-35 has proven itself in combat and counts Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the three U.S. services as customers. As the only fifth generation fighter, it contains technological advances that are designed into the aircraft and cannot be replicated in fourth generation platforms. The overall architectural concept regards the F-35 as more than just a weapons platform, but also as a forward sensor that is fully integrated into the developing multi-domain command and control system. Initial airframe costs have been significantly reduced and early sustainment issues are being resolved; however, the F-35 remains the most costly platform to own and operate at the moment. With a projected lifetime production run of over 4,000 fighters, lifecycle support is guaranteed, and Canadian industry stands to gain substantially from Canada's early investment in the co-operative JSF Program. However, according to reports, manufacturers will lose points in the ITB element formula scoring system if they do not make a 100 per cent commitment to the contract value, which Lockheed-Martin is prohibited from doing by JSF contractual agreement. Arctic Interestingly, all remaining competitors can lay claim to being Arctic platforms. Canada has already proven the F/A-18's credentials in the high North, the U.S. will base two combat F-35 squadrons in Alaska, and Sweden has developed the Gripen with Arctic operations in mind. The issue of one versus two engines has never been a significant issue for Arctic operations except in Canada. Originally, two engines was one of the many discriminators used in choosing the F/A-18 over the F-16 in 1979. Recently, the Standing Committee on National Defence's shaping of the narrative in 2016 to promote the sole-source purchase of the Super Hornet reintroduced the idea that operations in the Arctic demanded two engines. As with commercial aviation where transatlantic flight once required four-engine passenger planes, the advancements in engine technology have led to standard two-engine models today. Engine reliability is not a concern with any of the competing fighters. However, operations in Canada's Arctic are unique and risky in an inhospitable region that is 11 times the size of Sweden. Other discriminators, such as continuous communications and tracking, become equally or more important to survival. Stealth One of the unfortunate aspects of American F-35 global marketing efforts with respect to the FFCP is the issue of stealth technology. Although the idea of penetrating, first strike operations sells well in the U.S., stealth is a much maligned and misappropriated concept in Canada. Stealth technology is all about maximizing self-protection and increasing survivability by disrupting the ‘kill-chain' through low observability. This concept is no different from the tactical advantages that I used while flying the CF-104 in Germany during the Cold War. The Starfighter had a one-square-metre cross-section nose-on, making the adversary's initial radar detection difficult and target acquisition and identification questionable, delaying force commitment to the target. This complicated the decision and order to attack the target, and finally upon weapons release, the low radar cross-section shrunk the available radar weapons envelope needed for destruction of the fighter. The CF-104's speed significantly exacerbated the adversary's kill-chain difficulties. The CF-188 Hornet I flew later required a Defensive Electronic Countermeasures suite that masked the larger aircraft radar cross-section, and electronically intervened and complicated a more advanced kill-chain. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly decrease ambiguity and decision-making time in the near future. Whether built into the design or strapped on later, some form of self-protection is required to protect the pilot and the fighter asset that will either be defending Canadian territory or operate in foreign contested airspace when the government commits its fighter force. The question is one of application and the cost effectiveness of self-protection measures used by each platform and how they are expressed in the bid proposal. Costs Costing is a nebulous exercise outside evaluation of the final bids due to the many variables. Although airframe costs are most often thrown around, the government must consider the airframe, operating, infrastructure, sustainment and other related costs as a package, balanced against the capability being purchased. A good example of the intricacies involves the way the fighter fleet is bought. The Super Hornet must be purchased through the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process, where the U.S. government acts as the broker. Generally, a 30 per cent mark-up is charged for research and development (R&D) and administrative fees. In the case of the F-35, as a JSF partner, these costs are reduced for Canada through common funding. The costs for R&D have already been shared by the membership pool, and partners pay the same price for the weapons system as the U.S. services. Future upgrades become additional FMS expenses for the Super Hornet, whereas upgrade developments are shared by JSF members. Each of the competitors is being asked to provide 88 fighter aircraft within the $19 billion funding envelope and the old adage of “you get what you pay for” is very applicable. Each of these platforms brings a different level of current and future combat capability that needs to be judiciously weighed. If the fighter is to reach the government's goal of flying until 2060, each needs to be flexible and adaptative to evolving technology. More significantly, 70 per cent of lifecycle costs are in sustainment and therefore the fighter chosen must be cost-effectively supported for the next 40 years. The next leg In the lead-up to the RFP, it has been evident that national security factors have been competing with economic benefit interests. With the election this fall, the next government (whatever form this takes) will no doubt want to review the project and put its own stamp of approval on the process that it has inherited. Hopefully this will not further delay the decision on the replacement of the CF-188 fleet and the Royal Canadian Air Force will finally be able to move ahead with the best fighter aircraft Canadians can provide to the women and men who are putting their lives in harm's way. https://www.skiesmag.com/features/erratic-flight-path-canadas-fighter-procurement-plan

  • RCAF may not need seven of the 25 used Australian F-18s, says defence procurement chief

    15 mars 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    RCAF may not need seven of the 25 used Australian F-18s, says defence procurement chief

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN The Defence department's procurement chief says the Royal Canadian Air Force might not need the seven used Australian F-18 aircraft being purchased for parts afterall. Canada is buying 25 used F-18s from Australia, with 18 of those to be flown and seven to be either stripped down for parts or used for testing. The aircraft to be flown will augment the existing RCAF CF-18 fleet until a new generation fighter jet can be purchased. But Pat Finn, the Department of National Defence's Assistant Deputy Minister for Materiel, said there may be no need for the seven F-18s. “The seven, whether or not we actually take them at this point, we're still looking at that,” Finn recently told the Commons defence committee. “What we're actually finding is the number of spares that they've been able to provide to us is more than adequate. Rather than take aircraft apart and go through that cost, we're taking the spares. We may not, in fact, at this point look at any of the seven.” It is unclear whether there will be a reduction in the cost of the purchase or the overall project cost if the seven airframes are not acquired. The DND also clarified what is happening with the engines on the Australian F-18s. Rumours have been circulating in the retired military community that the engines are being stripped out of the planes and given back to Australia. “Only the engines from the first two Australian F-18s (four engines total) are being returned to Australia, at their request,” explained DND spokesman Dan Le Bouthillier. “Australia needs those engines to meet their own operational requirements.” In order to take advantage of an advanced delivery date for the first two Australian aircraft, Canada agreed to return those aircraft's engines to Australia, but the plan is to get an equivalent number of engines back at a later date, he added. “Canada has sufficient engines in reserve to support this plan and this will have no impact on operations,” Le Bouthillier stated. “We therefore found this to be a reasonable request, and agreed to it.” https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/rcaf-may-not-need-7-of-the-25-used-australian-f-18s-says-defence-procurement-chief

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